OCR Interpretation

The gold leaf. [volume] (Henderson, N.C.) 1881-1911, August 04, 1910, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Library, Chapel Hill, NC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn91068402/1910-08-04/ed-1/seq-2/

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The Gold Leaf.
THURSDAY, AUdl'ST 4, 1010.
If Jude Jones bad foreseen the re
sult perhaps he would not have re-
If Meekleiiburs'H record of murder
continues they will hnve to convict a
few folks to stop it.
Mu. I'.nxton i.s now in position to
extract a bit of quiet satisfaction out
of Jude Jones' disappointment.
Mavino been there himself Mr.
ftnxtonean sympathize with Judge
Jones but it is hardly to be expect
ed of him.
Maj. Kledman'fi tte in against him
say Home of the wise ones but they
would have been for somebody else
if he was a young man.
Tin: fall crop of candidates will be
as large as usual regardless of the
weat her whet her it is too hot or too
old, .too wet or too dry for good
growing conditions.
A ftku getting her man named for
judge Rockingham was free to act as
she pleased in the congressional
tight and Forsyth is not beholden
to her for what she did.
Now that they have caught I)r.
Crippen he will be dropped from the
public prints and something else will
occupy space in big type on front
page of the newspapers.
Tin: rotation in office idea does not
apply to Mr. John Laws of Hillsboro.
The Democrats of Orange county
have renominated him for register of
deeds after holding the office for up
wards of fifty years. His record of
continuous service is perhaps equalled
by few men in the country.
QjTi'K frequently we do such things
and say such things that in a mom
ent of calm reflection we might wish
to kick ourselves if we had the spunk
to do it decently and in good order.
Wilmington Star.
Very true, nnd yet most of us go
and do and say the selfsame things
or worse some more.
M R. J. J. Tettigrew, the blacksmith,
puts shoes on horses to stay. He
tells us he shod one a year ago, and
he is still wearing his same shoes.
Occasionally he takes them off to
trim his toe nails, but puts the same
shoes back. Mebane Leader.
That horse must stand idle in the
stable on a velvet carpet overlaying
a bed of moss or a real hair mattress.
That young fellow Saunders who
runs a paper called the Independent,
at Elizabeth City seems to have mis
taken the functions of a newspaper,
lie conceives it to be his duty to as
sume the role of regulator or moral
monitor of the community, hence the
trouble lie frequently finds on his
Whkui: Pastor Loftin made a mis
take was in dealing with Editor
Saunders in the manner he did. In
stead of referring to him in a sermon
he should have gone after him with a
horsewhip or a hickory stick. If the
grievance had become unbearable the
pulpit was not the place to settle it.
And we happen to know this preach
er is neither a moral nor a physical
(!ov. Manx of Virginia on Monday
appointed ex-(Jov. Claude A. Swan
son United States Senator to suc
ceed the late John W. Daniel. The
appointment had been expected and
gives general satisfaction. While
others had been "mentioned" no one
else has been seriously considered by
the public. The appointment is for
the unexpired term which will end on
March .'5rd, next.
Thk women have taken a hand i
committing murder in Mecklenburg
county. Within two weeks tw
negro women have done murder
jealousy being the cau?e in both in
stances. In the first case a womar
was killed, her throat cut, because
she had taken another woman's hus
band from her, and in the second the
man was killed, both barrels of
shot gun emptied into Ins face, be
cause he had left his wife for another
woman. The outraged woman walk
ed six miles and carried a shot gui
to commit the terrible deed.
It is none of our business, but it
was a sorry trick in the present
management of the Durham Sun not
to publish Jim Robinson's retiring
card. "Chickens will come home to
roost" some time! G reensboro News.
It is intimated that in refusing to
publish Mr. Robiuson'a retiring card
was not the only sorry trick that was
done him. When he went into the
new concern he did not expect to be
pushed off the perch as he was. It is
none of our business either, but we
dc not like to sec a manlike Jim Rob
inson treated as he seems to have been
a victim of misplaced confidence.
As to what a good newspaper is
and does for a town, the Hickory
Democrat says: "A newspaper is the
taste which the town leaves in the
mouth of the public. If the town
supports its paper enthusiasticallv it
will be a good taste which is left. If
it does not, it will be a jagged, dark
brown taste. Verb sap."
. .
Served as coffee, the new coffee substitute
known to grocers everywhere as Dr. Snoop's
Health Coffee, will trick even a eoffee expert.
Not a era in of real coffee in it either. Pure,
healthful, toasted grains, malt, nuts, etc.,
have been so cleverly blended as to give a
wonderfully satisfying coffee taste and
flavor. And it is "made in a minute," too.
No tedious 20 to 30 minutes boiling. Sold
by Geo. E. Perrv.
The Chase City (Va.) Progress
commends Governor Mann for de
clining to accept speaking appoint
ments. It says: "Governor Mann
says he has more invitations for ap
pointments and speeches than he can
fill. AVe think the Governor in de
clining them has come to a very wise
conclusion. We believe the Governor
should have and take all the recre
ation he needs away from the con
finement of the capitol. Rut we nev
er believed he had the right to cheap
en the dignity of the high office by
running around to neighborhood
picnics and fish-frys." Since this has
reference to the governor of Virginia,
it would not muke ex-Governor
Glenn of North Carolina, feel badly
at all.
If catching Dr. Crippen does not
amount to any more than catching
Charlton promises in the way of get
ting just punishment for his crime
he might as well have been permitted
to land unmolested at Quebec. But
the Engiish and Canadian laws do
not protect murderers as our Ameri
can laws do. If Dr. Crippen is guilty
of the inhuman doing away with his
wife as charged, his life will pay the
penalty. And Charlton, self-confessed
murderer of his wife, should be
surrendered to the authorities of
Italy and taken back there to ans
wer to the laws of that country since
he cannot be punished here for the
crime committed there.
Rix;u.; Brothers' circus is book
ed for Salisbury October lHth. An
advance agent was there last week
making the necessary arrangements.
This is a long time ahead of the show
but the management doubtless re
calls the trouble they had with other
shows in that part of the State at
Charlotte particularly when they
were through there the last time. If
there i.s to be any confusion of dates
this year it will not be their fault.
Itisacurrent rumorthat Governor
Kitchin was not invited to the New
Bern bi-centennial celebration, but
we can hardly believe it. Still, it
looks odd that he was not present on
such an auspicious occasion. Greens
boro News.
Very unkind reft-renee, especially in
the face of the fact that the Governor
was in Scotland Neck at the bedside
of his mother whose death was ex
pected at any moment. But it is one
of the traits of Republican newspa
pers to invade, even the sanctity of
the death chamber, to try to make
political capital. Greenville Reflec
Taki.nc note of the nomination of
Maj. Charles M. Stedman for Con
gress of the Fifth district, the Wil
mington Star, published in his home
town before his removal to Greens
boro, snys:
Without at all disparaging the
qualifications, ability and high char
acter of the other aspirants for the
nomination, the Star believes that
the entire State of North Carolina
will agree with it that theconvention
nominated the right man. Maj.
Stedman is one of the State's ablest
and most intellectual men, altogether
an elegant gentleman thoroughly
representative of the South. In
Washington he will do great honor
to North Carolina and would be a fit
representative from any State in the
Union. That distinguished gentle
man has the utmost confidence of the
people of North Carolina and in
November he will be elected to a seat
in the next Congress, redeeming the
Fifth District which two years ago
sent up a Ilepublicau representative
in the person of the Hon. John Mot
ley Monhead.
Maj. Stedman is a Cape Fear man,
formerly having been an honored res
ident of Wilmington for years pre
vious to his removal to the western
part of the State. He is one of the
State's most eminent, la wvprs nnd ia
a North Carolinian in whose hands
the honor of North Carolina can ever
be trusted. His host of friends in
Y ilmington and eastern North Car
olina send irreetintrs to the Fifth T)U
trict nnd heartily congratulate Major
Stedman upon his nomination. All
of North Carolina will hope for his
election in .November.
Said of Tom Pence.
Wilmington Star.
Mr. Thomas J. Pence. Washington
correspondent of the Raleigh News
and Observer, is spending few days
at his old home in Raleigh. Tom
Pence has made a line reputation as
a news iratherer at the Xnrinmil
Capital, and his alertness and ability
have been demonstrated from the first
tune he rot on his iob. The nlnnritir
with which he picks up an item of
news that will interest Norlu Caro
linians is like that of duck that jumps
on a June bug. No Southern cor
respondent at N ashington has been
any keener or more aliv Hint Mr
Pence, and as a scribe on the spot he
mis certniniy maae good.
HAPPY jorviEN.
Hleu ji Them In Henderson, and
Oood Reason For It.
Wouldn't any woman be happy,
After years of backache euHerins,
Days of misery, nights of unrest.
The distress of urinary troubles,
She finds relief and cure?
No reason why any Henderson read
Should suffer in the face of eviden
like this:
Mrs W. II. Horton, 404 Montgomery
M., Henderson, N. (A. says: "From
personal enerienc T en n l,;,!-.
mend Doan's kidney Pills. Kidnev com-
i-iniut uiuicieu me ior several months
mu ui uuitra my conaition was critical.
MV back nehpd cnnatmiflT. o,.1 T
was so weak and lame that I washardlv
nl K . . . . . -
nuic in urouuu. i couia not re
well and in the morninr had hut lit
strength or energy. Irregular passages
l"c u"f. Becreuons also 6nowec
that my kidneys were out of order
v uen i read about Doan's Kidnev Pills
oeing a cure for such troubles. I nro-
All SV . 1 n 1 . t . I -
r". " ,rom l"e Kemer-MacNair
lo s arug store and soon after I began
xneir use tne Backache had ceased. Mv
Kianeys were also restored to a normal
For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents
l-oster-MiIburn Co., Buffalo, New York,
boic agents ior me l nitea states.
Remember the name Doan's and
take no other.
Aiavor Ol Kiucwav, t
.. - e mi V- t:A,llm A t
sassinated Blown to Atoms by
Dynamite Bomb While Asleep In His
Front Yard.
Rifto-pwflv. Va.. Julv 23. 1910.
Mayor A. H. Bousman of Ridgeway,
u-na Assassinated last night a9 he
slept in his front yard. On account
of the hot weather he had been sleep
ing in a hammock swung between two
trees on the lawn. About 10 o'clock
the neighborhood of the Bousman
home was startled by a terriffie ex-
dosion. Investigation reveaiea me
ant n. rlvrinmite bomb had been hurl
ed at the sleeping form of the mayor
by some one passing along ine street,
a few feet away, the explosion blow-
ng off both legs ana otnerwisein
nrinf him to such extent that he
died a 6hort while afterward.
The chares of dvnamite in the
hrimli mnar. hivfi been a heavv one.
A piece of the fuse of the bomb was
today found on the rooi oi ineuous
man residence where it had been
blnwn bv the force of the explosion.
On the sides of the houses sixty feet
away blood had been spattered and
particles of flesh adhered to the walls.
Bits of the body also were found on
the roof of an adjoining house.
As mayor of Ridgeway, Mr. Bous
man nre'eided over the police court of
the town trying petty cases. It is
thought some person upon wnom
Tinnsman in his court had passed
sentence of punishment held a grudge
against him ana nau ueen awaiting
an opportunity to wreak vengeance
on the mayor. This opportunity
came last evening when the mayor
lay sleeping in the open air.
from his farm in
tliA onimfpiT tr tho town a week ago,
some unknown person hurled an ex-
piosive at Mr. liousman
riding past some woods. He told his
friends of the occurrence but they
treated the matter as a joke and it
.1 1,4- mi 4-i I
was not given serious inougut
Ttia ii-iina nnnropeilfdll ill this SeC"
tion of the country, had apparently
been carefully plannea oy us perpe
trator whose identity the authorities
or members of the victim's family
mve been unable even to guess at.
Wyche Family Reunion in Greens
Greensboro News, 2nd.
This week, beginning with vester-
day, a family reunion of the Wyche
family will be held in this city at the
homes of E. Poole and Dr. J. E.
Wyche. All the 11 children will be
present except Dr. Charles L. "Wyche,
of St. Jjouis, Mo., wno is absent in
Europe taking a post graduate
course in medicine. For the first
time in 22 years the children of this
family will be together again, and
they are expecting a most enjoyable
Those who will be present are: Mrs.
R. J. Wyche, of Rosemary, N. C, an
aunt of the Wyches; Mrs. Eugenia B.
Wyche, mother and step-mother of
the Wyche children; Miss Mary L.
Wyche, of Vatts hospital, Durham,
N. C; Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Reade and
seven children, of Mt. Tirzah, N. C;
Mr. and Mrs. Granvillle Craddock
and four children, of Houston, Va.;
Mr. and Mrs. E. Poole and four chil
dren, of Greensboro, N. C; Prof.
Richard T. Wyche, of New York; Mr.
and Mrs. Benjamin Wyche, of San
Antonio, Texas; Mr. and Mrs. W. H.
Lawson and four children, of South
Boston, Va.; Mr. and Mrs. II. A.
Harris and two children, of Balti
more, Md.;Miss Pearl Wyche, Greens
boro, N. C; Dr. and Mrs. J.E. Wyche
and twochildren, of Greensboro, N.C.
Dr. J. L. v yche, of Greensboro, is
the oldest of the children.
Dr. Crippen Caught.
One of the greatest achievements
of the modern detective in running
down criminals was the capture on
board a steamship in Canada last
Sunday of Dr. Hawley Harvey Crip
pen, the American doctor-dentist
who is charged with the murder of
his wife, Belle Elmore, the actress, in
London. Soon after the disappear
ance of Crippen's wife he fled and it
was believed his stenographer, a
young woman named Ethel Clare
LeNeve, went away with him. The
pair disappeared as mysteriously
and completely as if the earth had
opened and swallowed them. Since
then officers all over the civilized
world have been looking for him, his
wife's mutilated remains and evi
dence of murder having been found.
The Pacific liner, Montrose, bound
from Antwerp to Quebec had on its
passenger list a man and a young
person in male attire whom the ship's
master, Capt. Kendall, believed to be
Dr. Crippen and a young woman in
stead of the "Rev. John Robinson
and son," as they were registered.
Capt. Kendall put the wireless tele
graph in operatfon soon after the
ship's departure when he became
convinced that his suspicions con
cerning the pair were correct. Of
ficials in London were got in touch
with and an officer, Inspector Dew of
Scotland Yards, took passage on a
faster ship and beat the Montrose
into Canadian waters. When the
Montrose proceeded up the St. Law
rence to Quebec 6he was met at
Father Toint by Inspector Dew and
the arrest of Dr. Crippen and Miss
LeN eve his female companion in male
attire was made without difficulty.
It was a great achievement for the
wireless and the detective force, this
spreading the net 60 neatly around
Dr. Crippen after a worldwide search
for him.
Inspector Dew will take his quarry
back to London for trial sailing
probably on the 8th. In the mean
time Crippen and the young woman
are confined in jail at Quebec.
Pain anvwbere etonnpil in n m;mit.Snro
with one of Dr. Snoop's Tink Tain Tablet.
The formula is on the 25 cent box. Ask your
doctor or druggist about this formula. Stops
womanly pains, headache, pains anywhere.
V rite Dr. Shoop, Racine. Wis., for free trial
to prove value, of his Headache, or Pink Tain
Tablets. Sold at The Paragon, H. E.
Thrower: Proprietor.
-.- .
Harmony of Dress.
A beautiful woman also studies the
harmony of painting a well kept home
takes care to have the house painted
with paint that will continue to look
c xi ' clean and fresh looking- The L.
Jc M. never becomes dingy, because only
chemically pure colors are used; only the
finest White Oiide made from metal
only the finest White Lead; only the
purest Linseed Oil; only expert paint
makera produce it with machinery a
thousand gallons at a time. Contrast
this with the costly and crude produc
tion of hite Lead Paint maid by hand
labor with a HtiVt in a i
Ions at a time L & M. ia gold by Mel
1 ville Dorsey, Henderson.
Elizabeth City Stirred Over flild Sen
sation Which Results in Near-Riot
Rev. I. N. Loftin, Formerly of Hen
derson, One of Parties Concerned.
Elizabeth City had a near-riot Sun
day night in which Rev. I. N. Loftin.
who formerly lived in Henderson,
nnd W. O. Saunders, editor of a
weekly newspaper, The Indepndt-itt,
were involved. An account says
t'iat?Mr. Loftin who is thepastor"of
the Blackwell Memorial Baptist
church in Elizabeth City, had preach
ed Sunday on sensational subjects
dealing principally with Saunders and
his paper, his remarks being in the
nature of a reply to the attacks made
upon him for some time past by the
editor in question.
Saunders was present at both ser
vices. As he left church Sunday night
and started toward his home many
people were on the streets returning
home. One report has it that sever
al of Saunders' bitterest enemies fol
lowed him and when he had gotten
inside his yard yelled out some
threats about giving him a certain
time to get out of town. Immediate
ly several shots rang out and Saun
ders ordered his alleged pursuers to
keep back. Women and children
were panic-stricken and rushed to
cover, some fainting and the great
est excitement prevailed. Some claim
that Saunders was shot at by some
party in the street. However, no
one was hit and the police soon dis
persed what little crowd was left
after the shooting.
The unfortunate fall-out between
Saunders and Tastor Loftin is said
to have come from Saunders' con
tinued bitter attacks on Loftin on
account of a certain seduction case
some months ago in court. A lady
of this city was brought into dispute
and it narrowed down to a question
of veracity between the lady and the
pastor. The deacons of Blackwell
Memorial sustained Pastor Loftin
and expelled the lady. Saunders
went at this action with unheard of
editorials, giving Loftin most un
favorable notoriety. Pastor Loftin
decided to preach upon the great evil
that Saunders and his paper were to
Elizabeth City and crowds gathered
from every section of the city and
even from the country to hear his ar
Death of J. Frank Edwards Was
Popular and Successful Business
flan Remains Taken to Raleigh for
Mr. J. Frank Edwards died at his
home in Oxford at G o'clock Sunday
morning. He was sick about a week,
acute indigestion being given as the
cause of death. Mr. Edwards was a
brother of Mr. C. B. Edwards of
Raleigh, well and favorably known
in connection with the firm of Ed
wards & Broughton, printers and
binders, and himself formerlv lived in
Raleigh. He had been a resident of
Oxford for more than forty years and
no man was held in higher esteem
The funeral was held at the Baptist
church in Oxford at 10 o'clock Mon
day morning. As a mark of respect
to the dead man all the stores were
closed during the funeral hour and
Odd Fellows, the fire company which
bears his name, and a large con
course of people followed the remains
to the station.
Among those accompanying the
remains to Raleigh were Rev. R. II.
Marsh. Prof. J. C. Horner, J.S.King,
P. H. Montgomery. I. W. Mangum,
A. Williford, W. R." Harris, W. R. Pe
gram, F. C. Spencer, W. 0. Chappel,
J. M. Morris, W. H. Britt, Claude
King, P. A. Wood, C.A.Carrol, J. W.
Wilson, J. R. Wood, S. F. Smith, H.
H. Howard, J. F. Meadows, G. W.
King, C. D. Osborn, C. D. Ray and
also two colored men who had been
in the employment of Mr. Edwards
over twenty years Henry Jenkins
and Robert Baskerville.
Items from Bearpond and Gillburg.
Miss Annie Pardue who has been con
fined to her bed for some time with a
mild case of typhoid fever, ia improving
Rev. J. W. Frank assisted by Rev. J. E.
Pritchard, held a very successful revival
meeting at Union Chapel the past week.
Mra. S. P. Brummitt who ia at the
hospital in Durham, continues to im
prove. Mra. W. II. Finch spent Saturday with
her father, Mr. J. A. Gill.
Misa Annie Satterwhite and Miss Lucy
Keavis have been spending a few days
with Mrs. T. T. Ellis.
Mr. J. 15. Allen, Misa Carrie Gill. Misa
Addie Ellington and others from Plank
Chapel Sunday-school went to Trinity
Saturday to take part in the musical
content which waa held between the dif
ferent Sunday-schoola, and we are glad
to say that they won the banner in this
Among the business men who stopped
at Bearpond last week were Mr. H.
Scarboro of Raleigh, Mr. Hal Williams
of Wakefield, and Dr.. p.. J. Gill of Hen
derson. Some know and others are
guessing what their business was.
Miss Gussie Finch spent the past week
with her sister Misa Alma Finch at Kit
trell. The patrona and pupila of Bearpond
High School regret very much that they
will not have Prof. E. L. Green with
them another term aa he has already ac
cepted a position in the Wilson graded
Mr. and Mra. Vincent Heater of Kit-'
trell, have been spending several daya
with relativea near Bearpond.
Mr. and Mra. F. E. Satterwhite spent
Sunday with Mra. S. G. Satterwhite.
Miss Alma Finch of Kittrsll, spent Sat
urday and Sunday out at her country
home, Mr. n. A. Finch's.
Mra. Joe Person of Charlotte, is visit
ing Mrs. Amelia Allen.
Several of the farmers of the commun
ity went to Raleigh last week to attend
the Farmers' Institute.
A number of peofle from Gillburg and
Bearpond attended the Baptist Union
meeting last Sunday.
"If the compliments the Reflector is
receiving on its improvements were
dollars, we would have a full pocket
book," says the Greeville Reflector.
The Reflector deserves the compli
ments, and the dollars, too. It has
recently made material additions to
its mechanical equipment and the
paper is very much improved, in ap
pearance and otherwise. Statesville
Foley Kidney Pills.
Tonic in quality and action, quick in re
sults. For backache, diMinessnervoueness.
urinary irregularities and rheum atisia. Sold
by all druggists.
Weak women ehould read my "Book Xo.
4 for Women." It tells of Dr. Shoop s Night
Cur. Tell how these soothing, healing,
antiseptic suppositories bring quick and cer
tain help. The book is free. Address Dr.
Snoop, Racine, Wis. The Faregon, H. E.
Thrower, Proprietor.
We are Distillers
1 gallon of Whiskey and
2 gallons of Whiskey and
3 gallons of Whiskey and
4 gallons of Whiskey and
4 1 -2 gals ofWhiskey and
1 -2 gallon of Whiskey and
Send us Cashier's check, Post Office Money Order or
Express Money Order for any of the above goods. Be
sure to write your name, Experss Office and Post Office
plainly, and then there will not be any mistake. Any
Whiskey you may order can be returned if not satisfac
tory and we will return your money.
The Clarksville Whiskey
Clarksville, Virginia.
All new styles bought this season every suit goes in this sale.
e s
Wei-e $ 4.00 and
5.50 and
Were 6.00
Were 2.50
Solid Color Basket Cloths,
Idealine Cloths
Flowered Mulls
70 inch White Persian Lawns
Come and see our goods. We can save you money every time.
And tha.t of the
R. W. Jones
Clarksville, Virginia.
and Make Our
jug, $1.65
jug. 3.30
jug, t 5.00
jug, 6.60
jug, 7.50
jug. 1.10
- -
Corn Whiskies,
Own Whiskies.
100 proof.
1 gallon of Whiskey and jug, $2.15
2 gallons of Whiskey and jug, 4.30
3 gallons of Whiskey and jug, 6.50
4 gallon of Whiskey and jug, 8.60
1 gallon 4 years old Whiskey, 2.50
1 gallon 8 years old Whiskey, 3.00
4 qts of 1 0 years old Whiskey, 4.00
1 -2 gallon of Whiskey and jug, 1 .25
Now $3.01
" 3.90
Now $7.50
it 1 AA
Now 3.90
7 on
Now 1.75
Now 1.00
50c. now 39c.
20c. " 15c.
25c. " 15c.
25c. " 15c.
35c. " 20c.
75c, 98c. and $1.19
Social and Personal.
isa Belle Ilieks was th.. 1
euiovalile and unioup inrt.
evening complimentary tuhVp ,', n,1.f
Drown, of Albemarle." X. c "r i' st i'
tion Party and was nun hi v f'i,i,1v"7''-
nnTArBnttin irnra ni....l 1 . IN
Ireseuieu 10 me guffl o! ,lin(ir
... II... . 1.
ieuciou8 rciresuments were ,.rV(. i
Miss Hicks proved lu r.u .. i '' '
hoetoe.. and the evtnin" w ..o'arm":5
uch pleasure.
A delightful "Moon'idit ; .-
Barn Ihiuee was eniovml in ,
the young people onTliurs.!:i'v
Mis (Jenevieve Cooper w as !,, stl.! ' 1
n f T-!ll" tlmaa inrif...l .. ... """
uv v.w.- i mvi lilt ;jt i't'P
IU" iriuiiiiut "U 1 TI Was Mil.
sistinjr of sandwiches. fn..,i ,.i ,'"
pickle, hot rolls, ice cream ami ,-,,1,,.
lemonade. ' 1
Dancing was enjoved ia tin -I,,,
taking part in the "square .laii.v." u
l. . l.ooper. Mis. A. ( . V, I';, ,.,,-
Mr. and Mrs. T. II. Chavas., , ,
thecrowedand shared with .
..: : .i... .... . " w
vieyr in iiiumii me eveiuii a i,;
Miss Jessie Harris cult i t ,! !,.,! ...
"Dinner Tarty" on Monday , , ;,', "
honor of Miss Love McDnili,- ,,f i , i "
. . ' "'U;i.
bus, da.
A handsome course dinner w is
at eight o'clock and about t. , 1 1,,...,..... .
enjoyed an automobile ride
rni. 1 ii .
IIIUIU VHH IM'MllllimiV It. mi ii. , I
uuciui iiLimn unit it-i us null Ian
i r i ,
and mats.
' Ci.Vrr
Those enjoyiug the dinner ami r,)r
were, Misses Agnes and .l,si,.
Love McDullle, Marie Maanin and li.r.J
Cooper, Messrs. Frank II. in is, ;,.,,
I ooher, .Ld Shaw. Tom I'linn,,,, .,,
Dr. F. It. Harrifc vlu i shared tin. i,,..
urea with the young folk
Struck a lifcti Mine.
S. V. Bends, of Coal tiu. 1 , . :ls .
slrnek a -rfeet mine of lienllii in i, K u f
New Life Pills for they en re. I Um I i,.r
and Kidney Trouble niter I J , f K:illv,
ing. Tliey are the hi nt ,, . , ; , r
CunRtipation, Malaria. Ilea. I. u h. . 1 1
Debility. 2'tc. at Melville p.,,. j- ,j;
For Sheriff.
To the Voters of Vnnee ('oimU:
I hereby announce myself a raniliiltttf
for the ollice of Sheriff of Van..- cnutv,
subject to the action of tin- Ivuhm ratic
primaries, and uk the niiie.it uf mv
friends therefor. If elected I pledge my
self to a faithful and ueceptnlde disrli,ire
of the duties of the ollice. t the l
my ubility.
For Superior Court Clerk.
To the Voters of Vance County:
I hereby announce myself a randidaie
for re-election to the ollice of ( letk uf tin
Superior court rf Vance county. Mil. jn (
to the action of the Ieiiiurra!i- ri
mariee, and ask thesiiiort of u, fni m!
which will be duly appreciated.
hi;m:v ri:i:i:v.
For Register of Deeds.
To the.Votcrs of Vance ( oniit :
I hereby announcer myself a candidate
for re-election to the oliiee of Register !
Deeds of Vnnee county, snhject tu t L
action of the Democratic pi -nuance Mv
record is before you nnd upon that I re
spectfully ask the support id my friend.-:,
pledging if elected to dischawietlii'duiien
of said office in future with the i-amc
fidelity and satisfac tion ns in i b- pn-i
K. W. lhVl:bS
For Sheriff.
To the Voters of N ance Coimti :
I hereby announce myself a candidate
for re-election to the ollice of Sheriff ef
Vance county, subject to the niii'm (
the Democratic primaries. 1 'b-l iri i.tr my
self to a faithful performance. ,f the duti.
of said office if elected. 1 respectfully a-l
thesupportof my friends throimhx ' t
county. J'OSFI'II S. IImV-TU:
To the Voters of Vance County.
I hereby announce myself ea I; ! a ?
for the office of Register of Id- ( Nairn'
County, subject to the action of the hem
ocratic primaries, and ank the siipirt "j
my friends in all parts of the county, j
shall abide your decision and if nomi
nated and elected I pledge my l"-t 'j
forts to a faithful and bm-'mcxs hk"("'l
ministration of the duties of k.-h I "I i-c
Cholera Infant urn b
Thomas I'.rothcrs, W. V.'. I'.vi't.
Melville horsey.
Henderson, - - N C.
Mixing Things
That Is Things In the DniZ U"'-
Do you realizo th;it lie- man
r , f
meuicine m h part iciil r io
There ure many w.i
medicine can lx? i u i x - 1 . !'
right way.
ciril UTtifY.t !l rl. TiT't-tl
t, rtln'h
...h- one
d i"
mix, hut the druggist wb" u1
hllainpuu r-on in!r nil sil.ii tt l''1" "'
an emulsion uh nmootii
We know the drug
oughly and would 1"' u
vour medicines for von.
,, to n:
Kerner-MacNair Co,,
Henderson, N. C.
Notice of Sale-
State of North Carolina,
County of Vain.
J. C. Kittridl, Administrator ,.f
king, deceased.
Major Hawkins. Mary Ma!'n",
. - II
,!el le-e'"
. I.'Ull"'
Irwin HawkiriH, and Ii""""
Hryant and any and ull le-ir-
I I i', .,t i.f ;ii.' '' 1
t .
Ol llic eu pri lui , u . . t , B Are "
;in epcial proceed in-'s '"u! -ud
atne being No. 10-Vl n"" ! ;' ;,,.,r
dine docket of aid Court. - "
n a .1 a . - rw-r.i , I nn1.ti trll fll I. - e "
the same
signed commissioner will, on
Mrnr1av Alirrlist 1 2.
J ' ' o . -.p.ler
at 12 o'lclock at the court lion"" ' . j..
aou. S. C, sell to the higher '
a certain parcelof land iu K,,f , f j I'
sold county, adjeininjr the Is'"'" ' ,
Hunt, Jerre Hicks and others "
a follows: On the North hy 1 " , ,,f
The Hume tieinir the home
Hawkins Dear Kittrell, '.,,
This the lith day of jf "'VjtxreLL.
and all went out to the farm ,,f ir s '"
Cooper in automobiles. Ti,.. -r,.v,.
leautifully decorated ui'li .:,7, iai',
nnd hammocks and at mu- ei'i.l ' i"1"
bonfire was built. Noon ,,fi, ;- irriv,'.'
. r xt a. i T' . . .. . i.i, i.ii-
Dexter Peace; on the South ny ,'.,,., ,i
Oeorjre Vaughn: on the Went by ' u .rr.
Jerre Hicks: and containinK ' T,.r,,rr
of ttie mi

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