Newspaper Page Text
THE HENDERSON GOLD LEAF THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 25. 1897. km Caflslaiitly at iBrinis Success , ClOUS ADVhKllilWU .r3-.y a new business. CK --A :.'fcSmany an aid busineis; ''''" niVtb many a large business; VHr:" Vhb many a dull business; ' 'cUKS many a lost business; AVfc-S many a failing bus;ness. . r-jjKtS success in any business. .uicicusly," ue the columns :J.";:L'h,ON GOLD LEA?. A pro ' t ;i a vake newspaper, it circulates hout Vance an adjoining ;,trr.-ive-y l-:.''an intelligent and prosperous ... . r, a-: o-js wru worth seeking and ,T"S OF ADVERT ISING. in. Vi c I Mi I 1 -'' T77777 4.r.0j MOO l 12 00 '.no! oootnooi lr.oo 4KU1 hooii:ooi ihoo -(id' oO:1.r00 uooo i;ni('lOOO!lMOO 24 00 Tool 1 00:200()l 2H00 1 ' r. i i :.' w -() i roiiiarool finoo ' ',,', i 'i.o jio:4oooj "ooo ' ' ,:.,,! l ".no jf.ooir.noiM h.-.oo li-ipii i o):::r.oo;;rooiioooo ,,'Vt It i-t-MJflltl 'e published ', ,l ii 1 1 '--. musl le pail for in ' '.,.) v-rt isint? for a shorter time ',;.' ,,S i c.iisiilf rt-il transient , i-.iunl - rt-inleieil tjuui i,rriy . i. -nts puMitsliM for a i n-rii-. to npiicar among '.r ii;i W1 10 cents per ',-.1 i'lii, aii'l ; cents per line '., mi. tl..-l'.-:iflT. . .'ii..-iiifiits. siicli as a.liuinis ... .-i-.. tors' no-ices, com in issinn s'.i in in ons to nun .. ill hm u '1 for al rates .'x.'. pl M.ii-11 thi-y exceed a ! .,! -I'M' '. hi v. Iiirli ease we re '.. i f, li our own price. All ."-',, t f.e I I KU IN Al- , ,-, ,i:i (.i hsmI i.iii is small and ..,! t., take i i-k-s or wail the ,n- I" pay. I, '.lie, i. - .i iil '.olis oi respect, I..r :il 1 lie rale of one .;.-li must accompany s where ii i'-nils ami ;, 1 1-.iiccrm 'I no chartre Iii f I en 1 1 iie a!. .ut 75 ...I exceeding that in .1 I' p.ip Z: THE TOWN f ':wmz I fj-.M. LALONICS KICKED UP HERE AND IHKKKHYOUK EAGLE-EVEO K ..:jOKTKKS. - ! Hi Low Prices On I.i:n Laths, Shingles, D.x.r- ,m! Windows, call on John I. V atkins. Mi -'ii.ue! A ronton , of New Vork. !, .a: a vi-.t In In sun Mr. IJ. 1. II',i:ii:tiii will preach ut the I5ap-mi.-. !i lii.s I'l'liiir.-ila ) inorninir at - ( '!,:tintte Vtiiin has been con ;.. h.-r room by ickncs the past 1! -M r.'.i'-i ; I '.V.l A ('..!. V. K. S;tir;cs, of Hansom's I'.: ij' . :- visitiinr hi sou Mr. W. K. .ii Henderson. M-- lit'ttie Wester has i;one to Kl l.t'rloii. wliere she will tpend the n;!.li'i w'.ih lier brother Mr. John M, Wr:r. Ti.e Wo man's (,'hiistian Temperance I'nioti w;Si meet in the Methodist I'rot-e-i!;uii rliinvli next Mond ly afternoon at n"i'!i 'i k. 'I'h'' weather is very tine, for hunting in' Kin! a number of Northern hunts men a- well as our local experts have 1 1 en 1 1 J 1 1 mi; the sport. Henry Terry, Commissio. "ir, adver l.?c to sell a certain tract o. 'and on l!.c 2Tih day of December. See notice hi another column for particulars. W.T. Cheatham, Jr., trustee adver-ti-i'. to eil certain real estate at pub lic ;nu-tion. For more delinite infor tnut.uii ee notices elsewhere. Tin- hot advertised gooils have tlie !'tt a i s. and are constantly in de niainl a -olid proof that advertising, .r.:or!y done, does pay. 1'riners'' A. C. .oilicoll'er, cominissioner, ad vf:t.H to sell at public auction on M, Jan. 2.'itd, a certain tract of iii't. For further particulars see ad vertisement. The annual Thanksgiving Union vrvi.Ts will be held in the Methodist I- ii church Sunday evening at 'i'mi t'mck. Kev. A. K. Sliaw will rrf;u-li the sermon. The la-s that builds up a town aud tonally, and enjoys hie aud makes the l"M e;t;.'Mis, are the enterprising aud l''.'i'iii'. men who believe in living mid iftt iii: others iive. Mi J. S. i:. Yoj.tig, of the United Siiis Army, with headipjarters at N "hnua. Xeh., who lias been visiting " -''iiiU and relatives in Henderson the I'M two month", left Monday night for I..- ,,f duty. - 5 t . Joe Tow nes. of Ail lie, Halifax coatity was in town Friday, retumiug trmn ;i visit to the Townesville neigh '" !!"'"il. and paid the (Joi.n I.KAK a ',aa:'t call. He has many friends 1'fi'e wi,o are always glad to seo him. 1 '".'lunate is the man who possesses r'c lower of controlling his passions at times, no matter how severe the ef'w.ii ation. Such a mau enjoys more ;e;i iiapp.ness in a week than the gen l P:n.i;i with an ungovernable temper 'W- ii a year. I'rison Mirror. i!;e North Carolina Annual Con-ii'reiii'.- ,,f the Methodist Protestant l'iii:-. h downed at High Point Nov. i:-'v. T. M. Johnson and Mr. V u- Hardee left Tuesday to attend '" session. Mr. Hardee goes as a 'V ile !rom the Henderson station. -Newsiupir men can't please all. A" i i"o:. see this from the Koxboro One of the prisoners, who ii4- ; e.Mi in jail for several months for .J ' -i'ii took o tie nee at the Cviuier 1st week, lie said when he was put '. ' we didn't say a word about it, J W'"C11 '-'nothor gentlematr was put ;:i :"" robbing the mails we gave him a ' - i .ie up. Mr. and Mrs. Wi;iiiUU McMillan :n town S.unr.'ay and exhibited i ..:.e specimen of corn -rown on their -r:u a :o.v miles i the country. One j 'iitaiued 1.3-.0 grains, measured 'i i'-nts and weighed 1 pound. The u,r if.'in another ear also weighed jaeiMim,,!. It wa9 luaJe oij upl.uul aii i appealed to be of the old fashion -.-iui',1 eClj stocji Hie Sin tor.1 Kxprets says: A cot totl i-i man fro:n the North wrote to a -'iitleman of this place the other day 'U-I1i- t'iat cotton raised in this sectiou the best in the South for making J;10 '"o.!s. He says the lint is of a " texture than that raised in any 0!!'"' cotton sectiou. Our farmers J like to know why they are not ieil ng a better price for it. l-.ihliiess is often preceded or acconipa h m 7 i-,ayiess of the hair. To prevent i hal.lness and grayness. use Hall's 'n l.enewr, an honest remedy. There wn e.o ;.,,. , ocrape on Mont- i.o, u"uaJ anernoon be- IWeeil tWO nporrnoo W IT it , i i ' ".n. varu and fames Alston. Ward inflicted two se vere cuts ou Alston's head, and his coat was ripped several inches in the hack. Mr. Nathan Whitfield, of New . , ..uiiu., woo has been visitin inetids liprA f,.r or.,. i n. " o.oc nine, leit Tues- tiay for a short stay in R0cky Mount -'""iins nume. ne will be V " eiu"" Saturday bv Mr Udioo Bullock, of Henderson who r,-- ''aw ins uome in New Haveu Married-at the residence of the s father Nov. 23d, Miss Georgie j.. oiaiuuacic to Mr. P. Ellis. After icmony me bride and groom re paired to the residence of Mr. It. S .bills where a rci'ni.n i -i i . - .uuii us ueiu. Dancing was enjoyed by a large num- . c jou.i- people ol the nei"h borhood until a late hour and amid -.'simuiduuiis and good byes the guests denarted wis.ior, t, i..:.i. , i -...... me ui me anu groom a long happy and useful fu ture. .-ays au exchange, and very truly: ' cu-iuic mau ever gets aii"ry be cause a newspaper man duns him for his money. A dun is not au impeach ment ol a subscriber's integrity, but is simply an outcropping of a publisher's necessities. For instance, a thousand men owe a man from $1 to $5; he has to dun them in order to pay his ex penses. Instead of getting angry and stopping the paper because a publisher asks what is due, the subscriber should thank the editor for waiting so patiently and pay up like a man. . . (iilmer High School. Honor roll for 3rd month. 1897. Sam Allen, Frank Harris, Hal Hunter, Hi ram Thrower, Sam Watkins. I.odies, buy your .Minei Thanksgiving. " ; ' -Meats for IMJH & CO. When Frost Appeared. Upon asking Mr. M. 15. Prince for information in regard to the first ap pearance of frost, he gave us the fol lowing from his diary: In 1892 the first frost occurred Nov C; '93, Oct. 30; '94, Nov. 8; '95, Nov. 21; '9G, Oct. 19; '97, Nov. 12, (ice,) and on the 18th the heaviest frost fell with the temperature at 28 degress. - . We are offeriiifr npecial bargains in Clothing and (ients' Furnishing Goods, hook through our stock. I'.AKNFS ChOTHINC STORE. Hein.'s I'.ottleii and Sweet Mixed I'iek les. Tin: IIkst. CHFRCH & CO. Pecans in Vance. Since the Goi.u Leaf's notice on pecan culture some time ago we have heard of other trees that are producing successfully in Vance county. We are informed that Mr. Jas. II. Gill has two acres in ppcan trees, .ten years old, in fine bearing. The nuts are well ma tured and the yield satisfactory. Mr. Plummer Rowland tells us that he has eight acres in young trees in a thrifty condition but not yet in bearing. It appears from experiments made that pecans can be grown successfully in this part of the country. . -4 - Fine linen Neckwear all of the latest styles at 2." cents, just received nt KARNES' CLOTHING STORE. For Thanksgiving a limited quantity of Dunkley's Celery and Celerv Salad. CHURCH & CO. Watermelons all the Year Round. Fx-Senator J. J. Goodwyn appears to have solved the problem of having watermelons all the year round. lie continues to bring them to market and some very iiue ones. He informs us that he expects to have them until Christmas, He is the only farmer in the county who has the seed that will produce melons as late as this, he will sell a small quantity of these won derful seed to any one who applies and will also give instructions on the art of raising melons in the winter as well as in summer. Weldou News. New goods still continue to come at 11. Thomnson's. The ladies are invited to call and see the new silks for trimmings. They are so nice. Evaporated Peaches 12,'aCtn, Pears 10 ets.. Prunes, etc., ni CHFRCH & ( O'S. Horse and Buggy Lost. A fuuny little incident occurred a few days ago to one of our prominent Young" business men who usually ties his horse to a certaiu post on the street while attending to matters of business about town. Ou this particu lar occasion he left his horse at a shop for shoeing, and after rushing around for a while and dinner approaching, he went to the usual place when lo! aud behold, no horse was there. His mem ory did not recover until he had bor rowed a wheel aud rode all about town in search of the missing rig. lie said: k,l do not think I am old enough to be absent-minded but I certainly felt right foolish." -- . London Layer Raisins 10 cts. per pound; also seedless Muscatels, at CHFRCH & CO S. - . - . -If vim want to buv good goods cheap go to II. THOMASON'S. -4 - Celebrated Their Fifty-fifth Anniver sary. From the Warren ton Record we take the following which will be read with interest by the friends of the estimable couple mentioned. And they will at the same time extend hearty congratu lations upou the auspicious event spoken of. The liecord says: Mr. and Mrs. II. 15. Hunter, Sr. cel ebrated the fifty-fifth anniversary of theic married life last Monday, the 16th inst. Most of their children were with them. Rarely is it the case that a couple lives together so long. The Record wishes the most excellent couple many years of united life yet. Our estimable friend is about as active and full of energy now as most of our young men are. He says he is truly thankful for the many blessings God has vouchsafed to him. It is a blessing to us younger men to have the couueils and friendships of such men as Mr. Hunter and we hope he will retain his activity and energy to help us fight the battles of life. Children who are punv, pale weak, or scrofulous ought to take Dr. Tierce's Gol den Medical 'Discovery. That builds up both their flesh and their strength. For this and for purifying the blood there's nothing in all medicine that can equal the Discovery." In recovering from or in convalescence from pneumonia, fevers, or other wasting diseases, it speedily and surely invigorates and builds up the whole system. As an appetizing; restorative tonic, it sets at work all the processes of dieestiou and nutrition, rouses every orgau into natu ral action, and brings baek health and strength. Failed to Return the Wheel. Saturday a mau giviDg hia name as A. Williams, and claiming to hail from Philadelphia, hired a bicycle from W. E. Moss & Co., rode it to Raleigh and pawned it for $10.00. Mr. Moss got on the fellow's track and Tuesday he was arrested and brought back to Heuderson. In Raleigh he gave the name of A. W. Dunwill, alias A. Wal ter. At the preliminary hearing he was discharged for lack of evidence. It is not knowa whether the fellow is a crook or only playing in hard luck. Citron, Mince Meats and Currants at CHFRCH X. CO S. Wanted. Old gold and silver wanted. We will take old gold arid silver for any goods or repairs in our line and allow the market I'''''. RIGHT & CO., Jewelers and Opticians. A Mean Act. Last Thursday morning when the salesmen at Barnes' Clothing Store ap peared at their place of business for the purpose of opening up they discov ered that the large sigu which usually stood in front of the store was missing. The sign consisted of a large cloth cov ered frame marked "Suits from $1.50 to $25.00,'' etc. It was noticed that the cloth had been completely stripped from the frame, cut to pieces aud left lying on the sidewalk. Search was made for the frame which was found later on a back street some distance from the store. It is hard to conceive the motives that could prompt a person to be guilty of such an outrageous and unwarranted act. It is to be hoped that the party who destroyed the sign (if he lives here) is the only person in Henderson mean enough to engage any such cow ardly business. - - . SO CUIIE-NU PA. This is the way all druggists sell Proves Tasteless I'liill 'Ionic for Chills and Fevers and all forms of Ma laria. It is sininlv Iron and Quinine in a tasteless form . Children love it. Adults efer it to bitter nauseating tonics. Price 50 cents. lGseptle Unbleached anil Bleached Domestic very cheap at II. THOMASON'S. . . Fine Musical Entertainment. Henderson was treated to a very fine musical entertainment last Thursday night in the concert given by the Krouberg Concert Company. There was a small but thoroughly apprecia tive audience, aud they enioyed a se lect program of ten numbers, consist ing of vocal music, violin aud piano renditions, solos, etc. The company consists of Mme. Nannie Ilands-Kron-berg, soprano; Mr. S. Krouberg, bari tone; Mr. Frank Kennedy, violinist, and Miss Mario Patterson, pianist, each of whom are justly pronounced artists of superior ability. The singing of Mr. and Mrs. Krou berg was well received and the audi ence manitested us appreciation by hearty applause. Mr. Kennedy is a complete master of the violin and one of the most skilled performers on that favorite instrument that ever appeared before a Henderson audience. lie was encored repeatedly aud each time responded with something better. Miss Patterson, the charming pian ist of the company, demonstrated ad mirable talent in the musical art. She is a fine accompanist and her work was exceedingly well rendered. The new Roods continue to arrive at II. Thomason's, aud they are beautiful and cheap. Call aud get first choice. You can get the Southern Farmer one vear free by buving one 23 cent bottle of Coleman's Tobacco Oil Liniment. Ask W. W. Parker to show you a bottle. Every person using it talks about it so much that others want it also. 7 oct. . - - . Turner's Almanac. The veteran pnblisher Mr. James II. Euniss has sent us a copy of Turner's North Carolina Almanac for 1898. This is the "old reliable" the stand ard of its class and greets us as a fa miliar friend. Turner's Almanac is a very valuable State publication. There is no other to compare with it. Ask any questiou as to our Official State Government, public works, and insti tutions, the events of the past year, the deaths of prominent citizens, and a great many things rclatiug to the farm, garden, household etc., too nu merous to mention, and you will find an answer in Turner's North Carolina Almanac. It is chock full of just such State information as is often needed, for reference, and cannot be had in any other State publication. Every citi zen of the State should possess a copy of this valuable annual. Only 10 cents, aud for sale by merchants, drug gists, post masters etc., throughout the State and the Publisher, James II. Euniss, Raleigh, N. C. Wanted. Canvassers, at a Guaranteed Salary of .l.o0 Tier day. Address, W.C.JACKSON, Winterville, N. C. Real bargains in Shoes and Hats at II. THOMASON'S. - - - Applicable to Henderson. This from the Farm Machinery is ap plicable to some firms in Henderson as well as elsewhere: 1 don't care how big aud rich aud widely known a concern is, let it take ads out of all papers for say two sea sons and it will never again be able to catch up. Why, some dealers take-jit to be a sure sign that a compttojjf falling back, perhaps getting 'ready fo make au assignment when it stops ads and keep out for a longer time thau usual. Y'ou can send him all the cata logues, circulars, letters, etc., you please, but unless he cau find your ad in his paper he don't count you as be ing in the front rank. No business man cau afford to let his ads drop out of the papers that reach his custom ers. - - - . When wear begins to exceed repair in your body you are going to fail sick. The signs of it are loss of flesh, paleness, weakness, nervousness, etc. The repair needed is food. You thiuk you eat enough, and yet you feel that you wear out more tissue, "energy, nerve-force, than your food makes for you. The dif ficulty is that you do not digest enough. And this is so serious it is worth sitting down seriously to think about. If jon can't digest what you eat, take a few doses of Shaker Digestive Cordial. The effect of it will be to increase your flesh and make you feel stronger. You won't fall sicK. Proof that it is in control of your repair apparatus. It's easy enough to test this for yourself. Take a few bot tles of Shaker Digestive Cordial. Sold by druggists at 10 cents tj $1.00 per bottle. . . Gents furnishing goods in all styiesand prices to suit the times at HARDEE'S. Holidays Drawing Near. The holiday season will goon be upon us, aud our business men who hope to receive their share of the in creased business which always comes at that season of the year had better commence to prepare for the same. Prospects are that there will be a larger holiday trade this year than there has been for many years. A business man who has something to sell to this class of trade and will not advertise that" fact ought to be made to keep them and no doubt he will. If you have Christmas goods tell the people through the press. If you want trade invite it. If you want to carry over your stock don't invite it. Don't sit down hehind a store box and expect people to come around hunting you up to find out whether you have such, and such an article. They will not do this, but will go directly to the place that advertises its goods and call for what they want, knowing that their wants will be supplied. The Gold Leaf offers to every business man who desires fo extend such invitation an unequaled opportu nity of so doing by using its columns. If you want to reach the greatest num ber of homes, secure space in the Gold Leaf. . -. . Don't fail to see the beautiful line of Fall and Winter goods just received at H. THOMASON'S. - . Ramon's Pepsin Chill Tonic is the only remedy that cures Chills and Fever and Malarial Troubles without injury to the stomach and digestive organs. This is so because each dose jcontains Pure Pepsin sumcient to digest it. lastelessand guar an teed. 50c at all stores. Thanksviving. This is our annual Thanksgiving Day, an occasion that should be m&de the most of. As the Suffolk llerald truly says, while every day ought to be one of thanksgiving for the blessings we enjoy, still it is very meet and proper to have a special day set apart for observance as a day of national thanksgiving. If there are those who think they have nothing for which to be thankful, let them read and ponder the beautiful sentiments expressed by the talented Southern poet, Frank L. Stauton in the following lines: For what are we thankful? For this: For the breath and the sunlight of life; For the love of the child, and the kiss On the lips of the mother and wife. For roses entwining, For birds and for bloom; . And hopes that are shining Like stars in the gloom. For what are we thankful? For this: The strength and the patience of toil; For even the joys hat we miss The hope of the seed in the soil. For souls that are whiter From day unto day; And lives that are brighter From going God's way. For what are we thankful? For all The sunshine the shadow the song; The blossoms may wither and fall, But the world moves in music along! For sim pie, sweet living. ("lis love that doth teach it.) A heaven forgiving, And faith that can reach it! The three-year-old boy of J. A. John son, of Lynn Center, 111., is subject to attacks of croup. Mr. Johnson says he is satisfied that the timely use of Cham berlain's Cough Remedy during a severe attack, saved his little boy's life. He is in the drug business, a member of the firm of Johnson Bros, of that place and they handle a great many patent medi cines for throat and lung disease. He had all these to choose from, and skilled physicians ready to respond to his call, but selected this remedy for use in his own family at a time when his child's life was in danger, because he knew it to be superior to any other, and famous the country over for its cures of croup. Mr. Johnson says this is the best selling cough medicine they handle, and that it gives splendid satisfaction in all csaes. Sold by Dorsey Drug Co. You can buy Shoes very cheap at H. THOMASON'S. - Gold Lkaf advertisements bring results. That's the kind of advertis ing that pays. - King's Daughters to Hold a Bazar. The King's Daughters are making arrangements for a grand bazar to be held on the 14th, 15th aud lGth of Dec. It is under the management of those who will make it pleasant aud success ful. The ladies propose to make it au elaborate affair. There will be a num ber of booths. Art, flowers, confection eries, ice cream, cake, oysters, toys, embroidery, ready made clothing, etc. The object of the bazar is to increase the funds of the King's Daughters fr charitable purposes. It will be held in some suitable building on Maiu street and will be open day aud night. Fixed to. kill Cigarettes. . -4 YOU NEED Hood's Sarsaparilla if your blood is impure, your appe tite gone, your health impaired. Noth ing builds up health like HOOD'S Kittrell Letter. Kittkell, N. C, Nov. 24, 1897. Editor Gold Leaf: Miss Sue White, after a pleasant visit to friends aud relatives here aud at Henderson, left Saturday for Washington, D. C. Mr. J. W. Fuller, familiarly known as "Zar," was here last week to visit his auut, Mrs. Edna Bayley. He re turned to Raleigh Saturday. Messrs. B. A. Capehart and C. L. Blacknall have been among the recent visitors to Raleigh the past week. They went to look after business interests. Messrs. C. II. Williams, Jr., and Frank Edmunds, of Oxford, spent Sun day here at the home of Mr. C. II Williams, Sr. Mr. Guy V. Barnes, of Raleigh, was here Sunday ou a flying visit. Rev. C. L. Whitaker left Mouday for High Poiut where the Methodist Protestant Conference conveues in its annual session to-day. He stopped over in Grrensboro to attend a recep tion iucideut to the installment of the Church Record in its new home. The ruauy friends of Rev. Mr. Whitaker aud his most estimable wife hope they will be returned to his charge. Mr. C. A. Fuller went to Raleigh yesterday to see his daughter, Mf6. James C. Thompson. P. . . . Sheep are sometime taken over a bad road to good pasture. Something to Know. It may be worth something to know that the very best medicine for restoring the tired out nervous system to a healthy vigor is Electric Bitters. This medicine is pure ly vegetable, acts by giving tone to the nerve centres in the stomach, gently stimu lates the Liver and Kidneys, and aids these organs in throwing off impurities in the blood. Electric Bitters improves the appe tite, aids digestion, and is pronounced by those who have tried it as the very best blood purifier and nerve tonic. Try it. Sold for 50 c and $1.00 per bottle by the Dorsey Drug Co. DoctorsSay: Bilious and Intermittent Fevers which prevail in miasmatic dis tricts are invariably accompan ied by derangements of the Stomach Liver and Boweh. The Secret of Healt The liver is the great " d-h wheel in the mechani man, and when it is out of the .whole system becom 3 dt- ranged and disease i . :! .. re.-i:h Tutt's Liver Pais Cure all Liver Troupes. It is Incomprehensible. In a recent issue the Weldon Xeics says : We now have before us a copy of the Weldon and Enfield Mercantile Review," published once only aud which is no more than a handbill. Y'et we find in it write-ups" of a good many business bouses. These houses each paid a liberal price for these sheets and what do they get in return? A few copies which they must distrib ute and there the matter ends. Now here is the Roanoke Xeics, an estab lished paper with a good circulation, and laboring weekly to build up the town. When your sons and daughters get married wt give them an elaborate 8e':d oft", ami when you die we write you a feeling obituary and all free, gratis and for nothing. Y'et we ven ture the assertion that the business men would not have paid us the amount they paid for this handbill, if we had gone aroud town and offered to do the work." It is strange that the Weldon News should have to make such a complaint. It is Incomprehensible that business men should act as those in Weldon have done in patroniziug an advertising scheme gotten up bv persons whose only interest in the matter was what money there was in it, still they will do it, aud as a general thing seem eager to throw all their patrouage away from those who work the hardest for for their benefit aud the benefit of the community at large. We have had men to whom we had given hundreds of dollars worth of free advertising, and benefitted iu various other ways, send their work ofl" to some outside "jack- leg who offered to do them a poor job a few cents lower than we would do them a good one for. Well, it's all in a lifetime, and it is 6ome comfort to kuow that other men who have proved of benefit to their community get the same dose. Still it is not business, to say the least of it, and the short-sighted individuals who practice it will find that out to their sorrow some day. Rocky Mount --lr- gonaut. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The f? c ilmlle igfiatire ef is ra Trr vnpptr. Where the Trouble Waa. "Brother," said the minister, "you should try to be content witft what you have." "I am," said the brother, who had been grumbling. "It is What I ain't got that I am dissatisfied jkbout" Cincin nati Enquirer. Inevitable Conclusion. A philosopher thinks that a 5 cent cigar is as good as one costing three times as much, and keeps on improving in philosophy until he believes that be iug dead is just as good as living. Atchison Globe. Few nations have raised shaving to the dignity of a religious ceremony. Iu tO Koran time is no mention of shav ing at all, yet the Mohammedans shave their heads in the same manner as the Hindoos. The barbers of India are so deft and light of touch that they can shave a man without awakening him. HOW TO FIND OUT. Fill a bottle of common glass with urine and let it stand twenty-four hours; a sedi ment or settling indicates an unhealthy condition of tlie kidneys. When urine stains linen it is evidence of kidney trouble. Too frequent desire to urinate or pain in the back, is also convincing proof that the kidneys and bladder are out of order. WHAT TO DO. There is comfort iu the knowledge so often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root, the great kidney remedy fulfills every wish in relieving pain in the back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part of the urinary passages. It corrects inability to hold urine and scalding pain id passing it or bad effects following use of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleas ant necessity of being compelled to get up many times during the night to urinate. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Swamp-Koot is soon realized. It stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most distressing cases. If you need a med icine you should have tlie best. Sold by druggists, price fifty cents and one dollar. You may have a sample bottle and pamphlet both sent fiee by mail. Men tion the Gold Leaf and send your address to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Ringhamton, X. Y. The proprietor of this paper guarantees the genuineness of this offer. . . TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY, Take Laxative Bruno Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 25cts. loseptlc. . - . Dog Strayed. A liberal reward will be paid for the return of the pointer dog, two years old, dark liver colored head and ears, perfect liver saddle on back, all other parts white. Answers to name of Ren. G. L. ADAMS. C. P., Henderson, X. C , or W. H. VALENTINE. Valentine, Va. FOR RENT. Leaf Tobacco Prize Factory and Sales Warehouse. The well known Watkins leaf tobacco prize factory situate on Main street oppo site Harris' warehouse is offered for rent. A splendid buildding for the purpose design'd 40x100 feet, 5 stories high. Also the sales Warehouse lately occu pied by Butler, Jenkins, & Co. Large and commodious bulling, conveniently lo cated. For terms and further particulars apply to Edward Hines, Henderson, or address, D. M. HINES, Receiver. Milton, Nv-G. As a Tonic, Nervine, Alterative and Blood Purifier 1 r. Je Pcrton'i Hera- edy is unequalled. Sold in Henderson by the Dorsey Drug Co., Phil H. Thomas and W. W. Parker. Notice. TY VIRTUE OF POWER CONFER. -Ured upon me by an order issuing from rue superior vouri or v ance county in a cause therein pending entitled "Charles G Patterson, and others, To tlie Court," I shall on the 27TU DAY OF DECEMBER. 197. sell at public auction to the highest bid. aer, ni me court nouse door in itenderson- . C, upon the terms one-half cash, bal ance on a credit of twelve months, one tract of land in Vance county bounded as follows: On the North by the lands of Jas. M. Ellington, ou the East bv the lands of Isabella Flemming, on the South by the lands of Chas. Patterson, on the V est by the lands of llileman Robinson containing 16 acres more or less. This23rd November, 1.7. 1IENKY PERRY, Commissioner. Notice. BY VIRTUE OF red upon me bv a POWER CONFER- Deed of I rust exe cuted by W. F. Robertson "and Mary Ann Robertson on the Mb. day of May. 1S93. which Deed is recorded in Vance County Book 18. page 401, 1 iall on the 27TII DAY OF DECEMBER, lt7, sell at public auction to the highest bid der for cash, at the Court House door in Henderson, N. C. the following real es tate to-wit: One certaiu tract or parcel of land lying and being in Vance County, Sandy Creek township, adjoining the lands of Charles W. Finch, A. H. Ball aed others and being on Sandy Creek, contain ing 373a acres more or less. It being the land whereon said W. F. Robertson and Mary Ann Robertson reside This 23rd day of November, IS.17 W. T. CHEATHAM. JR . Ti utee. Notice. OY VIRTUE OF POWER CONFER- -Ured UDon me bv a Deed of Trust duly executed to me on the 22nd of Januai v. 1k;ij. by Plummer Perry and wife, A. H. Ball and wife and Lucy Perry, w hich deed is recorded in Vance county in Book 19. page 173, 1 shall ou the 27TUDAY OF DECEMBER, 18J7. sell at public auction to tho highest bidder for cash, at the Court House door in Hen derson, N. C, tlie following real estate to-wit: All the interest of the above par ties (being ?3 undivided interest) iu and to a tract of land in Vance county, adloining the land of the late A. L. Steed, Edward Allen, Robt Wilson, Augustus Fuller.Law son lioyster and Mark Richardson it being the tract purchased bv Wat ten Perry bv deed duly recorded in Vance county. The wnoie tract containing 107 acres more or less. This23id day of November, 18!7. W. T. CHEATHAM. JR. Trustee. Notice. B?e VIRTUE OF POWER CONFER- red upon me by an order issuing from the Superior Court of Vance county in a cause therein pending entitled I). . Cooper ys A. J. Wright and wife, I shall ON MONDAY, JANUARY 3RD, 198. sell at public auction, to the highest bid der for cash, at the Court House door in Henderson, one certain tract or parcel ot land partly in Vance and Granville counties, adjoining the lands of John L. Wright. Mrs Clarke and others and bound ed as follows; Begin at a white oak at John Ii. Wright's and Mrs. Clarke's cor ner, on the North edge of the church path and run thence S. 83 W. 110 poles to a stone, Miss llamile J. W right's corner; thence W. 212 poles. Miss Wright's corner in Crews' line; thence N. 193 J. W. Mi poles to a red oak Crews' corner; theuce S. 87. W. 293 pole to a pine. Crews corner; thence S. 50, E. 8i poles to the be ginning. Containing 141 acres, it being that tract of land bought from II. E. AV hittke and wife by deed dated 29th Au gust, 1885. lhis 21 rd .Nov., 1H97. A. C. ZOLL1COFFER, Commissioner. TOWN TAXES. Office of Town Tax Collector, I Uexdersox, N. C, Sept. 28th, '97. S NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the Tax Books for the town of Hender son for the year 1897. have been placed in my hands for collection. All persons are requested to make note of the change in the law and govern themselves according ly. No discretion is allowed me and I therefore ask those who have not paid their corporation taxes for the current year to meet me and" make settlement AT ONCE and as the law jeciuires, as further indulgence cannot be given. Uy attend ing to this matter NOW you will save me trouble and yourself cost, as I will be compelled to collect by LEVY AND SALE all taxes not paid by the time pre cribed. J. L. CURRIN, Town Tax Collector. Notice. BTe VIRTUE OF THE POWER CON- ferred upon me by a deed of trust duly executed bv J. N. Iimstall and wife, ou the 21st of January, IH92. which is re corded in Vance county, Book 1, pape 487, I shall, at the request of the holder of the debt secured, 011 MONDAY, NOVEMBER 29TII, 1897, sell at public auction, to the highest bid der for cash, at the Court House door in Henderson, N. C, the following lot of land situate in Henderson, ., c, to wit: Begin at a stake on Nouthall avenue. Loughlin's corner, fifty fret from Hayes' corner; thence along saui i,oumiin s line about 200 feet to l-ouglilin s corner, in Watkins' line; thence along atkins line fifty feet to a stake; thence about 2K) feet to a stake n Southall avenue; thence along Southall avenue fifty feet to lxiugh- lin s corner, the place 01 beginning. This 27th October, 1897. A. C. ZOLLICOFFER, Trustee. LAND OF GOLD. LARGE DIVIDENDS ON SMALL INVESTMENTS. NEW YORK AND ALASKA GOLD EXPLORATION & TRADING CO. (Incorporated). Capital Stock, - $1,000,O00, in shares OF ONE DOLLAR EACH, Full paid, non assessable now oh xs 2.000 ac res aloxc the copper a no ylkon rivers, Equal to 8.712 Canadian nilnln claima. ta. h ot whirh may l.r as rirh as that nil fr $2.000. 000. nd offer a portion of Hi treasury itock to the public AT I'AK. SUHJKCT TO ADVANCE IN PKICK WITHOUT NOTICE, to raise money for the development of !t present property and for trading and prospecting throughout the GREAT KOP.THWEST. Stork may be paid for In Installment. 1 Mrvc'ors: Presk'ei.. CHESTER n. IIOAG. tseu. &. Trea. Whitehead ft Hon if Co.. N-vark. N. J. Vice-President. THEODORE D. PALM Kit. Treas. Palmer, Smith A '., Newa'W. N. J. Secretary & Treasurer. JOHN R. WtfcKS. Attorney. 44 Uro-idway, N. T. City. Alaska Manager. LOUIS C. FHKY, Now on the Copper Hirer. C. W. YOUNGMAN. Pres. Invntom" Aid Development Co. J. A. McDUFFIE. Gnl. Eastern Agt Georgia & Alabama R'y. Mr. Frey writes that according to the out look in Alaska this company will probably pay a KIG DIVIDEND NEXT SUMMER. He report that this -onpany Is the Rrt in tne field and should distance all competitors In mining, trading and transportation. Call or write for prospectus and shares. Make all checks and drafts payable to New York & Alaska Gold Exploration A. Trading Co. 44 A 4C Droadway. New York City. LIVE AGEXT WASTED IN EVERY TOWN. Must be a ruin of responsibility. Bargains In drummers" s.implni Combs and Tooth Ilrushe!1. 14oct-3o Call early, W. W PAKKEtt. s. ricCOiN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, HENDERSON, - - - N. C. Office upstairs in Harris' law building near Court House. Blood means sound health. With purr, rich, healthy blood, the stomach and di gestive organs will be vigorous, and there will be no dyspepsia. Rheumatism and Neuralgia will lie unknown. Scrofula and Salt Rheum will disappear. With pure Your nerves will be strong, and your sleep sound, sweet and refreshing. Hood's Sarsaparilla makes pure blood. That is why it cures so many diseases. That is why so many thousands take it to cure disease, retain good health, pre vent sickness and suffering. Remember dn LTU Sarsaparilla Is the One True Blood 1'iirifler. ft tier bottle. flOOd S PlIlS take, easj to uin.-rate. ac H Cklrkeater's EalUh Ilaaaa4 Braa. Pennyroyal pills orlajlaal mm 0ly Gt.ah& A arc. tlw. "-.- UD.E. uk Ar braccM " Click Urm lu XV la Kc4 uJ OUd aMtallieeV axes, sesast wlib bla ribbus. Take XTaf j i IMUM. AiPrCTUM.ereaB44. Kmi tot iwntevi.r. irvumoelals mill Mailer ffkv m I'.r k- . MalL 1 0.000 TH1.....I.H n - - " -- . r Sold by ail UaalUrudiMs. . FHILADA.. PA." The j Dress Goods Selling: 111 this line we were never prepared to serve yon Our line of popular price woolen goods cannot he matched. Try us and we guarantee satisfaction. DAVIS FINE Up to ALEX. T. BARNES' Furniture House. The Pleasure Of doing business chiefly con sists in giving satisfaction to every customer-it is the key to success in all lines of trade. A pleased customer is one secured. We strive to merit the patronage of the public ly making it both pleasant and profitable to deal with us -hence mutually satisfactory. Therefore, We Cordially Invite Your careful inspection of our Splendid Stock and Varied Assortment of STRICTLY SEASONABLE Merchandise, which has been judiciously selected under a determination to fully satisfy even the most scrupulous and exacting tastes. Special Inducements Are Offer'd In our Superb Lines of Dry Goods and Notions, Dress Goods, Trimmings, Shoes, Hats, Furnishings, ivc, all of which are most complete. Our goods always have the Quality and the Style, and then too the Prices flre Always Bp. These essentials are those lor which we strive and study to give you, and past successes fully warrant continued and persistent effort. Our constant aim is for fair and square dealing the kind that brings you back to our store. STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES. In addition to the above we carry at all times a full and complete stock of Staple and Fancy Groceries, Flour, Salt, Shipstuffs, Hay, Corn, &c. These we buy in car load lots and can sell same wholesale or retail at BottOIQ Figures. Give us a call when in want of anything in our line and see if we can't make it to your advantage to trade with us. HENRY THOMASON, T xvill cure wtlj. h.iv a bright. r: .h color arul flavor, vithgool burniirj- properties, if liberally supplied with a fertilizer con taining at least 10,; actual Potash, in the form of sulphate. The quality of tobacco is im proved by that form of Potash. Our hooks will n-l! you just to use. They arc tree. Send for them. GERMAN KAI I WORKS. ii Nassau St.. Sew Yotk. NVarrenton Telephone Connection. KAKt TTIVE lilHi'i: 1 llENOV.USOS l KI KPHONK COMPANY. ' Itr NPKlKON, N. C . Oat. l.", 1SV7. N The line to Warienton is now completed . Oh mil I alter Oct. 1. Hi Hie following toll rates wilt be in elT.-ct to miIici ilei only. For each e.m.i etton of five minutes, or f i a el tln-i.-ot . 1 ".cts Noll sti Um'I i'.iil s il 1 i;o to (Villi al OrllVe i !! rd:ii';r.i;ss cHiarv. i mi i-.i n i: i I'll I; !!-. U:ii;!ll It. I- .. 1 1 V.-I .'! t o mill III llt.v II. THOMAS. i. Time For 'J m 'm aJ 1 hettc & ROSE. CHAIRS. Date, Piano Finish. s Here. FINISHED IN Oxblood, Peagreen, Purple, Gold, Mahogany and Quartered Oak. UPHOLSTERED IN . Leather, Seats and Backs.