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..... Λ,., Ι. Ι'"· ' »k«'n*· rfCrct" ι , r -ι·.',, r. S>jl I.. rr Hit. in '·· r - tmn M tl.e ul Ilii 'l ·'>·■ * , * .rk *P»'< S** ' I , m.Ι··ιΙ ami "■ th.- .nst.u.e ,, «a- 11-»'- .r.twhile bean. "· ,u'· κ Γ,,,γ.ι * »<·"···'· "τ," , t., ι ..... "··■·· "·» country ! „.Γ ...... r ι»»· r'*m- "7 «a, Intrlgneé b, Mr. ' *»«« «ttraetlte -ιγ·..ι.,·γ »>„. h«« lus -r »:,! un.! M>."t '"·· limnt bnd .·■■· ,.ur.h ...-.t ...n.;.l.l.l> ·£*·*» ι,,..,·. had Γ. .utly ;.».·« v"' «·' lli'.h ·"' Ι Κ ·π Γ. , m,Ht ·Ι:.η found , . , in.!· .. "bout "· r - ···· » '-"··> ,irn;\:; . t.t.n t »r t»«·r n»«»*î important thor m I lu»u-f s»· "'· M >r>îo1 ! 1-gatU. - .«> a. rn.-.l " ίζ, W.»« It..· 8«*«* 1 r ''" M lt..r„,,k. .matenr τ "''', M-isht. >«" Mr l'"> U'd l,.rd-, .» couturier » h. · ·' ! lu ha»I Se»» arr. ν '.I «> I. h.'ilii 1Γ.Ι and T..n.·. Wienie. «M" » South tnierican Margot «a. .ntur.ated h..· s..^« h" ;·· "·ι; h,t.. μ·Λ , I».·...·· ■··-■ Mu"'· """ l.a.l m. t h.r ■·.. a i.rvM.i.i- ·"<·' by declaring ïh* ·'■'«' **»«* > .«T .···.! »·■"»- . askrd Λ»»» « »h* apartment to beraé» on I tide, a.t. r ......... Jane ««» » »>='»"» h' J** (are »he» «argot cnntldedihe »« ,,γ,.,11. wmii.'.l about s.iii.i-l ■»..! Thuraday before Se. [t for be. """"I' 1,4 " . an-1 —· "ne ..ill:.»·» iron. l..-r room I·· .anse>l r„„. ( . lashed w.H> l"'r " "r 1' rive ne tote *>tda> "" the ashtrays used h> Margot anil her uni Γ'"." i »,ot« II' Deane's ....I...led rlgareta. Fearini Hunt HerttUk. «ho had ... 'tak.' ami ·- ..'""."'μ' ! ι ι he m. line thren the ·' 11 | tale butte down m i.»· .lane , and llui.l '."led l.> Marï-t « >'·" a... - · "»l to d.t.n.r Jane .» Ιι·Ι1ΐΠϋ the st..r> CH \PTEP. TEN* BEFORE WE rang Polly Wood f,.,,··■! i'f;l tlr-tt ( .'· ■■·■-· nin0" ,.v . ,;·.. I v. :.· -' >* t;-iirt Γ,":·ι to s< e If M irget had retumeu ν,:· .-..''nx'iuiv she had nor. At i.. · · «-as r.. - u·! of her in ·· cUewhtro. And so I ... ϊ tnir.xîo anil wer.t Bock to the toy·.r. where Hunt Ber -N, ··.- w.iitinu". for ΐΐ'.β. v.„ standing at one of the eonioliis them fingering α large . ; .: : :i.d;ed the ir.i - ' " ... · \\ as this here ' · I ■ I■ ~ 1 . in 1 I" M. . ... : .··':!·.ered by hand. ... · j . ... ...... "All I can say i-1. 1 h.i.hi't noticed it an.! ;fs . !:i 1 ry " TH., ..y.· '.y v..., soon to bo cleared, howler. ••W .·. .··.· -hat a pity Wher. j. , tn . , ; : ;■ niv st.-r manne rutin if model en."· gowns created '...·..· i regr. fully when ι told him of Maruu> lisapncarar.ce. "How euuld she do i·.;. - u: !. . : - vit t 'Teil at λ . < 'i. ι Ϊ It ;. ν, t !' s t. ;. ■ ■· Il is tu:;:, u , t; r. ι : ι : ,. : ι through the scalp to tx| less nul* oua emotions. ·· oui ι afways use t; ray stata Πι ry. Ami I hope you v. Il II·: lîiv·· my ν.···π: }: y.'ij:' (;."·! . without peimission. Mademoiselle Applebee, But—when ι found the ΐίΟοϊ* Opel "Υ a found my fiv.-.t c:.h open?" I asked incredulously. "A 1.'· île t it.·' I· 1!\ dûs! «η··<» οι half an ··, h ι · ■ ,, two tin-eis. "The : ..····: e\idently hadn't I]illt·' I I : · ' "Wti.ii departing visitor?" Hunt | .1.-!. ·■ : a 1 >T ·. ··' I v. Polly shftiggedt "A ::·'-,!. man. To say t" 'IV V ■ ■: ; ! J .·> ;·. . · ;i., ; no ?" "Not When th,·—or gentleman '.vas K .r. · :. M \ · · . mem. ' I I ■ : : : :u . ·· ·. ; ,j jf . ; \ : v Pcllvs .tilt u s fee i? te feci end'ir rassnu-. · π ,s true, fa i « $ : But. .i;t. r ill. u li. I :. j · · , is besi.:.,· t: ■ : ,:·.; All I .-aw . ai'l'v was a man m a light gray hat sink ing out : · in thi" e'i . ,· r When I ι ' it to l:v, r 1!:·· note. I ι ; :ι i ι·.·· enne· ;■ Miss Aj'pit'i t r s apartment bee tuse there w *:·> r · I,.,. :. ■ , front .<:··: - " H. .-: ·· ■ · », , , . head at: i Wink. I, a" Ht ι iii ·.. ,,'iv 1 th · -He Η ,1 v, . height. Dt IV rwick. At: i I notice ! your h i: is light gray Also s* -it act·; illv ··;!■! h ive ϊ>· η ν ·:ι.·' "Η Hit ,t v. ■; : " I ρ ·■· told l-.m br.. :!v. "Ot , nr. f, t I ■·: - ,.-,· ;··· f illustra··· :.··,· : · . ■ · - act· * i. A " : ' ' · , I fi :·. ! ν . 1 ■ ι:· I : ■ ■;·' , r:. I I;, !... ; |. ·■ ,.χ went t- It:;' I t it. · · ■.. ·j ·,- - YV. :·.I ,.f · ■ [.:.· I e. iU.n · :: ί· If' had rung the 1. il. Margot would' havi hi aril a" I i: I if Vnd then a ocnirred t.. we a: | ί ,.„t :·": ■ ■ 'fur:, rs · ·: ... ··,· . < u 1 :v; ·.·■·· s I : · M tr. «•'t I: u' tils ■ ,s .· ·!·,· . vVi: , · an.l you it:.:r· t see her, Mr. W . fortin '' Polly stopped talking 1, re- : neetive, and then agreed, -t. est ea! ( lev.-r of you to think of it. Μ ι le nt lise!le. WitI; ,t i in ft. ι : ··.·.!·· r. ! :. ;j . : ... '.· escort." And the", he d: ■ ■ · - : · '■: ι . . . j anil ushered us into h:s apartn et t It was. without exception, Ui< ti st beautiful I ! ever l>< , :i in and so original, only the imagina tion of a near-genius could have •areamed it up. The vh-Ie η ar of th· house I a : | been thrown ir:to one in.iaioiis room whi.-h , aid he sai-■.··■ into three by means of decorative i 11 .. :. ur mi!;'s- with such u · !. ·;· -· '·' .-s · · - as :.·. ;,.· 1, ·"··""' tl1 ''■·' J aw..y to · ·): ...... S Of '.!:·· loyer. The sliding walls looke I !,k.· rich draperies uhen closed, han^ini^ \r. majestic golden talds ornamented with ι la.:: ant .. flowers and hircls and closed rhalf ' en were a marvelot. for the equally rich and exotic iàr» niture I ■·. · t Τ ν I ; ί ,··,., , . ' l iai créa·· .·. ,...· his ί T"':a:hf th.· ■.·. ill ·' .· ~· ·\. ' ' ' . . ,τ,η t : ion <5Îϊ■ ·\\*. Λ ' i ; , · ' · . one gorgeously <co\yn ; ·,· %t ■ - . ·· ar. r :r- . 'M r ens· Γιί'.ηκ from r»e • · ·! t! · : ·:.<·! :: : folds, t<» the 11 lit nt ti: . it a II m.-· Κ ι· ι ι .· : t.Lt f.Γ,'ιΐ oi loiumen 11: ν from I'oliv really a : :.:· i.t !·.« «.· t! .n just Hunt and Λ· . .l r ί11 i.itιve I ι in t. c>f couhw, definitely judge Hunt's reaition to the beauties of 1 know taat . r ■'ί : v. li, ■■ .·, 1ι ' π κι rap .tes ever i' .pert) £«..*.iis. ;. in«'h> .v w is ι : The !·: ' · V ·strange absence, and η ν hscovery that Beane, presumably in Beetcm with Steal. bad been the mystery man of ' ie . · · : ί. : mo ui .lit' to concentrate on .••■.v-ing else. and l v\;>.s ii · . · glu . when the last • li ft ;:l \ ■ w i ·.· . .ti a perî'eet!y in thi- lim ing room ei 1 oi : . ipartment. t;ι\ t :i his Λ I ■' . 11"". Served tlS ι·.:. -, ! \ pea ι Is of it ■ tK'i I : t stiver : y a wonderful >ld C' ι : \ "Fii -t Mai: :i Oourmet," our N ! lik·· the pro War UHsa ltd my means, but the i*h« y h,r. t seme t · ; ■ ' Γι." I (tin us 1 · tîot overload of C : \ . ; trutht'ullv Sa V I enjoye : ι lly's And I enjoyed even π·. *· ··: «t. The cor.ti 'its I dwinilled, van ished* !i nished and dwin v kept t at mu as ι rei \\ ii.-h. : revi :.t him t"r> m ι ;· otpit md ply ing Hunt c ■ with a Stream of ft· m my business tr my fati r's immense success in ■ limit's war re. 1 >rd to • ' e r'ti!lire, to 11..· ria : : . it : t> 11.·λ ·ι:\1 t- e ί : ■ .'t r str· seing the possibility : τ · velopmcnts so rm· ti '. ill shier self .. I to divert the lit .. uriesity by asking i. .· · inns in my turn. . ' lk v. ith Mrs Kr.i^ht 1 to!< 1 liini v. lien ι irily siler.eed by a . . ir. "Do jou kt'.i '.v ; the bite with a Nti ;. : Mais oui. M r s. i in a « .tv that he hadn't quite . : :ι ι : a: tirst. "Hut ι er ·.:·.■ 1 kr· ·■ 1 · r well. She has my .:· r for years." " Γ! η it s ' ■ wonder she's sc : ι! \. ".ιoi.-ly v.el! dressed," I flat tered him. "By the way. I only met : ■ . ί a λ ι 1ι λ ν or a Polly down the glass he was ■ . i t s. "Mademoiselle Λ;·; :■;·.·' What . very indiscreet .·· : he r«" · ae) . .1 me. "Do ·. ' r> .ili:·.· t: it a couturier is like a father confessor or a physi ii I ne·.· r ·.■ : 'se the private afTairs of my clients." I ·1 a ι :: k glar. e at Hunt, ves . 'proved my in ouï It· * ι Kniu ht be fore, and h·' came to my rescue or "uptly. "(if < uni ν : don't," he ap I. a jrave •ι. ael: :' t..:·." Tu 3e ( . a tin in ii - Utilities Will Be Among k+s First To Be Socialized Tax Exemptions, Babs&n Says, Only Advantage Basis By i!' ·. . i ■·' !' V'S-iON" op.vri::!it. ; 'it i iiKh«rs Finan : · ' f. ; ; vai·. In;·. V, V j ·; !:>·· ■■•ι·..' ' !i:.· >:;ie Ί · c ' ' ■ : : ■ t·..fc ι ι : : 1 . . : . ! ki;·..ν * ho tri1*:. F«.\*erai Powrr < * >p. U'· ' · η v.'. ρ · ·.■ j t ;v. pit.yet.-. «··.'· * ■· ' ο . ·■ . ..· r. ■ ' e ρ: ' : ο ■"· · m·.»-:? ' ·ν< ν ;;ϋ· n-iiï.nei. Γ.·.' ο: I ':*· ; ta»nn.ecti«.n Μ h ζπ* -· . /*> It : ! ■ ' : ι' : ι * « >. ■ ' ' ."ΐ ι it ' Th · Fi ; u !'■ · r. « ι • . .η;» :·ι ci ικ til" o'i'.y :"!'<! · ■ m; :i Λ ' deatn . .y about ijy stûrvii'i η y <:.<■. i ven bv :e..:\ The ' . tie «-'.t.:. ι h lit ' : .i ' Fi ι1 !'-1 i 1 > .' ( " si.-in : :: .·η* thi · .ft : nu -i t· · ijlinj' ;Γ.<· It μ.ί -h ' 1 i'!'.-::. through tinair îjt· .paf.inda an attempt to r :n tho > ι j ■ " : '.·'!! ■·:' tility exec.iti >··■■ V'keth·.·;· · c lik" ii ι;· not, this program is destined ti> bring about tin'iTii.!!·; nt owner ship nf th· ■ filitie . Ti:i · will probably be through large Federal Authorities, with the country divid ed into districts corresponding with the Federal Rese. ι Bo·.!-. Depreciation I'oiiries ' A Federal Power C NTtftlissicil's formula demands that all deprecia tion charge. , in exces: if the cost of replacen ents ,>nd statuatorv divi dends. -hail be dec! ted from the appraisal price when and if the property is taken over by the pub lic. This means that the publie i·.; ι ; lready engaged in buying these; properties on the installment plan! \ The commission claims that a util • ■ b rge · ι ; : Operating expenses, in nterest on the ;)> ; ret .1'. ·::. w hi Λ the ' :·.·:· _·: i/.< ■ 1 "!>' as .1 ies aet • m l . . ο and ■ t u.l .ii.v act - , · 11 a 1." and ( 3 ) ' ■ ... . ι : ι ' : 11 ..,·, acre;.·!e ' '· ■ ·· ' -ι the : · ! " I ■(·' : : : I η'dr·: , . ·. ■.. Mr.· con*Ί^ ( cninarisons The Federal Power Commission ! ι. . ·>ν.· : he '' 'hat rates for .,:l : 1 ' |'V :: uch less tb .. This, of ·.; · ; t co§si'ole < wing t > the fact ■. . · ·.· t., - ("'imp:.' ran borrow η λ\:\ :y than a ; 1 ! ί ·;.· need pay ■·· 'Î0 ; can : ·■■:'.■ mean 1 r.:-···!:'. nv : ! ο >lect · ese.n : ·' laya Kit': ut i : >1 t-peialed : ν · r. ·· . i. 1. ..le pablic <■ .vn- [ ι ' : .:(·■> The Federî'l Pow·."· Commissi" I ' 10 l't >ale or a comntuni- ! .·■·. ;.tv takiiis over the itilities. i hry ran ('ι yet reduction in 1 ri tes through the saving Of inteerest . charges. and < 2) cet hack, within1 twenty ye··: . ill that they pay for ♦he prnper'y through the saving in , F i icral : >·:·<· t i>:t As the publi 2. .■ i■ 11 >■ realize-: t iN fact, there he 1 r re ; ad ι ι re properties' ' .en . 1 y Λ ithorities. Futher .·■·.·. the ι ; . e mentioned depreci ate · ίο.·· la and the even more <iwrc o, .jinal C'->t formula may help the public in gehinr; these 1 pert ies t bargain prices. Socialism Increasing .T'tst now we hear little abf ut 1 .blic ' wnershio in this country, · but :t i: spreading at a rapid rate throughout Europe and the British Fmpire Sooner or later the shadow o! socialism will fall on the United States. The New Deal is preparing the ground. When it hits us. the utilities will be one of the first groups to suffer. The bonds of pub lic utility operating comoanies 'hi aid be perfc tly safe: but it may be wise for investors in utility stocks to cash in now before their properties are fcrcibly taken over by public authorities. Use the Daily Dispatch Want Ads to sell your products. A Want Ad ί Will Bring You Fast Results! ' Β. Η. Μ1Χ0Ν CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER 'Βuilda Br.ttzr Buildivga" Hulldt UK, Pairûtnii. Koi,ftii£ «od General Repairing PHONE "1 PHONE 237 For Prompt, Courteous QUALITY CLEANING SERVICE Your Clothes Are Insured Against Fire and Theft MAY-SMITH CLEANING CO. William & Winder Sts. James C.Cooper §βρΙ INSURANCE^ ASWf 204 J HENDERSON, N.C. [,ήιΙ. f«r t .Ή"·> ntshii'·: ins··/ ·ιΙ ihr i»t ν e/ oa/i I'crmu-Iift l>r; (.ι·μ / γ ο un favorite: a ml ours k Yes—"Perma-Iift"* bras are a favorite with All America heeau.-e tliev accomplish si» much, ;·(> - i m ϊ j » I \ ami comfortahlv. The famous eu»hion inset at the base of liie lira cup iri\ < ~ \<»u -ιι<·11 perfect uplift support — genlh 1 i11 => \our l·:;-! Irom lx low. ^ our favorite hra eomc< ίη ~o mauv beautiful fabrics ami st\les—there's one just perfect for \ou. Ûclct t your "Perma-lift" bra today. +[\r-ia-!:/i J IfLkory in Tr<jJ< ".arks Ih-j. Γ. S. Γ ι!. Off. · * Another "llukvrv'·'· Suucss Limited Supply— Only 2 to a Customer: -OUR STORE HOURS 9:00 TO 5:30 — SATURDAYS: 9:00 TO 6:00 Tune in WHNC eveiv morning, Monday through Fridav, at 11:15, when Betty Lawson, our personal shopper and style news reporter, highlights the daily ι ews from LEGGETT'S. t