Newspaper Page Text
Over 15,000 PEOPLE READ The Want Ac's Daily Fit! Your. Let The DISPATCH CLASSIFIED Work For You! Classified Rates | This Size . ... lc per word 1 (Minimum charge :-5e) This Size 2c per word (Minimum charge 50c) For larger size type, inquire for classified di.;;iiay rate. 25 words in regular size type, daily fur one month .... $11.00 No ri.Ies or borders will ne avail able for use in the rl.issifieJ but white spare may i■·» use I ou ea.'h side of an ad and chai^'d at tic per line in depth. TIIE HENDERSON DAILY DISl'ATCFI HELP WANTED WANTED TYPISTS. APPLY SEC (ill'i flour, li"' f 5-l'j-25c Store. 4-2ti WAN'TKD 25 f.M ■( JHKfiS TO CUT and haul pulpwood. (In, d pay. plea-ant work. Tran-imi tai ion free. 1·.' Β. Ί * i u c I :i 1. .1 ι\. ι 'ure I )ii Hulk 11 la ι it. Noilma lii-ao. pi; 1)7. H : i HELP WANTED To WORK AT planing mill. Apply n; inn,a .in··, at 7 ο Vie»ek it 1 '«Try ι. η::··· ι' ( '··.. 2 miles South ot I lend,·:· · ·η <n Kaleigh Road. -ί- Iti Ά ALL-AROI XD DODY AND and Fender men wanted. £·"<()! to $100 per week or e<mirnis- | sion if ymi tan i|iialit'y. Λρ- j ply to Brown's lïody Shop,, i'hone 1 Γ,.ϊ-J. 2-t3ti j EXPERIENCED BEAUTY OPERA- ι tor wauled. Μ ι i a ■ : uilv SI: >p pe. ! 'lu ne 527. 3-6U ι SITUATIONS WANTED Μΐηυι.κ agi; whiti: max wants permanent .i<ji» λ r.h n»»i: ;.ιu 1 board <>m ρπ·!·ι. ;· ( '«tu <i yard nd garden v.mik and alii.·.·' I'll !· !\<·! I. . Mlltl il'·· . *N ! - ( 11 cs: — Worker. . ;. < · : - .. ' ι·iι. LOST AND FOUND STRAY Ell <)R >. hlar!; and bn.An ι WANTED mi:, farm: ; r.i.w, t ·:·. v< > Cow a. Wal . η i i I1 . UV ρ prices ι;ι·;ι ί ■ ■ ■■ . .ι·. . . ' άι· will l'ciiin* i'1 ; ! ι > ■ Henn's fin»' ι.·, ' ··»ο 1101-.'.' Ά A V'l r'I > 1 1 I i '' Ύ A ( :. -I : r > I .Kl 1 I khi >. i 'in .ai· , I .· -1Î11 wax ί η το ι·.! Y 1 ;· . tnnbi ! i Yrr> 1. .in·.· ('·· . 2 i: '■ : ·'iitii 'Γ !lend·. ι. Kn; ,i. I):iν pl.r320» νύφ, 1 ptWm · iiv;;-vv. ι REPAIR SERVICES CF.T I.OXGKR WEAR A.\ > BET ' ' ■ i ι| 'ear.' ι u ■ f cm : ι . · I ν n. Ir. liavH! : them .· : by ι il. • · .· ! t tv|>:.iri.ι- : .i'l!· - Υ·ΗΙ \va ! -· el ire. C.:' : Ί.ι Shoe Shop.; SEE UI'CHURCH & OAF.Ki: ELEC trii· Co., for your electrical c n tracling and ropai.· . Experienced electricians (o serve you. li-tf WK DO XOT IIAYE A COMPLETE stork of radio tube·.-·, but d'.ir.'n.^ the pa. t four year-: ive h.r · been \ii.v sucofill in keei>iir'; cus tomer's radio working. We a!- · service Refrigeration, Vacuum Cleaners. Elcetrie Fans, Electric Irons, Electric MoUuv, Electric Clock:·. And wiien y ' I buy a pro duct .buy it lroni .-οηκ'·η.> who' can service it. I.ou:;h!in-G"od\vy!i. phone 118. RADIO SERVICE-OVER 20 YEARS experience, modern cijuipmeiit. ! and complété stock "f t..: .■ a:i:l repair parts, guarani* ι \··ο ι. ι class radio service at a leasonab! : cost. Complete factory s: . . . ■ "ii any make radio. Jenkin ; Mae: >v 1 Sound Service. Phone 4 ili. HAYES - THOMAs i.ur.CHlCAI Service, electrical con'rnetinjî and repairs. Phone 1-49-W, P. O. Box H90. Henderson. N. C. fi-t! . DUFFELL ELECTRIC CONTRACTING Sales and Service House Wiring a Spceialty 21 Years Experience Phone 1017 P. O. Box 612 21—tf ONI·: STANDARD TI1E HIGHEST To All Pat m m . No favorites 11 ·. : ■ ■ —irres|H'cti\e of whether you're nu intimate friend or an utter s'ranger — von will obtain one standard of ;;ei'\ici· The best ob tainable. II. ο.· P.. Radio Repair Service, 109 West Montgomery street, phone 234. 1-tf WHY ΙΊΤΤ Γ Ρ W1 I'll pi X )R RAD IO reception'.' We can . «·: ve il to give you better recepll· ι and nv-r · listening pleasure, ι >t u i k is guaranteed. Let US .Nerve you. Carolina Radio Co., Phone 120., 117 N. Garnett St. 3—ti REFRIGERATION SERVICE. COM- ! mercial or domestic. Day or night service. Work guaranteed. Call H Β. Branch. Phone aiiij-J. 3—(itι REPAIR SERVICES ] LAWN MOWKKS SHARPENED ;iiul lepaircri. Wo call for and de li, it. All work guaranteed. Over t· t Lawn Mower Shop. Kittrell. Ν. C. 25-M-W-F-tr ALL MAKE VACUUM CLEANERS Repaired. Expert work. All jobs paaantoed. Sri· us for prompt, «■oui trims sot ', in·. Tanner Sewing M κ lune and LleeP'i · Shop. I'hono llli-W. M-W-F-tf NOTICE. IF YOU REALLY WANT 111 t ·|ιιΐ(· work dono. In in··. il to 1li ■ ( 'otm.itmity Shoo Shop. Work <l<. ι Γ' Ίΐη 7 Ιο il :30 any night ι χ ι; ρ! SaUirday while you wait. Ex perl : hue r. pairing. Coiomutiity SI . e Simp. 1-3-&-3 FOR SALE STOKER COAL FOR TOBACCO, curing. Oct yours while we have it plenty good lump eoal too. II. 0. Falknor iV Son. Coal & Wood. Phone 21ÎII. 13-tf ATTENTION GRADUATES! GF.N uine Engraved visiting Cards. Cor ree; : i/.es. 2'ι or more orders $2.00 ])··:■ 100. Single orders S2.30 per 1 !. iii'tidei on Look Co. Eslab 1. ii ι 22-tf M< iNUMENTS TOMBSTONES - MARKERS From The South's Largest Monumental Factory W. W. LANGSTON 21!) Young St., Phone 773 JUST RECEIVED THREE TRUCK loads of furniture some now Mime used - many outstanding values. !i. E. Sattcrwhilo & Sons S"i us- Save money. 26-tf | CUT FLOWERS: GLADS FOR a:· ·. Mi> Si(iney C ïreen, 23'i t ' μ ί ■ ' ; -ι.· Ave. Phone 3—it; BKOADBWEAST BRONZE TUR ke> Eg;.·.s !·<:' -ale. Phone 095. 5— 11 i t LO Fill S HAMPERS FOR HATH rooms in assorted colors. Clothes baskets, dryers, ironing boards, covers', tin wash boards—old fash • •ii 1 ! : ι : l.i.i: . Λ Îitki.i . ! lardwaro I ft·. 4-:iti ! ΊΊΙΚ Π Κ S Τ IX FANCY »;>'·.cfr: ··'. fii· li fruit.-, vegetables, j I .·■<■· m meat.. i'isli and oysters. I ■ 4:i»j Herberts Yellow front, ! Free I I 'll'. er\ . 17-U'j :;' ί !. -m: i. \..i· ·, ix blue. rose, en. I lit :. 11 ■ ι Λîle laini>:. i ' ι ' .'it ι :e !·: I., : :. ! ι . Wat km ; iia: i v. are Co. -l-liti WOOD FOB SALE - LONG OU { short. Hoir-: 1,SiJ. C'a 11 Buddy ; V\" : ! ! : : 11 : : :i or S :n Fa.-twiod. Phone ! '!··. 27-1 f :-i !■ CE si. ; <· ( ' H i Χ Λ, S\LAI) !... : ilatU ι . . . ■. ι ·.11 bowls. roup I .>·.'. is, extra etips and saucers. ! ; '..te it t es, - a e ι bow I . Watktfis :! it·r ·· -î-::tι TIME FOR SPILXG CLEANING « ivi li .. .■ .in-·t th 1 things lo ma ;e y il κι. .· e!·. ; nin ; pio b!e!:: aîi ' .î·;.' on,*. John>oti . Floor Was. Winde·· spray., and window (leaner, and handy floor mops. Bradford's ( ipan Air Market, 222 j Mi nt ι : iivet, phone Gâii. 1-âti FIRST AIDE MEDICINE KITS, i ;> .·.' Se· ,;il h 1 ! " .-et·. Ci · ! 11 a ι η 111 k.iiie. to;k and spoon, an opener. > oat !::■·! . Steuio ives, can li-at. S.-i . aluminum cups. Γ ,u . petieia, potato peelers. Wat kins Hardware Co. 4-3ti C'AXXISTEH SETS, CAKE PLATES with aluminum covers, keeps your aake Iri s.'] Cookie jars, candy , jar.-. Ireit juice sets, refrigerator J envoi e<; bowl. . Watkii-i:. Hardware I'd. 4—3ti , APRIL IS 1J)1AM< )ND MONTH; YOU j ".ill save by ehoosing your Dia- I menus from our selection. Also, Watches, Ring·', other Jewelry. Laker's Pawn Si' p. 1-tf WHY BE BOTHERED WITH h'.'.i.e peats when they are so ea .1 to get rid i t. The WF.STING HOl'SE aeraaol automatic BUG l;< )Mt! v.all eliminate any pest with ι ic' application. Λ tour sec . e ι <i: charge i.· sufficient in 1000 tau, It. Of space. One borrtb is equiv alent t ι two gallon, of D.D.T. Guaranteed iiarmlo.v to anyiiung olher than insects. .Made and a'auaiileed b.v Wi''S ΤIXG HOCSE. ι id y S2.1)8. Hughe.·· I· urniture Co.. ■li.i S. Garnett St., Phone 137. 3—: ι FKL'iT JUICE KXTRACTO i n: ;(tc ·Γ polbhed aluminum. KU - tin- lit : 11111 ί : pads, electric sin· _> ami oubio hot plates, toasti Volcano roaster-toaster. V\\. - kn, l|„·.. waie Co. 4- U THE HERRING SEASON IS ON IN full sv. m i* ! ι -h shipment I as jut arrived. 3 Λ i t'llt ili./.. Enjoy lii',· 11 rst lull I low. Woods Super Market. 3-Jti riiKSH MKA'I'S. ■ F1S1I. DRESS :d or live poultry and a romp 'te lull' ol grocer:· and produce ■ re pit iitiful at W'ooi· Super Mai Ί Delivery service. Phone 104U. 3 iti TRY DU-RITE LAUNDRY SOAP i n your clothes. 12 c ents per ι. \e. Also a I a rue lot ol 32-o:. ice bleach. 2 for 25 cents. \V· ids Super Market. 3 -3ti FOR SALE: LESPEDEZA HAY, 2 good _ farm mules—cheap. S. .1 SaUerwhite, Manson, N. C. 3-7ti JUST RECEIVED SHIPMENT OF nice 3-ptece spring filled living room suits. Guaranteed quality and workmanship at prices you can easily afford Save mone* •hop—-Hii"hps Furniture Co., « ' H S. Gaintlt St., phone 137. â—. ι fH FOR SALE ^ € foi: sa ι. h. roMtiiN.vnoN electric hut plate with bn ιΙιί . Al iii electric toaster vou ran t -uK entire !I Ml .1 II. Wright. Phono U27-W. Π—2ti SPECIAL NOTICES EXPERIENCED I. A UNI) It Κ S S wui.Ij tu ilu shirts, curtain-. fam ily wa ll and fine fabrics. off j>i omises. Live in white house 011 Farrow street. Phone !!ii!-J. 8-27ti DR. SALSBURY'S REN-O-SAL — the new drinking water medicine that stimulates growth in chid.s Get it when you buy your chicks. Parker's Rexall Drue. Store. m-2i)-a-5-2fi WAKE MONUMENT COMPANY, seven day service, North Hender son, phone 710-J. 20-27ti CALL US—WE DELIVER YOUR order to your home in our new Civilian Jeep. Bradford's Open Air Market, 222 Montgomery street. Phone G5!!. 1 -31i "A DRILLED WELL ÏS THE MOST satisfactory water supply. Write for quotation, giving distance and direction from yon.- Post Office. Heater Well Company, Raleigh, North Carolina." T-F-tf OUR NEW SERIES IS NOW OPEN. Let us ki!',\v how many shares you want. We arc in position to make you a loan to buy, remodel, re fiance, or build a house. We are now making direct reduction loans. Let its help yi ·,: with your financ ing. Henderson liuilding & Loan Association. Irvine B. Watkins, Pres. Al Β. Wester, See. & Treas. 1-01. WE STILL HAVE A FEW 36 INCH window shades left. Colors of green and ecru. Hurry before stock is depleted. Only 39c each. Hughes Furniture Co., 418 S. Gar nett street, phone 137. 2 - -I t i I'KMC IL SHARPNERS & RUBBER bands just an ived. Many other critical items also available. Phono ()2 Alford's Printing & ΟΙΊΤ e Sup ply Co. 3 - Γι t i SERIES SI NOW OPEN. 12 12 cents. 25 cents, fill eerrts per week, per · hart·. System a tif s vin« is Ihc way to aecumulatee funds tor fu ture needs. See us for financin buyim . laiildint.. remodcline your home. Direct rede"'ion plan ol borrow in··. th · modern way !■ I mauce. < Kir < ' :.t mien I pav il.·!·: ι.·.·.··,· 1 :> re· ι-, .ut. : lencier :.on P-uildinji & Loan Λ . <«-iatii>n. Irvine 1',. V.'alkinr, pre-.i·' lit. ΛI 1·;. Wester, ■ «'creiarv-irca tirer. 4-Gti NOTICE—I WILL BE IN HENDER .ιΐ·:ι the last ol' April . illt a load of extra nice pi".-, lai eil by me. good stock. Will publi !i diltîî of my arrival ho: .· in tin is >v . ,.·ι wa< h tor it. V·.'. r. . Joiiian. Cat'. . λ. C. :-.· ι DRINK GOATS MILK FOR BET ter health. Η ίί ri'iiemied by doc t' i! s |· : u! ■ ·: at< A ■ lomach and feeble condition. Call 1 1-eod-U WANT TO MAKE MONEY er prices arc now !> ,ng paid for pillow ii>d v.hi; !i · ,.ι .. 'hi a \ >·_>■ profita'.'<.· basilics. Sc.· in.· for lull ! art: uler. . 1 . Tin, lui, -Iι at Pure 1 )il Uulk *'iatil, ph in.· !)V. 1-1 dti INSuKANCc. You Can't S-t-r-ot-c-h A Policy AFTER Λ LOSS There's no 'rubber" in an in surance policy and it can't be s-t-r-o-l-c-b-c-d after a loss to cover uninsured values, in ured and ar. nt are findin.", '.hat out the.-e days a. an increasing η 11 , .ber of los-es are reported where prope: t.v-mvi.·. r; have inadéquat.· in man.ν to value. Citizens flank Trust· do. a::.: -, I INN''M ANC Ε DKI'ARTÎIAT Phone liJU Henderson, λ. C. 28-U' S PROPERTY Y.\i."KS I ' Λ Y i" Sotie ];y hij'h, have y·, tir fiçe insurance ;ϋΐ·ί ·>:! · ! coverage kept pace'.' Mak · sure your home anil its eon tents are adequately pro tected. Γ i η η e 11 !n ranee j Ajrvncv, Telephone 1 îtiiitlini··, ! I'lione" 252. 3—tt'l LIVESTOCK—CHÏCKS ! WE BUY COWS, C'AI.VHS, ['ICS. hull's, I'hii-keiis and es^s. Highest prii't's paid in rash tir trade. I'hone in lit. Win d. Sillier Market, .'i-.'iti I H A VI·: SIIMK MCI·: SHOATS AND j two nice i n·.· h lor sale or trade. One ι Guin>ey and one j Jersey Both are y&ûng. l.eon liai- | ris. Spiini· Valley Koad. 5—4ti I WANTED TO RENT VETERAN WANTS TO REN't A furnished or unfurnished bedroom fin approximately si\ weeks. Can give leliTi'ULVs. Phone 1!ί3ϋ. ^—tti Γ Λ Ρ M bUPrLIF.S ru ι-ί κ;ι \ κ< >ι; ι;< ■ :s , η ' · ιί ι κ plants Shrubs and ruse bush prttni'i - Or;!· ; shear:. Mid Γΐι.ν.ι garden toots. Watkins fiarclware Co. -l-liti GARDEN TOOLS, ΡΛΚES, HOES, In"· fork -. "hi· : |ι >· yard brooms. ; ill'; bl.;d . . ; : ι · I m I) 1 ■ ι .V^ "<·. I holt· flr:gei . .· ΙιΐΛ <·! . vVa - km Ihardware t. l-.Vi ELECTRIC PUMPS FOR BoTH deep 1111 ί rliailov. •.veil.'·'. galv. pipe an I pip»· I it t i I Drain hi.,:.I inks. Lavolori.'s and envimode . Walkin··· Hanlwa »· ( <>. 4-Hti FLASH LIGHTS, FLASH LIGHT batterie'S clry eell batteries. hot shot h I ten;.·.-:. Electric fell'·."··.·; and all at'eerrories for α complete fence. \\ atkin.- Haidware <.'n. 4-3ti BUILDING SUPPLIES THREE HOUE ENAMEL PAINT and vaujishe:; i:i .'I hades. Floor and deck enamel in golden oak, dark load, dark oak. slate, light oak, red, an I li«hl lead. Also la'.'.e stock of Watson Spaniard out ia·.· and ill ;ide pain's in η In", flat, sen ι i-.i;loss and H i—ι·1ι ·■-.-■ înlerl··;· Te.M-iitn interior water paint η all shad··.-. Ealkner's linildin 1 Supply. Court S:. phone I'i. t-.'Ji· PAINTS! PAINTS! VISIT "THF. Place of Values" mr I'., I'. S. paints "Host pain· .old' Gut-!.le and in.aJe paint.· fur η -ariy every purpose. Alex S. Watkins. West Montgomery St. 5 -111 J. MAURICE ALLEN, COXTKAC tor and Builder, Goner.1! Iiepaiis, Painting, Weather St· ipping, In sulations, Fl-mr Refir'snmg, I'i t, · I02G-VV. eod-tf ASPHALT SHINGLES 211) LB. weight. Blue black. Roll rimfin;. medium, heavy and extra he . y. Build» ·. ι iaper — all'..) scj. ft. In roll. Lehigh cement and morta: »··.· ment. Nails and assortment of builders hardware an i farm sup plies. Falkni r'., Building Suppiy, m Iront of Courthouse on Court Si. Phone 10. Hamilton Ealkn··!·. proprietor. »- -I: FOR ECONOMY, Γ.'νίτγ. AND long wear use Watson Standard Wall Paints: Kilo-Gloss Flat ■ $2.50 n ι ; ..1 Wall (·|ι "-Villi G!o . S^.âll pev cal. Interior Gloss Enamel $3.50 gf'.. Come η and se · ο·ιι· full line ,il I 'III - III 'I'M' V. ί ' ; a in: ri · . . , I loi r cna: ι-el. el ami bam paint 1 ' · i lile a ! and : >;. nt suppil'.·.··. Faikil' ί" Buildin Supply, in front ol Court ll'iuse ι ' ■ "· ! ' ' Ίι· ι ■ · i'i Hamilton Fall > ci, Prop. Γι ·Π: SEEDS Λ \L> PLANTS G All DEN SKI; Π KOli r:.M!l.V planting. (1:1 iiu-ιτι in ίίκ1 ι ·»mnci as (mi iy a.s ih'r (»;iî.:i'ii Peas, i-jticl.·., ι .ι ··. i > griots. Ί'ιιιιϋ ι >, .ι. ι :· : < ;. m I , !· I. .·.·«·! : eed Wi-· ·!.<··. 2li-tf A 1Ί · >1 l'l.i :tf : ι · CK < > : ' ; A iî (l( H eed In! \ ι spri:r'. pia'.iaa Also full ■ i.rl;. η · i -il » im } 11 : l it ! it .,· ( ' .1 K!t ;. : I ( ' I. Ml 111 ,1,1 ry SI. :: it I FA !!:-!..UV\ (! ') ASS SM i;- i \V< > ! : U S, j Η'.Ί I ί 11 It'll t il M'i t ■■ r · 1Î I >. ' ' ! I ' III 1. ■ '■ ' I . I'i'S I|! ι, III i · ! ' (.!■ !;,··. ·, !· ,ι · ■ |. IK· SI : ι· . ' ι AU ι (JMOTIVE ί ο;; SAI.r: in::t FOHl) l>FI.''\r. ι ιι;<· .. ill: ι .-alio ;nid In■.ιiι In : . tn : ι·· ί:ιΙ i! i I ι cei I ,i t S-till.ΠΙΙ. ι i.'il'ir: j»-K s::'l,"i.IΊ. Sec .1 II Γ" 11 i 11 u î < η. hYd Oak Service Sta tion, l)abne\ luad. 4-1!11 IGNITION AN!) 1 :i,KCTR 1CAI. ΠΓ . ai : ai;; I : ■ - ·. : ing by our cx pei it·; a ••.•.i t e'-i nies will £i\ r you more econo· .cal and pli-axing fir!. ;ng. fur service Phoni; 61-JX IKst·. . M .tor Co. 123 Hor ner . * rt.-e· Kri-t ! LEGAL NOTICES vont κ The under. luinl. having qualified a- Executor ni' Ili-nry Rice, late of Vanee County. X 1h Carolina, this is notice to all persons haviri.a claims against tin said estait to exhibit them to the undersigned Exe 111 ο ι ' in ι· ■ tho 5| h day of .April. l!i 1, ;!ii: notice v,iil be pleaded i.i i.n ι any refinery. All |,ί- :i'ii null ti ο to t!i' sari (-tali· will pic. niake prom'pt ί' t1leintnt. Ί hi the oil ·■ .. i f April. 1 !!ί'!. τ. i'. giioi.m axecuto:· ·ί ίκο » Hire, deceased 'i ·>:, à. IL', i i). ,.i ;i, 10 NOTK I ΟΙ ! LE( TION Notice is hereby siveii that voting places anj Registrars .nul .ludses of Ficelions have hern appointed b> th" < i t \ C oancil «i · lîic ( it\ of Hend erson lor the Resiiiar ut N'ïi IPAL i i.i:<"i IO\ to he heïii in the several wards of said cit> on Tuesday, .Mav 7, 1 Îi4<; for the élection of one alder man in each ward !·.. a term of two years respectively .is follows: Tlie follow in-· i-Milnt:..,i was in troduced bv Alni'i'inan Eliis and read: Ί !':·· C'itv C . ι. Ml of ι lie ( 'if of Κ n-ic. ■ a, DOTH HESOLVE: ;. ;. That th City Clerk n-.l . e of the re;.ular Aluna-ipa! e:.··.·'.:o.ι '<· 1 > Ιι· Id in lii·--· severaI warn- ·■: •aid City on Τ ικ-sday. May 1 ί> ί ι ' LEG A!. NOTÏCLS lui ! in· ι · I. ·· !|.»n ( I < ·|> · Alder h Kill ill («••ii . 11 < 1 1 » » : a P. 11. «.»! two u .n ir !··.!<· 1> a> prov idt'd l»v llu ( h.M i< : «»! aid City I under the ? !i ii . ι ■. it· ulat: ii j >· e < ι it>; «I lr*w. .'ι I. T!i t the · >» in. phi'·"- in the <»\ t· ι : » I . .ir. is . ι .. i I ! ι «iian· I .iudi'.i· iff « * t ί * » f ι appointed to rtici Ht" · ι-. . Ι.,ιΐ! t. .. foil· ··.·.' KIÛST WAR ) M lit.* Aiunicipa1 ι. :!<» .s (iii r:..11, it. stn-vt. vv t ; 11111 i 11 I»»· I .1 Υ. Χ 'Κ I'· • ! i· ! Mi W !» s nib·.· I J udj · · >1 K'ecl i'm. S ' ).\U WARl>: \t the I·'arrncr'ï 'ν V.I, flu HIM' IK lilt ill. ', «'II ί ί;· · J!<t1 S t .π " 1. 1. A. Latta, I ί·.·· ι 1 r ; 11. and Ii Λ (î; !>·»ϋΐ and (' li. Eppe .iticiί,< ι Klrrtion. THIRD WARD: A1 the Banner V.. . In?ntin!; < η Xene rSl;·■»-i*t. i : ;· .. >k Ha· ; is Re e t: a*·. and ' /it', ιv and V· v. T. L Da il .i un; t . I KlL'Clion. Ful'HTH WARD: At the High Price Warehou* * l'r·•nlin.'.,t »»n %li»nt Ëomery Street, R. K. Tanner Re g is f\ M. Hi„hr, Jr., and Ci. T. ! 'i\r,i. ;m. Judges ο! Κ lection. Ί. That the City Clerk provide for each wan! ballot boxe> and vol in··. ? < .* 11 a , ·'(p.1 η «·(! by Clui ;t.i : 11>4 public law.- of îί#1:ί·. as ami nded. 4. I ha I tin . ! I j ί ι ί « 11. used in said elei'ion .call be as p:ovideo -, C 'haptci U>4 public ;uv\ : of 11120. a amended. 5. Thai tin? registration book,, -hail hi· open tor the registration of \ole:r ί · >· even day. <_·>:< ii!iiin& San oa>>. beginning Saturday. April 13, l'94<i, between i) oV'ock A. M. and until ·> 'flock ί:. Λ1. On Saturda/. April lo. 1940 ana . \ ρ » * i I Liu. 1ί)4υ. . : ί' <».·]·»rk P. '-.a. ! book .-hall LEGAL NOTICES :>« ι ■ ι . 1 ·ίι· , 1.. in 11il r.i .il war·!· 'is Sailli t. . Apt il -H 19i« loi . \.iiii'i..itn Ί '> liai le uses. li. I ..-Ι r: i'i.i·: il.Γ May , !!».<;. frum ;.>···» .. l· \ M uni : 1 'ι · ι -I ! ..< tel ι Stand;·IV Τ" · ,. 1 : .· 1 ·ιι ■ . 7 τ liai . Il I ι;, Il lu' bel' III. '· .11 c; il» ι. Ijy '··.... !!. .·. i t il·:. ! 1 1 ; ; ι \ ι 1 ! : ι ■ j Γ ' ίιΙ· ι ' ι * - -1 ' ■ * ϊη: 1 ■ il Ιι it Millet till· notice til 'in if (ιι ι < 1 ul.»« · · with the t'itv Fipfk wt ttr btfur April 2(1. 11) iti. Tin· lu:'···: i-i'ij '.!< ' ■· " 1 'ill mitted to a roll caH ote, trwd eiimfei by tl:.· loi 11 » vv 111 Ayes' .'.··· Ai. '·ιι VV. K. Trogdtin Non No» F. Β. Hi 'lit M. VV. VV ι - ! ι r Λ. Η. λί. .if Τ. VV ΚΙΙι. H r;. Han·; mi " M. Hi: lit .VI, Y. Cooper Thi.. to it·. 1 ' ι : ι : ; n· fore going resolution i.- a true and cor rci 't i.-i. ; . : ι. ■. t · : · ■ ι ( ' : I ; CiΊίικ ι 1 tii:: 1 ·ι ! ·ν .vlan h liMi;.. VV. C. Roy tor, City Clerk ί ARIJ OF TH WKS. We :.-ii to iiiank ·>ιιι· I'riends am ni-r'.libo: ! u, ! r:■ k · ill. ι ·· ■ ' : : : i " ν {WRtelN Of sympathy dteifig til· iPnes:·4 and ■ i" ιΊ' oil'· ih'I >-cl hus ι .and ι. ul . · !. . . V ι : n. m Υ. Brink ley. r nd also Ι-Ί" the beâutifui llovv Cl mus. ver>: '!>: ν hrixkl: y \\:j family. WoAH AfUMSKUU. ) -<00* . HEART θοί LWERÎ "70*t IO-72I DEAR ΛΙΟΑΗ- DOSS ONE? VsJEIG-H MOI5E WHEM HIS HEART I S HEAVY Τ LANTA LORAINE ODEM LENOIE, Λ» C, DE-ΑΙζ NOAH- DOES A. (SlfSl- HA.VE To HAVE A BEALi "TO PLAY A Flt>Di_E? MISS ΜΑΒ/ΛΜ LAMAR 5AW t>IE50, C7ALIF S Nom ftuMsMuu. -<OU \NOP-!*y YOU fAOSτο PICKE'V THA"^ UP/ΛΑ ^ϋΗΚΎΑ^·' \ /"✓w ^11 s^T^-' DEAR MOAK="-l»ES SCtQAP IROM 500WEPOR LATE?IS (SET /ΝΤΟ A SCI3AP? BuecE^r: 3umm <rHArsL.oTi-E,wc] Pear noah- how Cam THE WOOLD BUY BEEF Fi?C!^ 5WEt>cN ί F~ SHE DOSSAIT KEEP Her - STC-CKHo1_ΛΛ ?" V/ALTER ΚΙΛλΟ JS. SUCKMAMHOW SV.VA· Ρ ο Ρ Ε Υ Ε ?7 I CAUGHT ! ΤΗΑΤονε )Ν ΜΕ ιι V Ε τ h- -j Τ A Κ Ε Τ Τ I'LL BUY." ' ΓGO AWAY."'S I II iTSNOr FOR! SALE !" I'VE J CHANGED J - MV MIND.rj 3] fi Γ -jOU pur A rv ICE ON j ττ II II τμΕ MOUSE " ITS Γ ; • Μ\Γ~ ·' ·, NOUG FAULT "j F iM IN II AGAIN ' ; wait ll r Λ\] 1 GET MY HANDS, ON THAT YOUNG PUP." SELL 1 ir ro ■ l ME/'I . zy-r> H