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HENDERSON SUBSCRIPTION PRICE: OnsYear - - SI. 50 Six Months - 75 CASH ALWAYS IN ADVANCE. ADVERTISING RATES RcAinnabte and IViWCm rr mlmhmd Prompt lyJoXropct fve Advriltmrm on Applica tion. g t i 1- s'"iin t VOL. XXX. HENDERSON, N. C, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1911. GOLD NO. 38. WHERE THE CITY'S MONEY GOES. Mr AUCoIn Points Out Several In stances Where the Public Funds of )he city Have llecn Wasted. j . , i h.; I '. lit or of the C 5 1 1 Leaf. Willi voiir pcrinishion I want to in tins letter Kotne of the i .i-i- ii . . '.. v. i if re I liiiiiK ine uinu f ris iiHfii unwisely spent. 1 iM-.iy in the outset that I . i .ii... i . .,. ii, -vi-r cii.-irHii inut uuv ui tue ., i, ', f-iii'ls h;nl heen stolen, neither ti, ink th it the hoard of town ' ' l I I - - I 1 1 I ' 1 il ' IMIilLllllU 'I, i ; i v ,1 nil' !-:!. some jeople are in handling the pub lic money and how different they are in handling their own. When I was first elected, and before I qualified as a member of the board, one of the pommissionerH came to me and said he was glad that I was elected and EVANGELISTIC SERVICES AT M. P. CHURCH. IMow we are Kivitif the readers of the flold Leaf a ood cut of Mr. Charles U. Ilutler, who with his wife in the revival services just closed there, said of his first appearance there, it soon became apparent that evangelist of the world today. Mr. and Mrs. Butler will spend ten or twelve davs in Henderson the the Methodis Protestant church dur ing the revival services lefrinninp:the 17th. The Spartanburir Herald, in epeaking of the work of Mr. Butler i , i ! 1 1 1 . i i I....... ,. i 1... Aol'sf man ii nil" i"- u mi i ur n vi-ars. My rrt-atest objiv-1 , t).- Iioard ami to the admin- j ,,u i.f toAii iii'fairs is that th-y : ,.i ! a into a rut ami are try- i I llli all lip-i, iifiif, ii i ij; i t-r-ii r- . i i i ;.. i... , , . , i i i 11 III' Mull' lit. i n ftill'l 111 HM- , iii inner a.-t they ran a small . ,.l v t years ajo. This is a ; j i. --ive :it; and tin; town that ,,. I,, ,i in ikf prorres and keep iii :m', II." s.iril of the ug is a back i.uiiiii. r and a dead town. n tlii- letter I shall attempt to j, ,,i,t ,,i! only a. few of tin- many i wln-iv I ler the moiiey ' ., ... r., ii i..., f ... ir -.lull! A 1 1 1 1 ' 'II I ' iii" lun niiirr i i it A I, a ayo the town comnus- -,,,i,.r-i lunula a. nice, up-to-date r.i i l in u hiii" at a cortt, as 1 am in f.,nne., of about 1 ,."()(). They ued ilii-i i n t -L i 1 1 - MOint; three or four i inie., t In-ii stored it in a shed rented ii . iin I lie mayor of th town, paid -ilim '.' chariri's on it for t hreu or j, ,u r venrs, and finally loaned the ! in nliine to the county to be worn; ... ..i,, I tin. tiiii'ii liiix tii'ViT receive! I ! ... .'.i f..n n, ...,. ...i.l if l..u i d manner, and as soor. as I had fin !, nijr ao l --en t In-own on the dumj lie 111 nopeo l would join him in giv-1 are to have charge of the sinin at ni-i tun low ii ,iu economical au minis tration. We discussed several mat ters, and at his suestion and re quest, I prepared a, resolution and offered it, at the first meeting I at tended. This resolution set out that, whereas at this time, the mayor was a lawyer, and another member of the board was of t h' same profession. : and wherea., when the board cilled I on t heir at t orney for any particular! service, h charged them tin- usual! fee-, in addition to his a nnna I re-' tain, r, it. was therefore resolved that j the board do not at t his time eltet a j regular attorney, but to leave them-i selves open to ivlain one win-never' needed, and by this means save to ; the town -if 1 0o retainer fee. It wii-j further resolved that whereas the! (own treasurer was receiving about I $.".0 for doinr pract icallv notliiny. I that, his commission he cut in half.! This tesolutioa, if it ha I pasi-ed. I would have saved the town last eai j $:i'2H r,. Do you know this, my lirst ! resolution, trying to h.ivh some of j the town money was killed quicker j than lilil niiiir ami deader than; Julius Caes ii, am nveii ed a, h new : drubbing than was heaped on Marion! outler ilnrmg the last campaign Imagine my surprise atid chagrin when mv old venir.ite.I and econom ical friend, w ho got me to draw t la- resolution, arose in his usual dinili- Mr. Butler is a master in the vocal i quests of the Methodist Protest nnts ! music art and a fine director of a ; here, but every church is moat cor- cnoir. Ilis style of work and peeu- diallv invited liarly beautiful and appealing quali ties of voice have placed his services in great demand. He was fora nura ler of years the soloist with Dr. Torrey, and later with Dr. Chapman, who Sn many respects is the greatest to loin in these ser vices. Especially all those who sing, a special choir will be organized to assist in the singing, in which all the musical talent of our town it is hop ed can be elisted. R. M. ANDREWS. T I consider this 1, .()() unwise- s j leli I . little later the town commission . Iiuii-!iL an up-to-date street rol i- .it a cost of $.',000. This roller. u , 'i unloaded, paid for and loaned tn Mr. t iii rin and once to Mr. Tav- . .r. an 1 up t o t his good day it has; ii. w i lieeii used one hour by the: i.imi. It is not denied that our j is are ill bad condition, and; in. in v believe t hat t he roller could be ii -i i io a ".real advantage, especial j Iv in r p in ing the macadam on main i I'.nl when our street eom-! ini.-sioiier was a boy, street rollers i not then used, tind therefore he! i-i nj.jMis.'il to tisintr it, now, and for1 ih it reason tliii .",000 investment ; n' the town lias b;'en allowed toi i a,!.! iiiie in i he ojieti weather, tak-j in;.' tin- sun, rain and storm just as '.hey conic, and it. is generally under Miniil that rust has already ruined, or soon will ruin it, and thu town is mil .",,000. I low about the cost of lightingour i nun'.' The liible tells us that "Some hive darkness rather than light be cause their deeds are evil." Has it ever m -cur red to you that the unusual of darkness on the part of your tuiwi commissioners was responsible ! r 1 leinlersoii being the only town uf its sie in .N'orl h Carolina, South Carolina or Virginia running on a moonlight schedule? Of course you understand that on a moonlight si helule the lights are turned out when the moon rises. And under this arrangement Henderson consumes i. nly two thirds the amount of cur rent, and e;(.ts only two-thirds the amount of light as it would get un der an all night schedule. Do you I-now that your commissioners tire pa ving for ll lights to be run under t he moonlight schedule the sum of "J''. a year, and do you know that ill other towns in this State, South Carolina and Virginia are getting i lie all iii"ht schedule for the same i i.e that your commissioners are eiine for the moonlight schedule? This information was furnished me l a good reliable party who knows what he is talking, and anyone can s'i! 'stantiate this if he w time to investigate it. ik:ht for Henderson to pay as much for a moonlight schedule as other towns are paying for the all. night hi'ilnle'.' If this is not right and Just, oiir commissioners are annually pay ing 1 ,i iTo more than ot her towns are paying for their lights, and 1 think this money is unwisely spent. "The laborer is worthy of his hire." This applies as much to the police men as any other laborer, and like any other commodity labor is worth what it will bring on the market and no more. My experience hus taught me that when a man goes out to em ploy labor to be paid for with his ow n money he gets it as cheap as he an. provided the price is reasonable, and when the employer goes up on ti e price of labor he expects either more labor or better service. This true with not true with Henderson. In May 1010, when we went to elect the police, we fixed the Hilary of the chief at $(, and the three assistants at $40 a month each, the town furnishing the uni f rms and hats and other parapher nalia, and in addition to this ul low'ed the police to divide among themselves all the costs thfy collect- ished reading my first resolution. i moved to lay it on tin; table. Hi ' motion was s coin led and carried un, quickly as if it had be -n gn ased for i the occ isioii. It, mattered nothing ( to them if they Voted oO of the : town's money into the poekets ol 1 one it t lieM" i lie ii 1 1 it rs and their at torney, without a, iiiDiii'Mii's lii-cii.i-' sion or c.otisidf rat io i. Tueie is ; nothing personal in this mailer, be cause both thrf at t orney and i reas : ucer are among my warmest friend. This is not a personal but a public question. Is it right for the town treasurer to get. between five and six hundred dollars a year fordoing the work that any good book-keeper would b glad to do for$lOO? I maintain that under our present system of doing business, the com missioner who is lucky enough to be elected treasurer is gratuitously giv en 100 a year that he never earns. Last .January, when the bill creat ing the recorder's court was read before the commissioners for their approval, it was stated that the new court would be a great benefit to the town in many ways. Among other things pointed out, it was stated that the recorder would relieve the mayor of the unpleasant and annoy ing duty of trying cases, and for this reason the town could reduce the mayor's salary $200, and the treasurer would be that much in. After the bill was passed, some time in March or April, before anyone was nomina ted or elected, and at a time when at least two other gentle men except the present mayor were considering running for the office, a resolution was passed in a regular meeting setting forth the facts as above stated, and reducing the may or's salary for 1 1)11 to $100. This f Ii i III v' -- -A;.V-:V. - '-,. - - -?r-'r--- . i - '" 2 .';'. ; I ' : v --vK5- .V. s TTA? ( To borrow money, mr ynmi waimlt SJsassL ( A safe place for your money, We Mel p Yon 1 WdDoa ftp 8Dwra)j woU 1 (TIARLES U. BUTLER, Evangelistic Singer. Interesting Story Told by Hender son Woman. There were several young ladies in a. local store a few days ago buying their paraphernalia to go away to college this fall and were talking about what they were going to get., Mrs. L. ('. Edwards, of this place, who was in the store at the time, Haag Shows Are Seen by a Pleased Crowd. formance this afternoon will join in the hope that the Haag Shows will come again. There will be another performance tonight;- -doors opening at seven o'clock, performance at eight. Win- Despite the threatening weather many hundreds witnessed the Haag Show parade this morning and a tent full of pleased patrons testified ston-Salem Daily Seutimel. their approval of what Proved to be ! Henderson Sept. 16th. one of the best real ( js perform- j ances witnessed here in several I One of the most interesting of the says: "I want to tell you young wo- j years. The program included many i promising attractions at the Grand men about my paraphernalia that 1 took with me to college when I went in lS-'. It was during the war and of course 1 had to make everything myself with little to make it nit of. Mv outfit was two cotton and cnie 1 .- I .. f , . .!.....! . was none oeiore. eieciion lor two rea- , . a ti..,t I wnnn T,. . ,i . , , . ,! woolen homespun dresses that I spun sons: I irst, that whoever was elected , if.,a.,,:i ioo fa nlight not think it a personal mat ter, and in the second place the board wanted the man running for the otlice to know what he was to get before elected. After it became unown ttiat the ooaru had passed this resolution, the other two gen tlemen decided not to run for the of fice, and the present mayor had no ill take the ; opposition. He knew before he was Now is it elected that the board had fixed his salary tit .f 100. At the first meeting in May the question of the mayor's salary again came up. The at ten tion of the board was called to the fact that the town laws provided that all salaries should be fixed the first meeting in May. Some ques tion was raised as to whether or not the old board had a legal right to fix this salary, whereupon the sal and wove myself and paid $100 for the cotton, which amount 1 received from a lady for making her a pal metto hat. My woolen dress and my cloak were trimmed with large brass buttons which I cut off of my dead brother's Confederate uniform. I made my hat of palmetto tha t my soldier brothers had sent me from the coast at Wilmington. Our old colored slave made my shoes out of dog skin and my fur cape was made out of the rabbit and 'possum skins that I hail saved and tanned mytelf. My collars were crotched out of the ravelings of India cotton stockings. 1 had one bought dress. It was pur ple worsted and cost one dollar a yard. I packed my clothes in an old homemade leather trunk that be longed to an older member of the excellent acts, seven or eight of them among the best seen here; in fact, the best in the business, as the man ager announced. The show is con ducted evidently by real business men, who do not permit gambling in any form and not an oath or intem perate remark was heard on the grounds. The parade was the fiuest for its size that has been seen here. On the whole it is a good, clean, clev er show, and those who saw the per- Theatre this season will be "The Nest Egg" which comes fresh from its triumphs in New York and Chica go, iu both of which cities it proved among the notable successes last reason, and which will be seen here for the first time on next Monday evening. Sept. 11th. The cast in cludes familiar names and there is plenty of heart interest, homely philosophy and ludicrous situations in this play of Miss Caldwell's. 1 CITIZENS BANK OF HENDERSON, 1 HENDERSON, - NORTH, CAROLINA. 3 OCOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCCOCOQCOOCCOCOOOOOO o o o o o 0 o o o o o o o o o LB 4 FEED WIS . JOYNER Wholesale and Retail Dealers in AND HEAVY GROCERIES. We have just gotten in an entire new stock of FEED CERIES, and will be glad to serve you at any time. If you are in need of anything in our line, such as AND HEAVY GRO- Hay, Corn, Oats, Shipstuff, Bran, Meal, Flour, Coffee, Sugar, Meat, Lard, etc., o o us m we believe it will be to vour interest to see us before bnvina. Yi will nA v " J ID lll4 V J AS the store formerly known as the Barnes Building, next door to the Southern Grocery vo, rnone ino. u-r. o 0 Q dUdDYKTIEIE o o o o o C) o o o o D o o D O O o o o o CI o o ( o o C) o 3 3 ary was again fixed by the new board ; . .J 4l . ,.f ot0 at .f 100. The mayor stated at the time that whatever the commission ers did would be satisaictory to him, as he did not run for the office for the money that was in it. 1 lege in the western part of the State. i My railroad fair was $10, and the ! school term was eighteen months long." Mrs. Edwards said that she felt very much discouraged sit starting to college with that kind or a para- n.ayor Ki.e Vltni I pheroalia but after arriving at the that his salary was fixed, and mas-, V . deiirhted to find that she was as nicely dressed thought that inasmuch as the i mayor knew before he was elected THERE IS MOKEY IN IT. Pnre-Fresh Drugs are ef fective. No effort wasted the power is there. You use care in the selection of a physician. How about your druggist? Your own judg ment will tell you that this is the place to buy your 3 3 3 3 much as it had been fixed by two boards at two different times that it business men, but it is ; would stay fixed, but it did not. I li the commissioners of stead, somebody lixed two of the commissioners. In this case, the board of town commissioners of Henderson beats the Supreme Court of the Tinted States in that it had on its board two Shirases, and one of these a grandaddy Shiras who lady as there was iu all body. tin ti young student An Epoch in Showdom. i AVheu Mr. Haag decided toinaugu- i Irate his loth year as a successful j purveyor of first class amusements, j uuu uto.i u., te from coagt to coast, opening i but all of a sudden something came i Bnnann aT.K, r . . - . 3 i iiio icuauii ... v . .... x . - - - - - uei lui-u I Drugs and Medicines 3 i KERNER-MacNAIR CO. 1 gt: Prescription Druggists. - Phone 112. dreams and they saw a ! Since then the show has tra- '"i tor making arrests and summon-1 new ngnt. Am ouen amusea watcu- i th stnt(lf! Qf Texas Califor- nig witnesses. 1 his "mild amount to jumpm ers that was very popul ago it was a wooden monkey Indiana, West Virginia, -a , r . i understand ; mg tue manoeuvring oi some oi me . nia Arkansas Kansas, Oklahoma, iv a llioillll a- i uouiixiieisiuuei c, me iciuiuu mc ui u, tii;..,-,; I'nif. i ins nunie yuo CUlfl B juu W'irth -T0 a month and the other .".o together with the clothing. I tiioughtthen and still think that the ago It was a wooden monkey with mpuig jack Suppose all the read-, Kentucky Virginia, Tennessee, Ohio, : 3 of the t.oll Leaf remember a toy : N th cr'oUna, South Carolina, and at was very popular a few years vf.- rlnsinn- pay was adequate for the services : strings and springs so that every in eived, and in proof of this there time you would pull the string the iis some two or three applications ; monkey would jump. In this case, ?'r e.K if position. The big live of ; the board had spoken twice in due, the board selectod four of these meu, I soleiun"form, saying ?HH shall be t ao of whom 1 thought were thebest ' the salary of the mayor, but what liiou -lpplying, and two the sorriest, difference did that make? Somebody fins however is only my opinion, j pulled the string and the monkey Any way, the men selected were ask- i jumped, and with it JfJOO mysteri ously disappeared trom ttie town part of Georgia; and before closing will make ilorida, Aiaoama, .missis- : sippi, and Louisiana, establishing a i transcontinental record never at tempted by any show in any one i season. The show has used 50 rail- roads so far this season, exhibiting twice daily with the exception of Sunday. Nature has been very good to the , mighty Haag shows this season. were ! treasury into the mayor s pocket. No nlmnl nartmot. The babv ! siittshVd. Notwithstanding tins fact J reason for this sudden ctiange lias camel iJa, i3 easily the favorite tlie niMioritv of vour commissioners t ever been given, except one Mr. t . . ' -1 txa i1(1k Aur.'nnnf rina 1 . . . . . , . . , ; uau V , 11 1 1 11 LUJ uauj v.. ........ w ... v. big heart- Shiras says tie couia not go against ; n:,v nil rrtn the i " annthar Oil c-fi neoit th iilcu! .... ' . . J . ... ... children ot the dinerent cities picsmg their favorite baby in the big men- liheral mood oaid to these men. with- mavor. 1 have heard a great many , rv ' i : i : -- - -. . -. ikiiiv Jiuiei. big for the iob and accented, know "ig what they were to get and ;i!l of a sudden became eo and liberal with the town's monev i "Pick, another advanced the idea th it they raised the salaries of these j that he was for progress, and want "ieti Srcach per month and in their led to add dignity to the otlice of IS YOUR MACHINERY OUT OF ORDER? If so. we can put it in first. shape. We h a. ve open ed a. machine shop In Henderson, corner Chestnut and Montgomer streets, and will appreciate a. trial when you need anything in our line. First-class Machinists are at your servica to repair your machinery, boilers, etc. SICK AUTOMOBILES CURED ON SHORT NO TICE. We make a specialty of Installing mw plants. New parts supplied for all kinds of Machinery. Satisfac tion guaranteed. 9 9 9 9 9 VANCE CO. IRON WORKS, Henderson, N. C. ococcoococcoccoccoccooccoccoccoccoccocco r C M(D)wEQiincIhiTimeID)Y(D)i!n c c f. r. c c c c c c c c c Mr. Husband, you may not stay there more than half your timebut your wife and little ones do. Aren't you tired of cramped quarters? Is your lot large enough? Is your house large enough? Is it wired in every dark corner? Is it properly sewered? Has it complete bath and toilet arrangement up and down stairs? Is the house perfectly ventilated? Has it a dozen modern rooms? Does the porch extend entirely around the house? Has it a 1 2-foot hall running through the entire building upstairs and downstairs? Is every piece of material No. 1 ? Has your place a half-dozen excellent outbuildings? Is your entire property in perfect repair? Is it newly painted and papered from top to bottom? Does your home cover several acres? Has it perfect shade? How is the water? Don't forget this. Is the location IDEAL? Is it healthy? How about the neighborhood? My home is Such a one in every particular, and it is FOR SALE, too. Price Less Than Improvements. Terms Easy Let me show you this IDEAL HOME. No obligation. Be quick! Somebody Will Buy It Wo Wo Rowkmdo 5 J 3 3 J H. L. PERRY, Attorney at Law, tenderaon, N. C. '"it authority or moral right ! absurd things hut this is the first Th mio-htv Haa"- shows will ex- ' I A I 4 1 . ... 1 . : 1 . : . I . . 1 1, hnnKil Al hliriniv : ( - . . . , njure money tnau tutv uireu tti'-m for. I say iriye it away, the for. I say ijriye it away, in.-n were satisfied and after increas ing the salary the town kept the same police and got no better ser ve. 1 said then and maintain now tli-it not a single man who voted for this increase would have done so had the I'ocket. It money been coming out of his is amusing how liberal time that 1 have Heard oi buying n(. H. -.ann spntrnher 10th. i dignity at a fixed price of ??2U0. Ii presume that the town of Henderson is now paying its mayor ?100 a; Mrs. T. C. Tate moved from Falcon year for presiding over the board of to Henderson last week. Mr. Pate commissioners, and 200 a year for has a position at the garage and acting in a dignified manner. These ! has been at work there for tlie past parties claim to be a friend to the : few weeks. They have taken rooms mayor, but I contend that they : lu the home of Mr. Pate's brother, (Continued on page four. ) ' Mr. A. W. Tate, on Arch street. WOOD AND CO All YARD Stick and cut wood and very best grade of Splint coal. Weights and Prices Guaranteed. I operate a Gasoline Wood Saw and will be glad to saw your wood. P. P- H.DCHT- Phone 26F. Office 137 Main Street. BARBER SHOP. Two Good Barbers o.t your Service. Your Patronage Solicited. Satisfaction Guaranteed. I. W. PHELPS, III Garaett SI. Keller's Old Stand. INSURANCE I We Represent a Strong Line of the Best Companies Carrying Risks On Fire, Tornado, Marine, Plate Glass, Casualty, Accident, Surety, Boiler," Life, Health. Insurance Department Citizens Bank. B. B. CBO WDEB, Manager. HENRY PERRY. INSURANCE. A utroDff Iin of both LIFE AND F1HK ( OM J'A.MKH rpoitd. PoheitUiuJ and rial- ilacd to btt adrafitage. Offic: ; : : In Court Home FRANCIS A. MACON, DENTAL SURGEON. ' Office In Young Block-. bonr: 9 a. m . to l p. m., 3 tott p. m. Residence Pbona 152-2 :OJEaePfcone 152-1 Estimates t arnlsbed when desired. 36 eharge lor examination. Th date on your addraa label In dicate the time to which your tub ccrfptfon It paid.