Newspaper Page Text
t i THE HENDERSON GOLD LEAF THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1903. 1 1 ! i i I I i 1 i It The Gold Leaf. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1903. GOD'S LOVE. Fayettcville Obnerrer. Fayptteville's esteemed citizen, Mr. Ci. II. Haigh inspired to musing and moralizing during the past summer amid nature's glories of "The Land of the Sky" contributed to the Mes senger of Hope the following lines, "God's Love," beautiful in expression and touching in sentiment: ''Thou, Lord, hunt bn ho good, no kind. My every thouphtof Tbeenbould beof love; Oh, would that Thou wast ever in my mind. My every thought and prayer with Thee above. "Thou giveBt my health, mv utrength, my I that vnlk agaiunt Thy will: Bnt by Thy help I surely shall not fall. The power Thou givest Hliall hold me still. "How oft. alas! the tempter comes too near, Aud strives to bunish loving thoughts of Thee; And I forget awhile, and have no fear, And say and think what should not be. "Father, jiive me more strength, a holier love, And guide my divine. footsteps by Thy spirit And then erelong I'll see the angelie throng abo ve, And in that shilling host are some of mine. "So let my heart le where my treasures are, And let me be forever praising Thee; And, be the time of parting near or far, My grateful pun le: "Thou lovest me.' " Why is a Newspaper Like a Woman Exchange. One bright friend came in the other day with what he thought was conundrum. ItW'l ... ny is a newspaper like a wo man?" The various answers were: Because both have to be known to be appreciated. JJecauHe both are good advertining nie- uiums. Itecause both have to be pressed. JJecause it sometimes changes its dress ana tens tales. The correct anHwer is: Because every man should have one of his own and not be running after hi neiguoor s. Advertising Proverbs. Mahin's Magazine. The demand does not go astray if the names of dealers appear in the advertisement. People like to have you confide in them, t rankness is a great untier o: purse strings. When a man finds a dailv delitrht instead of a daily duty in his' business It becomes his profession. Belief is contajrious. You must be lieve in your own business before vou Invite others to have faith in it. There are two kinds of advertise ments those that have something i . i ... 10 say and tlios;; that Lave to say something. N.ot only must an advertisement tickle the visual sense, but it must be of personal interest, forcible enouirl to push itself into the heart of men's brains. If 3-011 cau just make "ends inppt,' without advertising, with it vou can make them lap over far enourh to ti a, magnincent uouoie bowknot o prosperity. The advertiser's opportunity lies 111 me met mat demand is perpetua and that the public is constantly waning to ue advised as to the best means of supplying its wants. Some Causes of Hard Times. A writer in the Burnsville Eagle, wriimg aoout the complaint of hard times and the scarcity of monpv in that county, gives the following as some 01 the reasons therefor. And what applies to that section will hold good elsewhere as a general thing. ne says: We buy more than we produce. mere is too much flour and bacon Bhipix-d here every year. The things we ought to make at home we are buying. We let timber go to rot and buy our mow biockb, single trees, axe handles and fencing. We throw away our ashea and buy nv(ii ami jiiif greane. We give our beef hides away and buy name-strings and shoe-strings. We waste our manure and then buy We buy garden seed in the spring and cabbage in the winter. We let our lands grow up in weeds and buy our brooms. We waste the wax out of our Dine and gum trees and buy chewing gum for our cunuren. We build school houses and hire teach ers and send our children off to be edu cated. We raise dogs and buy wool. And about the only thincr in this rnnn- try that there is an over production of re pontics ana dog ticks. Praise Your Wife. The following, which is taken from an exchange, is worthy of thoughtful consideration by married men gener ally: "Praise your wife, man, when she deserves it. It won't injure her any, though it may frighten her some from Its strangeness. If you wish to make and keep her happy, give her a lov ing word occasionally. If she takes pains to make you something pretty, don't take it with only, "Yes, it "is very pretty," and let it go at that. It will take you only a minute's time to kiss her and tell her she is the best wife in town. You will find it to he a paying investment one which will yield you a large return in increased care and willing labor for your com fort. Loving praise will lighten labor wonderfully, and should be frequently bestowed. Increased Tax Valuations. A compilation of the abstracts of property tax valuation from 85 of the 97 counties furnished as required by law to the State Auditor shows an increase of $49,851,717 over the valuations previously in force. There are fourteen counties yet to report and it is estimated that these will run the total assessments up to about 160,000,000 increase. The abstracts show that the largest increase was in Buncombe $2,31f, 119, and the smallest in Tolk, with 142,852 increase. Counties having more than two millions increase are Buncombe, Mecklenburg and Wake. Seven others have more than one million increase. WASTED Trustworthy lady or gentle man to manage business in this county and adjoining territory for house of eolid finan cial standing. 20 00 straight cash salary and expenses paid each Monday direct from headquarters. Expense mdtaev advanced Position pnaauent. Address Manager, 605 Uonon Bldg., Chicago." Pennypacker Has Gratitude. Charlotte Observer. Governor rennvpacker, of Pennsyl vania, a creature of Senator Quay, enumerates in his Thanksgiving proc lamation, a number of things for which his devoted people should be thankful, listing their senior Senator among the number. "Jn manliness and intelligence," says Pennypacker, 'and in a rare order of ability, there has never been in public life in Amer ica Matthew Stanley Quay's equal!" lit was said some years ago by one public man in ISorth Carolina, that "he had every quality of n dog ex cept gratitude." Certainly it cannot be charged that Gov. Pennypacker lacks this. Must Serve Out Their Sentence. Greensboro Church Record. The case of the gold brick men sent to our State jienitentiary from Guil ford county for attempting to swindle Paul Garrett has been carried to the United States Supreme Court, and that body has decided that they have no authority to interfere. The men must serve out their ten-years' sen tences unless pardoned, which we pre sume they cannot hope for. How ever, one of them, sentenced for seven years, was pardoned by Governor Aycock. Judge Brewer, who wrote the decision of the Court, declared that North Carolina is to be con gratulated rather than condemned if the effect of the sentence will keep similar criminals from her borders. The Negro in the North. f harlot te Observer. The killing of Mr. Green by a negro in New York, as was to have been ex pected, has revived the discussion of the race problem, but in this instance j it is being confined mainly to the j Northern papers, liefernng to the murder of Mr. Green and to other crimes, the Philadelphia Ledger says: "The effect upon the Northern mind of deeds like these is bound to be profound. There has been up to now a wide differ ence in the attitude of the two sections of the country toward black men; but there is much evidence that the view tra ditional in the North is changing; that a different temier is forming; that a new disposition as to the treatment most wisely to be accorded the dark-skinned race is being born." Some of the Southern papers, mor alizing on the "awakening" of the North are disposed totalk of chickens coming home to roost, but in the fact that the North has found itself up against the negro question the Observer cau see no cause for levity. It can but think of the negro in the North, when the people there are aroused against him, and it feels sorry for the negro. Everybody's Magazine for December. The new publishers of Everybody's Maga zine declare the holiday hwue of the publica tion to be much the best they have yet pro duced, it is not the typical Chrintnian num ber made up of stilted fiction and pictures of j the fentival iu many lands. It is just an espe- ; cially lively and entertaining magazine, full of really good stories, clever pictures, and well written and timely articles. In Everybody's one never finds a distin guished name tacked to a dull tale. Among its contributors are the ablest writers of the day, but it is in connection with their best work, not their pot-boilers. The reading public, which hns become familiar with O. Henry, Juliet Wilbor Tompkins, and F. Wal worth, for instance, will find in the holiday issue the most successful story each has writ ten this year. The other items in a lone tableof contents. seem to bein the same category. In the midst of nil this excellence, however, there are some renlly conspicuous features: notably, Booth Tnrkington's "Boss Uorgett." the first short piece of fiction the author of "Monsieur Beau- caire has written in the last three venrs It is a political story, giving the young cham pion of reform from the standpoint of the boss, and for comprehension of character and pure literary skill it must figure as one of the most powerful thinirs Tarkimrton 1ms vet done. Another bin tliinir the m.-imizine hns is Eugene Burnand's pictures of Bible scenes. reprodured for the first time in America. uurnand is the trreatest nainter nf s:ierel subjects since the old masters, and his studies of the Saviour and the Last Supper are of ex traordinary interest. In this number a new department, "The I,lavere."a irossinv resume of theatrical doings, by Hartley Davis, set off with superb pictures of the stars and lesser stage luminaries, is inaugurated. Making clay brick may not be alto gether so pleasant to some rentle- ...... V. n a a ii. iiu;ii b i taste as niaKin; jrohl brick, but the Supreme Court of the United States says North Carolina is doing the right thing under the circum stances. Greenville Reflector. brings infirmities, such as slug- :?:i uoweis, weaK kidneys and blaa as:d TORPID LIVER. 9 1 &3 have - specific effect on these organs, stimulating the bowels, causing them to perioral theJr natural functions as in youth and IMPARTING VIGOR. to the kidneys, bladder and LIVER. They are adapted to old and young. HENDERSON TELEPHONE COMPANY- The following Toll Kates will be in effect on aud after May 1st, 1902. subject to change or correction ENOERSON: Ayden, 45 Louisburg. 20 Boydton, 25 Morehead City 75 Buffalo Sprigs 25 Nashville, 30 Burlington, 40 New Berne. GO Beaufort, 80 Newport, 70 Chase City, 30 Oxford. 15 Clarksville, 25 Plymouth, 50 Chapel Hill, 35 Baleigh, 30 Dunn, 45 Roanok'Bapids35 Durham, 30 Rocky Mount, 35 Enfield, 35 Scotland Neck, 40 Franklinton. 15 Selma, 40 Goldsboro. 45 Smithlield, 40 Greensboro. 45 Spring Hope, 30 Greenville, 45 Tarboro, 40 Hamilton, 45 Wake Forest, 25 Haw Hirer, 40 Warren ton. 20 High Point, 50 Weldon, 35 Kinston, 50 Wilson, 35 Littleton, 25 Winston, 55 F. C. Toepleman, General Superintendent Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic has stood the test 25 years. Average Annual Sales over One and a Half Million Dottles. Does this record of merit appeal to you ? No Care. No Pav. 50c gtosed with every bottle b TeaCVntWae of Ctove's Zw'l iSf VC' Paine's Celery Compound CORES RHEUMATISM. Rheumatism, which does its terrible work in the muscles, joints, and tissues, is caused by uric acid which gathers in the blood. To get rid of this poisonous acid which produces the irritations, pains, agonies, inflammations, and swellings peculiar to rheumatism, Paine's Celery Compound should be used without delay. No other medicine gives such prompt, cheering, and happy results. It is the only medicine that prevents a return of the dreaded disease. Paine's Celery Compound braces the nerves, the blood is quickly cleared of ell irritating poisons, tissue and muscle are built up, and the digestive organs perfectly toned. Do not treat with indifference the slightest rheumatic symptoms; the early use of Paine's Celery Compound will save you weeks and months of suffering. Mr. S. D. Conway, St. Louis, Mo., was permanently cured by Paine's Celery Compound after repeated fail ures with other medicines and physicians; he says: " I am 64 years of age, and have lived ia St. Louis 27 years, and all this time with the exception of three years, I have served in the Engineers' Department as Inspector. Last winter I contracted rheumatism and was laid up. I tried all remedies and doctors, but all failed until I struck Paine's Celery Compound, which has made a permanent cure in my case. I have recommended it to many, and they have used it with the same result." TOE HOME USE A1ID ECONOMY iamond Mb 014 Clones Looi lew Dyes Direction book and 45 dyed samples free. DIAMOND DYES, Burlington, Vt. - A Tfc A Mel:! '.;. pOUUlii'd A "Why ure Of tli:' low ii!,. svia,i how 1 -.iiii.-ys w-tc. pro unuiulruni. Turkeys tin Drum Corps Creation"' Give it up? Bo-;'..:.- l:c all O-'J c-ii!" ii tli;: carry Drumsticks. ed A blow from the r:it:;,:iv!i r.f the I-'io-k who Overheard him. "Spare Me." said the young Fellow, asKiiiniiig tl:c I Jefe:isi ve. "I can give you A lieitcr mw. Why do Turkeys li.ivp No iien'.ifterV The I:i ni.-iivli blustered Around and dr:igg;il bis Willis, looking very Fierce. U" knew !: ouijlit lo L;iCv. but couidn i foi the Life of llim re member Sis he lowered. :;t the Cul prit ;:-ked Severely: "Well. Sir why do TurUcjs have No Here.:! ie:V "i'eei.use I bey havt their Necks Twirled in This." Pooh!" s;.id ;lie Patriarch Con temptuously. "'1 hut was around on Crutches win Now, here is C:lilght on tl:t Adam wore Kilts. Something new that I Wk;g. We :ue All to IH ury I'lekeii Til!:; jeyr. "What!" Shrieked A giddy Blond with a pink Civst. "Not on Your lifeV" ".No. Siliy, but :is Soon :is it is Over, it is the old W;;y of Turkey Under taking and The only Way. In Phila delphia, where I Chipped into the World. Dry Picking was the Correct Thing All the old families held to It. That gives Turkey Feathers the ehauee !r their Lives. Turkey Tails for Fans -I am told the Aborigines quite Dote in Them."-Chicago Record-Herald. Thankssl'lns In Porto lilco. In Porto Uieo Thanksgiving day. or "Dia de Gracias," as it is there termed. Is honored by the closing of govern ment offices and appropriately ob served. The stores are open on half time only, the plantation works are idle and the people of town and coun try seize the occasion for an inter change of visits. As an excuse for Idleness merely the Porto Rican labor er hails the "Dia cle Gracias" with joy and promises himself indulgence In a "danza" or perchance a surreptitious cockfight. The bulk of the population has been convinced that Thanksgiving Is a day to be celebrated with almost as much gusto as the "Cuatro de Ja- 1 Ho," or glorious Fourth, and even with out tne mental reservation many were accustomed to make at the commemo ration of our republic's natal day. no official affirmation,, being needed as to Its right to "follow the flag." New York Post. Thnnknsl vlngc Decorations. If one has access to country fields in November the glowing red berries and vines and branches of gorgeous hues that may then be had offer most artis tic material for Thanksgiving decora tion. The downy thistle balls picked at the right time are effective mixed with autumn viues and berries. It should not be forgotten that au tumn leaves may be gathered at the moment of their greatest beauty In late October or early November and beautifully preserved by being dipped lightly in a weak gum arabic water. When dry they should be kept In lKxes. carefully and lightly packed, as the treatment makes them very brittle. Dy this method, however, their colors ore preserved, and they may be used repeatedly. lI::rper's P.azur. DeWitt's rjgja Salvo For Piles, Burns, Sores. Corbitt Buggy Co., -WHOLESALE MANUFACTURERS OF- FINE BUGGIES AND GflRRIGflES, HENDERSON, N. G. Sold in Henderson by Parham Bros. Snpply Co. FEASTING A CENTURY AGO. Dcs(Tl;:!lon of an Old Time Ttrnnkl griviug Dinner In New Enelaad, The Thanksgiving feast of a century ago had a charm to it that today seems tc Le lacking, says the Seattle Times. Here Is a description of one of these -celebrations: "In the great red farmhouse on the hill preparations were begun long before the day. The turkey that stalked before the dooryard bad been watched with hungry eyes andTattened -with urgent care. Pumpkins bad been brought from the cornfield to sun themselves on the wood pile. Ah, it was a sure sign of the day's approach, and they might have defended their right to be there without being laughed at by the an cient chronicler's words. 'Let no man make a jest at pumpkins, for with this -fruit the I,ord was pleased to feed his people to their good content till corn and cattle were increased! A goodly supply cf ;:!! garden vegetables was at ban: Apples and pears, the best In the orchard., ha, Uen gathered and hidden away in the dark to mellow. Alas for the feast if there was not molasses en-.iugh to be had: There could be none without it. Stores of raisins and citron !:: ! hen laid i:t. so there was some 1 1 . ; ? ; .l; f;.r tlie ;r!:- to do while the boys looked after the popcorn, which had bee;; soiling in their w'ood shed ci ai f'.n'i . or picked up walnuts under the old sLagbark tree in the pasture. Then there was a deal of work neces-t-r.y v,;thii! (he house the wedding c! i ii - te I)!- brought out. the brasses all c !- polished, especially the ancestral :".n'U ':., r.nd the spare chambers to be i."iJ'T. wi evei the i.. : tU: : I.e.' ili'i! corner all ready for !;;e-!-:i'iu.;. Crandpa and grand-re- ;; feigning sovereigns, and iinhi was a royal one. The night l:.!'.!r:s. ; :iig they are all there, and ;.e daughiers-in-law have stowed their ones away in big feather beds, a tbizen. more or less, in each, like sardines, and tlip youngsters have gone to their pillow light in the attic chain bers. "Around the huge open fireplace, by the light ef Its burning logs, those boys of the olden times spin their yarns of childhood days and crack their jokes until the laughter changes to tears and they are ready for the evening prayer and the tender good night. And then the Thanksgiving morning! It is clear and cold, perhaps the first snow upon the ground, for P.oreas was wont to contribute something unusual before the days of weather reports. AH the family are at church it was expected and the proper thing, for family reli gion was on dress parade and the gray haired parson, regardless of the passing time, rises to the occasion in fervent words of gratitude to God for his abundant mercies. Then comes the dinner, skillfully mauaged by the maid en aunt-God bless her! an indispen sable condensation of virtu.' on such occasion:-!, a dinner not so elaborate as bountiful. How the not so ele t H. I I lil 111. children's eyes dance, even those of the babe in the big board era die who has n a part or lot in it. The turkey, of course, is there, crisp and brown, as only one can be which has been slowly roasted ' clore the tire and basted from Hie dripping pan beneath Vegetables of all sorts load the table: delicacies, too. that have been wait ing long for that hoar, aud numerous mysteries "of their old fashioned culi nary art. Then there ;ire pies of sun dry kinds, the chicken pie among then!", best of all and can we trust our feelings to mention thorn? ucnuine j tins. Itavi each A there is fircj!;-cc. ters in tli inipkin pies baked ill Fquari only four corner pieces to the evening shadows fall lirand assembly about the How merrily the corn sput poppi-r! How. familiar the soe nd heart! titiens in ti;e of the nuts cracked on the 'iov.i'1 What apples and compe n parini: them without a break oUiei! having: The cider flows from the great earthenware pitcher never became oid in those days." it A Ptsrecn '"e I'nr T!anIisglTl:igf. Pluck i:P.'l dress sis pigeons, split the:- back pork Vl;e nut :;rd : in halves down the breast and Put somo small disks of salt in a large saucepan over the fire, n fried crisp remove the pork and m a large onuia. cut in thin slices, -t th- ta fry a nice brown in the '! hen nut in the pigeons and let i U-.-i! .: n on Loth sides; add a little fat the be-t-r brow :ted er them v:! ft :ier t!ie tnrus are well j our iii enough water to cov to !ia!f their depth, season i s.;:; a:;tl pepper and let tnem si -inner x add half bubbles : Weil diss S;ir it h; Next Ink. nicely in i-nily till Uite tender; then a 1 1 1 1 of cream, and when it hi twn tahlespoonfuls of f'.our ived iu half a pint of cream, i-kiy to keep from lumping. out the pigeons, lay them a deep linking dish, pour the gra vy over them: make a rich pie crust, roll it out. lay it over the birds, mois ten the edge of the dish so the crust adheres, cut a few little gashes in the crust, stand the dish In a moderate oven and let the pie bake three-quarters of an hour. Cover the top with buttered paper to keen it from burn ing too fast, VT fTED SEVERAL PEItSOXS OF character and good reputation in each htate (one in this conntv reotiirod) to renrp oent and advertise old eHtahlinhed wealthy immuesM nonse ot solid financial p.tnnriing. Salary f 21.00 weekly, with exrwnBes ndiii- tioitnl. nil payable in cash direct each Wed nesday from head offices. Horse and carringe furnished when net'pssary. References. En close self-addressed envelope. Colonial, L i 1 1 ; i 1st., Chicago . Vegetable Prcparaltonror As similating iieFoodGr.dReguia ting liieStoiaachs andBovls of Promotes Diges'don.Choerful nessandltesLCcntciins neillier Opium .Morphine ncriincral. OT j ARC OTIC. PmikM Scat' Mx.Senna SoAtlle &Ult -AulK Sent r Jifpenniiit -hi CtuicluiliSeda. Y-ZnnStd. ffsnwd , Sugar I hittaytetH. rtaror. Aperfecl Remedy forConslipa lion , Sour Stomach.Diarrlioca Worms .Convulsions .Fcvcrish ness and LOSS OF SLEEP. PacSinule Signature of NEW YORK. EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. MBS. CECELIA ST0WE. Orator, Entre Nous Club. 176 Warren Avenue, Chicago. III., Oct. 22, 1902. For nearly four years I suffered from ovarian troubles. The doc tor insisted on an operation as the only way to get well. I, however, stronp-ly objected to an operation. My husband felt disheartened as well as I, for home with a sick woman is a disconsolate place at 1 . A . .11 J , i i ueei. a. lrtenuiy uruggist aavisea him to get a bottle of Wine of Cardui for rne to try, and he did so. I began to improve in a few days and my recovery was very rapid. With in eighteen weeks I was another being. Mrs. Stowe's letter shows every woman how a home is saddened by female weakne3 and how completely Wine of Cardui cures that sick ness and brings health and happi ness again. Do not co on suffer ing. Go to your druggist today E aim ktsiire a 91 .w Dotue ot Wine of Cardui. mm COOPER'S mmmsi...-. . . . .. , - - he Home of For AH Grades of LeaJ The Oldest and Best Equipped Warehouse in Town. Wilt Unsurpassed Facilities, Plenty of Capital and Capable Assistants We Promise Our Patrons -The Best the Market-Affords." Personal Attention to All Business. Shipments from a distance receive as careful attention n if the owner was here to look after his interests ! in Per"on r EATE?oA"7EED AND PROMPT RETURNS COOPER'S WAREHOUSE CO D.4f3e0PBR-a- Por Infants and Children. fiTfio Kind You Have Always Bears the Signature lought THE CrMTAun CCMMNr. fCW YORK CITY. Vjr for Over Thirty Years IMS UM We have them for (lie ClfS mis w ii HENDERSON, N. 6. Kr m 17 1 I W3l m nil 1 m 1 11 i.tEK9.z. 1 0 eTMisr' m I 1 W if 1 iEEl3a5SgMB 1 Our money winning books, written by men who know, tell you all about Potssh They are needed by every man who owns a field and a plow, and who desires to get the most out of them. They arer. Send postal card. GERMAN KALI WORK Sew York 99 Street, AtluU, Ga.-S3 S. BrM4 Bt. : jxiu t liiii tiiwiui' m w fall goods at TH Oil A SOX'S. riionelS. YEARS' - EXPERIENCE Trade W5arx Designs Copyrights &c Anyone sending a sketch and decilTt Ion may qnlckly ascertain our opinion free whether an invention is probably patentable. OoTunmntoa tions strictly confidential. Handbook ort Hments gent free. Oldest acency for securing patents. Patents taken throucn Munn ,c CV.. receive special notice, wttnout cnpnrovi:i iuo Scientific Bsierican. A handsomely Illustrated veeklr. I.nrccst cir culation of any scientific journal. Terms. 93 year: four months, $L Sold by all nr.-wsrteHler. WM & Co.36IBfoadM'- flew York Branch Ofllce. C25 F &t 'Wavhiostelb J U. XS Early Risers The famous little pills. .AT 7 carpenter, machinist) farmer. And the prices are lower than you can buy anywhere else. Bucks Stoves & Ranges The best can buy. that monev -Aw No other stoves or ranges posess the good qualities they do. Sold under the broadest possible guarantee. REHOUSE Higf Prices Tobacco. "Have's lJai ;0Whwu. s. .. i..s., European- Hotel, RcMa J Me&U Stred at all n v ., FnFniphfid Ramus rt .. Evervthir.K Krictly firstnrUs. . SALOOK, Equal in any In the State , nothiiiK butt! very U. good money can h, 1 P Tl.i belnK the crip a ,V , kimlh. f liiRrrdieHsfor rplu"- FINE CIGARS ANU TOBAcco! seaboarJ Air Line Railway, H. DOUBLE DAILY SERVi BETWEEN NEW YORK,TAMp4 J L.AriAt icw UKLEAN5, am, POINTS SOUTH AM) est IN EFFECT APRIL i21h Mil; I II U AIM). Dailv No :u Lv New York P It Ii 11 J m , Lv Philadelphia 44 ;; L. : it 4.1 liYn Lv Wuebington VSl! j 7(0i,m i,1' Lv Kicbmond SAL , ' Lv Petersburg " J 1 1 7 pro l-'1 Lv Norlina " 1 ;:, um tp :,'m sua '"J Sm r ...1 Lv Henderson Lv Uali'igh Lv Soutbern l ines Lv II a rule t Lv Columbia t Ar Savannah Ar Jacksonville Ar St Augustine Ar Tampa 7 IK fiCOum SxJ , --'um lo iuuuam lag, Xo.33 V. Lv New York N Y I' &Nt7 am n v ' Lv Pbiladelpbia am (i; 10 Hi am 11 2i J Lv New York ODSSCu t.'l oil I'm Lv Baltimore BSI'Co Lv Wusbington N & V ,S D . Lv Portsmouth S A 1 Lv Weldon Lv Norliua " Lv Henderson " Lv Kuleigh " Lv .Soutbern Pines " !Hc,,.m srJ ii 4-. im ii: z -'I'l'ani 2ii. 4 tt am im.J Lv llamlet Lv Wilmington " Ar Pharlotte Lv Chester " Lv Greenwood " Lv Athens " Ar At lanta t Ar Augusta C & W C - -L:1J "ra 1(1 li' i 3i 1 -"'iimllJ l-'-'Wl'm 3433 " I'"! t"5(ij Ar Macon C of Ga Ar Mftfiili. r. A- v -- Ar Nw Orleans L '& S ( am 7 15 am A-r aBUT'lle X C & St I. t; i 1 1 n zj Ar Memphis " :i 45 ,,, M, KOierilWAKU. Daily Ii Lv Memphis, NC & St L 12 45 u (j w Lv Nashville, " 'l.lllmn 9.tJ Lv New Orleans L & N H 15 pm .. Lv Mobile 1 JO inn Lv Montgom'ry A & W l'; 45 am i "oT-j Lv Macon C of Ga M( 42iiJ Lv Augusta C & W C 1 0 1 tt am : n Lv Atlanta Ar Athens Ar Greenwood Lr Chester SA L 12 00 u hid " 57 pm 11 1 5 15pia so;. " 7 17 pm 4i: 7 25 pm 301 Lv Charlotte Lv Wilmington Lv Hamlet a :tu pm luaopm T'Ktjj Lv Southern Pines " Lv Ualeigh ' Lv Hetulersou " Lv Norlina " Lv Weldon Ar Portsmouth " 11 lSpm hi: 1 25 um 11 1: 2 5K am 12."e ' 45 am 14" ri5Hm aw MM) am 53; Ar Washington N & W S It .... 0 M At Baltimore U S P Co tC3lJ Ar New York ODSSCo t5i Ar Pbil'delphiaX Y'P & X 15 4i pm 5 1 r -ir icw lorK " H .i mil Mm Noai Nnti Lv Tampa Lv St Augustine S A L t 0(1 um H3M 5 40 am C2( Lv Jacksonville " H45m 720 Lv Savannah " 115 pm 12 Hi Lv Columbia 5 " (; .",5 pm 53" Lv Hamlet " loanpra K" Lv Southern Pines " 111pm S 45 Lv Raleigh 1 25 am 11 W Lv Henderson " 2 5h am 1 If Lv Norlina " a 4(1 am IK Lv Petersburg ' 5 4! am 4' Ar Richmond " C, .'15 am 4" Ar Wnshfngrton WS I!y Id Hi am Ar Baltimore P It K 11 25 am 11 2" Ar Philadelphia " 1 :'. pm 2M ArNew York " 4 15 pm 030 Note t Doily except Suml.iy. tCentral Time. 5 Knsti rn Tim. Z. P. SMITH. O. P. A., Rah'igh, N. C. K. II. P.KADY.Ap'- lIi IllllTBOD. J OSCAR OUTLAV Tonsorial Artist, HENUEKSOX. NOK'I H AH"l iv Ben Fitted id Slaying Parlorli E Double Daily lex Carryingr Pnllman Sl???-, C.'.:: (a la carte) and Chair c.ri- (! ; Electric Lighied T" Blrmlogjiaai, Hcapfti-, a : AND TO ALL PO'N " Texas, Oklafiona aad laii AN3 THE Far West a 3d Kcr:?.r::t THB ONLY THROLOH SLP.Zr- z BETWEEN THE SCVrw AST A ' KANSAS CITY Dc3Criptiv-; ranged and throucn rcscr upon application to W.T. SAUNDtKS. Grs 1 OK P.E.CLARX. Ta.P.'- M t mm I'm 1 m W. T. SA Gmn'l Ac - ATLANTA. GA. J i