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j Society News IS IT NOT ΛΓΚΙΙ.? Is April then not April any more ] Hit thin j.:oeil d.>or Unlatched lor violets and gilded willows. With -o:.-~ re · !'! ■ Of moss i·pi η the stones beside the ,bro k And Ink ο ' Ί he πιοι·η .1 ?·.i ::i and ilver leather showing Τ hat w i" Is re blowing The (nulle o: the night, a soft white flame! It thf : . And ι I''.· liiOfl. small chilly mi·'. »! re! - : tringing • ι,,,iι■ ] ■ jncing Η ■ i'!v -tvl wee', of old h ves lost an I m 'lui. T>'f- ν Why il ι tlie heart t w i η e back thi n ■ ;h trelli ed veal s ? 1 h" .«virtning spheres" Briiii '··!· '· many th't'gs thev put ι . ι··.I,: tn,. h. II I It " ' h ; i ■ ι : .:e· ! U ρ ο η l h e Ν t A' ri' <\ |t" ; ν p. S il h" I'll Vc-tin". % y ·' ι ■ in ' '".vt ι ■' ι lie F"': ' I ' 1 ■ · · ■ ' ■ rroi m "i l i ' ' t Γ I » 1· ' ;> ; n >·· rc'"l !· WIND-SHIELDED! (ZoKtroited c^/ΐαγ ^GUARANTEED ι\ I Thumb- Wheel LIGHTER ! This "irciy han-i.-· me lighter is !t ι . ' in wind shield design. Draft ·' '!u 'i ! to allow flam·.· to be h rizontally (lor pipe t-mok crs). Thumb never loaches spark wh'rl. iia.-. built-in compartment with tw:) cii a !lml: an·I nicui η screwdriver for quick change. Be sure tn ··"' tin an I other smart lighters in our collection. 51.50 rp LOUGHLIN GOOOWYN JKWFLKRS Marian Martin —Pattern— Λ head-turning combination, Jr. M.;.- ! Pattern 9446— a Lias;).a-type . rock and open- niwn li..t — is s ire to make yi u admired. Simple en ugh lor you to sew Start nmv: P: tti r:i pt-li; ··. - 1 1. 1M. If·. IT. Si/'.ο Γ! lire-.- li â ί! yds. 30-.· eh: il yd. Send ΊΛ'.'ϋΧΊΛ rent- m coins I'm pattern lu i)aily Dispatch Pit - i. ■ -lit . Lî'l ' '.Ve t ! ■111 St., Xew Voil. li, V. Print plainîv SIZE. ADDRESS, STYLi. Xt/.Μ ΠΕΗ. l ull ii cents irvre brings you the :.-eful M a : i ; ι i ι Martin Spring Pat e. η Hook with a free pattern tor • art " - a :. - .1 a -1 - " 11 " ρ in ted l'i.'.ht nside the book. Brimful of chic, a v-ti>-n:aUe fa; liions. Eastern Star Meet. James B. While chapter X'< . 199. Order of tne Eastern Star, wiil meet Monday evening at 7:30 o'clock in the Masonic temple, according t · an : nneuncement today. Xew officers of the 1 -rder ,.iuc that all n:emOers be pre. en!. Bible ( hiss To Hear Clements. R. E. Clements. Sr., will be speak er lr-r the Win m's Bible cla s Of the IΓ My Innocents Episcopal church at the meeting Sunday morning at 0:45 a. m., it was .· nounced today. 1). A. It. Meeting. Old Bute chapter, Daughters cf 1(10 American Revolution, will meet with Mrs. W. W. Parker, Jr.. at 1(19 Chestnut . treet. >11 Tuesday night al fi: la o'clock, it was afiounced to day. All members are urged to at tend. Former Resid ent Is Bride* λ:us. ν/;; ι; π: χν ?. ...i G ι r. Idïne Juno.-, ni Wendell, ΐ'Πτ ' 1 y ο; Ilendcrs· η. daughïcr ο. λ.is. Feci: 1 Beck Jones, οι' Wendell, oceanic the bridï· oî William Alio Π ρ··. <,·· Wendell, .--on of Airs. Kitty Taylor Dew and t'-.e late Mr. Dew, .· m lell :.:id WilS' n. Saturday morning. March 30 at the Wendell Ha i! eh t Teh. The l ing ceremony v. ...< peril rmcd by Rev. George J. fi in. of Ztbrlon. who was a.-sist ed bv Re\·. Clarence W. Tea^ne, of Wendell. Prior to the ceremony a program ■ ! nuptial music was rendered by Mrs. L. M. Massey, of Zebulu. Slielt< η Lewis and Mrs. Bn.· e Knot:. The bride, win was given in mar riage by her brother, Marion David .Tones, wore a two-piece suit o! light blue wool. Her hat was an original Vogue of blue silk faille. The bride carried a sprayed prayer-book cen tered with white rchids. Mrs. Jesse Will:; ni Narron, of Wil mington. sister of the bride and ma in η ο! honor, was dressed in melon 1 with black at· ess .rie?. Her cor was <>! souvn il· rotes. The bridegroom's brother, Fran i. I/.r.c Dev., : Wen it'll, served :..s best ι in. Ushers were .1 seph Ya'es Parker, of Raleigh, Erman Ridgcway Williams, ol, '<■: ji'ii W(H drow Richardson and Leo i. f :iia; Britt. of Wendell. In ediately alter the ceremony the biidal coun'e left 1er a wedding trip through Virginia. Mr.-·. Dew is a graduate :>f Wake 1 in high school and Miss Hardbar ner's St reiarial school ol Raleigh. She was a former employee of the American Agricultural C h e m i c a 1 C< mpany, ot Henderson and Gret· s ioro, and at the time of her mar riage was employed by the Mrnk Henderson Tabacco Company of Wendell. Mr. Dew has recently returned Γ ι f ■ : 11 18 month;·: of overseas service in the European theater of opera : ion.-· and is now ei < nected with It. li. Thompson Electrical company in Wendell. M i s s Helen Jones Weds Frank Smith In Ceremoin Here In a private ceremony ο Γ digni fied simplicity on Friday altenioon, April 5, at 4 o'cl κ at til·· First Presbyterian church, Miss Helen Clayton Jones, ol Chattai ga. Tet < .. become the bride of Frank Watson Smith, son of \Ir. and Mr-. Β. II. Smith, of Henderson. Rev. W. D. Melnnis. past >r o: the church, perforated the double ling ceremony. The church was decorated with white gladioli. Preceding the speaker- of the vows, Mrs. J. B. Martin, organist, rendered a program of nuptial mu sic. The traditional wedding marell es were used for the proccssiona ;■·(! recessional of the bridal couple. The couple entered the church to gether and spoke their vow.-, before the altar. The attractive bride was dre.'-ed in a blue palm beach suit with which she used white acces sories. She '.arried a prayer bi ok on which were white gardenias. Mrs. Smith attended Chattanooga high school and at tilt ten.· o! In marriage she was employed by the International Business Machine Com pany in Chattanooga. Mr. Smith attended Henderson high school and Duke university. lie has just returned fr< m o\ er^ea strviee with the army in the Pacific. Follow ι g a wedding trip to an unannounced destinatii ■ the couple will make their home in Henderson. Immediately following the wed ding ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. I! H Smith h morcd the bridal couple at an informal rr option at their home on Chestnut street. ( ■ ly immediate members ι f the family and clo.-e friends of the couple attended '.he wedding and reception. Miss Stiiinback Fetes Bridal Pair At Cake Cutting ι Κ blowing rehear.-· I of the J ι · f * - '•pcs-LassitPr wdd ι t. wh" h vil' I take place this afteni; ·>η at Y'ock ι t the Ooneregati'nal-Christian •hnrch, Mif'3 Anne Stainbaek hon ired the bridal couple at a cake fut in'! at her home on Montgomery street. Throughout the lv:*e were attrac tive vases of aitfullv arranged spi ; ■ ea. purnle iris, jonquils and tern The bride's table was c >ver<*d with ι white Madeira ot-work cloth on ■•vhi h vas placed the two-tiere·! 'eeoratrd wedding cake looped with ι iv ι iatore bride and groom. Soi •ca and ivy circled the b; se of the ike. Silver holders holding bttrn •iti white tapers completed the t.i le appointments. Burning white ·;ί«ί\ 1 ncl bowl* of ionauils. soirea and iris wire placed η auxiliary 'aides in the dining room. Mi- > \" · ' · 111 i a I '--itc:' and Willi nil ι î!i 'm .Ierfr·'- . the I : id·· and "" ι >m •lit the first pic ' o' rake. Mr \V, ' Γπ", ell c< : pleted serving of the cake. Miss Sta:ril ι··'; is,vl(id In· "1r<. Powell, Vr f'ravtord Daniel. d Mrs. W. ('. Stainback in serv •lg ice ere m. bridal mint- and nuts • aoproMm itelv thirty guests in id · u Ι'ό » erldiiv* oartv, member; ' the families and cluse friends ι the couple. Kiwaiiians ' Pian Major Club Work Mi·" >cr.- h (lie Kiw.itiis ch;b | ia.-t ni 'lil di.-rn.-.-ed undertaking of ' a ira.ii r lull activity lor the cur rent y ι ■ ; ι r and referred the matter :·> tile board . ! dirctors to decide j on the activi'v President Thomas M. II inter presided. Secretary W. C. Càtes rend a com»· j n-unicatiori fro the War Mothers ' V' nee ι of which Mrs. M. W. Wester ι.· president, requesting the club's -o .••.•ration in assisting; them sponsor a "homecomVg" fori returned .···>·* ·. .· men and women ι of anee county. The elub referred the request I > tue postwar service.· eeimnittee, of w'nieh K. (î. Shaw is chairman, and a.-ked that he repre sent the elub at the organization ! meeting. It was ami ui'-ed (hat the regu- | lar monthly ncrting of the board di reel ι >rs ν ill be held Tuesday • V, : t 7 o' ! ck at Capitol cafe, ■,· · J. ( \ I·'; '·:· er as host. -Sher!.." (' E. Greene with I ■ lid'." W W. newer-· held a| '■ ngthy e i η of "court," putting1 'ine- ·η six !'.·bers for violation if elub rales. (I uests ν a ■ .ι ■ .Allen ManiAestw. R. Hiir ι and R. H. PowiTl, Jr.. | • if 'he Π .ha Kiwanis club. FIRST STRAWBERRIES MOVING TO MARKET Raleigh. Λ ; tin R. — This year's N< rth Curnlin^ strawberry cro;j lia ■•arted moving l· market in the Chadbocrn area :.! the present eeil 'ttg ni' SlO.âli per 24-ouart mite. reording to Π. S. Mathes >n. frai! and vegetable n1 arketing sneeialist i •••ith the State Don; rtment of At?ri ·.·'·■,,-e. II - said Γ nnsroets are for a ·>·» :·' m·· *>··· ■ ' 'e of !a-'t vvir. \' ith general marketing seH^dvled t > be ■ ia <!».> 'la or Citv-Ch adbeurn ··" ee-ATt. Olive section next week. The prod; <vr ceil'ng en straw t ' ' ι - w!l !»o S10 ïfi per 24-qnat't -ate I'l- · a \ or I 1 "1, $8.88 until V;,v 2. ao l ST J!') 'or th" remainder I if p'l Vnrt h Γ* " Ίΐϊ"ΐίϊ ίπκοη Mathpson said that T. W. WîUiam "·. η. ν ao 1 i· e - ' i.-t out of Chad nurn. marUevi th« first 10t(! tr:i«'!w"r - la t'ij< St····», with Her t·· a I'ta'-e who resides nearby. ■ Ioiji.1 ill SPC I d. Last reason. t!ie first North C»W>- , ' ii i st r -Y were marketed in Tahf r Ci!v· on March 28. MARRIAGE LICENSES TO THREE COUPLES Mart ι ι:■■· I * en ι to three white npl · ο " " nt "d at t he re"is ' ·■ a , κ ( : ι. i.:ii e yesterday, geinu | V η Γ··, jtt 1'e 1er rid Katie Lo ue (! a' ··! loth ii Henderson. | Wi'1 ,i:»· fe'lv ι .teffro ;s. of Beyd ■ η. λ' ι "I Vu einia Louise Lassi tpv. r>f It-»!i'terson. Il,a\ id P -ul Harrett. of Petersburg | λ' ;··< ' Γ-itt'e Prin-fc Newton, of i 1Î v. K\»."uc\ \ 3. Athletics Awards Given At High School Dinner Mcn:l<er< of Hendei s m hirfh school ! ootbiill and ba-ketball teams and ' hi ir c aches. Mis.- lieue Bartholo- . ι ι w and U. (! Dail. were honored ! i! the vil· ; ii:Mi I a' ι let if ban- 1 |i et he'd last night ι the ca'.e- | •.ha ι I the :■ ; hool. At! taeti.e a. ι aimcmoi i;.· '.>1 «* , las and ypitva. flanked b.v - •ipers in crystal holders, carried out ; he school c lor- of Mac and vvl !<' -1· 1 : ι ct· cards were also o: white, with 1 he letter "II" in tne corners. Mayor Henry I . Powell was speak : for the evening and was pr - ι ι ηtf rl ιiv I'·! ' .!■;> Lan_. ton. toa·'- 1 i.-t«r. Γ-ι··ΰ ' .e topic. "Tea ι ν η the World " Mayor I' ο ··· e I 1 .t; ted t ·ι.. 1 "he world is a 1 ι.·, ' 1 u nid yet the vvo Id i; made up of in- 1 ii\ idu. Is. n! a . · uof po; 'e v. ' ο 1 vhen they ar·· ; eady to put . el1 be- · ov the yond ·' t he people ι the est of ' e v.i·rid. as is exempli1 ici η ••port ·. < m a ke a world : re— i on' tear and ' roe from war." "W ο how W :-im in the League •r v,attorn fried to create tenmwerk ι : η t!ie w .rid." :<· stated; "but A or- ' ans were too busy makin" money 1 ivl st. yed ο ' It is our hope to- ' a"· ''"at " e ι* Hi,.,ι Mations Or-..m- ' /at ion · i11 Ι-, ν e Irai ed a les in rem the Lcfi" · >.· Nation; and that ' • a rrw ■·· ; ■· i" !·«··· me nv re than u't a word. "If other ·· 'ii ns believed in .rnr1· as the Γ.ι ·Ί State- does ind hi Id learn to t teaimvnrl: aid ;eod or the other fellow come above self, then wnr eotild be banished." he speaker ad> orated. A11 "T V ' ·, '· ' ο ' ' 111 ι 1 hê t'n=tnws*rr ore^-ntcd Mi- s Π· he iafth'-lo'i·""'·. ve ·πde f·-" '' "<■ · ns award- to ·· ·*·ην e.'s of the r,:rls' viskei hall le liter- -we "-'■a'-ded ti Λ,ι S· ·:η1·-1ρ. An" fowling, Borothv Raies. Jane white ; nd Dot Sue- 1 : ιιτί τ··! dars to Marguerite Treseot, Cutrnliji? Fin eh. Maureen Han-is and Π4 th ' Parks. The eirls' roach al«» '."re lented silver basketballs (■ the fol- j lowing in adtliti' ··. to the '· ·νο -mod· Timet ι-ί a·. Ellen Hi··'·.-, lewel Lone. Annie Ton Powers a· ·1 ^"'rnie Fridgen. assistant manager. Rrth Parks r-'-osentêd a gi"t iron, the team to M·- Bartholomew. Coach Π. 0. Dai! made the foTlo»· ing avares t· members of the hoys' hasket'o ail squad Letters. Stubby Right. C. G. Willi . υ. .m: Moody, .1. Γ·. Ηπν:. Badger Clark! ι lid Hi hard ! >a\ ; . S' - Bt·· ι ;: · i; IValter Baske". ('nu 1>: 1 ν .is □resented a gi:t Irum :!ιι· tea:ι; SI ,bfcy I i ' Awards in ι·Κ·«· d< ν vo ' ■ - ■inll'fi !i> M I V ·!··· Ι'·; ΊΓ i ! i is follow - Lotie:. At " I. ins 1 π stars. Sally T·.·· · ' > · ■. "Catherine V." > ·!.··ν : : Γ., "...a;. Bt ake. chic; nice: '■ ad"!". n. C, Long, coach of the beys' nui' r varsity. Was alfio Introduced 1 ind prose·'tod a gift fay Donald Sel» cri t r the team. Award.* η·= tlio ' \ · : '< ■ <■ te b ο r .- ο! t " : ■,·. 11 ι ■ ι: : ι. ' eat ex. as voted npna l>v r,. M ■ ■ ■ ι « > - irai; cl il., wen ·> ; ,y to H il a Pari·: ind Brook1 I .a : ι:.· I " ι ν Κ " ι η rt'lndley. president of the club. Members of the team: .·' ο chose Ik plnver- ira'.in -. m -1 im;n · \ o nent in sports during the year and hose awards were ore.»' tvo.l to Dot Partes by H, C". Bowie and to Stubby I t it'll! Ι-ν B. ( 1.· ·::·. Prowi n* for the eve.· na was eon- : •Ilidod v."h the - 'v_:im< e ! ··; tool 'igh! M>r,T and a!■· ·. ■ ;:'n . Α) 11 ' 1 "ill s ι ·ιη· '< : 111 te, :1 ..· ""aches and sues's were pre.- 'lit. Miss l·annie rowell Weds Mr. ! iTPcr in Richmond The wedding i·! ?.-»L-s Faillie 1 well Powell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. I! .bcrt Ballard Powell. 1 ! Hi n ders n. .mil William Daniel Ί .truer, Jr.. son of Mrs William D. T'cner, and 1 h ι · late Mr. Turner, ο Γ K'cli rnond, Va . took ι :: e t 'i.iy a! ro ' at Centenary Me: hod!.-· church in Kiel!!· "iid. Iie\ . Walter C. C!u η · lieiate I. The bride v.a .m»en in i" in ..c-.e by her eon· , I ! Annis!cad I ' > I. of Kiehnaind. Mrs. J. Arn i.-'ead .15 'rwell; i>f New York, sistci of the bride. was matron c>l h nor. and M. Walthall Turner if Kai.airn. Ne ν Jersey, brother of the groom. was best man. Λ breakfast lor the party and out-of-to\\i guests was given at the home of Mrs. Plat ι Τ Dur ham, cousin . ! the bride, med iately following the marriage ee:e mony. Mr, and Mr . Ίorner will make their home in Kiehmend. ( uli Training Alert Second session of the Cub Seoul training mcetim'.s will le Uie !· 11 : I Atet hod i>l church . ί · m ; i.n u!nht at eight o'clock. ρ, . . ·1 Cub Scouts, den chiel . and o; ic, leaders were reminded to lay. Λ large attendance is roque.ic.i Λ Now II 1111 s 11 i re ! ·ι· . : ·. ι . ( Κ. W.ιο(| of Μ ι he . ■ , I i ■ : ίο:I county, rcintly produced a 6.1-ottncc egg with lengthwi-i ι ane-icr of nine and a ciuarter : he.-, a Ν rt'i Cari lir. · record. t jgggg j COMPLETE PROTECTION HVIOCND PAVING POUCHS CATF.S INSURANCE AGENCY llorner Bide. Phone X0Ï 01»"' .·' *'Λ· ' y ■U - 1 Arc You Enjoying RADIO PROGRAMS At Their F-si? ίί ! 'it i ill 1 "Ml7 Ή V-o c ί : j»■ *·■ < η ' w\{ ' !. < > . . »> r i . Γ \ -M lçr r · t fi m ««nil ?*«»·> Γ 4. J « * f ; . ι»! ··;. .ur«\ Ml T- '(}' !. < v: nl : r<I i t S ne CAROLINA RADIO CO. ; : ·.. st. NOW ON DISPLAY In Our Showroom THE NEW CIVILIAN WILLYS' MIGHTY JEEP © The Farm Jeep © The Service Jeep © The Pick-up Jeep ® The Persona! Jee p Adaptable To Practi caliy Any Purpose! Developed During The War Now With Added Pest-War Features! HARVIN-McINNlS, Inc. E. T. CREDLE, Mgr. \'Λ?. Ν. William Street Phone 178 * t Watch This Newspaper For Farm Demonstration Date!