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HI A BUSINESS Be Sore "11 II You are right by first writing an ad ver tisement setting forth the bargains you of fer, and insert it in the (iOLl) LEAF. Thus prepared for bus iness, you can Then Go Ahead. StteLibrarj If Yob Wnt ADVERTISES THAT 18 Worth Having 19 Worth Advertising To reach the people of Hen derson and sur rounding coun try, let them you hold out to get their trade by a well displayed adver tisement in 18 THE FOUNDATION or SUCCESS IN EVERY DAY IN THE YEAR. -cJ Til 60LD LEAF Bj GOLD LEAF PUBLISHING CO, Carolina, Oakolina, Heaven's Blessings Attend Her. SUBSCRIPTION $1.50 Cish. VOL. XXX. HENDERSON, N. C, THURSDAY, APRIL-6. 1911. NO. 1G. EARLY COMERS IN HENDERSON. The keavlFamlly First Settled Mere Many Years Ago Some Points of interest in the Early History of Our Hustling Little City. M.-ysru. Thomas and Lucien Heavia 1,-tt la.-t-wfck for their home in TVxas. Tl: mining of tliPHe'gentlemen, and (!, -Htth'tiH'nt of the W. W. Heavis ,.-tntH, calls attention to some very jj.t.TcHtiiitf facts relating to Ilender ..lh. It in worthy of note, and to !!,. ititr'wt of the town, th'it the iirt in iii'tfi come into this vicinity , imi- because- it was a healthful loca tion. Samuel Heavis moved from Northampton county in 1780, seek u,,r a section free from malaria. lie touml it, so he remained, and ho have ,,, ,,, v (,f hi descendants to this day. What U no .vdarnett street, the prin cipal business thoroughfare of one of l lie most progressive towns in the State, was 125 years ago jiart of the trnitt'staire road from Washington to Columbia. Samuel Ilea vis bought tract of land situated on both sides ,,l this road, and built a home near when the Colored Normal "Institute now stands. Samuel, Lewis, and Whitfield, the three sons of the pio neer, bought land and all settled in t his, then a part of (Irnnville county. In the spring of 111 Iewis Heavia built the first, store building erected in Henderson, near Mr. T. T. Hicks' otlice eite, and began a merchandis ing business with his brother-in-law, wTlIiam Kvuns. William Evans was mi homesick for his Virginia homo lie called the village "Lonesome Vailey," but he stayed on until his , leu tli in 1S'J2, finding that it was in cl -eil "As goodly a laud asthe"sun e . r shone on." This same year the first dwelling house erected jn Hen derson proper was built by Lewis ilea vis where Mr. J. W. Heck nowjhas a residflice. These thiv brothers all had large families. Some of them moved Wesr. chief .lustier James II. Heavis, of Washington State, is a descendant of this fa i .ily and some moved South, and wherever they have migrated, it M-ems, they have been large land owners, arid the gift of ten acres to i he town years ago the site of the Seaboard Air Line" Hail way square, seems to indicate that they have ever been a public spirited family. The Kerner property on William -i reel is a part of the original tract. bs. S. L. Kerner being a desrend ant of Samuel Heavis, this land has, id. ivforo, been in tic fa mil v since I 7 n'.i Mr. Thomas Heavis, who returned I oaie last week, at one time owned a large ranch in Texas, but the land i here, worth from .('' to SO an acre, is too valuable for this pur pose and no.v his land is therefore under cultivation. According to him, I tree ranches in Texas are t hinirs of the past. The country has be come so thicklv settled that the "round-up" wagon is no longer run. Then he very interest lingly ex plained the winkings of a large ranch as s. . a today in Wyoming and other Western States. How in the spring a ''round up" wagon, with six cow l.os and seven or einht "reps," are sent by each ranch to the head of ti rt line creek, and then another, and so on. And how the cowboys r. at ter and drive all the cattle first into the bed of the creek, and then down to its mouth, where the calves are branded in the brands of their mothers. They are then separated into different bunches, it seems, ami driven by the cowboys and "reps" to their owners ranch, that the fat ones may be shipped to market. During the winter the "round up" wagons and cowboys are stationed at different points to feed the poor cattle. The cowboys who act as representatives at other ranches are called "reps." Unique Display. This is the season of spring open ings, and while we would hardly ex- !eet ti fiiul iiiillinerv .roods dis played Ht a hardware store there is a pretty good imitation of Easter crun t iotia in fjnoninu liPildlYPfir at M. J. OWeil's. A large placard reads: MILLINERY OPKNIMi. a few of our East Kit Ckkatioxs. They are Strict! v Ep-to-date. Then on smaller cards describing the articles to which attention is di recle.1 nn written- "Hose carters '-Me a pair." "Hose, 2c. a pair (of feet I." A wire wrapped garden hose is described as line drop stitch hose. The goods which represent the latest shapes and styles in ladies' hats, bon nets, etc . are inverted coal PCUttles. sprinkling pots, dish pans, wash ba sins, etc, trimmed with colored crepe decoratinc miner, feather dusters serving the purpose of plumes. It is a unique display ana uas auracieu no little m t tunt ir?i inn! comment. Clem Rodwell and Huss Daniel were the "designers" and "trimmers. aided and abetted by Maurice ( .Neil Registrars and Judges. The county commissioners have appointed registrars and pollbolders for the city election to be held the iTst Monday in May. trst named hi each ward is registrar, and the u hers pollholders. First Ward L. A. Kellev, Alex I-rdan, S. H. Allen. Second Ward T. 1. Jones, I. C "obbit. T. T. Marrow. Third Ward-E. A. Towel!, J. T 11 Horner. M. J. Edwards, fourth Ward P. E. Rowland, C 11 ' row, .1. F. renn. "Si. jrflve her husband a pocket ior ins birthday." "Anvthintr in it4" ';Yei the bill." Philadelphia Bui RUMORS OF POLITICAL WAR. Big Senatorial Fight Warming Up Looks .Like Two Years of Politic! Turmoil in the State. Persistent rumors come from Ral eigh telling of plots and counter plots, political war and rumors of it, that are now in immediate prospect, and it seems almost certain that North Carolina is to undergo nearly two years of political turmoil. The Charlotte Observer recently carried the following Ptory from Raleigh: Judging frcin the talk one hears all about the city and through the State offices, there is steady develop ment in the reported movement of certain "progressive democrats" to ring out a condidate for the United State Senate to oppose both Sena tor .Simmons and his present avow ed opposing candidate, Governor W. Kitchin. The most strenuous political contest within nartv lines that bus probably ever been known in the State has been assured for some time m the himmons-Kitchin race for the Senate two years hence and now the indications of a three- cornered fight still further compli cate the situation. The latest est imate of the situation is that certain influential Democrats, terming themselves "progressive," are making a determined search for a third candidate who they believe could walk away with the nomina tion for the I nited States Senate in a three-cornered light. Ex-(Jov. Charles li. Avcock is said to ha ve received hundreds of letters the past few days from all parts of the State- from Democrats urging dm to become a candidate and as suring him that they believe he could win and in doing so a vert what they lebeve will be a Kitchin-Simmons fight within the party that might real- v destroy Democracy as a dominant political factor for the time in this State. Ex-fJovernor Aycock is an outspoken advocate of the re-election of F. M. Simmons to succeed himself in the Senate and not a great while ago declared in newspaper interviews that he could m no way be induced to become a candidate for the Unit ed States Senate, especially if his per sonal and political friend. Senator Simmons, asked to be returned to the Senate, which he js doing quite aggressively at this time. It is said that whether dovernor Aycock decides to get in the tkcp or not, the "progressives," responsible for the pressure being brought to ienr on him, are determined to get out an opponent for Simmons and vitchin, Mr. E. J. Justice, of dreens- )oro, former Speaker of. the House of Representatives, being mentioned with special frequence as a possible andidate. Chief Justice Walter 'lark is also much in the limelight in this respect and there are numer ous surmises as to whether he could e induced to give up his Chief Jus ticeship and try for the Senatorship. Help in a Worthy Cause. The Helping Hand Circle of the King's Daughters desire to call special attention to their lunch room on (iarnett street, and ask the pat ronage of every man and woman in Henderson and Vance county on Sat unlays. The King's Daughters is an organization for works ot charity and seeks to render assist ance to all who really need it. This uncli room is run on the principal street of the city, and furnishes as substantial a meal for of) cents as can be had at any place. No tips are allowed. A committee ot three adies serve every Saturday. Tea Cup Inn is no loafing place, and pat rons are not annoyed in tins way. The King's Daughters invite you to come in on Saturdays, when in the city, and get one of the best dinners you ever ate, thus enabling them to increase their usefulness. Tea is served every Tuesday afternoon. Dynamite on the Farm. ( Monroe Enipiiicr. ) Mr. John II. Williams, of East Monroe township, has just cleared a very stumpy piece of land, and the work was more like fun to the hoys. dvnamite instead of muscle being used to get up the stumps. The dy namite way is not only easier than is the muscle way, but it is cheaper. Mr. Williams says that dynamite is the cheapest thing to use in getting up stumps, but the one who uses it better not get careless. Dynamite firming is by no mfans a dreim Thev are not onlv using dynamite to dig stumps, but it is being used to dig uost-holcs and holes for set ting out trees The dynamited hole for putting out trees is a great deal better than one dug with tools for the explosion loosens the dirt all around the hole. They are using dynamite to break up land with, too, but not to nnv great extent. A Good Word for Rats. Rats are mighty mean, but we don't believe they are guilty of all thpv are charged UD with. Another thing, rats travel in the day time as nroll .is nt. nifrht. and nearly all barn- hnrnino- is done when darkness covers the face of the earth Marsh ville Home. Sustain Enormous Loss. X nnrnsi m t el v $8,000,000 loss was sustained by the peach growing industry in the United States East of the Rocky mountains last season frnm hrnnrn rot Scab and CUTCUliO. a small beetle, according to a De partment of Agriculture ouueun Tl. Iaaq n-oj nlimi r, half the value o A UO w v. .r Tt is psti mated that with lid, 750,000 bearing treea last season's WHY TORRENS SYSTEM FAILED. Too Many Young Lawyt r. in the Legislature The Milk in the Cocoa nut. ( Union Fanner. ) If the Legislature had "been made up of strong lawyers the Torrens system would not have fired so badly. Hut successful lawyers are seldom elected to the legislature simply because they won't have the job. And big lawyers do not care to waste their time searching laud titlps. It is too tedious a job for them, but the small-fry lawyers are glad to get the job of fixing up land papers and examining land titles, and theselittle lawyers, therefore, decided that the Torrens system just wouldn't do for North Carolina; and they' voted it town in the legislature. It s a pity that folks have gotten in the habit of sending young lawyers to make aws for them before they have as much knowledge of law as a cross roads magistrate. But that is the way the folks have been doing to give the young lawyers a start to give them a little cheap advertising. lot of those fellows who frowned at the expressed wishes of their farm er constituents and slapped them in the face, have all sorts of aspirations to figure in public life some more, but the short-sighted fellows had not put their ears to the ground and leard the march of the organized irmer the business farmer, who knows what he wants and why he wants it! Hut most of these bud ding politicians are just the right age to begin to learn and we are of the opinion that they have no v ar rived at the place where they will proceed to learn a few things that will make a lasting impression upon their thinking works. North Carolina to Get Good Com mittee Assignments. The members of the North Caroli na delegation to the House of Repre sentatives that meets for the first time tnis week will have better committee assignments than any congressional delegation from the State during this generation. It is probable, though not certain by any means, that the delegation will be represented on five of the biggest ommittees of Congress. Claude Kiichin is already serving on ways and means, as is Mr. Pou, on the rules committee.- Representative Yates Webb will undoubtedly be np- lomted on the pidiciary committee mil will probably be fourth in rank by reason of previous service. The assignments which North Carolina stands a good chance of landing, are appropria tions and rivers and harbors. Representative Page desires ap pointment on the first named com mittee and Representative John II. Small wishes to go in the last nam- d. The committees named above ire probably the five most impor tant in the House, and should North Carolina secure representation in four of the five the State can consid er itself fortunate. Representative Claude Kitchin, who is a member of ways and means committee, that is making committee assignments, is looking after the interests of the North Carolina delegation and he will do everything in his power to have all the members well represent ed on the committees of the House. There must be many disappoint ments, because if the ambitions of all congressmen should be gratified, the committees would have to be made ten times their present size. DON'T BE BALD. Nearly Anyone May Secure a Splen did Growth of Hair. We have a remedy that has a rec ord of growing hair and curing bald ncss in O.'J out of every 100 cases where used according to directions for a reasonable length of time. That may seem like a strong statement it is, aud we mean it to be, and no one should doubt it until they have put our claims to an actual test. We are socertain liexall liair Tonic will cure dandruff, prevent baldness, stimulate the scalp and hair roots, stopfallinghair and grow new hair, that we personally give our positive guarantee to refund every penny paid us for it in every instance where it does not give entire satis faction to the user. Rexall "D.T' Hair Tonic is as pleas ant to use as clear spring water. It is delightfully perfumed, and does not grease or gum the hair. Two sizes. .0c. and i.i. With our guarantee back of ir, you certainly take no risk. Sold only at our store The Rexall Store. W. W. Parker. A Little Angel. "She laid her little head by mine And with her finger made A ringlet of the golden strand That round her forehead played, She hnmmed a little, and she sang, And then she hugged me tight With. Tapa, you're the bestest thing! And then she kissed goo 1 night. Kicked by a Mad Horse. Snuiid Rirrh. of Iteetown. Wis., bad a most narrow escape from losing his leg, as no doctor could heal the frightful wore that developed, but at last Bucklen's Arnica Salve cured it completely. It's the greatest healer of ulcersr burns, boils, eczema, scalds, cuts, corns, cold sores, bruises and piles en earth. Try it. 2"i at Melville Pnrsey I diup store. k - . Dou't harp on ot.e string until vou talk with a twang. Lame Shoulder is nearly alway due to rheumatism of the muscles, and quickly yields to the free application of Chamber lain LinimsBt. For by all dalri. A Modern Miracle. Of course everybody has read the account of the wonderful miracle that was performed at the marriage feast in Cana of Galilee now nearly two thousand years ago by which the purest of water was changed into the very best of wine in the presence of all the guests assembled. Nothing like it was ever before heard of, and it is therefore no wonder that the guests marvelled and looked on in astonishment. It remained for Dur ham to come to the front with some thing almost as marvellous and won derful. It came about in this way: The police of that city a few days ago captured a few quarts of blind tiger liquor from an old colored man. He was found with the goods on him. He was at once taken into custody ami the whiskey carried to police headquarters, where it was carefully examined and tested by experts and pronounced to be the genuine arti cle. There could be no doubt about that fact. So it was cautiously stored away for safe keeping until the following day to be produced in court as so much unmistakable evi dence against the guilty offender. But low and behold, when the court convened and the big bottles were brought in, fully identified, and their contents examined in the presence of t he court, they were found to contain only pure water. During the night the mysterious change had been wrought nobody seemed to know just how. The court and the police looked puzzled, and no explanation of the miraculous change could be vouchsafed by anyone. At last re port the identity of the fellow who had wrought this modern-day mira cle was still undiscovered. "Did you learn anything while you were in the East?" asked Piute Pete. "I should say I did," replied Bronco Bud. t:I went to a cowboy play and found out that the cos tumes and dialect wo fellows are using out here are all wrong." A ashington Star. WHY SO WEAK? Kidney Troubles flay bs Sapping Your Life Away Henderson Peo ple Have Learned This Fact. When a healthy man or woman begins to run down without apparent cause, becomes weak, languid, depressed, suf fers backache, headache, dizzy spells and urinary disorders, kidney weakness may hk the cause of it all. Keep the kidneys well and they will keep you well. Doan's Kidney rills make sick kidneys well. Can Henderson readers demand further proof than the following statement: M. . Fleming, of Manson, N. C, says: "Kidney trouble caused me no end of suffering. When I lifted or stooped I had sharp pains in my loins and my back ached intensely at night. 1 tired easily, was languid and nervous and often noticed that the kidney secretions contained sediment. The contents of six boxes of Doan's Kidney Pills made a permanent cure and at the" present time 1 am enjoying good health. 1 his rem edy deserves my most hearty endorse ment." For sale by all dealers. Price o0 cents. Foster-Milburn Co.. Bnffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Kemember the name Doan s and take no other. Reminiscent "And where," de manded his wife, with flashing eyes, would you be now, only for me The man glanced at the clock. It was verging on midnight. "He sigh ed and was silent. Puck. Rheumatism Relieved In 6 Hours. DR. DETCnON'S RELIEF FOR IUIED- MATISM usually relieves severest cases in a few hours. Its action upon the system is re markable and effective. It removes the cause and the disease quickly disappears. l-irst uose benents. 7oc and fl.OO. Sold by V. W. Parker, druggist. je 1 His Own Fault. The impassioned orator at the Milwaukee tramps' con vention paused and wiped his per spiring brow. "Brothers, he said, "this Is hard work." Then they expelled him. Cleveland Plain Dealer. A Reliable nedlclne Not A Narcotic. Mrs. F. Marti, St. Joe, Mich., says: '"Our little boy contracted a severe bronchial trouble and as the doctor s medicine did not cure him. I gave him Foley's Honey and lar Compound in which I have great faith It cured the cough as well as the choking and gaging spell, and he got well in a short time. Foley's Honey and Tar Compound has many times saved us much trouble and we are never without it in the honse." Sold by all druggists. Putting it in Practice. "Son, 1 hear vou have joined the I?ov Scout move ment." "Yea, dad." "Well, s'noae vou scout .head and see if your mother is sitting up for X !! T me. louiaviue uouner-journai. Sale of Valuable House and Lot- UNDER AND BY VIRTUE OF AUTH0R ity conferred by an order of the Su perior Court of Vance County, made in a special proceeding entitled Fannie Richard son. Administratrix de bonus non of Myrtle K. S. Pope, deceased, vs. Ernest F. Kin and C. Edward Pope, Jr., heirs at law. the same beins; No. loSV upon the special proceeding docket of said Court, the undersigned Com missioner will on the 24th day of April, 1911, at 12 o'clock M., at the Court Hons door in Vance County, North Carolina, offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash that cer tain lot or parcel of land lying and being on fiarnett street, in the town of Henderson, N. C. and described as follows: Beginning at a stake on the S. E. Bide of Garnett street. E. W. Adcock's corner, run thence by his line 225 feet more or less to J. A. Kelly's line: then by his line S. 45 W 80 feet to a stake Kelly's and Horner's corner; then v the lines of Horner and Jno. D Stallings, X. 3Ua W. 233 feet to Stallings' corner on Garnett street: thence along Gar nett street. X. 53V E. feet to the besrin ing. Being the same land conveyed to Myr tle A. Pope by Adeline A. Briggs, on October 3rd. J 905, and recorded in the Register of Deeds office of Vance County, X. C, in Book 43 page 7. This. March 20. 1911. HEXRT T. POWELL, Commluio&tr. What To Do FOR Sickly Children Letters from Mothers "I wish I could induce every mother, who has a di.icate, sickly child, to try your delicious Cod Liver and Iron Tonic VINOL. It re-, v stored our little daughter to health ' d strength after everything else had failed." Mrs. C. W. Stump, Canton, Ohio. Mrs. F. P. Skonnard, of Minne apolis, Minn., writes, "I want to recommend VINOL to every moth er who has a weak or sickly child. My little boy was sickly, pale, and had no appetite for two years. I tried different mH tors without LenenVbut thanks to ' lTTXTAT 1 t Vll e is a well and healthy boy to-day." C. Allen, of New Bedford, Mass., writes,"Mytwo punychildrengained rapidly in flesh and strength in a very short time after taking VINOL." We positively know VINOL will build up little ones and make them healthy, strong and robust. Try one bottle, and if you are not satis fied, we will return your money. W. W. Parker, Druggist. Henderson. To TUg General Public. I am still making Old Clothes New as I was before, and without fearonyour part of loss. I am carrying f 1,000 insurance to cover all ,amages in case of fire. I was careful before but I shall try to be moreso in the future, HO you need not fear sending your goods to b r Cleaned, Pressed or Dyed. Since getting back to my old stand my facilities for doing work are better than ever and all work will be gotten out promptly and returned when promised. Old customers know what my work is the best. New customers will be convinced by a trial order. Soliciting your further patronage, r Yours to serve, HENDERSON PRESSING CLUB. J. It. l'HATT, Properitor. Phone .'IGO II. NOTICE. Sale of Valuable Real Estate. BY VIRTUE OF POWER CONFERRED upon me b.v an order issuing from the Superior Court cf Vance County in a special proceeding therein pending entitled A. (.'. Zollicoffer, administrator of the estate of H. H. Major, deceased, vs. V. 1). Major, and others. I shall on Tuesday, May 2nd, 1911 ell at the Con rt HouBe door in the town of Henderson, N. C, at public auction to the highest bidder upon the terms one half cash balance and credit of six months. The de ferred payment to bear interest at rate of six per cent per annum from date of sale, the following real estate to wit: One cer tain lot or parcel of land situated in the town of Henderson, N. C, on Young street, adjoining the lands of Henry Perry, the town of Henderson, J. W. Beck, and Young street. It being the lot with brick building thereon where H. S. Major resided at time of his death. Wale will be made subject to confirmation by the Court. This 24th day of March, 1911. A. C. Z0LLIC0FFER, Administrator estate H. 8. Major, deceased. li VANCE I n f ! L "QUALITY" if immure MOT; I R. S. McCOIN, Attorney at Law, Henderson, N. C. Offices in Henderson Loan & Heal Lstate Building. FRANCIS A. MACON, DENTAL SURGEON. Office In Young Block. Office hours: 9 a. in. to 1 p. ui.. 3 to ti p. ru. Kest.lenee Phone 152-2; OttiaeFhone 152-1 Estimates furnished when desired. No eharee tor examination. H. L. PERRY, Attorney at Law, Henderson, N. C. Office 137 - - - - Main Street. HENRY PERRY. INSURANCE. A strong line of both LIFE AND Fl HE ( PAN I ES represented. Policies issued and risl placed to best advantnge. Office: In Cocrt Ilousi t Wise Granite Co. t t Wise. N. C. t Contractors and Builders, i We ar now located in I lender hod and polieit 3'onr patronage. INSURANCE! We Represent a Strong Line of the Best Companies Carrying Risks On Fire, Tornado, Marine, Plate Glass, Casualty, Accident, Surety, Boier, Life, Health. Insurance Department Citizens Bank. ft. B. CROWD ER, Manager. NOTICE. T iH'Bt'RY CIVK VOTIfT. THAT API'LI- A cation will be made to tlie Governor of North Carolina 011 April 20Mi, 1!)11, for the pardon ot Eugene Venable, convicted of criminal assault and sentenced to a terra of .r venrs at May term, I'.HO. of Vance Supe rior Court. T. T. HICKS. MarchJIH, 1911. OUR Your Good Fertilizers Mean Good Crops. GoodCrops Mean Big Demands Next Nothing but the richest growth of Tobacco, Cotton . -t our Lsranus. a trial win convince yuu ma . ter made. :-: :-: WAWGE Henderson, N. C. CONDENSED STATEMENT Citizens Bank, - Henderson, N. C. . March 7,1911. Resources. Liabilities. Loan and Discounts. tM7,4r.2.W Capital Stock paid In, flOO.Ooooo Overdrafts 0,128.10 Surplus and Profits, 77.074.7l) .N.C.4 percent. Bonds 25,000.00 Duo to Hanks, l.f,47.i;o Stookg and Honds M0,ir,1.23 Cauhier'aChecksdutstaitd g -2,110.12 DankglTueand Fixtures. 10,732.73 Certified Checks 403.00 Insurance Department, 3,833.43 Accrued Interest. 274. ".0 Cash on hand and in Hanks 1 21, "77.Sr Ieposits, .".o3.33ii.3i) Total, I734.87C.40 Total. 17317(10 An Honorable History. clienishrouI't! ttJn8 ' "r."- ,,0 -Url to the w,l ,,t mlMMm Matnuflhtd tim.'o'Ki lt alwav. to rea lms a tmcN , a iff ' r V t . ' f riP"' ati -oh'htj and progresmveness w fi.i r ' rf,ul '-hentele. It will keep on growing bigger and nt ronger un der the policies which have brought it to its present, position ou are invited to identify yourself with us as depositor. mid grow with us. .1.15. OWEN a.C. Z0LLMJ0FFER, V. III' N'T I resident. Vice-President. Cashier. c r REAL ESTATE Sol, Insurance of All Kinds. Life, Fire, Health, Accident, Tornado, Plate Glass, Liability, Rent, Live Stock and Bonding, Loans Negotiated. Rents col lected for property owners. If there is anything in this line in which you are in terested, see Henderson Loan &Real Estate Co. Phone 139, C C c c c Try One of Our (Country Style Mams, WAT 19 CENTS THE POUND.-a Melrose Flour The City (Grocery Co. PHONE 45. Agents for Chase & Sanborn's Coffee and Teas. The date on your address label In dicates the time to which your sub scription Is paid. PERTH FIRST CONSIDERATION. Success Means Our Success materials especially adapted to the and Corn, goes into the making of r . . t,nf t-a la nnnp ft- :-: GUAIKIO CO. $5.75 Per Barrel. Hero's u tip, joung man. Con vince a girl that hIio shouldn't lov you, and ehe will. Year. - la, ft : ziJim W$M. crop aggregated ?iz,wuu,vuw,uuu.