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r. ir 1. A BUSINESS Be Sure If Y01 WlBt Yon are right by first writing an ad vertiaement netting forth the bargain you of fer, and insert it in the (JOLI LEAF. Thus prepared forbus iuese, you can State Library ADYEN1SIW I THAT 18 Worth Having ia Worth Advertising EVEHY DAY To reach the people of Hen derson and sur rounding coun try, let them knowtheinduce hold out to get their trade by a well displayed adrer tiaement in 18 THC FOUNDATION OF SUCCESS ihv Duemccc ' I i IN THE YEAR. Then Go Ahead. la Ha III DULU LLATJi jj By GOLD LEAF PUBLISHING CO. " OROiLinsr., Oroliin, Heaven's BiLEssinsrGrS JLttektid Her. 7 SUBSCRIPTION $1.50 Cist. VOL. XXX. HENDERSON, N. C, THURSDAY, APRIL 13. 1911. NO. 17. EDITORIAL COMMENTS. It ia a fact that a big bank account often gives great weight to a man's opinion on almost any nubject or orreaion. In Home tactions of the country i i.e peanut crop in the farmer's chief ij.-pemlenee n a money crop. In u . !( like that the peuniit is aluioHt if ii..t Mltogether (be hull tiling-. if those who want Senator Sim nioiiH' job decide that they will ntand ;i better chance to et it in a State liimnry, then we may expct to lnMr of their being; in favor of the primary. ItUHHia can bully poor old belples9 China and force her to accept almost ,-ui y term . But it in a safrf wager i h;it Uusnia will not attempt any Mih tiling with little Japan for in my yearn to come. A Chicago dortor thinks that kissing id a useleHH, wnnHms practice and advocates rubbing noses in r,i. ad. You can stake your last dol lar that there in g;oing to be no such substituting in Henderson. The orginators of some of the less popular soft drinks are no doubt wondering how the coca cola people iiHiniged to get that government iiiVfstigrttion started and thereby i in so much free advertising. It is stated as a fact that the new r ipnxity treaty with Canada re moves the "duty" on peanuts. Now w lio ever heard of a "duty" on pea nuts, unless it be that some fellows think it their duty to fairly litter all public places with the hulls? - - - - Someone has just discovered that any man who has learned to attend strictly to bis own business and let other people's alone is a desirable citizen. In our bumble judgment, fiis is one of the greatest discoveries of modern times, and everyone should t t k- due note of it. If those men who want a good has.'hall team in Henderson, ho that tie- monotony of their long summer nfi' moons may be broken, had a ie.vcpa)er on their hands, they might find sutlicient amusement without having to go out to the ba-eball park. . . It has recently been decided by a lenrned judge that when a man gives a girl a diamond ring as a token of ei.-Mgement, the ring at once bt-coni.-s the property of the giil nnd th u she can not be made to give it "I' ven if the engagement is later cille.l off. Here is an opportunity t' r almost any girljto secure one or more diamond rings without cost to lrself and without fear of future molestation or embarrassment in the full possession ami enjoyment of the s'ime. This decision, however just or unjust it may be to the giver, may hive the effect of making young men more cautious and considerate in the bestowal of such tokens. II InlE Mmw I 111 I lit Equestrian, Gymnastic and Acrobatic Entertainment WALLETT Two performances Afternoon and Evening. Price of Admission, 25c, 35c. and 50c Chil dren under fourteen years, 15c, 20c and 25c At the Matinee children under 14 years 15c all over the house, 1 lckets on Jurors for May Term. The county eommiscioiiers, at their last monthly riveting, drew the following jurors for the Mhv term of Superior court: FIRST WEEK. L. d. Twisdale, J. M. Young, P. O. Smith, N. II. Nethery, E.T.Parhani, Joe ('lark, II. Vaughn. John Kit trell, W. T. Short, V. J. Alston, O. O. Young, ('. Ij. Fuller. J. Y. Durham E. (1 Norwood. II. II. Futrell, J. II. Johnson, C. (i. Short, J. L. Rowland. I). S. Fleming, J. J. Parks, V. J. lingers, J. M. Edwards, Z. It. Clark, J-ff Mobbitt. 0. II. Turner, A. M. Winn, A. C. Hfvle, S. II. Allen. I). E. Avcock, M. D. Woodlief, L E. Wilson, W. W. Currin, Joe Ellington, J. Ii. Worthum, J. I.sMiller, W. L. Stain back. SECOND WEEK Luther Mabry, H. W . (Jlover, C. A. Parkes, E. It. Hovd.W. II. Pruitt, T. F. Made, C. W. (iill, J. A. Moore, J. M. Williams, W. M. Young, S. (1. Fox, C. It. Might, T. It. Flvod, L. It. Ball, W. E. Burner te, (J. I). Stain back. P. P. I light, J. M. Woodlief. The Henderson Garage Company. The Henderson ( iarageCompany's new 00x41 feettwo-storv, pressed bri-'k front building on tiarnett street, opposite the new postofliee, is nearing completion. And within the next ten days they ex pect to open for business in their new quarters. The second story will be fitted with machinery for repairing all makes of cars, while the first Moor is divided into an exhibition room and a Btornye for a large stock of automobile accessories, nnd the Elmore and Ilupmotale ears that this company have placed so sue C'SHfullyin Henderson and vicinity. It is said that there are more automobiles in Henderson, for its size, than in any other place in the State and, too, that the cars to be seen on the streets of Hen derson, as a whole, are of a higher class than those sen elsewhere. I'nder theKceonditionsnnd in the hands of experienced and skilled automobile men this business will most likely be come one of the largest concerns in Hen derson. Its officers are: Mr. Alexander Cooper, President; Mr. .1. 0. Skinner, Secretary; Mr. C.N. Turner, Treasurer and Manager. i - -4 a Constipation brings many ailments in it.- train and is the primary cause of much sick neHR Keep your bowels regular, madam, ami vou will escape many of the ailments to which women are subject. Constipation is a very simple thins, hut like many simple things, it may lead to serious consequences. Nature often needs a little assistance and when Chamberlain's Tablets are given at t he first imlicat ion. iniii-h distress anil snftVr iug may lie avoided. SuM hy all dealers. -. Another Brick Building for Garnett Street. Mr. Pryce T. Jones purchased the building occupied by the Royal Meat Market Company on (inruett street, Thursday of last week, from Mr. W. W. Parker, for Jf.'l.OOO, and will move the building now on the site and erect a handsome brick building, which he will use both as an office for himself and as quarters for the Jones-Stone Printing Company. A Hint to the Wise. The following is quoted from a letter written by Mr. .1. L. Currin, who ia now at Tucson, Arizona, to a friend in Henderson: "If railroads and real estate deal ers would advertise our Southland and could cause Northern and West ern farmers to turn Southward, and spend one-fourth as much for land and as much for manure as these people Hpend for water, they could make a great deal more. The possi bilities of the South are unlimited." Itch relieved in 30 minutes by Wool ford's Sanitary Lotion. Never fails. Sold by W. W. Parker, druggist, je 1 BY THE FAMILY, sale at fverner-iviciair o s arug Officers for Rifle Practice. Adjutant General Leinster, of tie North Carolina National Guard, 1fs designated officers for the rifle prac tice of the Third Regiment which is to bo held at Raleigh April 18, 19 and 20. The rifle practice will be in command of Maj. J. J. Bernard, of Raleigh, with Maj. J. B. Skinner as chief range officer, and Capt. Charles J. Smith, of Henderson, as executive officer, and Lieut. W. R. Miller, of Raleigh, as post adjutant. Officers of the new military compa ny known as Company M, recently organized at Dunn, have just been commissioned by the adjutant gener al. They are: Captain. J). C. Park er; First Lieutenant, J. M. Riley; Second Lieutenant, A. M. Iloilinga wortli. This company becomes a part of the Second Regiment. Is Cleaner Than Carpet. Paint your floor around the border of the room with L. & M. Floor Paint. Costs about ijO cents. It gives a bright varnished finish. Cover the center of the room with your home made carpet rug. Looks splendid. Get it from Melville Doreey. FOR CONSTIPATION. A Medicine That Does Not Cost Anything Unless it Cures. The active medicinal ingredients of Itexall Orderlies, which are odorless, tasteless and colorness. is an entirely new discovery. Combined with other extremely valuable ingredients, it forms a perfect bowel regulator, in testinal invigoratorand strength ened Itexall Orderlies are eaten like candy and are notable for their ngreeableness to the palate and gen tleness cf action. They do not cause griping or any disagreeable enect or inconvenience. Unlike other preparations foralike purpose, they do not create a habit, ! ii I but instead thev overcome tue cause ot name acquired tnrougu tue us oi - -I .1 1 .1. . . I I ordinary laxatives, catnartics a no harsh nhvsic. and permanently re move t he cause of constipation or irregular bowel action. We will refund vour money with- out argument if thev do not do as we say thev will. Two sizes, 2oc. nnd lll,v Sold onlv at our store T.nii Ufnm v W PopI-qi- A 1 H ' 1 II 11LU1C. I I . f.A(lIl'-. I Lame Shoulder is nearly always due to rheumatism of the muscles, and quickly yields to the free application of Chamber iain'r Liniment. For salu by all dealers. " here is the old-fashioned moth er?'' innnircM the New York world. . . . . I Ant, as not she's at home washiner the dishes so her daughter can ero down town and show off her hobble skirt and new Spring bat. She does- . . . n't want the girl to begin training to bean "old-fashioned mother" before she has her day. A Reliable fledlcine Not A Narcotic. Mrs. F. Marti, St. Joe, Mich., says: "Onr little liov contracted a severe bronchial trouble mid as the doctor's medicine did not, cure him. 1 guv? him Foley's Honey and Tnr Compound in winch 1 have great faith It ruied the cough as well ns the choking and gaging spells, and he Rot well in a short time, l oley s Honey and tar ( ompound has many times saved us much trouble and we are never without it in the house." Sold by all druggists. It is said that the Statue of Liber ty is in danger of being blown up on account of the storage of higuexplo sives in New York harbor. For good- wi.t.-i.-i iwtltn l-i4- - LIV 4- ol'A - 1 1 illlO LI t- Ik " 1 i..., . m,f bo.,J some liberty in this countrv. even thon-h thev have it anchored out in the river. If a man is a fluent talker it's a safe bet he inherited it from his mother. Easter Monday,' April 1 7 th. Assisted by a Troupe of Star Vaudeville Performers. store. 1te Will Build You Up and Make You Strong Old people, tired, weak, run down people, delicate children, frail mothers, and those recovering from severe illness, this is a fact. Thousands of genuine tes timonials from reliable peo ple prove this claim, and to further support the fact and prove our faith in what we ay, we unhesitatingly de clare that any one who will try a bottle of VINOL will have their money returned without question if they are not satisfied that it did them good. W. W. Parker. Druggist, Henderson. Under the new law enacted by the Inst General Assembly, the work of assessing property for taxation will begin this year May 1st. instead, of June 1st as heretofore. Ilerafter the assessors are to make a house-to- house canvass for the purpose of list ing all personal property, instead of having stated places and dates at wuicu me tax payers are to meet him. The members of the General Assembly thought, and very wisely 1 a t ii i ; pernaps, mat tins wouiu oe an un- 1. 1 1 T 1 proveinent on tue oui way. 1 here are plenty ofithmgs to fret about, it is simply astonishing hosv much annoyance may be found in tue course of every days's living even at the simplest, if only one keeps a sharp fV out on the side ot things, r.ven h ol v writ fla.vs we aro prone t.o trnn . ..' - ----- r- ble as sparks to fly upward. But even to the sparks flying upward in the blackest of smoke there is a blue sky above, and the less time they waste on the road the sooner they will reach It. Durham Sun. T 4-U C 1-1. 111 "eitmg uu me uniues ui iue nst takers for this county last week, the printer inadvertently omitted the name of Mr. T. L. Jones, who was I rij j.i.i "ci it appoimeu ior tuac purpose in cumin tienoerson cownsnip The United States Court is consid ering a case in which it is called up ou to decide the question: "What is a widow '1 he court will be pretty apt to decide that a widow is a dang erous rival for a girl. This would be a great deal happier and nicer world to live in if we would pay our debts with the cheerfulness that we make them, and talk about the good in people with the same de gree of glee and enthusiasm we dis cuss the bad in them. Who cares to look at a preacher, a?? 10' whe.n can catch glimpses ! t,ie PautlfUl tops Of the golden pipes of the organ through a jungle of ribbons and feathers towering above wide velvet covered plains and prairies! Trustee's Sale. TTNDER AND RY VIRTUE OF THE power of sale contnined in a Peed of Trust executed by J. R. and Emma E. Car ter, on the 13th day of February, 1906, and duly recorded in the Register's office of Vance Coentv, in Rook 21. page 113. de fault having been made in the payment, and at the request of the holders, I shall, on Monday, May 18th, 1911, sell for cash at the Court House door in Henderson, at twelve o'clock, the following described bouse and lot: Regin at an iron stake S. S. Whittn's corner on edge of l'oplar street, run thence along said street. N. 31 Yi W. 58i feet to a stake, Ressie Harris, corner, on ed?e of street: thence along said Harris' line S 52 w . z'JUya feet to a stake, said Harris cor ner, on edge of Mitchell street; thence along said Mitchell street S. 38 E. 110 feet to a stake in the I.assiter line; thence alonjr Las niter and S. S. Whitten line N. 3914 E. 233 feet to the becinning, being the house and lot which J. 11. Carter and Emma E. Carter purchased from D. E. Aycock nnd wife, and is a very desirable residence on l'oplar or Charles street. This, April Cth, 1911. W. P. BL RWELL, Trustee. Sale of Valuable House and Lot T T NDER AND BY VIRTUE OF AUTKOR- Kj itv conferred by an order of the Su- jierior t'ourt of Vance 'ounty, made in social proceeding entitled Fannie Richard- sou. Aominisrrairix oe uodus non ot Myriie E. S. I'ope. deceased, vs. Ernest F. Kin and C. Edward Pope, Jr., heirs at law, the same beinn No. 1089 npon the special proceeding ( docket of said Court, the undersigned Com missioner will on the 24th day of April, 1911, at 12 o'clock M., at the Court House door in Vance County, North Carolina, offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash that cer tain lot or parcel of land lying and being on Garnett street, in the town of Henderson, I nnd described as follows: lVpginiiiBtr at a stake on the S. E. bide of rnett street. E. W . Adcock s corner, rau hence bv bis line 225 feet more or less to J. Kellv's line: then by his line S. 45 W MO feet to a stake Kelly's and Horner's corner: then bv the lines of Horner and J no. I) Stallings, N. 3HS W. 233 feet to Stallings' corner on Garnett street: thence along Gar nett street. N. 53Vi E. 84Vi feet to the beein sn(f . Being the same land conveyed to Myr tle A. Fope by Adeline A. Briggs, on October 3rd. 1900, and recorded in the Register of Deeds office of Vance County, N. C, in Book 43 page 7. This. March 20. lull. HENRY T. POWELL, rommissioBsr. R. S. McCOIN, Attorney at Law, Henderson, N. C. Offices in Henderson Loan & Real Estate Building. FRANCIS A. MACON, DENTAL SURGEON. Office In Young Block. Office hours: 9 a. m. to 1 p. m., 3 to 6 p. m. Residence Phone 152-2: Offlee Phone 152-1 Estimates furnished when desired. No charge tor examination. H. L. PERRY, Attorney at Law, Henderson, N. C. Office 137 - - - - Main Street. HENRY PERRY. INSURANCE. A strong line of both LIFE AND FIRE COMPANIES represented. PolieieB issued and risk placed to best advantage. Office: In Court II oust INSURANGEl We Represent a Strong Line of the Best Companies Carrying Risks On Fire, Tornado, Marine, Plate Glass, Casualty, Accident, Surety, Boier, Life, Health. Insurance Department Citizens Bank. H. B. CHOWDER, Manager. NOTICE. Sale of Valuable Real Estate. BY VIRTUE OF POWER CONFERRED upon me by an order issuing from the Superior Court of Vance County in a special proceeding therein pending entitled A. C. Zollieoffer, administrator of the estate of H. S. Major, deceased, vs. W. 1). Major, and others. I shall on Tuesday, May 2nd, 1911 sell at the Court House door in the town of Henderson. N. C at public auction to the highest bidder upon the terms one half cash balance and credit of six months. The de ferred payment to bear interest at rate of six per cent per annum from date of sale, the following real estate to wit: one cer tain lot or parcel of land situated in the town of Henderson. N. C, on Yonng street. adjoining the lands of Henry Perry, the town of Henderson, J. W. Reck, and Young street. It being the lot with brick building thereon where IT. S. Major resided at time of his death. Sale will be made subject to confirmation by the Court. This 241 day of March, 1911. A. C. ZOLLICOFFER, Administrator estato II. S. Major, deceased. j S l is found CONDENSED STATEMENT Citizens Bank, - Henderson, N. C. March 7,1911. Resources Liabilities. Loans and Discounts, $337,452.94 Capital Stock paid In, $100,000.00 Overdrafts, 0,128.10 Surplus and Fronts, 77,074.79 N.C.4pereent.Bonda 25,000.00 Due to Hanka, 1,047.00 Stocks and Bonds 30,151.25 Cashier'sCbecksOutstand'K 2,140.12 ; Bank'gH'se and Fixtures, 10.732.73 Certi fled Checks 403.00 Insurance Department, 3,833.43 Accrued Interest, 274.50 , Cash on band and in flanks 1 21 ,577.9o Deposits, 533.330.39 Total, $734.870.40 Total, f734.870.40 An Honorable History. For 22 years the Citizens flank, of Henderson, has ministered to the wants of clients, through good times and through hard times, doing its best always to ren- ; der substantial and efficient service. Its reputation for solidity and progress! Teness lias attracted a powerful clientele. It will keep on growing bigger and utronger, un der the policies which have brought it to its present position. You are invited to identify yourself with us as depositor, and grow with us. J. B. OWEN, A. C. ZOLLICOFFER, W. A. 1IUNT, President. Vice-President. Cashier. t i.vT-jiri pi tr ; -; I " i, : i i i . mm REAL ESTATE B01fi m c c Insurance of All Kinds. Life, Fire, Health, Accident, Tornado, Plate Glass,-Liability, Rent, Live Stock and Bonding, Loans Negotiated. Rents col lected for property owners. If there is anything in this line in which you are in c c c terested, see C Henderson Loan C Phone Phone No. 30 TELEGRAM Atlanta , u-o -r.w,-r-o TTn-inn guaranteed by you Phosphoric Ammonia , Potash, Our brands are greatly exceeding their guaranteea " INSTANCE and you can safely use and depend unthii for B G RESULTS The rich materials we are usmg-Fish Scrap, Slaughter HoEufeUTkSage Blood. Nitrate of Soda. Bone gf Manure Salts-will prove their superiority and excellence by field test, and kp relieve once used will always oe NCE GU'AMO Henderson, N. C. &Real Estate Co. J 139, Keep The House Warm Wouldn't it be mighty foolish to try and heat your house from the outside? It would be a shameful waste of coal. Yet some folks try and heat their houses with poor quality - coal. Why not pay a fair price and get coal that burns hotly and economically? Our coal is clean hot and even burning. Deliver ed at summer prices now. J. S. POYTHRESS. Qa. , April 5, 191 9-3- FERTMZERS contain under cnemicai auaxx Acid, 10. 26 3. 14 4. 09" preitrncu CO ri I Wise Granite Co., Wise, N. C. Contractors and Builders. Weare now located In Hender son and solicit your patronage. kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkklk To G. I am still ranking Old Clothea New as I was before, and without fen r on your part of Ions. I am carrying 1,000 insurance to cover alt damages in case of Are. I was careful befors out 1 nball try to be mo res. in the futurs, BO you need not fear sending your goods to tw Cleaned, Pressed or Dyed. Since gett ing hack to my old staud my facilities for doing work are better thau ever and all work will 1' gotten out promptly and returned when promised. Old customers know what my work Is theltest. New customers will be convinced by a trial order. Soliciting yonr further patronage, Yours to serve, HENDERSON PRESSING CLUB. J. It. PUATT, Propcritor. Phone 3C0-H. NOTICE. I HEREBY OIVE NOTICE THAT AITLI cation will be made to the Governor of North Carolina on April 20th, lull, tor lbs pardon of Eugene Venable, convicted ol criminal assault ami sentenced to a term of 5 years at May term, 1U10. of Vanes Supe rior Court. T. T. HICKS. March 1C, 1911. Fvf ft V emmt ', f ' If J 8 , i f 5 k. i : K. 1 i; t i I' i V." ; i : i f" s i ' ii ! s U ' s I I ,; 4 ! 1 ! J