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lILNDERSON GATEWAY TO CENTRAL CAROLINA \\ KNTY-SECOND YEAR COMING CONGRESS MAY PASS OLD AGE PENSION MEASURE At Least There is Fair Chance House Will, as all Members Face Polls In 1936. RELY UPON SENATE TO KILL THE BILL But Senate Has Way Some times of Calling House’s Bluff; If it Did It in This Case and Roosevelt Re turned Veto, Cards Would Be Gummed Sharply. 11, (IIARLKS I*. STKWAKT (rnlrjil I'rows Staff Writer Pro. 19. —Some good of congressional trends are. j >rli l ' l inif that the House of Ropre i\ <- - will pass a Townsend old ... |,(«!idon bill this winter. It i n time-honored trick of the Ir.vrr H' ttsr to indorse plans that it -n'l I'elieve in. depending' on the f.» kill them. r pjently the Townsend fore , hotildn't be taken too lightly. That a majority of the lawmakers .joiiM Hr* praetinability of the scheme .., ais a fair eonehision from the fact tint they didn't vote it at their last inn. They have been home since ilmi, ltowever, and reports from out in Hte "provinces" indicate that many nf ttnm realize the necessity of he mming converts in order to be re elected. sI.N VI K ItIOSKNTS THICK The Senate latterly resents the House's habit of voting what it coll iders popular l:ut injudicious, expect in'.- the upper chamber to vote con t nowise. Hut the representatives don’t care ;> picayune for the senators’ indigna tion. Besides, members of the lowei house really believe that, in an emer gency a senator, on an average can better afford to take political chances (Continued on Page Three.) Senator Predicts Bill For Bonus In 1938 Will Get By Washington. Dee. 19. —(AIM senator Byrnes. Democrat. South (sroliim. predicted today that the bill ho and Senator Steiwer, Rc- IMibliean. Oregon, have, introduced f«;r cash payment of the bonus in i!*:;x would pass at the coming session of Congress, even if veto- j «•<) by President Roosevelt. His prediction was made shortly .if;,or Speaker Byrns, of the House, told reporters he believed both House and Senate would dispose of the l oans issue by February 1. Byrnes made his statement at the ‘While House after explaining the provisions of his hill to the President. Mr would not say whether he thought the measure might meet a presiden tial veto. Explaining his bill to newspaper men, the senator said it would pro vide a 97 percent cash payment im mediately. but that veterans holding their bonus certificates for two more years would get the full face value. "I am satisfied that the bill I have •bombed can secure a two-thirds vote in the 'Senate,” Byrnes said. "Wo hepe a,n agreement in the steering •mumitlce that the finance committee will be requested to report a bill with in two weeks after Congress meets. Byrnes said he had discussed the Measure with many veterans, who were satisfied witli it. "Death .Stirring” All About, Accused Slayer Is Quoted Smithficld, Dec. 19 (AIM-. Marvin Batten, charged with the killing last Friday of Mrs. Lyda Daughtry, told a friend that morning “death is stif ling around me,” and he didn’t "like the idea 4»f Mrs. Daughtry living while 1 am dead.” it was testified in Johnston County Superior eourt today. Jasper Pittman, a filling station operator at Micro, told the story. A jury of 13 men was completed this morning. Pattern, Pittman testified, came to his filling station at 5 o’clock last Fri day morning. The man was quoted us saying "death is stirring” around him, and Pittman testified Batten said he felt like he was going "like Dewey Stancill did.’’ Stancill was killed in a fight two weeks ago with his brother, Odell Stancill, after Odell had accused his brother of aiding his wife in running atvapnd with other men. Dalmon Edwards, a neighbor of Batten, testified that he had heard Batten tell Odclj, Stancill, who is free un<!*- bond pending trial on charges in connection with his brother’s death, that Batten was expecting to be sent to the roads during the cur rent term of court on charges of driving an automobile while under Jbf, influence of whisky. Hrniirrsmt Qatht Dispatch L TH ! il<: skhvick of JIIE ASSOCIATED PRESS. How Thelma Todd Was Found In Death *''* n»M 1.1.. .1 1 » tj—g— I low Thelma was found Slumped at the wheel of her car in a garage near her apartment and case at Santa Monica, Cal., the body of i Thelma. Todd, vivacious film comedienne, is shown as j it was found by authorities now investigating her . Speaker Byrns Predicts Bonus Will Be Acted On INot Later Than Feb’y l Says It Is Very Clear Both Senate and House Will Pass It; Whether It Can Override Veto He Does Not Say; Thinks Session Should End by May 1 Washington, Dee. 19 (AP) Speak oi Byrns said today that tie believed both Senate and House would dis pose of the cash bonus iksuc by Feb ruary 1. "1 think it is very clear both hous es will pass it.” Byrns told reporters upon returning to his desk after a trip tq the Philippine Islands. He was unwilling, however, to de signate the type of bonus legislation. Nor would Byrns predict passage over a veto. He did say that should the in flation element be removed, the hqnus legislation would stand a bet ter chance of overriding a veto in both Senate and House. Byrns said he personally believed it desirable to act on the bonus as LUKE LEA LIKELY TO BE FREE SOON Feeling Around Raleigh Is Noted Tennesseean Is Due For Parole. I >2i il > l>iM»nf<'li lliirenii. In Tin* Sir \V sitter Hotel, IE i .1. « . II ASIvIOK Y IM. Raleigh, Dee. 19 Thong'll action is not expected during this veer there is a growing belief ;ihout Raleigh that Colonel laike Lea is going to gel a parole soon. Judge M. V. Barnhill, who comes to the Raleigh district, the first of the year is said to he in humor to help Colonel Lea whom tin* judge sen tenced to the Slate’s prison for a term of six to eight years for alleged con spiracy to wreck the Central Bank and Trust Company of Asheville. Judge Barnhill opposed the pardon in July. Clemency was then sought on the basis of newly discovered evidence and that alone, but. Parole Commis sioner Edwin M. Gill and Governor Ehringhaus were not. impressed with that evidence, nor was Judge Barn- Hill. But licit her the judge nor the governor went so far as to close the doors on the Colonel. There has been no new move, cer tainly none of the character first un dertaken with a campaign for cle mency, but the Barnhill letter of last summer would be much modified by him now, it is said. The judge is re puted to he ready to recommend, at least not to oppose, a parole. And Colonel Lea on account of his abund ant crop of enemies in Tennessee is not particularly anxious to go out that way. But when Judge Barnhill comes to this circuit he will he in easy reach of petitioners for Colonel Lea. Mean while, the most illustrious prisoner who ever has served in this states prison, shows unmistakable signs of prison wear. He has lost about 50 pounds and is trained more to the lean proportions of Jim Corbett than of Primo Camera and Jess Willard who held heavyweight championships also. Colonel Lea was a gallant sol dier, a United States Senator, a big (Continued on Three, 2, ONLY DAILY NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN THIS SECTION OF NORTH CAROLINA AND VIRGINIA quickly as possible, one way or an other, and then get busy on other things, and adjourn at an early date. He said he saw “no reason on earth” why Congress should be in session beyond May 1, but he remark ed with a grin: “But. of course, nobody knows what is going to happen after Christmas.” Efforts to bring veterans’ organiza tions into agreement on a bonus bill have been started by Senator Steiwdn, Republican, of Oregon. The Patman bill, vetoed by President Roosevelt last session, would have mtuie the $2,009,000,000 outlay thtough expan sion of the currency. The American Region plan favored orthodox financing methods. MINDFUL FOR 1936 Alphabetical Groups Meet Wednesday Told to Drive For Success. Unity l>is|iu(i*li Itiiri-jin. In The Sir Walter llote.. ll y v. IIASIvEKVILI. Raleigh. Dec. 19 Whether tile Vir ginia. Dare room of the Sir Walter hotel, in which the various Federal agencies met yesterday was really en tertaining a coordination or simply a convocation, attendants were not certain, but the meeting was held and it was told that it must show re sults. R. M. Gantt, State director of the National Emergency Council program called the meeting and the entire al phcbetical outfit was here. Gov. J. C. B. Ehringhaus, United States Senator J. W. Bailey, Congressman John H. Kerr, and other members of the delegation in Washington spoke. Mr. Gantt presided and Governor Ehringhaus welcomed these agencies to whom he gave his pledge of coope ration . Senator Bailey found them confus ing in multiplication, but one in pur pose to attack the greatest disaster the nation has known. "These agen cies mean that this attack, led by a great governor and by a magnificent president, of a great people,” he said. He asked can the government risk it self in this fight. That answer de pends upon the administratives of this program, he said and 75 per cent of the success of all legislation depends upon administration. He made the people laugh when he said evidently the work done has been fundamental ly and lastingly successful since Her bert Hoover is beginning to claim credit for it. Mr. Bailey reminded the visitors that there is great hosti lity to this program and everything is being to defeat it. Congressman Kerr thought the gov ernment ought to make it not for the parader of isms, communism, atheism infidelism, things that aim at the very essence and foundation of govern ment. He would have no place in this country for them. After the entire lot of agencies had (f H T >of»o HPtl, HENDERSON, N. C., THURSDAY AFTERNOON, DECEMBER 19, 1935. Roland West death. Roland West, close friend of Miss Todd’s and partner in the Case that bore her name, is pictured grief-stricken near the death scene. dims ivi s Record for November Shows 92 Deaths, as Against 131 During Month of October. DRIVE UPON DRUNKS HAVING ITS EFFECT Better Record for Safety Is Made With More Cars On; Highways; Lowest Recent Death Total Was When State Was in Depths of the Depression. Daily 1 MtqwP’H Iturenn, In The Sir Walter Hotel, lly J. C, BA9KERVIU Raleigh, Dec. 19. —Reduction of highway deaths in November, with the fastest, newest and greatest num ber of machines ever registered in the State, brought to North Carolina its best Christmas present, some of the State officials were observing today. October. 1930, was banner month of all time for slaughter. The 131 fa talities made a profound impression here. The new highway patrol had gone to work, a force doubled. And the first month produced the record breaker. When the highway patrol gave out its figures yesterday and found that there were 92 deaths in. November, which normally would have added to the October total, every man on this hill was happy. Governor Ehringhaus and Revenue Commis sioner A. J. Maxwell joined in the general joy. Slaughter generally has followed prosperity. The department has lost some of its records, but November, 3928. showed 77 deaths. There is no 1929 statement available, but in No vember, 1930, there were 102 killings and in the same month the next year 71. The hard times took more ma chines off the roads in 1932 and 03 deaths were recorded. There was a vast upward swing in 1933 and No vember of that year brought back a new high —105. Times got better, au tomobiles speedier and more plentiful and a year ago these deaths rose to 115. With many more cars now, the last figures given out for December 10 were 511,891 for 1935 aiul 408,855 for 1934, there arc 23 fewer deaths. It is therefore the most hopeful augury of the entire year. It may be just a freak condition, but in the highway department there is a belief (Continued on Page Three.) Kidnapers Return Milne Without Ransom Payment Doyleslown, Penn., Dec. 19 (AP) — Caleb Milne IV, held four days by kidnapers was abandoned by his ab ductors without the payment of cent of the $50,000 ransom they demanded the Department of Justice announced today. The 24-year-old grandson of a wealthy retired textile manufacturer of Philadelphia, lured from his New York City apartment Saturday by a nots that jaid his grandfather w as Peace Plan Motivated From Fear Os League’s Collapse, Hoare Tells Commons Meet Baldwin Accepts Blame For Franco-British Plan For Ending African War Premier Tells House Os Commons Much Harm Has Been Done, Only Time Can Heal. SAYS NO ONE LIKED PROPOSALS OFFERED j Sir Samuel Hoare, Retired Foreign Secretary, Says Situation is Now Even More Acute Than Before; Baldwin Stresses Need Os Anglo-French Unity. London, Dec. 1.9 (AP) —Prime Min ister Baldwin told the House of Com mons today “the chief responsibility is mine” for the Franco-British peace plan for Italy and Ethiopia, and that the British government would make no attempt to resurrect it. His statement followed an address by Sir Samuel Hoare, who resigned as foreign secretary because of the public protest against the peace plan. In defense of Hoare, Baldwin said the peace plan represented the min imum to which it was possible to ob tain the agreement of the French gov ernment, "and I attach vital import ance to Anglo-French solidarity.’’ TUr prime minister continued: "None of us liked the proposals. We thought they went too far. We would have liked to modify them. The chief responsibility is mine. I admit much harm has been done. It will take time to rectify it.” Sir Samuel told the crowded cham ber that he did not entirely approve of the plan himself, but that it seem ed the best aid to Franco-British re lations. The resigned foreign secretary as sured his audience that in any case Great Britain had not advocated the plan from fear of Italy, stating: "We had no fear as a nation what ever of any Italian threat. If the Italians attacked us. we would retal iate, and, judging from past history we should retaliate with full success.” Sir Samuel warned: "The situation has become more acute. I believe we now are enter ing a much more dangerous phase.” He told his colleagues that the British alone were taking military precautions on behalf of the League of Nations, and that no other mem ber had taken such steps. Delay in affecting peace in East Africa, he declared, might mean an irresistible drift to a European war. Japan’s Stubborn Denjand For Great Navy Emphasized London, Dec. 19 (Al*)—Japan’s stubborn, unswerving determina tion to have a navy equal to any, regardles of world opposition, emerged clearer today as sea power delegates debated the me rits of British compromise propo sals. While American. French and Ital ian conferees, after a recess for study and consideration, voiced approval of the principle of the British proposal, that each nation set a limit on new \ construction, based on naval needs in stead of rights,” the Japanese made no secret of strong objections. The preamble of the tentative plan recognizes the right of each power to possess naval strength necessary to assure security, but specifies each base construction on the minimum adequate to obtain security. ill, was found shortly before mid night—(lazed, doped, bruised and trussed beside a roadside ditch near here. Today he was recovering in a Doy lestowu hospital. Doctors said his condition was not serious. Federal agents, who had the actor and my stery story writer in technical custody made no effort during the night to question him in detail. Physicians said he should be allowed to rest. PUBLISHED EVERY AFTERNOON EXCEPT SUNDAY. Calles Causes Fear iHUfega. if General Plutarco Calles glares at camera in Mexico City as he returns from self-imposed exile in U, S. to reenter Mexican politics, which he formerly dominated. Fears are expressed his return means new political turmoil. f Central Press) SAYS STAR SEEN LATE IN EVENING Estranged Wife Os Miss Todd’s Partner Adds to Mystery of Case Los Angeles, Cal., Dec. 19 (AP) The eerie mystery of Thelma Todd driving with a “foreign looking man” in Hollywood hours after she was supposed to have died, claimed at | tention of a grand jury today. This angle of the strange case was given to police by Mrs. Carmen West, estranged wife of the screen star’s business partner and owner of the garage where she was found dead Monday. “I saw Thelma Todd with a man of dark complexion whom I did not recognize, about 11 p. m., Sunday,” Mrs. West related. This was about 16 or 17 hours after the actress was supposed to have died in her garage near Santa Monica. Mrs. West said she was positive of her identification. District Attorney Fitts, declaring the chief question is "when did Thelma Todd die?” said he would question Mrs. West today concern ing her story. Fitts announced “there are circum stances that do not satisfy us. We in tend to clear them up. County Che mist R. J. Abernathy began a com plete chemical analysis of the actress’ vital organs, presumably to determine whether she was possibly drugged be fore the fumes of the carbon monox ide caused her death. analysis will require several days.” WIATHIR I’OK NORTH CAROLINA. Partly cloudy in extreme west portion tonight; Friday partly cloudy and colder. 4' shopping days until 8 PAGES TODAY FIVE CENTS COPY SfSls OF STEPS BY ITALY Foreign Secretary Who Re signed Last Night Makes Explanation in Long Speech. BALDWIN RECEIVED QUIETLY BY HOUSE Applause Customary For Appearance of Heads of Governments is Withheld; Public Opinion in France Nervous Over Events ; League Studies Peace Moves, London, Dec. 19 (AF) —Sir Samuel Hoare, •who resigned last night as for eign secretary, told the House of Commons today that fear of a break up in the League of Nations, rather than fear of any Italian threat, mo tivated the British government's re cent foreign policy. Prime Minister Baldwin had come before them without any of the ap plause which usually greets the ap pearance of the head of the govern ments. The resigned foreign secretary, who spoke as a private member of the House, told his colleagues that the war raised very difficult questions be tween Great Britain and France. “It must be obvious to every mem ber,’’ lie said. “that, the great body of public opinion in France is intensely nervous concerning a breach with Italy ;*«yd nervous concerning any thing likely to weaken the French defense. In view of these facts, I did everything in my power to make a settlement possible. “The proposals which we merged from the discussions in Paris were not French or British, in the sotise that we like them. Neither Laval nor I liked many features of llicm.’’ 1, LAG UK ENTRUSTS PLANS IN HANDS OF COMMITTEE Geneva, Dec. 19 (AP) —The League (Continued on Page Two.) DOCTOR MUST SERVE PENITENTIARY TERM YVhitely of Mecklenburg Convicted of Receiving Goods* Stolen from Cannon Mills Ilaily Dlsiiatvh flurenu, fn The Sir Walter Hotel, Hy J. C. HASKF.RVIDI, Raleigh, Dec. 19.—Dr. Whitley, of Mecklenburg county, has lost his fight for freedom and must serve his thret»- to five years’ sentence for recaitnig stolen goods, knowing them to been stolen. Parole Commissioner Edwin Gill, after bearing neyrly f evidence in the strong enough to outW9flßfo,,tiw presumption of guilt, after tbtfjOT^bad found th« physician gu 11 tyi’TJiirdoctor will come to Raleigh übdtii'thd first of the year to begin sentence. Judge Hoyle Sink veheuymtly opposed the exercise of clemency and declared that he would be against, any modification of the judgment which he imposed. Many citizens of his community joined in: the offort to get pardon. The phy sician was convicted in Cabarrus of receiving goods which had been stolen from tiie Cannon Mills at KanapoHs. CONSTITUTIONALITY OF TVA IS ARGUED Alabama Power Stockholders Battle In Supreme Court; Vermont Joins In Attack Washington, Dec. 19. —(AP) Validity of the Tennessee Valley Au thority act was challenged today be fore the Supreme Court by Forney Johnston, Birmingham attorney, on the ground that It put the Federal government into the power business, in violation of the Constitution. He was the first speaker for a group of 14 minority stockholders of the Alabama Power Company, who are seeking to prevent the Tennessee Valley Authority from proceeding witli its project to establish a “yard stick’’ to measure the proper cost of electricity. The stockholders won in the Fed eral district court for northern Alar bama, but lost in the circuit court of appeals at New Orleans. The lat ter court held the TVA act constitu tional. , Vermont attacked the Federal pow er program as an invasion of state's rights.