Newspaper Page Text
SUBSCRIPTION PRICE: One Year - - $1.50 Six Months - 75 CASH ALWAYS IN ADVANCE. Estate Librarv ADVERTISING RATES R eason able and Will Be Fur nished Promptly to fVoapecf fva Adverilmmn on Applica tion, t t z VOL. XXX. HENDERSON, N. C, THURSDAY, JUNE 1. 1911. NO. 24. HENDERSON GOLD n m n A PLANNING FOR NEW RAILROAD. Greensboro Chamber of Commerce risars Reports of AutomobHists Who Came to Henderson Over Route of Proposed New Road. (jrv.-risboro, May 20. -Last night at the Chamber of Commerce ball thern w;i-t a large gathering of mem lr to hear the reports of thosewbo .. nt u-w(Mit over the route of the! ,,r,,;x ho1 (Jreensboro - Iiurlington i indium Roxboro-Oxford-Henderson lijiilro ul in automobiles, and to con-" M,.:r pliina for providing funds for th- roaJ. At the meeting were many 0f tin- most progressive business nu-i) of thid progressive city, evidenc ing plainly that interest in securing itnutlier r tilroad out from Greens li,iro in (l-;t'p, determined and sound. Among the many reports made of what wiiH seen along the route, there wan not a single spread-eagle speech iiui.lf, hwt simple statements of a lid country, filled with intelli- .... . - - fine timber, evidences of irogrenrtin road building, agricul ture, and nmnuiacturing were maue by micli leading business men as (apt. .1. W. Fry, president of the (Jrceiihilioro Loan and Trust Compa ny and former manager of the C. F. A V. V. Kailroad; A. L. Iirooks, for mer solicitor and a leading financial progressive and investor; C. 1). Ilen 1,ia known everywhere as one of the State's most aggressive business uien and capitalists; II. C. Hood, president of the Chamber of Com uierce, a wouiler of progressive en enrv in business development, and ciiiiiiected with the Southern Ileal LiUtc mid Trust Company; J. T. Fdin, editor of the Telegram, who, recently coming from South Carolina, has in a brief space shown (Ireens b iro that he is not only capable of running a first-class daily paper, but tl. termined to line up with business progress in all healthful undertak ings; Postmaster U. I). Douglas, al iv,t)s foremost in public service enter prises and prudent investment in such. After relating what was seen on the trip, liow the the new road would not only tap some of the prettiest farm ing and timber lands in the State, in Caswell and Person, now twenty miles from a railroad, they spoke of the factories oir the line, and dwelt on the bright prospects of aid and encouragement of the enterprise from the thriving, developing towns of (iibsonville, liurlingtou, Graham, Koxboro, Oxford and Henderson. lion. A. L. Hrooks, who was raised in Koxboro, and is therefore familiar with the whole section, spoke more particularly of the fine character of the. people, their prosperity, intelli gence and progressive desires. lie showed tiie density of the population by census returns, comparing it with other prosperous railroad sections with much smaller population and wealth per mile of road. He gave fa ts and figures to show how much (Jreeusboro rould be benefited by the road, if for nothing else thau by gaining connection for freight and passenger accommodations with the Norfolk and Western at Koxboro, the Seaboard Air Line at Henderson, possibly with the Atlantic Coast Line, and certainly putting Greens boro fifty miles nearer Norfolk. ('apt. .1. V. Fry, in his report, talk ed as a railroad builder and opera tor of years of experience. After re lating what splendid opportunities in natural resources the route, as he viewed it, offered, as compared with other territory through which suc cessful enterprises had been carried years ago, he said the physica-dif-Hculties to encounter were remarka bly few. The whole route, lying on a ridge, was comparatively level and hut few streams would have to be bridged. On this account,' an ex pert engineer, who "had made a care ful estimate, put the cost of the road ready for operating at $10,000 per mile. This would make the entire line less than $2,000,000. Something like half a million dol lars would have to be guaranteed by local interests along the line before bonds could be 'floated and the re mainder of the money secured to build the road. Capt. Fry said the interest on the bonds would be $750 per mile, but contrasting net earn ings of other much less favored roads in other sections, he said the proposed road he confidently be lieved, would earn net 1,200 per mile, leaving a good income over in terest charges. From the fact that the road goes through a large sect ion of the wealthy loiinties of Guilford, Alamance, Cas well, Person, Granville and Vance, ton. lies splendid back country and passes through so many progres sive, enterprising towns of industrial and commercial magnitude like Gib Bonville, Turlington, Roxboro, Ox ford and Henderson, besides going Uirotiirh several insolated cotton mill villages, the prospect of getting the half million necessary by private subscription, county, town and town ship bond issues, is first class. The outcome of the meeting was the unanimous adopting of a resolu tion by the Chamber of Commerce, to at once employ an expert to make careful and detailed examination and report of the entire country be tween Greensboro and Henderson 'or the purpose of ascertaining the probable business of the TIBe, and the exact cost of construction. This preliminary work will begin as soon as the proper expert can be secured. " ith this work done, and the report wade, the Chamber of Commerce will to prepared to give exactly what the win cost and what it win earn, Hn'l will then actively and persist ently begin a campaign here and elsewhere to raise the needed amount necessary to finance the project. mere was some talk last night of llie mnrn rvranJrtol rvlon tTe nmm feasible route to carry the road 8"aight from Oxford to Norlina, connecting- with the Seaboard Air -ine there instead of at Henderson. u was stated that this wonld not Qly cost less, but would open up 7 territory in Vance and Gran- counties, that the roadfrom Ox- B?J to Henderson would -not do, b&A tapping a small part ot War feu county. CONGRESS MAY TAKE RECESS From July ist to October ist The Weather In Washington Getting Too Mot for Our National LawMakers. A Washington dispatch says that Congress is considering a recess through the hottest period of the summer and the early fall. Talk in responsible quarters about the Sen ate is that a recess is likely to be de termined upon. In case-there is such a recess it will probably start early in July and last until about October first. The talk of a recess is getting more and more vigorous, witlr the pros pects that Congress is going to find itself entangled with general revision of the tariff before the extra session can bi- wound up. The outlook that the general re vision will have to be considered is getting stronger and stronger. It is in the Senate rather than the House that the conditions are seem ingly getting ripe for consideration of every phase of the tariff, much as senators would like to avoid it. This is the situation: Things are dragging alongjn the Senate with nspeet to reciprocity, and nobody knows whether the agreement, when it gets to the floor, will be amended. If it is found that amendment can be attached to it revising one or more schedules, then it is certain general revision will be attempted through the medium of amendments to the reciprocity meas are. If it is disclosed when the agree ment gets before the Senate that there are votes enough to amend it in important particulars, then the Senate will be confronted with con sideration of general revision. Efforts will be made to hitch the free list to the agreement and also to attach to it revision of the sugar schedule, the cotton and the woolen schedules, and eteel schedule. Should one of these pass the Senaterthen every schedule will be taken up and debated and an effort be made to at tach a revision of it to the reciproci ty agreement. Once the Senate sees this can be done it will not try to finish the work in the hot months of July and Au gust, but will take the whole fall to the task. ' Hints to the Beauty Seekers. When the warm sunshine lures one out of doors these hot days there is liable to be a surprise, when, upon the return, the mirror discloses a healthy crop of freckles the warm wind and sunshine have scattered over the face. Freckles are not al ways a disfiguring mark; in fact, they are regarded by some as being dis tinctly chic and individual, especially when a retrousse nose and flashing eye are the background. But the ma jority of women view their coming with alarm and search their beauty book for a quick remedy. A benzoin and hazel lotion, com posed of 15 drops of tincture of ben zoin, 15 drops of hamamelis water and 1 ounce of orange flower water is often effective. If the skin is rough or inclined to peel a good cream is made of dr. of tincture of benzoin, 1 dr. of fluid extract of hamamelis, 20 gr. of zinc oxide, 1 dr. of glycerine or boric acid and 1 oz. of rose water. Still another remedy is salycilic acid 5 gr., borax 10 gr. and water 1 oz. All of these remedies are for the periodical freckles due to weather conditions. They are discolorations on the surface of the skin and yield readily to treatment. For the deeper or permanent varie ty peroxide of hydrogen in a solu tion three times as strong as that used for bleaching the hair is the only certain cure. Hydrogen perox ide is explosive and should be used only under the instructions of a med ical adviser. Can Your Fruit and Vegetables. The Charlotte Chronicle points out in the following way the advantages there are in canning fruit and vege tables at home and also the econo mv there is in the home canning pro cess: "We would be afraid to attempt to say, but at a rough guess, the South raises fruits and vegetables enough to feed the United States for o period of at least tour monens through which these fruits and vege tables largely grow. If the surplus only were canned and properly put uoon the market, it would yield a great income for these products of the soil. But, as a matter ot fact, not enough ot these Southern prod ucts are canned to supply the home markets. ast sums of money are sent out of the different Southern States annually to buy canned goods which are put up in' th North. The right beginning is for each farmer to get a home canning outfit aud go to work. After supplying the home and then selling the surplus, it will be time enough to look up the big canning factory business. They say that in Catawba county, omitting what is done in the kitchens, there are fifty home canning outfits which operate each year. The consequence is, we are told, that the importation rf panned eoods has been enormous ly reduced and the home merchants are now looking to the home-made goods for their supply for the sea son. What is the use of sending money to the North to buy goods that can be beteer raised and as well canned at home? The soil and the climate are both here ia the South favorable to a splendid business of a magnificent production of vegeta bles and fruits." House of Jones. Jones painted hia house last year. It looks doll, dead, no life to it. Smith painted his house 10 years ago. It looks clean, nice, and don't need repainting-, because he used L. & M. Paint, and added three quarts of Oil to each gallon. " The Oil gave life and preserved it. Besides adding the Oil reduced its cost 40l cents a gallon less than other P Thirty-five years use in N. A. 4 S Oar agent is Melville Dorsey. A. 4 hfls- A . ... j ... GRAZING IN THE OTHER FELLOW'S PASTURE. The grass always looks better on the other fellow's side of the fence. So often we go away from home to get those things that might be had just as good and as cheap at home. We depend upon our home people for posi tions, for business, for salaries, and for help in all our undertakings, and go or send away to buy goods. We have goods charged at home and pay cash abroad. x- We send our money away from home to purchase carpets and other supplies for the Church and then ask the home merchant, who could have sold us the same thing for the sama mon ;y or less, to help pay the Church debt thus incurred. We patronize out-of-town merchants and enterprises all we can and then tax our home merchants and enterprises to support our schools and other public institutions, build our streets and make general im provements. By such a narrow-sighted business policy we are thus cutting our own throats. All things being equal, home people should always have the benefit of our patronage and support. It is the only policy that will build up our own home community and town: When we spend a dollar at home we stand a chance to get it back again through the regular channels of business. But when we send it away, it is gone for good, to help enrich and build up some other community and make it more prosperous and leave ours only the poorer. People who send money away from home should never complain that money is scarce. And last, but not least, don't spend your money for out-of-town newspapers, and then "cuss" your home paper because it is not a better one. Give it your patronage and support and thereby help it to be better in every way. 1 Recorder to Have New Home. The biblical Recorder, organ of the North Carolina Baptist State Convention, will by October 1 have a home of its own, the work of breaking ground for a three story structure to cost approximately $15,000 having begun. The loca tion of the building will be on west Hargett street, directly west of the Oak City Steam Laundry plant, and will be'feasy of excess -to visitors. It will be in the business section of Raleigli. The building will be 50 feet wide and 100 feet long, will contain three stories, wilhbe of brick construction and of handsome fiuish in front. Ford Brothers, of Raleigh, have the contract aud will complete their work by October 1. The first floor-will contain the fur nace, stock room, press room, etc. The second floor will contain eight oihees and a composition room m the rear, the offices being used by the Recorder and various departments of Baptist work. The third floor will be for rent, and will contain six teen well-fitted office rooms. The building will be equipped with a first class printing plant and The Recorder will eventually be printed from its own presses. F. S. Rexford. 615 New York Life Bldg., Kansfts City, Mo., eaye: "I had a severe attack of a cold which settled in my back and kidneys and I was in great pain from my trouble. friend recom mended Foley Kidney Vills and I used two bottlep of them and they have done me a world of good." For sale by all druggists. They Didn't Smell Like Penitents. A typical old-time "circuit rider," who died recently in Alabama, will long be remembered by his flock for the familiarity with "-which he ad dressed the Lord in prayer. It is said that on one occasion he had been preafthiflg in a log meeting house in the pine woods of North Alabama. There were several young fellows on hand who had been cele brating by patronizing a still near by. After a long, fiery sermon, the preacher- made a call for mourners, and soon the rude altar was filled mostly by the afore-mentioned young fellows. The old man looked i them over for a moment, and with keen intuition felt that it was a "lark" on the boys' part, but he knelt to pray, "Oh, Lord," he began, "here's a crowd of young fellows kneelin' round your altar. They've been cussin' and sweariu' and drinkin' their time away in riotous living; but they've come up here seemingly penitent. They look like penitents, Lord, and I hope they are. They weep like pen itents, Lord, and I hope you'll for give 'em if they are; but, ob, Lord, they don't smell like penitents!" If I Had Eczema I'd wash it awav with that mild, Hoothing liquid, D. D. IX Trial bottle 25c. Relieves all kinds of skin trouble, cleansing away the impurities and clear ing up the complexion as nothing else ean. Yes, If I hd any kind of skin trouble I'D USE D. D. D. W. W. Parker. A Mammoth Apple Tree. Wilkes county claims to have the biggest apple tree in the world. The Wilkes Patriot says that Messrs. J. B. and H. W. Uorton discovered an old apple tree some days ago, on the Newton Gentry farm, in Traphill township, which they believe to be the largest apple tree in the world. The tree, at its base, is 16 feet and 5 inches in circumference. Eight feet above the ground, at the first limbs, the tree is 12 feet and 5 inches in cir cumference. This would make it, at the base, something over 5 feet in di ameter. At one time the limbs ex tended for 30 feet on all sides, but a heavy sleet broke them' off some years ago, and now it has a growth of new and vigorous limbs. Specu lation can only guess the age of the tree, though it is known to be more than 100 years old. The tree bears, almost everv Tear, a large crop of splendidly flavored, good keeping apples. A single crop has frequenwy been estimated at near fifty bushels, ., . . Read and advertise In Gold Leaf. trSrA ...4 i iT' :- - -7r ; The Wonderful Bible. The Bible is not a book. It is a. li brary of 00 differentr books, written in its present form by 40 or 50 dif ferent writers, but contributed to by many more. Its earlie'st book the Book of the Covenant, containing the present book of Exodus was written ten or twelvecenturies before Christ, the Gospel of John, one of the latest, was written at the close of the first or the beginning of the second century after Christ. Thus for not less than 1,000 or 1,200 years was this library in process of formation. It contains all that is best in the literature of an ancient people which has survived the wrecks of time. In it are found history, bi ography, law, both political and ec clesiastical; fiction, poetry, drama, political ethics, practical theology. Art, music and science are conspicu ously absent, as is philosophy, ex cept in the latter portion of the New Testament, where it is philosophy used for practical purposes and ap plied to practical problems. Lyman Abbott in Outlook. Rescued Chickens Swallowed by a Snake. WeTaretold of a remarkable and un usual rescue which Mrs. John Rhodes, of Haymeadow, made on Sunday af ternoon, when she saved several of her small chickens from- certain death. Hearing a com motion ampng the chickens near the house she in vestigated and found that a large black snake had swallowed nine of her small chicks and that the moth er hen was as much disturbed as the snake was contented. Mrs. Rhodes hastily secured an axe and cut the snake in two, and as she did so five of the chicks leaped out. Four of them are still living and following the mother hen seemingly quite un mindful of their thrilling and Jonah like experience. Wilkes Patriot. Work Brings Happiness. Lives there the man who has not sighed for leisure? And lives there the man, who, in his more sober mo ments, has not been honestly glad that he must work? Human nature, which sweetens under toil, sours in leisure. And it is by no means sure that the fall from innocence which first brought work into the world. "and all our woe," was not bringing salvation disguised as labor. Faith fulness will dignify and beautify even drudgery; no matter what the work is, provided that it is honest, if it is done well, it commands our infinite respect. Besides, if we did not all have to work so hard to keep alive, the jails would have standing room only. Boston Transcript. Evens Up With the Old Hen. The Newton Enterprise tells how a young doctor in Catawba got even with an old hen for eating up the corn that he had planted. The doc tor planted a few rows of very val uable roasting ear corn in his gar den. When be had finished planting it he discovered to his horror a hen had followed him taking the corn row by row and had completely swiped the corn. He caught that hen and with his pocket knife made an incision in her craw, removed the corn, replanted it and with a needle and thread, sewed up the incision made by the knife, and now both the hen and the corn are doing nicely. . A Leading California Druggist. Pasadena, Cel., March 9, 1911. Foley and Co., Gentlemen: We fiave sold and recommended Foley's Honey and Tar Compound for years. We be lie re it to be one of the most efficient expectorants on the market. Contain ing no apiates or narcotics it can be giv en freely to children. Enough of the remeujr cau ue tateu iu rtiievc t cutu, oa it has no nauseating results, and does not interfere with digestion. Yonravery truly, C. Ward Drug Co., C. L. Par sons, Sec'y and Treas. Get the original Foley's Honey and Tar Compound in the yellow package. For sate by all drug gists. The documents of South Carolina's marriage license law, which goes into effect July 1st, are formidable look ing articles, over a foot long, and it is saia that the blanks to be nlled j out and oaths to subscribe to wonld frighten a man In ordinary clrcum- I stances, much less a "near-groom." President Diaz Beats an Ignomi nous Retreat. Parfirio Diaz, for whom during the past thirty years all Mexico has stood aside, early on last Friday morning, under cover of darkness and with hat in band, so to speak, silently and secretly stole away from the Mexican capital perhaps never to return. . Only a few friends whom he dared to trust, followed him to the station at 2 o'clock in the morning, shortly after the noisy celebration over his resignation had partly quieted down. Diaz was bound for Vera Cruz to take the ship for Spain. In the distance he could hear the voices of a few of the more enthusi astic citizens who were still acclaim ing to the new President, Francisco Leon De La Brara, shouting "Viva Midero.! So carefully were the arrangements made for the abdicated President's escape that the news did not trans pire until late Friday afternoon. Se crecy was due less to apprehension of a popular outburst than a desire to reach Vera Cruz, before Juaraduers along the route could learn of the trip. 1 ravel between Mexico City and Vera Cruz is over the Mexican Railroad, a standard guage line with modern equipment. Rails along the route, however, frequently have been removed of late by bandits, who were determined that Diaz, for reasons best known to themselves should not leave the capital. They are reported to have har bored the idea that Diaz would fol low the precedent of other Latin- American presidents and carry the National funds with him. There is also a narrow guage rail road to the coast: Taking it for granted that Diaz would take the more luxurious route the bandits did not molest the narrow gtfage road. For this reason it was chosen by Diaz for his trip. The inauguration of De La Barra as provisional president of the Mexi can Republic took place Friday, and the reins of government at once passed into entirely new hands. Curiosity Punished. "This large bump running across the back of your head moans that you are inclined to be curious to the point of recklessness." "I know it. I got that by stick ing my head into an elevator shaft to see if the elevator was coming up and it was coming down. Houston Post. Middle Aged and Elderly People. Use Foley Kidney Pills for quick and permanent results in all cases ot kidney and bladder trouble, and for painful and annoying irregularities. For sale by all druggists. R. S. McCOUT, Attorney at Law, Henderson, N. C Offices in Henderson Loan & Real Estate Building. FRANCIS A. MACON. DENTAL SURGEON. Office In Young Block. Office hoars: 9 a. m. to 1 p. m., 3 to 6 p. m. Residence Phone 152-2; Offiee Phone 152-1 Estimates furnished when desired. No charge tor examination. H. L. PERRY, -Attorney, at Law, Henderson, N. C. j Office 137 - - - - Maln.Street. BARBER SHOP. Two Good Barbers a.t your Service. Your Patronage Solicited. Satisfaction Guaranteed. I. W. PHELPS, III Strati SI. Ktlltr'i Oil still. gfflRfifrWf M STRONG! ataa Hi PIP 9 m i blTlZ&NOflNK OF HENDERSON, 1 f: HENDERSON, - NORTH CAROLINA : c BUGGIES, - We have the Agency, for the celebrated TAVlLfDLl & CANNWiV BUGGHES, CAPITOL BUGGIES made by the Capitol Buggy Company, VIRGINIA BUGGIES made at Franklin, Va., and WHITE HICKO RY WAGONS. There ae none better and we have in stock a very attractive line of Runabouts, Top and Open Buggies, and the Best Xine of Harness in Henderson. Our prices are right and if you will call on us at the old Hender son Cotton Mill office, corner of Montgomery and Wyche streets, we will . convince you that we can save you money. We also carry a line of Hay, Grain and Feed. We have on hand at all times both HORSES AND MULES EVERY THING SOLD BY US GUARANTEED AS REPRESENTED. c c c c f. () o o () o o Wholesale and Retail Dealers in FEED m HEAVY GROCERIES. We have just gotten in an entire new stock of FEED AND HEAVV GiiO GERIES, and will be glad to serve you at any time. If you are in need of anything in-our line, such as ( o o () o o ( o o () o o o () o o C) o o () o we believe it will be to your interest to see us before buying. You will find us in ( ) the store formerly known as the Barnes Building, next door to the Southern Grocery Q Co, Phone No. 307-F. IS YOUR MACHINERY OUT OF ORDER? If ao. we can put It in shape. Weh&ve open ed a. machine shop in Henderson, corner Chestnut and -Montgomery streets, a.nd will appreciate e. trial when you need anything in our line. First-class Machinists tyre 8k.t your service to repair your machinery, boilers, etc. SICK AUTOMOBILES CURED ON SHORT NO ' TICK. We make a specialty of Installing new plants. New parts supplied for a 11 kinds of Machinery. Satisfac tion guaranteed. 9 .9 9 9 ' VANCE CO. IRON WORKS, Henderson N. C. mmmtmmfmnmmfmnmmmmmmmmmmmmmK 1 ABOUT CANDY:- 3 : Lota of candy has for its. best endorsement dainty color and pretty form nothing more. This is partic ularly true of moefe twenty and thirty-cent grades. Withup ml- nr frrm siimifi Duritr. So be guarded. , ,3 Boy where yoa know joa are getting absolutely pare g as well as good looking candy. - -3 Ours is a safe store. Toar'e known it for years and years. You're never gotten an Impure piece of- - candy here. You never will Mjmmfft 49 G 3 long as yon continue to buy & no matter how little the price. 10 centa and tip. ! I33EaiUnEnR--KIACBIAIRTCO. Prescription Druggists. - Phone 112. nnnn G The conservative methods of this Bank and its record of nearly 25 years-of successful banking, as well as the courteous treatment you will receive, to make all your relations " with this institution satisfactory and pleasant, are our best recommendation. SAFE! PROGRESSIVE! 2 .."rP WAGONS, Hay, Corn, Oats, Shipstuff, Bran, Meal, Flour, Coffee, Sugar, Meat, Lard, etc., QCCOOCOCCQOCCOCCQC; 3l 3 ta iVlo i f I HARNESS. WWW WW WWW o C) o o o o o () o o o o o () u o C) () C) o () o o o o n rdsunnrjcE! We Represent a Strong Line of the Best Companies Carrying Risks On Fire, Tornado, marine, Plato Glass, Casualty, Accident, Surety, Doler, Ufe, Health. Insurance Deoartment Citizens Bank. R. B. CHOWDER, Manager. J0HrJS.I71IL.rJE, Graduate Piano Tuner, HENDERSON, N. C Piano md Orgaa Repairing i Specialty. HENRY PERRY. 5 INSURANCE. A ttron lfr Iid 01 4oia I it & Anu Mini W m w www Tfc T" COMPANIES represented. Policies lfttoec IN 1E3 represented. Polici and risk ' placed to best advantage. Office: Ia Court House