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ïtenîterann HatUj IHspatrh THIRTY-THIRD YEAR HENDERSON, Ν. ('., FRIDAY AFTERNOON, APRIL ô, l'M<> FUIJUSILxV·, N FIVE CENTS COPY Sen. Bailey Is Very Sick, Doctor Says Tar Heel Senator 'Slightly' Better; Comfortable Night W.'ivliii'stott, April — (.MM — Senator .lusiab \V. Railr.v (J·) ni North < art lira was (îf-ci ib'-l hv Mis physic ian mtiav "as .ι \ pry sick nia:i, but sl^'h'lv iinï:r»vPrt" after an abdotni :il attack. Ί lir 72-vt ui -i \l . .ίι,ι. n' ' ait ,ι "la : ι !,v cc: ι.■■ ; ' al le n ; ,hi ' at 1 ' c tor I !n-'j ι :al . .ι;·.I I ).·. Walter A. I'li i.' ! ι il. lit . < i'' ill ye: :rr dav a: 1er eaa! : il; I " h t h" <■'-■ ni — tul a··(I .'.a- Juki·!» t ι the hospital i.n .· 'c'rh r. "liic t · : ι :i ϊ ι >r *s ciiMi' :î ioti i- seri ( π ·." '.la· ι i > >"li i' s ; ι ' 11. ' H · ι- a ·. ι· -y ; . k n.a'i. Ile lia - v. ΐ'.'ι <1 tin 1ι η : ai ' ι · ·' t' art cri: 1 hypertciisi· ιι arat will lie cr.n'iae·' '.n t'a· h .- i' I in· a com plet ι· ill cl; un ar.i for troataient lor ι < in i'lcrable pari I." New Jersey %/ Takes Over Gas Concern Action Is Taken To Prevent Halt In Flow Of Fuel Newark, N. J., April 5.— (ΛΡ) — The State of New Jersey seized and began immediate operation today of nine gas works of the huge Public Service Electric and Cîas t'-impaiiv j at the very hour -set by six inde pendent unions for a state-wide strike. The 1.200 workers involved re- : niained at their p"st.-. assuming an 1 uninterrupted flow of gas for heat ing and cooking to three-fourths of New Jersey's more than 4,000,000 residents. Gov. Walter Edge last night signed the order authorizing the seizure and operation of the gas works und er a nine day old state utility strike law. He empowered State Eabot I Commissioner Harry Harper to act ■ as administrator of the plant "m ; order that the manufacture of gas ι may continue and that the public i interest, health and welfare shall not be interfered with." Profit Cashing Hurts The Market New York, April (ΛΡ) Γη.lit cashing on the .-ubstantial re covery li'om the February slump to day put most stock market leaders in the losing bracket. On the ι ! I'-side the greater part of the time were l1. S. Steel. Beth lehem. General Motors and South ern l'a\ ific. DEATH RAT t. AMOinG CHILDREN DROPPING New York, April 5. — The death rate among American children has dropped sharply and almost contm ously lor the past 35 years, accoVd ing to the statisticians of the Metro politan I.ife Insurance Company, who characterize the period as "the golden age ot child health." Th" de crease 111 mortality ;it ages 1 to Η was close to lin per cent among white children between I91l-i.n, and 1941-1945. These facts were gleaned from a study maue anions children insured in the Metropoli tan's Industrial Department. Terming it one of the brightest chapters in the recent history of American medicine and public health administration, the statisti cians say: "The gains also reflect the econoiViic and social advanles which have greatly raised the stand ard of living." In this study the death rate from the principal communicable diseases of childhood—measles, scarlet fever, whooping cough, an I diptheria—has declined well over 90 per cent in the period reviewed. A striking fact brought out is that in ages 1 to 14 years the death rate from all causes combined now is considerable less than the mortality from these four communicable diseases alone only 35 years ago. SOCIAL SECURITY MEETING PLANNED Chapel Hill. April 5 A series o' three institutes on so-ial seenritv its program and adn inistration. will he sponsored by the I'· iversitv of Ρ North Carelini-V Division ot Public Welfare and Social W irk between August 4 and August 30. it was an m unced here today by Dr. Arthui IE. Fink, director. Enrollment will be limited to 25 in each of the tirst two institute! and to tfo in the third conference. Di. F.i:k said. ^ Sight 'Miracle' WHIIE CHOPPING WOOD 32 years ago, Pete Uird of Shclbyville, Κν., lost the sight of his right eye when it was struck by a splinter. Last week. Bird was again chopping wood. Another splinter struck the blind eye and tore loose the cata ract that had formed over it. Sight was immediately restored to the eye. He is shown at work, wearing a patch until the eve becomes ac customcd to lirbt. (International) Operators And Lewis Far Apart Producers Expect Deadlock To Last Until 1st Of May Washington, April 5. -(ΛΡ) — Soft ro;iI operators talking l'ranklv pre dicted today their strike deadlock with .fohn L. l.ewis would last at least until May 1. Their pessimism over prospects of .settling the five-day-old work stop page reflected lack of progress in three weeks of negotiations for a new contract with the United Mine Workers. Federal Conciliator I'aul Fu)/?r urged th<·. confews to stay on the >ob todayTboth operator and mine representatives seerr.ed inclined to take a long wcok-end rcce. s and let the dispute simmer. The producers contend Lewis has blocked settlement by insisting on a prior committment for additional mine safety measures and creation of health and welfare fund tney es timate would net th" union treasury up to Sfio,nun.min annually. Charges Of Chou I aken 3 jghtl ν I>\ Capital Officials Washington. April Γ>. (ΛΡ) — Amoi iean of ·; i.11took lightly 1 iday contentions m Ch in1.· 1 ■ Communist l.ea'.Ie' Chu: Ι·'η-1:ιί t ί. ; ' the unity program General Goi _:o Marshall bt l|'od that conn!ry adopt is 111 jeop ardy. Specifically (hoy saiil. the United States phtn no hum· ''imp sum loan to China : · d «ill not give any "care less assistance" which might cause disorder. Those were among fears C'hou voiced yesterday to a Chungking news conference, a I mg with his charge that Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek's nationalist: party is m t carrying out it.- end of the unity program, adopted in .1 :· uary. Regent Of Greece Reported To Have Resigned His Job Athens. April â. - ( A Ρ ) Usual!"» reliable sources reported today Reg ent Archbishop Damaskinos hac submitted his resignation to Panayo tis Poulitsas. who was sworn in last night a- Greece's new premier. The regent had indi ated a desire to resign List November, but wa; persuaded to continue in office a: least until after the general elec· Committee Votes ΟΡΑ Year's Life Republican Effort To Limit Term To 9-Months Rejected Washington, April — (ΛΓ) —The House Banking < ommit tec today appiovetl a year's e\ tension of μ: ice control, as rcc οηιηκ luled by I resident Trn man. it defeated l;> to !l a Re publican cflort to limit Oi'A's ii w i.a-.r on lile in nine mcnfhs. However. Hi· i< ■ ι r 11 i l it ■ a : > ? ο w ;:ί Ol'A pririn:; policy. voting là tn (i In prohibit m·. agcncy from ι c,(Hiring ι et.o It , for ;i period <>l ■ IN 111 ntli.. In a )><::) I ; 11 . λ · ι costs 1 manu ι. ιΊιγ. . . I products, Mich a. auto: . i t ! ; ι:;.·, a! u"> an.I ι adio ·. Mi ι covcr, tu group b.v a 15 to ι ballot, appn \c.l subject 1' .li j ic an i Senate action a gradual un,amnion ol the (iovei nineril J ·2.ιι,.ι, ΟΟ.οϋΟ annua! subsidy pro ui am. None Cy June :!0, 1917 The latter amendment would re I quire the Government to reduce subsidy payments by 25 per cent over toe year beginning July 1 and get out of the subsidy business by ' June 30, 19 47. The slbsidies included payments ; to hold down food costs. A proposal by Rep. Woleott (R) ■ f Michigan to give manufacturers ■ prices re ('lectins production costs 1 and a resunable profit on each item, ! a.~ ueleated on a il to 11 tie vote. Ί he committee approved, how .-ver, an amendment by Hep. Barry iD) of New York establishing a pol icy that ΟΡΑ should allow upward price adjustments for transient ho tels—maKing a distinction between t> transient and an apartment or residential hotel. No per eentage of increase was specified. Hoover Says F amine Sure F or Europe I<ond· n, April CAP) Herbert Hi iver ;iid today that famine is "inc\ itable" in Europe unless Amer ica and other large wheat produc ing nations immediately ship all r.vailable food supplies. Report > κ to the emergency lood conference here on the results of ι pi r-imal urvcy ol Eur >pe, II over said that "hunger sit. at the tabl·· thrice daily i:i hundreds of millions I of home.·." The Ameri· ui neople. under the leadership of President Truman, al ready have responded generously to the call for :> drastic reduction mi I their consumption of bread and fats, I Hoi ver declared. The h · orary chairman of Presi - dent Truman's famine eniorsonry committee said his survey of Eu ; rope had disclosed that suffering : irom lack of proper diet was greatest among children and adults in urban 1 areas. Truman Preparing Army Day Address On Foreign Policy Washington, April 5.— ( AP) — President Truman today drafted a firm Army Day warning to his country to maintain powerful armed forces during the critical experi mental years of the United Nations. The Chief Executive leaves at 4:2f> p. ni. EST for Chicago, where in famous Soldier Field he will de 1 liver a 20 minute address reenucia ; ting United States' foreign policy and his recipe for backing H up. The address, following talks by Secretary of War Patterson and Gen eral Dwight Eisenhower, chief of staff, is scheduled for delivery at 4 p. m. tomorrow. WEATHER FOR NORTH CAROLINA. Fair weather tonight. « i t h mild temperatures and cooler. Saturday, fair and warmer. The 15.000th HONOR of being Iho 15,000th bride to land in the United States goes to Mrs. Marie Skclton, 24, of France. She is shown on her arrival in Now York aboard the Array transport Zcbula Vance. She is the bride of M'Sgt. Raymond SU el ton. of Brooklyn. Ν. Y., who is still sta tioned overseas. (International) Big Manhunt For Escapee Continuing Poiice Investigate Report He Is In Suburban Deanwood Washington, April 5. -(ΛΡ)—Five car luads of Washington ana M»..y lancl police sped to suburban tJean vvnod early today in response to a cab driver's tip thai he saw a man closely resembling Karl .1. McFar laiul, convicted killer win escaped from the District jail's death house Wednesday. The driver said he saw a man sneaking along the street clad in wrinkled gray shirt and dark blue trousers which looked like part of the policeman's uniform the 24-year old ex-marine wore when he escaped. The taxi man called the police from a patrol box two blocks away and they began an intensive search of the area. Soon after the police arrived a home owner in the suburb reported hi.·, house had been entered an t some food stolen from the kitchen. The marauder left many linger prints and experts from District headquarters were called to make a companion with McFarlandV finger print record. Federal Workers λ I if.» lit Be -Given Wa.-'hingli · . April 5. — (ΛΡ) — The Ho,, e held out the on mise ο' a $401) your pa\ raise to thou sands o! Fodi-ral employees today, but there was a iiig eat h to it. Tin· catch i· ι * ougii ri-iteral workers be !irc:l to make t'-ic nec esiary finds available, >o that :i< increase in salary appropriations will be required. The bill i.- not yet lav. and it may give way to a compromise measure lor the Senate already has voted to r. ise the pay of Federal worker about 11 per cnt. LINT PRICES SHOW EIGHT CENT GAIN New York, April 5. — (API Cot ton Itilures opened .'15 to 55 cents a bale higher. Noon prices were 25 to 80 ,ents a bale higher. May 28.00, July 28.11, October Pav Boosts—But 28.12 May (1947) Mav July Oct. Dec. Mar. Pv. Close Open 27 95 2o.Un 28.00 28.0? 27.9(i 28.05 28.02 28.07 28.08 28.11 24.04 .... HOW TIDAL WAVE MADE 7,160 MILE SWEEP DUTCH HARBOR NEAR EPICENTER OF TIDAL WAVE HIT t » ν*' \ » NORTHERN COAST OF CALIFORNIA ALSO DAMAGED 7360 MILES I HAWAIIAN ISLES HEAVIEST HIT / / WAVES STRIKE AS FAR AS VALPARAISO 4800 MUFS ι r-~»» AS OFFICIAI RECORDS indicated that the giant tidal wave had spent its strength, a check-up showed that after its terrifying blow at the Hawaiian Islands it traveled along the western seaboard for a distance of 7.160 miles. Peru and Chile, as the above map shows, wore included in its final coastal attacks. The huge waves were launched by a submarine earthquake in Alaska'» Dut«:h Harbor ârea. (international) Russia And Iran Sign Τreaty On Withdrawal Reds Agree To Η;ι\ e Forces ( )ut B\ Early M ay Teheran. \pril 5.— < ΛI* ) — The Iranian Covernmc ni an n< unced today that Premier Ahmed Qavam had sifiiied an agreement with Soviet ambas sador at 4 a. m. providing that Red army troops would evac uate Iran "unconditionally" with in six weeks from .March 24, Ί iic agreement also pn vided: 1. That η proposal for oil conces-1 s i nns t'i F? 11.— ι :. ά luld be presented to parliament within the next seven η ι ths and 2. That the Azerbaijan problem would be r «n /ed ai "a purely ι Internal affair.' Th·· ,τ-reon ' was the ro nit ο nerotiat'iin- v. aich Qavam began on Ki> ■ epnt visit t" M scow, and which Ti'.'.rian Propaganda Minister Prince | • Fir· ii7 said we: > c ntinu'i'g in Te-; her: η. " i F'mtiz m i ha-i.vd that the nego tiati n- were entirelv indpnendont of the question of the withdrawal of Russian military forces from Iran, which he said was proceeding satis i factorilv. C Ol NC II. REACTION GENERALLY FA\ ORABLE. ι New York. April 5. — ( Λ Ρ )—Wi vf' of the new Rusvi-Iranian agreement nmr > rrH in Teheran t < ' · ι ν was 'ό • eived with obvious caution by din-, j lemnt* in the United N:riions. al |1i; >ugb " first rece lions were pencrallv j favorable. Sumo suggested the pad I actually strengthened and broadened Rusiin's assurance·! of troop remr.· als I'mm Iran which 'he securitv council yesterday formally accenled However, the speed with which ! 1he agreement followed upon the -.e- j cnr't.v cour· il's act l'on cid'i tlv caught the experts by surprise. Tlv* reserve with which they greeted it' was explained bv some as r^Mecting a determination to make doublv sure that Russia had not exerted any new pressure on Iran. These angles were brought out by diplomatic sources hero: 1. l—in's commitment to subai' t>> parliament in seven nin ths ml conces*ions for Russia and mblcdly r e: n·» the Ru.-sians will get sub- j stantially what they want in 111" wav or nil mant-. American offi cails had expected this and ex pressed only the rosorvati' η 1ha' they hoped it would be a stri'-tly commercial arrangement. 2. The new self proclaimed au t · omous government A'/erbaij in may be on its way out. The Rus sians appear to have au'-ecci 'hat the status of Azerbaijan is a ρ avly internal affair. ?.. The provisicn for remov al o! . all Red army troops fr >m Iranian soil in a m mth and a hal 1 rom I March --1 merely formalize.- the as- . .-urances already given by Russia to the council and upon which the council acted yesterday ν !i e η it voted to defer the Ir..nian case until May l>. It now appear,·, quite likely, with good faith on .ol -aie.-., the Iranian mplaint ma\ not have { to be brought up again. I Long Shot Takes Grand National Aintree, Eng.. April 5.—(ΛΡ) — Lovelv Cottage. J.i-t"-one shot bought by his present owner in De cember anr ridden by an amateur today von the l'>:?rd running of the Grand National Steeplechase with ι 1 stretch rush that swept him past the faltering favorite. Prince Reg Before what was preoably the greatest crowd ever to see a horse lace — 40U.IIIH) — M. Morant's 9 j year-old gelding came on to finish four lengths in front of the 100-to one shot, I. S Ewoll's .Jack Finlay, as a three-to-one ch lice. Prince Rec ent. weakened and wound up third Anviteur rider Capt. R. Petre, wh» was part of th'e 14â pound carried by I .ovely Cottage over the 30 fences, ditches .id brooks, brought the jumper home en top to pick up the winner's nurse of 321) in this first running of the Grand National since 1!I40. YOUTH FOUND GUILTY OF SLAYING OFFICER Mirrol i. Ν. V.. Anril Γν — (AP) Demil K. Dot®», 24, ot Clendenin W Va . w;··!!! victed earl ν today by a X.- ssau county court jury of mur der in the second dopree '·<■ t;ir Ft >ruarv 4 shooting of Patrolman .1. hti West of the Nassau co.;nt\ police. The jury of 11 men and one wom an deliberated nearly eisht h">ur. before returning the verdict. Dot roil was brought Irom the countv iail where he was asleeo ti heat the verdict. He received the ver die· without any display of emo tion. SPRING BRINGS PERFECT DAZE POETS HAVE SUNG OF LOVE in wondrous phrases down through the ages. But little Jimmy Murray of Johnson City, Ν. Y., who has been around only a few short years, seems to have them up a tree as lie sits beneath one with his lady fair, Kathy Callahan. Judging by the young lady's rapt attention, Casanova must be spinning in his grave. (International) Hatch Takes issue With Pepper Charge America Building Red Paper Charges Moscou. April 5.— ( Λ I' ) — Iz vestia said to,,Ui. thp tinted Males command in Ireland is concludiiiÎ leases and a;rcc monts with Icelandic farmers eoncernins air and naval liages on condition the agreements will not be made publie. "Iceland's public is quit'· dis turbed over the prospects ol formation in Iceland of perm anent bases." the (iovernment newspaper said, "in as hum h as the\ feel as Danish newspaper 1'tlilikcn wrote that 'their neti traiit.v will not be built at a low price." " "Blue Beard* Condemned Paris. April a.- (AP>—Di ce) IV!il·', "bluebt id forbirtd nu 1 hi· Γ i 11 ■( 11 κ ' t limed to (ii.ill trial ha u■·.; ι η ii's convict i> n •-eyed little physician ii,M when t1'.·.' t · ; ι ■ ί. bi:t v.ithin a few wefed to shout U hi? \ l■ i"d it-1 mm .V iiiin.··«·.· ■ · ■ brother, Λ! Palace of ■.•ο in the crowded -!cie: "1 I·.· Florida Senator Says U. S. Aiding Imperial Policy ιWashingt' > . April Γ>. — (ΛΡ) — Congre.».- on:.I trscnri.» «>: Secretary of State .laiiu .·. Byrnes heaped fuel tot)av ι η ι foreign policy debate t: uciie'l I'M i y Senator Claude Pep per's contentions that this country • u ....\:iitt-eii.ii JJ: λ imperial ism," (hailcnging the Florida Uemn eraPs assertion that I» ited States and Britain h: e "ganged up, against Russia," Senator Carl Hatch ι I) '1 ! Ν·.··>ν M( \i .-a'll he believe.·» ! '·'· rue- : "II··,■■tu: .1 : :rm course thai is cai' ulated to strengthen the United Nation:·, whore a lesser il ui":·. wo!>i : (ii ··roy it. "i'llt Kus-i.i In Hole." II:.· '.a r : ι Pepper's chaTge — made in the course of a lambasting of British foreign pol iev ye-'i . - ι ha' <·· tier nations have sought to "put Russia in a • ' ι l'Nt > S t urit.v Council. Senator Maybank Μ) ι of South ·.;■.; Byrnes" home state joined with Hatch in criticiz Pee; h t η what ι he Flot'idian described as a "possible hardening of the arteries" > . Amer ican foreign polity. Se eiai> i ■ rving out . ι ·· ' ' iesigned to • ι;<· gthen the UNO." Maybank said. Ili ι : e.ι Κ . '.» · f on some t ι interest '.It ii rtainly r it . y . :;.e Bi ti>h game." ΐ'ΐιι ι· \ι;ι rus r „.\i>i:Ks. Wa-liingt· < . -V il â. — (AP) —■ Au ι·.· ..'e : troops moved :·· re ο· 'en cities today :·· \ι :· ν Da ν parade since Pearl Harbor. SANCTUARY FOR TIDAL WAVE VÎCTIMS AMONG THE 3,000 REFUGEES being taken care of at the Army's Green Valley Evacuation Center in Hawaii alter the disastrous tidal wave had made thousands homeless are James Koorhuli and his family. The hunt for the bodies of victims is still going on It is ffarcrl that the death and auxins tua η ay mount to oOO. Signal Corps Rudiup'.ioto. (hUernatiow^y