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PAGE TWO EROSION CONTROL WITHJIP CUES Excellent Opportunity Pro vided Farmers Under New Regulations College Station, Raleigh, March 29 .—An excellent opportunity for North Carolina farmers to reduce erosion cn their farms at the same time they are reducing their Cotton and tobac co acreage is provided under the marketing quotas of the new farm bill, State Coordinator E. B. Garrett points out. Farmers in the eight erosion con trol demonstration areas in the state are finding that erosion can be most 'effectively controlled cultivated fields 'by retiring the steeper, more erosible, and less productive areas to strips of prennial hay crops, thus re ducing th*eir acreage by eliminating row crops from portions of the fields where erosion presents the greatest problem, he said. Acreage reduction can also be com bined with erosion control by retir ing steep and severely eroded areas to trees and by the development of permanent pastures, where more woodland and grazing land are need ed by the farmer. Eroded and unproductive field bord ers, especially where cultivated fields adjoin woodland, afford ideal loca tions for strips of perennial plants and shrubs which will provide food and cover for wildlife and control erosion at the same time. Opposition To Soviets Again Seen •‘Conf ImiP.f tTrnm P3tr<> Or><\ \ the Sea Route Administration forth perilous position of Soviet ice-break ers, and ships drifting helplessly in the Arctic fee. The resolution found the work of the North Sea Route in. 1937 “unsatis factory,” and called for a detailed re port by April 15. The specific criticism dealt with the fact almost the entire ice-breaker fleet [ jpBBPIBBj Sllsf I JL one thin dime buys such iwi mrnM |C mellow smoking enjoyment... I Tujjui II l it’s a SENSATION. And it’s proving #o *e*!s , A# 0 m mmJ a sensation to thousands of smokers j w T>c BlCfto ® w ho want the most for the least. Hold Everything Men! It's Coming Thursday Tucker’s Big Pre-Easter CLOTHING SALE Don ,s t Buy Any £jit Until You See Our REDUCED PRICES Watch This Paper For Full Page Announcement Wednesday Evening REDUCTIONS THAT WILL STARTLE YOU We Are Going to Unload Our Big Stock of Suits t Tucker Clothing Co. and nearly half of the freighters that ply the northern route, and were caught in the ice last autumn, are “ex posed to imminent danger.” The resolution attributed “blunders” to the inactive and conceited attitude” of the Sea Route Administration. The revelation obviously was prompted by the plight of three ice-breaker"! con voying ships which have been drift ing toward the polar basin in the last five months. Loyalists Determin ed To Hang On^ (Continued from Page One.) peal yesterday i;y Government Pre mier Juan Negrin, who urged upon a conference of popular front delegates the need for speeded production of war materials to meet the insurgent drive into Catalonia. The report detailed movements of hundreds of planes, tanks, trucks, ar tillery pieces, loads of ammunition motor boats and other equipment and of aviators, "technicians and experts, which the defense ministry service re ported had been sent to General Franco by Germany and Italy. INTERNATIONAL BRIGADES ARE ASSISTING LOYALISTS Hendaye, France, March 29.—(AP) —lnternational brigades of the Span ish government army moved to the front today to check the insurgent sweep into Catalonia. The foreign fighters for the repub lic v. :"' trenches on the east ern bank of the Cinca river to rein force Spanish troops in their des perate stand to hold the rich north eastern corner of Spain. The insurgents, driving into this largest remaining sector of govern ment territory were massed, on the west bank of the river along a 6a-mile central front. The government charged great num bers of Italian and government troops planes and other aid to support the insurgent offensive. Only Local Races For Republicans (Continued from T> r.e.* the legislature—in counties where the total minority party vote in the gen eral election is so small as to be hard to divide by two without giving ; fractional result. Fees for election officials are tha reason for this apparently ridiculous result. If there were to be a statewide Re publican primary, every precinct in the State would automatically have a Republican judge. Without such a pri mary polls only in such counties as have local Republican primaries. Wherefore there will be Republican primaries in many counties in which it is difficult to muster enough G. O. P. members to man each precinct with a judge. Because, be it known, these election officials are paid and no political machine is going to over look the chance to get some of its “faithful” close enough to the public trough to do a bit of swilling. So it can fee safely predicted that in most counties the Republicans will pick out the cheapest office to run for, and enter candidates enough to make the semblance of a primary contest: Announcement-In Week Is Promised In London Report (Continued from Page One.) ign policy declaration of last Thurs day was attacked and defended. The archlbishop added 1 i-» position prevented his belonging to any party, but he regarded “the policy of th' government as declared by the prime minister, to be the wisest course which the country may follow.” Chamberlain refused “a prior guar antee” to aid Czechoslovakia against German aggression, but warned Ger many a central European war might pull in other nations. Rate Differential To Be Considered (Continued rrom Page r*n«o the roads asking for higher intrastate rates, and he also made no secret of the fact that he believes they are not entitled to the same increase as grant ed by the I. C. C. He pointed out that by raising rates on a flat horizontal scale the differen tial already existing against the South including North Carolina, had been made even more obnoxious than be fore, because such an increase widen ed the spread between rates in South ern and Official territory. At that time he flatly said that if the rails asked for higher rates on North Carolina shipments, this in creased spread should and would be taken into consideration. He declared that such consideration had been given previous requests and that the I. C. C. has already held such practice proper. In other words, where the roads have asked for a 10 per cent increase such as granted by the I. C. C., thej are going to get something—but it’s going to be something less than 10 per cent. North Carolina’s Utility Commission isn’t going knowingly to increase the already terrific differen tial against this State. Adolf Hitler appears surprisingly ungrateful. Up to press time he has not thanked Versailles treaty maker 3. It was they —not he—who made Aus tria so helpless she could not with- j stand invasion. .HENDERSON (N.G.) BAmy DISPATCH TUESDAY, MARCH 29, 1938 Immediate* War In Europe Not Likely, I* Hoover Opinion (Continued from Page One.) ways had favored reorganization of departments. Then he turned to his European conclusions. “The first and outstanding change Let Leggett’s Dress You Up for SPRING and EASTER Suits, Toppers, Dresses The very latest, in ready-to-wear for , spring found at Leggett’s. See «J| $2.98 to $9.95 j||| ' I Wfe Blouses, Skirts / / ill 98/to $2.98 ilJli/l M STUNNING BAGS iW*Sa> uffjjnilß Strikingly smart, ladies’ hand bags in luggage brown, black, navy blue in crushed and plain leather. You’ll need one of these for your spring ensemble 48c to $2.98 "ipjp • (Main i’loor) SUITS and SPORT SUITS New Suits For Men and Boys Arriving Daily. Our racks show every new color —blues, grays, tans, green, and mixtures— every new pattern stripes, plaids, checks, herring bones and others—and whether you want dignity or dash, we have it! T * (Men’s Department—Main Floor) « Ladies Spring Hats Perch a pillbox or tilt a sailor atop your curls! See your self in a poke bonnet, a roller breton; a Winsome off-facer! jy Flower, veil and chin straps. Felts, straws. All colors. " YSJSS ) J 98? to $3.95 A# See Our Big Third Floor Values Ladies Wash Dresses I SHEETING Ladies’ Fruit of the Loom wash dresses in the lat- One large table 40-inch broadcloth finish sheeting, est patterns. These dresses must be seen to appre- ■ This is good heavy sheeting, ciate their real value and beauty. Sizes 14 to 50i ; ' Jm m ■■■ 98c 12 yards $s t Washable Window Shades Ladies Gowns Dress up your house for spring with washable win- Ladies’ hand embroidered nymphorn Puerto Rico dow shades, 3x36,. Green and Cream. . gowns - This is areal buy. Sizes 16 to 44. —59 c *— 29c fniUTflliMimi Pmrc J us t racked new shipment Congoleum Rugs in the 9x 12 $4.98 vUiIgVIvIIIII AiUgS newest spring patterns. 6 X J $2.98 Leggett’s Dept. Store “Hentfei'son's Shopping Center” I saw was the revolution from demo cracies irttb totalitarian or authori tarian governments, or tb some degree of dictatorship,” he said. “The second outstanding fact is ar mament. The next factor i s the fun damental degeneration in the econo mic situation in Europe, at -east in government finances and barriers to trade. Outside of one or two Balkan states there is not a balanced budget in Europe.” Some one asked if he thought ther i Would be a general war in three or ifbur years, ahd Roover said he sa« “no immediate prospect of war.” Five Dead, 18 In jured In Tornado (Continued from Page Oi>eJ last night. Both the Louisiana and Arkansas windstorms were accompanied by heavy rains. Louisiana storms swept a oath * a'bout a mile along the Jonesvill highway, demolishing two homes ami damaging several others, then bon, ed away over Turtle Lake, a ' sm in body of water. Hanson Ourso, 38 his sons, Johnnie, 15, and Clifford ? were crushed to death when the,; home collapsed. neir The Arkansas victims were Cnavi Barnett and Billy Davis. Ps