Low for Night is Six Degrees
Above, Reported by The
Weather Bureau at
Rocky Mount Has 13, While
Greensboro and Salisbury
Report Nine Degrees; Sun
Shines Brightly Nearly
Everywhere in State Dur
ing Forenoon Hours.
(P.\ The Associated Press)
< iny in official thermometers
~vc" ’ C;irolinas got so cold last
„ - 1, thro almost all of it ran down
into Ml l ' ball ;it tin; bottom of the
~u mho to keep warm.
\ tH'Viil**. over in the mountainous
u 'I tlie plunging parade, with a
m / 'line during the night at six
:i |wiv and three other reporting
(•iimaiijn it i<*,i tied f«>r .second place
widi r.adings I>f nine.
i;ii. Ixm'o and Salisbury had nine
.1. „i leadings. as did Burlington,
win’ll' people got up shivering at 6
; n>. to welcome a bright sun.
Hi;.' 1 ' Point followed closely with
;•» d..;;r«*i"s a< ‘5 o'clock, but. there the
;I y \ i a bit overcast.
Ilii’l.ory registered 11 degrees with
f dear and a sun promising a bit
of warmth as morning progressed,
while Gastonia had a fair morning
ainl a leading at daybreak of 12.
I lucky Mount with a reading of 13
at 7 a. m. under cloudless skies,
"dged out Charlotte and Greenville.
S. (’.. which had 1-1 degree readings.
Italcigh also had a low of It. the
'■oldest of the winter by 10. Clouds
laced tlie sky there during the early
morning, but the sun began to break
through aid warm up a bit. Gener
ally skies cleared over the State and
the sun began duty on time.
524 Licenses For
Drivers Revoked
Since Law Began
ILtleigh. Dec. *3l (AlM—The
''tale Highway safety division
since November 1 has revoked .*>3l
•lri\or*’ licenses, and 503 of the
relocation* followed court convic
tions of the owners on charges
•if drunken driving.
\rthur Kulk, director of the di
\ ision. expressed the opinion
drunken driving which is credited
with causing the largest portion
of the fatal accident* of highways
or the *tatc may l>o broken up by
the driver’s license law.
"t believe that w hen we get all
our permits issued, and nil details
cleared up. we can do something
to curb the drunken driving,”
lYilk commented. “When we get
full enforcement of the statute,
we will come close to ridding the
road* or such drivers, and people
will stop to think before driving
after they have taken a drink.”
11. S. Exports
Gain Sharply
In November
Increased Shipments
To Italy Account
For Much of Im
provement Over ’34
Washington, Dec, 21.—(A1M —Unit-
ed States exports to the rest of tho
world, including Italy, were shown
by Commerce Department figures to
day to have Increased in November
over October this year and Novem
ber last. year.
The general gain was contrary to
the, usual seasonal trend. It was at
tributed by the department to larger
■hipments of unmanufactured cotton,
automobiles and petroleum products.
Total exports in November were
placed at $269,100,000, against imports
or $166,955,000.
This resulted in a favorable trade
balance of $100,115,000 for Novembr
For the eleven months ending with
November, the favorable balance was
reported to have been $197,133,000.
November exports to Italy were $9,-
051,915. compared with $8,118,608 in
November, 1931, and $6,821,306 in Oc
tober this year.
"One of the outstanding features of
merchandise trade in November, the
department, said, "was the contrary*
to se.a ; onal increase in exports of un
manufactured cotton. The exports of
k. 'Continued on Page Five)
•mnthrrsmi Satin Htstrafrir
Nations’ Positions at Parley Table Reflect Differences
Lmaf '**{ *?”' jiw year x i■, gv
WHiPp t 13y» bbbIJLJIM * *•*■,>, ll||||yL
Coldest Weather Os Winter
Here; Mercury At Low Os 12
Willi an official thermometer read
ing announced as 12 degrees above
zero, Henderson and this section to
day* experienced the coldest weath
er of the winter. And it. came on
December 21, the shortest day of the
A high wind from the north blow
up during the day* Friday*, and ny
night had whisked in the frigid tem
peratures that had come apparently
from the snow's and zero tempera
tures of the Middle West and North-
He Carries Gubernatorial
“Facts” Fight Into
“Enemy” Country.
And With Its Reduction and Balanc
ing of Budget. State Securities
Crossed Par To Stave off
Investment Disaster
Dully IMspiif.-h lltireau.
In Th«“ Sir Waller
lly .1. IMSKEItVII.t.
Raleigh, Dee. 21. —Candidate Ralph
W. McDonald's wish to have some of
ficial stalement of North Carolina fi
nances by Governor J. C. B. Ehring
baiis or by State Treasurer Charles
M. Johnson, has been gratified by
Mr. Johnson.
Tim State treasurer adopted some
what. the policy* of Dr. McDonald, who
came to Raleigh several weeks ago.
assembled the newspaper men, took
them to Revenue Commissioner Allen
J. Maxwell's office and engaged in
debate with the commissioner. Dur
ing the controversy carried on over
Mr. Maxwell's table Dr. McDonald de
ela.red that Mr. Maxwell is honest,
“but woefully ignorant of taxation,"
Mr. Johnson did not. summon the For
syth scribes and bombard Dr. Mc-
Donald in the candidate's office. The
treasurer was invited by the Rotary
Club to speak before it. He did and
he used figures which Dr. McDonald
is at liberty to attack. The candidate
has not yet ma.de his assault, but he
is due to do so. Ur asked for a. state
ment. from an official qualified by
position to speak. Mr. Johnson went
to what William Jennings Bryan call
ed “enemy country.”
Discussion State finances, Mr. John
son told the Kotarians that January
I, 1933, the State owed $135,139,000
and had approximately $11,000,000 in
the sinking fund invested in North
Carolina bonds. This left. a. net debt,
of $171,196,122.75 June 30. At the close
of the first biennium of the Ehring
haus administration the State owed
(Continued on Page Four.)
2 shopping
days until
may have been accident or it may have been design that delegate? of'
■ two current aggressor nations, Italy and Japan, are seated as far j
av n. oossible from British. French and U. S. delegates at naval i
Then* wa- every warning Friday*
that the community was in for the
worst, of the winter thus far—and
most people hope also for the entire
'Vinter season. It is seldom this sec
tion has more than two or three bit
ing days like this has been. The
weather man yesterday said there
would be a hard freeze last night, and
today* reported the same warning
for tonight, but held out some slight
hope for a bit of moderation on
.Sunday, but with cloudy skies.
All over the city frozen pipes were
Expeditions Begin
Ellsworth Search
Washington. Dec. 31 (AP)—The
State Department announced two
rescue expeditions would start to
day from opposite Antarctica to
aid l.incotn Ellsworth, missing ex
plorer, and bis Canadian pilot,
Herbert HolHck-Kenyon.
Sir Hubert Wilkins was expect
ed to sail from Magellanes, Chile,
in his ship, the Wyatt Earp, taking
an airplane flown last, week from
Kansas city to Magellanes by
Henry Merrill.
The Amerieap Embassy in Lon
don cabled the department, the
British royal research ship, “Dis
covery 11", would sail on the other
side of Antarctica from Melbourne
for the Bay of Wales.
Counter-Attack by Oppon-*
ents May Avert Call Un
til Regular Term.
Doily Dispatch Unreal*,
In The Sir Walter Hete
Raleigh, Dec. 21 —Senator Harriss
Newman, who has been here this week
expects to come back to the Gene
ral Assembly of 1937, whether the
route to Raleigh De through the lieu
tenant governorship which he is not
seeking fervently, or by nomination
anil election to the lower house.
He served two terms as member
from New Hanover, then came to the
Senate. He likes the legislature, but.
be does not wish to see the 1935 body
convened again. “I sec no necessity
for calling us back here until the reg
ular session,” he said before leaving
las night. “If there is some need for
meeting the danger of doing more
damage than good out to prevent the
extra session.”
Mr. Newman, who was named chair
man of the Senate Finance Committee
by Lieutenant Governor A. H. Gra
ham, does not agree with tho gover
nor as to that special legislature. Mr.
Graham is out for it. So is Dr. Ralph*
W. McDonald. Gossips say Clyde
Hocy looks with favor on it, but
(Continued on Page Five.)
Cltciago, Dec. 21 (AP) —For the
tenth time in three months, Joe
Lewis sensational Negro heavy
weight box'tjr, today denied re
ports that he had been killed in
an automobile accident.
No one was allowed to see the
“brown bomber,” but a giant Ne
gro policeman stationed outside
his door conferred with him, and
then came out to announce that
Joe had just eaten a hearty break-
limitations conference in London, where this photo was made as tl
parley got under way. American delegates Norman Davis, Unde
secretary of blatc Phillips and Admiral Standlev have backs to earner
(Central Pres
reported. Plumbers had their day.
Water pipes not properly protected
I closed up under the driving force of
that wind, and today housewives
either had to call in help from tho
plumber, use the hot water basin
themselves or do without water.
The night was clear, with stars
j shining, and ?l friendly su« beameu
I brightly ail day today, and lent somo
I encouragement and in a small way
; abated the bite of the frigid weather.
! It was not so bad as if the skies hau
j been overcast.
England an dFrance Made
Offer To Avert Even
Greater European War
_ _ j?
They Assumed Burden of League In
It* Peace Mission, While United
States Held Aloof Through
The Years
Central Press Staff Writer
Washington, Dec. 21. —Diplomats
are too discreet to say much for pub
j lication. Confidentially, however, the
■ staffs of the British and French em
bassies in Washington are decidedly
resentful of widespread criticism of
| the joint plan of their respective for
! eign offices to end Italian-Ethiopian
hostilities by giving half or more of
: Haile Selassie’s realm to Mussolini.
Os course it is hard for them to
dispute the charge that the settlc
| nient proposed jointly, at London and
i Paris, contemplated international ac-
I quiescence in tho Fascists grab of
j must of the territory they coveted
I with a merely nominal concession to
j Nevertheless, the embmisay staff
j grumble, fault-finding with their so
| called compromise comes with a par-
I ticularly poor grace from the United
i States.
There is something to be said on
the Anglo-Franco side of the ques
Neither the British nor the French
want a hand in another major war
any more than Uncle Sam docs. Yet
they are fearful of precipitating one.
by trying to prevent it,
In short, an attempt at prevention
(Continued on Page Five.)
Rebellion Feared
In Mexican State
By Labor Groups
Mexico City, Dec 21 (AP) —Mex-
iccan government aimounced to
day that it had learned a rebel
lion was scheduled to start in
Orizaba, industrial center of the
State of Vera Cruz, where the
Laborista party has its greatest
The movement already had been
frustrated, the Department of In
terior stated, by seizure of arms
and ammunition and arrest of six
persons here in a raid on a house
of Louis Morones, Labor leader,
and associate of General Elias
The announcement of the pro
posed rebellion followed denials
by both Marones and former Pres
ident Calles, who returned here
last week from Los Angeles, Cal.
that they planned any revolution
ary movement^
Kansas G, G, P. Aspirant
Helped by Convention Be
ing in Ohio City.
Will Also Med In Cleveland and May
Invade G. O. P. Convention;
It’s Happy Hunting Ground
For J 936
Central Press Staff Writer
Cleveland, Doc. 21 —Ohio is a doubt
ful .state and, for once, has? no favor
ite .son. Thus the Republicans chose
Cleveland, metropolis of Ohio, for
their 1936 national convention.
The convention, beginning on June
9, will be favored undoubtedly by
characteristically "perfect” spring
weather along the beaut i fill southern
shores of Lake Erie. But there 1b no
certainty that the political atmos
phere will be so congenial.
Republicans have been speaking of
Cleveland as a. major city that re
cently elected a Republican mayor by
tho largest majority a Cleveland
mayor ever received. That must. be.
taken with a grain of salt. Cleveland
mayoralty elections arc supposedly
non-partisan. In the preliminary
election Harold Burton, running as a
reform candidate, defeated Mayor
Harry Da.vis, Old Guard Republican.
But the runner-up was former Mayor
Ray T. Miller, Old Guard Democrat.
Thus Burton had a run-off with Mil
ler, And the voters had no difficulty
deciding. Tlius Burton ran and won
as a non-partisan reform candidate.
The guess is that Governor Alf M.
London of Kansas will have the best
chance in Cleveland.
The men who brought the conven
tion to Cleveland may be classed as
Landon and Hoover men. Ohio, it
self, probably would favor Senator
William E. Borah, of Idaho.
The guess is, that at tho opening
of the convention in Cleveland those
(Continued on Pane Five.)
Asmara, Eritrea, Dec. 21 (AP)-=
Italian planes bombed and routed
an Ethiopian column of 3,000 be
tween Quorairt and Lake Ashangi
today, said reports to Italian head
The Ethiopians were said to
have suffered many casualties and
to have relied to the bombing
with strong anti-craft fire.
Thelma Todd’s Death Is
Dropped As Suicide Case
Los Angeles, Cal., Dec. 21 (AP) —
Police dropped the investigation of
the question mark death of Thelma
Todd today on the theory the film
beauty was the victim of an accident
—not a perfect crime—or suicide.
However, the grand jury gathered
up the strange loose ends of the my
stery, with the foreman, George Ro
chester, expressing belief the actress
was slain in a "murder by Monoxide.”
George Johnson, deputy district at
torney, discounted the theory of mur
der, and pointed to the possibility of
“It seems too difficult to believe
Miss Todd went to that garage and
started the motor of her car to keep
warm,” he said.
More than 30 witnescs, including
film land celebrities, were summon
ed for the grand jury’s first hearing
next Mend a v in an effort to check
Eyeing the Future
Political crisis brought, on by public
indignation over British-French
plan to partition Ethiopia to end
Ttalo-Ethiopian war lias brought,
tur Austen Chamberlain, former
foreign secretary, back into the
British spotlight.
(Central Press J
I *
Floodgates of Federal Ap
propriations About to be
Opened Also.
Columbia, S. C., Dec. 21 (AP) —A
temporary highway control act was
ratified by the General Assembly and
signed by Governor Olin Johnston
today in concluding a truce in South
Carolina’s highway war.
The act sets up an cx-officio sup
ervisory board of State officials to
direct the highway department
through its chief engineer, since the
governor demobilized troops that had
held it for seven weeks.
Both branches of the legislature
then adopted a concurrent resolution
for sine die adjournment of the ses
sion .
Washington, Dec. 21 (AP) —Belief
was expressed in an official quarter
| here loday that the South Carolina
; legislature, in establishing a tempor
ary board to administer the State
highway department, would pave the
r way for renewal of Federal road fund
| grants to the State,
i L. E. Boykin, counsel for the Fed
i eral Bureau of Public Roads, was au
thority for the belief.
“I can’t say definitely, in the ab
sence of a. copy of the act Itself,’’ said
Boykin when informed of develop
ments in South Carolina,
Fair to partly cloudy and not
quite so cold, but bard freeze to
night; Sunday Increasing cloudi
ness and warmer, possibly rain
Sunday night and in extreme west
portion in afternoon.
every known action of the blond come
dian from the moment she left the
night club party until her body was
found last Monday some 30 hours
The grand jury foreman’s cryptic
statement that he had found evidence
indicative of murder was supported
apparently by the report of Tom Ca
vett, district attorney’s investigator
wjio disclosed bloodstains on the run
nfctg board of Miss Todd’s car, in
which her body was found.
A miduie£ii test by the
district attorney’s office to determine
one liazy circumstance in the case—
whether the actress walked up 270
gteps from her sidewalk case to the
garage and her death—was disclosed.
A woman operative of Miss Todd’s
physical proportions and dressed sim
ilarly in furs, evening govm and dainty
glinners. climbed the- stens.
London Fears Some Act of
Desperation as Last Re
sort in Bucking League
Approach Thus Far Con
fined to Mediterranean.
Nations; British Officer in
Cairo Says. Italy Cannot
Penetrate Egypt With
Forces Now Held in Libya*
London, Deo. 21 (AP) —The Brit
ish government was stated by a re
liable source today to be considering
Ifurthijk* precautionary measures
against -the po3ibility of a warlike
act on the part of Premier Mussolini
of Italy, who caused Great Britain’s
determination to reinforce sanctions
against Italy.
A meeting of the Council of the
League of Nations to discuss the
question of mutual defense against an
act of desperation on the part of Italy
was mentioned in government circles,
but was not confirmed officially.
At governme:*) r«Vices, however, it
was authoritatively confirmed that
steps have been taken to see what
support by other nations could be
mobilized in the event of a warlike
move. It was said that the inquiries
thus far had been encouraging. So
far the British government has con
fined its approach to Mediterranean
A British officer in Cairo informed.,
an Associated Press correspondent
that it would require a bigger and
more mobile force than the Italiau
army in Eritrea to penetrate Egypt
from Lobya.
For some time past, said the advices
from Cairo, Great Britain has been
mustering tanks in the vicinity of
Matruh, near the border. However,
Great Britain lias not made a largo
concentration of either men or equip
ment there.
The attack appear to be based on a.
belief in some quarters that Musso
lini eventually will have to sue for
peace on terms offered by the. League
of Nations or else try some act of
Farm Prices For
Carolinas Lower
In 1935 Than 1934
Washington, Deo. 21 (AP)—°
Farm prices in the Carolinas were
lower this year than in 1934, but
continued to remain considerably
higher than in 1932.
The Agriculture Department, In
a preliminary report of 1935 aver
ages, said, however, that most
crops had been increased to the
extent that the 1935 farm value
was greater than in 1934.
The average price of cotton was
estimated at 11.10 cents a pound
in North Carolina.
A 30 percent reduction in the
average price of tobacco was re
ported tor North Carolina, with
the average preliminary plac
ed at 20.9 cents a pound, compar
ed to 28.5 cents in 1934.
Italy Won’t
Even Answer
Peace Motes
Mussolini Shows His
Disdain For Efforts
To End Warfare In
Rome, Dec. 21. (AP) —Premier
Mussolini showed his disdain for the
discarded Franco-British proposals
for peace between Italy and Ethiopia
today by refusing even to reply to
them after ordering the East African
campaign to proceed.
An official spokesman said the de
cision of the Fascist grand council,
issued after a session last night, con
stituted Italy’s only answer to the
peace plan.
This decision referred briefly to
British “repudiation” of the proposals
and said Italy would go on “to the
goal” designated by II Duce as the
nation’s destiny.
In directing confidently that hia
armies press on for conquest of Ethi
opia, Mussolini posed his “unshake
ably united’’ people against the dis-«
(Continue I cn Payo ZTlvc.)