Newspaper Page Text
GOLD SUBSCRIPTION PRICE: 0ne Year - - $1.50 Six Months - 75 I.-ASH ALWAYS IN ADVANCE. State Library AD VEBXISXNG BATES Reasonable and Will Bm Fur nlghed Promptly I o Preapecf Advortlamrm mm Applica tion, tit VOL. XXX. HENDERSON, K. C, THURSDAY, AUGUST 31, 1011. NO. 37. OUR TOWN GOVERNMENT. A Call to Progress. ,j; to arms, l wouin not ime 10 . i wear my mouth in a Blinj ,i n iii it ivuily or prepared to be .. t(. town bouncer. If tbetruLh i. i, or shall be stated in a f !' iii- ti ,: officer made hia report and asked for help. I made a motion to have a committee appointed to draw up ordinances and regulations in regard to sanitation. According to Darlia- - i a call to progress and not mentary practices the maker of a motion should be put on the com mittee. Our mayor put on two oth er comm'iHsioners and lelt me off. If it takes a presiding officer fifteen or more years to lenra this common rule of practice how much longer should Hustling Henderson wait for him to learn? Hut what boots it if the mayor of our progressive town should learn such rules, when one of the commissioners says openly and in public official meeting that he has been on the board for five years and that he has never seen anythingdone according to law and that on the motion pending he was opposed to the legiuning of doing anything ac cording to law. I am behind these statements and my name is signed to them. If I am wrong, say so. But we will overlook the action of the mayor above stated on tbecondition that he will explain why he did the following. The mayor has had long experi ence in mayoring. He knows men as well as anybody knows men. He put on that committee for better sanita tion no one has i, hwome oneiuJed. II any :::tnic in published, show me rand J nillswaliow my state I hirt ought to be fair enough la in who U not chicken- T: ji'li t! ity of our town govern- of the laws of our town the e.xeju:ijn of the laws iitve been ho neglected by our k r and mo overlooked by the public that to even speak , them now at this late hour like throwing acakeofsoap I:. hive (leyser in the Yel- You know into that creates a Dickens of a -urn- .auonai i uik. , . i:::- a cake of soap 1 '.'vser imiiH:! ion. I iin not alter men. All of our of , .; iiifl commissioners are honor- ' I ' 1 . 1 , . 1. too good. 'I' Some of them in tl AUTOMOBILES. r.i'-i- i :'! !! tion one man who did not have any i-i ii L . 1 1 i . . rry i .1 age iikk Hoiiiurjr uubiwhs . sewerage in nis own nome. ine 0111 . prairie sage. Perhaps er commissioner whom he placed on the committee for better sanitation was a man who not only had no sewerage but he had no water works in his house. Not only that but that man burns a candle. Progress is what I am after. Now how in the name of common sense could the mayor of progressive Heuderson ex pect to get progressive legislation forsanitationoutof that committee? "You may as well forbid the moun tain pines to wag their lofty tops when fretted by the gusts of Heaven, you may as wtl! us reason with the wolf why he hath caused the ewe to bleat for the lamb," you may as well expect anything absurd as to expect aay man to do more for you and the public than he will do for his own beloved family. One of these gentle men refused to serve. I am after progress and expect to hit the line hard in mv next letter. 8. T. PEACE. . t A. I . ncartT to 1 leaven tuaii iney lb-nderson, perhaps not. 1 a iiritf no names, I designate no tiui -H. Tlte point is plain. We u 'it warble the whole night long .at 111-n we want progress. The -. of progress is on. Brer Rabbit ili on i ll. (iniBiUB ttrMcrjj auu Tortoise is ahead of us making ,1!. Wake up Brer Babbit, tail oiirst lr and make your n tiit- tl;g of progress. m in ky to steady your nerves, on a corset to steady your vitals, Murphy's Mail. A freckled-face girl stopped at the postoflice and jelled out: "Any thing for the Murphys?" "No, there is not," said the post master. "Anything for Jano Murphy?" "Nothing." "Anything Tor Ann .Murphy?" "No." "Anvt hing for Tom Murphy?" "No." "Anything for Bob Murphy?" "No; not a bit." "Anything for Jerry Murphy?" "Nothing at all." "Anything for Lize Murphy?" "No; nor for Pat Murphy, nor Den nis Murphy, nor Pete Murphy, nor Paul Murphy, nor John, Jack nor Jim Murphy, nor for any Murphy, dead, living, unborn, native or for eign, civilized, savage or barbarous, male or female, black or white, fran chised or disfranchised, natural or otherwise. No! there is positively nothing individually, jointly, several ly, now and forever." The girl looked at the postmaster in astonishment and said: "Please see if there is anything for Clarence M urphy." National Monthly. Perhaps I have no right to pen what I am about to write, but I feel that I have, and I believe a majority a very large majority of those who read this will agree with me. I am thinking of automobiles. I can scarcely sit for ten minutes in my of fice or in ray home without having my attention attracted by one pass ing. I wouldn't look up from my work or reading to see it. Whether it comes or goes is a matter of indif ference to me, if I am not in it. But when it passes along the strew ! my home my folks are electrified b its sound. Ediscn can tell whose it is by its hum or by the click of its machinery without even waiting to hear its "honk." Whatever discourse of high philosophy I may be deliver ing, or persuasion to the higher Hie, reauv think "it comes too high." it das to be suspended lor a discourse! And I think they probably feel that risk, are not worth f 3,000. I am of the opinion that the intel lectual delights and many of the other pleasures of life would fall into "nocuous desuetude" to me if I were to join the autoists club and buy a "machine." 1 fall back with some degree of satisfaction upon the famous couplet of Lord Byron: "I care not for new pleasures, as the olJ Are good enough for me so they bat hold." Let me still enjoy my "bacon and greens," my Shakespeare and Emer son and my work. And when my boy presses real hard for an auto, I'll just get out that $3,000 and show him. The sight will make his mouth t r a little bit. U.i, yes; autoing is the finest sport that ever was and all the more so because it contains the elements of danger; but every once in a while I catch myself wondering whether those who are enjoying it so do not WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA. The Carolina, CliochfleM & Ohio Rail road, Again Part It is to Play With the Seaboard Air Line Railway as a Coal Carrier and Trunk Line from the Great Lakes to the South Atlan tic Seaboard Vast Railroad api Coal Development Scheme Which Is Rapidly Being Consummated ML Airy, Town of Beautiful Homes Largest Granite Quarry In the World A Mountain of Stone Cov ering Sixty Acres. Mm-Antony, standing over the ii Cu.'sar, said that he himself was i mii loipit'iit man like Lord hi mm I. at that he was only a plain, I, hint man who spoke the things he i ;,. , ami ipoke right on. When !,t..!i read in the will of Caesar I I, it 1 ;ii's;ir had bequeathed all his .rr. .t'e w alks, his parks, his arbors 1 , 1 1 );, p ipulace, the people clamored miini- r, tire, kill, revenge. Ever be fore time and ever since that lime .all people have wanted good p-ililie ways, good streets, good p irks The people of Henderson are in . exeept ion. We wa nt good streets. U'.- want, a park like other people. We need a park like other people, tin! you cannot find any steps taken l,v aldermen, nor is there any pui.Si sentiment to buy or establish iinv place of recreation for youth or iv. -up. ration for old age. The only p. irk in Henderson, the only "Land I r IMight," the only place of r.-t, is the cemetery, and you have 1 1 1 pay to stop there long. Watch miiii, what of the nieht! What do you think of this, or do think? Our nt reets are in bad rendition ami growing worse. I do ii.i know that you ought to blame nwr street commissioner too much. e p iy him less than tho Croatan I iui. pays its janitor. You cannot expect .to get slot) worth of work per month for 1 " per inont h. We I 1 i. progress in our streets just the 1 honestly believe the average Mivei in Henderson is worse than the a erage road in Yancecounty. Take 1 !l g put null down your hat over your Adams appl.-, seat yourself in a buggy or automobile, bury your finger nails in the painted sides of the vehicle and lets rii cochotte some over the streets i ? Henderson. ; 1 r main street, we are on main Mivei now, is rough and bumpy from North Henderson to the macadam in front of Mr. Hoover's house, ltis to., rough between the Post Office u i the gai-age. The same street fi.ia the Southern depot to the town limits is something terrible. Wil li nun si reet is in bail condition the wh..e length of the town. Street a! . 1 -treet is in had condition and tl - .lit. hes need cleaning out. If 1 a a wrong, say so. Watchman, what I the night! V hat d you think of this, or do yi think? In putting down side walk pavements, the pavement is -apposed to be in the middle of the a!!. with a space of about one foot !! turf ami grass on each side of the ivti- navement. This ought to l iint in nearly every case we iiud I She Certainly Will, that wherever a curb, next to a. man's A young girl will be far safer in the lot. is put down m concrete, mac . hands ot a young man oorn 01 par- '::! is jam up to the concrete, freez- j ents in a moderate circumstance, hon i:g out the grassy plot on the inside j est in his principles, the energetic 't he walk, conveying to the owner j and industrious, than she would ' 1 lie lot without right, without law, j with a vouuir man who has only known the luxuries of life, and to whom work is an incidental matter rather than the aim and purpose of life. Franklin Times. on autos and autoing, andthespeed, endurance, beauty', comfort, style, honks, and annals of the different makes. And "Papa, if you were going ing to get one, which one would pre fer?" and if we had an auto we could go to Grandma's or to Uncle Hewitt's or to Oxford in no time;" and, "Papa, why don't you get one? Everybody else has one." And this: "I don't care about being a lawyer; there are too many of them anyhow; I'm go ing to win fume at the auto throttle." These and a thousand more of the same tenor repeated day in, day out, night in, night out, ad infiuituui, ad nauseum, ad mihi. My wife does not say much, but she looks and feels all the more, and 1 can see her longings in every linea ment of her countenauce. I've lived .with her so long that 1 can hear and understand her thinking to herself about as follows: "It does look like some of those who don t auto are better judges of fun and what to buy for your money's worth of it than they are. T. T. HICKS. P. S. But "the sun do move," and I may yet have to buy an automo bile to keep in sight of it, or rather of them that ride in autos. "As well be dead as out of the fashion." That's the law. There Is a Difference. The Henderson Gold Leaf realizes that there is a difference between town boosting and boasting about a town, and urges that the -boasters be converted into boosters. Every citi zen should be proud of his town or city, should be familiar with its re sources and business and its strong points in every particular and should these always be ready to talk about things intelligently and convincingly; we can afford to have one as well us but boosting often degenerates into this one or that one. or two-thirdsof empty boasting and ttiis injures in Can Henderson Take the Hint? Hickory every now and then gets a lot of fine, free advertising space in the newspapers, wherein is set forth the latest story of her progressive, live-wire, determined-to-succeed spir it. Her latest move has attracted the attention of almost the entire country. Her business men got to gether aud made up a pot of $ 200, 000 as a guarantee fund to be used for local investments in new indus tries. That town will get business I long before many others of equal size begin to think about it. Already of fers of foreign capital have begun to pour in, among which may be men tioned offers to build a big bridge building plant, an overall factory and a chair factory. The Highlander. t w To ter fo. tl iii. ut just compensation, the pos--i. tit of that foot of side walk be- n a man's lot and tho concrete. this method a man's yard is ex i ! .1 into the side walk about one giving to him, his heirs and as ' - to their only use and behoof, i heir inclusion and the exclusion t ie- public one foot of valuable a a property not belonging to said la. I would not mind so much ing away a few acres in the sandy rt of Sahara, but to snag the A i by making its sidewalks one ' narrower is a shame. 1 do not -! to jiu jitsu or ejaculate against liehor against the poor. But 1 -e people who are able to put n concrete curbing ought to be to let that side walk, one foot !" by nobody knows how long, re m to the use of the town. They 1 not expect the town under its ent form of government to look ' for its own property. Y'ou will ! this kind of business on Charles ( iamet t street. AN inder street -d on Harwell avenue. AYatchmanT v' Icit of the night! " Ii it do you think, or do you ' ' ! .i: ' Who cares for the town poip-rtv? You cannot find out why tie.' electric light bills and the coal j ''1-for the municipal building arej s ' iiigh yimply because you cannot 1 "''! out who has charge 01 the mu ' 1 'i' il building. You cannot find ' ;! who has charge of the town '" r es for that matter, neither is lt" it" board bill approved by the town "'I'-rmon. AA'atchman, what of the '"ght! H ang on to this. Our sanitation is hud, very bad. Two health offl ors have already resigned because tiio hoards would not stand up to lim. At our last meeting the health Force cf Habit. The automobile being out of order, took the children out in the old fam ily carriage behind a nag that need ed excercise. NYhen the horse began to snort and cavort, the younger boy said: "Pop, you'd better shut off' the current and fix him. He's missing: fire." Him I don't know how to tell you how 1 love you. Her Don't worry about that I'll take it as it comes. NYhat you want to be nervous about is how to tell papa about it. Learn to know others by studying yourself. Beads of perspiration are the jew els of toil. Dignity is what some people stand on when they are short. If misery loves company it's up everybody to get married. to Crying babies, like good sugges tion's, should be carried out. Give the average man half achance and he'll want the other half. An ounce of flattery goes further with a woman than a pound of pity. How it must jolt a man when he is Eolite to his wife in public to have er look as if she wasn t used to it. the fifty or sixty happy citizens of this neighborhood who daily flit by us in a flutter of delight, leaviug their dust aud gasoline odors to plague us when we go to ride with old Dan." I suppose I could buy as fine a "car" or "machine" as any of them and gasoline enough to propel it and hire a "schaueffeur" to run it till it would wear out, without mort gaging my home. lifi-1 can not reconcile myself to pay ing f:$,000 and losing $ 180.00 per year of interest on it for the balance of time just for the fun an auto might, could or would furnish me for the two or three years that it would last. Then, too, iu addition to that cost and the ever increasing interest on the debit side, there is the danger of instant death that goes with every trip that is made. There's punc tures, break-downs, loss of one's health pumping and cranking. There's Corns on one's back as he lies underneath looking for the trou ble and finding it not. There's that debt of dollars and cents, and grati tude to the old oxen and mules that pull us iu statedly. I went with "Chick" and Jim Young and Dr. Gill to Roxboro one bright autumn day. Every rod of that 45 miles but six was a joy ride. To get over those six rods or one hundred feet of mud in "Shake Rag" I lifted the weight of that two-ton auto twenty times; and I did more physical labor in those four hours than I've done in twenty years. And every minute of it was agon3r, gall and wormwood, for we were not sure that we ever would get away from there. I've heard other autoists relate experi ences of "sweating drops of blood" and suffering enough in one after noon to atone for the sins of a life time, and overbalance all the pleas ure that every auto caused since the first one was made. AA'hen I was a boy I went to Ox ford on the 21th of June and squeez ed a ten cent piece all day while I tried to decide whether to spend it for red lemonade or a plow point, ! and I finally carried the dime back j home. 1 borrowed fifty cents with which to pay express charges to Capt. Robards on my first law book sold to me by a school mate on credit. Those are precious memories to me. They are burned on the label of my pocket book and bank account. I will not despise the day of small things. I cannot tell how long I shall be well and able to make money. The tax collector and gro cer are ever before me, and willingly or unwillingly, have the first claims on my exchecquer. I can't help but think how I would "cuss" and fret myself into "the bad place" in my old age at seeing au tos fly by if I should then remember having spent three or four thousand dollars on a Cadillac or Maxwell, which said $4,000 I would then need to buy fuel and flannels and rheu- matic liniment, or to give iny chil-j dren a real start in life. NVhen I j think of spending a whole morning j wrangling with Pittmau or Andrew j Harris or McCoin before Recorder! Powell to get five dollars, and then j think of buying an auto for $1,500 i and spending 1,500 more to keep it j going three years, and wearing out i my soul and body in "Shake Rag" or "Pungo" trying to get it to go, and finally having to decide whether to ! buj" a gully to throw it in or to keep ; it in my back shed till my sale or j take 50 for it in exchange for a new j one, all the sense, arithmetic and philosopny tuat 1 Know tell me in 1 thunder tones to let autos alone. 1 "Oh, it's fun to ride in 'em." AYhen a friend asks me to ride with Lira and puts me down again at home, from that moment doubly so. the ride, and ered me back finest fun that too high priced working m made for those who acquired for tunes by devise or descent and those who "struck it rich" in the struggle of life. But for the toilers on life's i way, who earn but little, better wait j for your auto ride until someone in- j vites you. Then be sure he is going j a good road and make your will be- fore you start. For verily the auto-! ist cannot tell what a day or a ride j may bring forth. And if he could, ' to the average man like me three j years of such fun, considering the i stead of helping a town or city. Be a genuine booster; have the facts tind figures at your command, and when you boost do so effectively. Greensboro Telegram. Three Kinds of Men. The men who do a town more harm than good may be classed as follows: First, those who onnose But to a,ve my j improvement. Second, those who run it down to strangers. Third, those who never advertise their business. DOING THEIR DUTY. Scores of Henderson Readers Are Learning the Duty of the Kidneys. To filter the blood is the kidneys' duty. AVhen they fail to do this the kidneys are eick. Backache and many kidney ills follow. Urinary trouble, pains. Doan's Kidney Pills can help you. Henderson people endorse our claim. A. 'P. Barnes, 318 Rowland St., Hen derson, N. C., says: i:I have found Doan's Kidney Pills to he a remedy, of merit and 1 do not hesitate one moment in recommending them. My kidneys caused me a great deal of annoyance and there was a steady, dull pain through my loins. When I saw Doan's Kidney Pills anvertised, I got a box from the Kerner-McNairCo's. Drugstore and began their use. They quickly re moved my trouhle and acted heneQcially ia every way. In February, 11)08, I publicly endorsed Doan's Kidney Pills and at this time I can still say a good word for them. 1 have had uo further need of a kidney medicine since I was relieved." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milhurn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. Continued from last week. Hie building of the Carolina, Clinch field & Ohio Railroad has an impor tant bearing upon the interests of the Seaboard Air Line Railway. As is "a well known fact these two great roads are under the same manage ment and control, the majority of the stock in- both corporations being dominated by Thomas P. Ryan and associates, millionaire capitalists of New York." With the Clinchfield opening up the richest and most ex tensive coal fields in the world, the Seaboard is destined to become the greatest coal carrying road in Amer ica, is the prediction made. The Clinchfield railroad taps the famous "Clinchfield" coal district, be lieved to be one of the richest coal fields in existence, and competent geologists estimate that it will yield a thousand car loads of coal a day for a thousand years. According to the reports of experts this district contains something like three hun dred million cars of bituminous coal, and most of this fuel underlies the 300,000 acre tract of coal land owned by the Clinchfield Coal Cor poration, an allied corporation of the Carolina, Clinchfield & Ohio Rail road. It is to develop this vast and inex haustible fuel supply and furnish it to the world that the Clinchfield road was built primarily. But the scheme of development is not to stop with that. The proraotors have other and more far reaching objects in view. At the time of the building of the Clinchfield road there appeared in the Richmond Times-Dispatch an article from which the following excerpt is made, and which may not be without interest at this time: "Tbomas Fortune Ryan and his asso ciates 111 the world of nuance nave on foot a plan to make the Seaboard Air Line the greatest coal carrying road in the country, by opening up an enormous coal field in A'irginia and connecting it wfth the Seaboard Air Line by means of a new 200-mile railway line, the Caro lina. Clinchfield & Ohio. "Tho road crosses the Southern Rail way line at Johnson City, runs soth up the valley of the Chucky river, across the pip of the Blue Ridge mountains and connects with the Seaboard Air Line ai Bostic, N. C, from which point all Southern seaports are within easy haulingdi-tance, Wilmington and South port, N .C.. and Charleston, S. C, being th chief outlets. "The Carolina, Clinchfield & Ohio Rail road will open up by its main line and spur tracks the richest and most exten sive coal fields in the world, and it is said the Seaboard Air Line will lead all the roads of America as a coaler. "It is the purpose of Mr. Ryan and his associates to bring together the coal fields of A'irginia, Tennessee, NVest Arir ginia and Kentucky with the Atlantic coast and the Great Lakes. Connection with the Seaboard Air Line being com pleted, the plan is to extend the road north to the Great Lakes by way of the Ohio river, where it will connect with the Detroit, Toledo & Ironton Railway, which is controlled by the Ryan inter ests. "Such a road would act as a funnel for the rich agricultural sections oTthe (Continued on page four.) TTs& m ( To brrow money, 3 nil yoDiin wfflmrft Sssksl- 1 ( A safe place for your money, 3 I .We Cej Help Yoi BE A 20TH CENTURY FARMER Don't slay in the old rut, nor let your children start wrong. IVead the best farm paper pub lished. The Progressive Farmer ?vnd Gazette, of FLoJeigh, N. C, and Starkville, Miss. It is made for you Southern farmers by Southern men, who know South ern conditions and who have hoed cotton and corn themselves. No guess work talk in this paper, but the kind that steers you right. No dishonest advertisements either. Comes every week. 52 big issues every year twice as many as the semi-monthly papers. WE HAVE ARRANGED IT FOR. YOU Realizing that the Progressive Farmer and Gazette is the best Southern Fa.m Paper, we have arranged to offer the Progressive Farmer and Ga zette in a club with The Henderson Gold Leaf and can give any of our farmer friends who are not now taking the Progressive Farmer and Ga zette a year's subscription to The Progressive Farmer and Gazette and a full year's subscription to The Henderson Gold Leaf at about half price, or both papers for a few cents more than the price of one. A'ou want The Henderson Gold Leaf and The Progressive Farmer and Gazette. A'ou get them both, 104 copies for only $1.65. Send for them today. PostofDce money order or personal check or stamps will be accepted. The above offer will apply to both new and renewal subscriptions for The Henderson Gold Leaf. It applies only to new subscriptions to The Progressive Farmer and Gazette. Fill out the order lelow and send to us with $1.G5 and we'll get the papers started to you just a soon as the mails will carry them. Be certain to state whether subscription to each paper is new or old subscription. HEXIfEKSOX GOLD LEA F: lirutlfmen: Yon will find enclose! for which you will semi me The Henderson 11 oil Leaf (state whether new or old) and The Progressive Farmer ami (iazette (new). Mv address Rural Route Xo.. GOLD LEAF PUBLISHING COMPANY. you need anything irv our line. First-class Machinists a.r a.t your service to repair your machinery, boilers, etc. SICK AUTOMOBUJES CURED ON SHORT NO TICE. We make a specialty of Installing new plants. New parts supplied for a 11 kinds of Machinery- Satisfac tion guaranteed. ? 9 9 9 9 VANCE CO. IRON WORKS, Henderson, N. C. 1 (SQDMKB g)tf Ufa 1 6ITIZ&NS BANK OF HENDERSON, 1 HENDERSON, - NORTH CAROLINA. 2 GCOCCOCCOCOOCCOCCOCCOCOOCOnCCOCCOCCCOCCD LE A WIS l JJOYNER Wholesale and Retail Dealers in FEED AND HEAVY GROCERIES, We have just gotten in an entire new stock of FEED AND HEAVY GRO CERIES, and will be glad to serve you at any time. If you are in need of anything in our line, such as o o p o o o o o o Hay, Corn, Oats, Shipstuff, Bran, Meal, Flour, Coffee, Sugar, Meat, Lard, etc., 0 we believe it will be to your interest to see us before buying. You will find us in Q the store formerly known as the Barnes Building, next door to the Southern Grocery O Co, Phone No. 307-F. O 8 ILEWnS & oUdDYBJIEIE n . r. ....... . - - cocoocooccocoocoocooocooccoc o 0 rsss o o o o o D o o o o o a o o o a o o o nn w Mniidfri TTnime ED Yapnn peimdl Alt MdDinnie? Mr. Husband, you may not stay there more than half your time, but your wife and little ones do. Aren't you tired of cramped quarters? Is your lot large enough? Is your house large enough? Is it wired in every dark corner? Is it properly sewered? ' Has it complete bath and toilet arrangement up and down stairs? Is the house perfectly ventilated? Has it a dozen modern rooms? Does the porch extend entirely around the house? Has it a 12-foot hall running through the entire building upstairs and downstairs? Is every piece of material No. 1 ? Has your place a half-dozen excellent outbuildings? Is your entire property in perfect repair? Is it newly painted and papered from top to bottom? Does your home cover several acres? Has it perfect shade? How is the water? Don't forget this. Is the location IDEAL? Is it healthy? How about the neighborhood? My home is Such a one in every particular, and it is FOR SALE, too. PriceliessThanlmprovements. Terms Easy Let me show you this IDEAL HOME. No obligation. Be quick! Somebody Will Buy Itl 1 m his lor life i A First for the ecstacv o? f ... ..... ..-......rnm. j-ir nirnn I secondly V, VI II K MHffilNrl V I II I lirilKliri7 I at home alive. It's the! ltJ V7U IV IIII IVI III ii-iw uu vri vrn-r-t . i ever wag. But it's ' I if .r. w ran nut it in first-class shape. Weh&veopen- j for a poor man or a , , chine shop in Henderson, corner Chestnut and : an. Automobiles are A .:11 nnnrrlt, K trlnl when I i'IUIH),'llwi w wav w w m F m M . 3 j J j j 3 j J H. L. PERRY, INSURANCE I Attorney at Law, Henderson, N. C. Office 137 - - - - Main Street. BARBER SHOP. Two Good Barbers att your Service. Your Patronage" Solicited. Satisfaction Guaranteed. I. W. PHELPS. Hi Girsett Si. Keller's Old Stand. We Represent a Strong Line of the Best Companies Carrying Risks On Fire, Tornado, Marine, Plato Class, Casualty, Accident, Surety, Boiler, Ute, Health. Insurance Department Citizens Bank. B. B. CROWD QX, Uanager. HENRY PERRY. INSURANCE. A ttrong line ot botb LIFE AND FIRE COMPANIES repraefitcd. PolMieaUaoed a ad Ti i - f.Ucd to btt adTftbttge. V Office: : : : Ia Court Host FRANCIS A. MACON, DENTAL SURGEON. Office in Young Block. OXee hours: 9 a. m.toi p. ta., 3 to 6 p. to. Keeideoee Fbooe 152 2;0ffiei,bonei52 1 .Estimates fnraUbed when desired. Sio e ha nee t or examination . The date on your addreae label In dlcatea the time to which your aub acrlptfon la Dtld.