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- s t r 1 I ' . -7 j. .. v.: w -V : f" t -hot: . St - " 7 IN SUCH PAIR r ' WOMAN TORE HER CLOTHES Testifies She Was. Restored to Health by Lydia E Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, v V . : v5. Malone, N. Y.,- "Xydia R Pink, ham's Vegetable Compound has cer- of good. Ifirst heard of it when T was a eirl and I always said that if ever had fe male trouble I would take it. . -' f V"I suffered from organic inflamma tion and would ava spells when I would be in such pain that II would tear my clothes. One day my nusDanogoi; tna neighbors in to see what the matter was tut" they could not; help me. My first thought was for Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and I sent my hus hand out for it and took,it until I was en tirely cured. I am a woman of perfect health and my health and happiness came from Lydia E. Pinkham's medi cine. You may rest assured that I do all I can to recommend your wonderful medicine to my friends." MRSV Fred Stone, Route No. 3, "Malone, N. Y. The success of Lydia E. "Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound, made from roots and herbs, is unparalleled. ! It may be used with perfect confidence by women fho suffer from displacements, inflam mation, ulceration,tumors, irregularities, periodic pp.ins, backache, bearing-down feeling, flatulency,indigestion, dizziness, or nervous prostration. Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound is the stan dard remedy for female ills. ECQDMS and High Finishing. Mail orders eiven Spe cial Attention. Prices reasonable. Service prompt. Bend for Price List. LAJUUAS'3 AMI 8X0B. ; CHAAXlSXuaV 8. , AGENT! a sure summer seller; energetic men and women make big money; be inde pendent. Write us for' a free sample, also catalogue and new premium plan. American Home Supply Co.. Box 802. Norfolk. Va. Nothing is denied to well-directed labor. Samuel Bout. One trial convinces Hanford's Bal jam. Adv. Lfull Boy.. "Thomas, you have disobeyed youx grandmother." "No, I didn't, mother." "Yes, you did. Have you not been In swimming?" "Yes, mother." " J "Didn't I hear her. sayto, you . not to go in swimming?" "Oh, she didn't tell me that. She only came out and said: TBoys, 1 wouldn't go in swimming,' and 1 shouldn't think she would, an old rheumatic woman like her; but she didn't say anything about our going In swimming." What Made Him Sick. Certainly public employes who have to submit daily to a rapid fire of well meant but needless questions may be excused if they occasionally turn upon their persecutors. An elevator boy, In the New York Tribune, as one of the victims. "Don't you ever feel sick going up and down In this elevator all day?" a fussy lady asked him. "Yes, ma'am," courteously, replied the elevator boy. "Is it the motion going down?" pur sued the lady. "No, ma'am." ' "The going up?" "No, ma'am." "Is it the- stopping that does It?" "No, ma'am." "Then what is it?" "Answering questions, mafam." CLOUDED BRAIN Clears Up on Change to Proper Food. The brain-cannot work with clear ness and accuracy, if the food taken is not fully digested, but is retained in the stomach to v ferment and form poisonous gases, etc. A dull, clouded brain is likely to be the result. 1. A Mich, lady relates her experience in changing her food habits, and re sults arer very interesting: . - i . "A steady diet of rich, greasy f0od3 such as sausage, buckwheat cakes and 60 on, finally broke down a stomach and nerves that, by inheritance, were sound and strong, 'ana" medicine "did no apparent good in the way of relief. "My brain was clouded and dull and 1 was suffering from a case Of consti pation that defied all remedies used. "The 'Road to Wellville in some Providential way, fell into my hands, and may Heaven's richest -blessings fall on the man who was inspired to write it. t - ... "I followed directions carefully, the Physical culture and all, using Grape kuts with sugar and cream, leaving meat, pastry, and hot biscuit entirely out of my bill of fare. The result 1 am jn perfect health once more. : 'I never realize I have nerves, and my stomach and bowels re in fine -ondition. My brain is perfectly clear jj' I am enjoying that state of -health V"ch God intended his creatures l ould en5oy and which all might nave, by giving proper attention to neir food." Name given vby Postum J-0-. Battle Creek, Mich. Read "The toad to Wellville," in pkgs. "There's a reason." nVnni,lt.11 l1 nbove ,'"? A new "r Kenul ffom Ime in They ' rue' aad ful1 of hn ij : TTft TtvTT TTTTT71 TTCTT COLORED ROUEN DUCKS Good Qualities Make This Breed Most Desirable. Fine Market Bird, but Does Not Ma ture as Early as.Does the Pekln . -L or Aylesburyls Hardy " and Prolific. - - By G. HOWARD.) The Colored Rouen 4uck is deserv edly ; popular "throughout this country, and ia considered :one of. , the y most profltahle varieties to- keep. These ducks are said to have come originally from the city "of. Rouen, in Normandy. It is - known that large, quantities of poultry , are raised in - Normandy," and while there ma be no positive proof that : these ducksf came origmally from that city,: large numbers of birds closely; resembling them! are to be found: in the - market 'places there. Some writers claim that " the name should be "Roan'V owing tptheir color, but really the coloy itself does not support this contention. The Rouen duck Js a fine market bird, but does not mature as' early as does the Pekin or the Aylesbury. The flesh Is . considered very delicate and the breed is acknowledged to be ex cellent for table purposes, being easily fattened. The Rouen will be found a profitable bird to raise on the farm being hardy, prolific, quiet of dispo sition, and of very beautiful plumage. Their .eggs are not as large as those of Trio of Colored Rouen Ducks. the Pekin, and are diverse in color. The Rouen is undoubtedly closely related to the Mallard duck; its plumage alone would make good this belief. But the shape of the domesti cated Rouen duck has been greatly modified from that of the wild Mal lard, ' the body is - grown longer and heavier, with a tendency to drop down in the rear, the wings have lost the power of flight which the wild an cestor possessed; The plumage, how ever,' remains almost the same. Both the drake and duck clothed in plumage attractive and pleasing to the eye, are as much fancier's fowls as any of the varieties of chickens yet they are of much value as marjeet birds. The only objection to them, aside from their slow maturing qualities, is that of dark pinfeathers. This should not stand against them any more than it does against the many valuable varie ties of chickens that have dark plum age and dark pinfeathers. To the far mer who intends raising ducks for market purposes they are to be recom mended. NEW POULTRY FARM STARTED Second Experimental Station Located at Belt svi lie, Md. Managed Upon Practical Lines. So important has the poultry in dustry become that Uncle Sam has started a second experimental poultry farm on his own account. He wants to find out what are the best breeds and what is the best treatment and management to make them most profitable. - He will not trust to the experimental work by the state of Maine, New York, Ohio or any other. He will have it done under his own supervision, so that no mistakes will be made. Hs new poultry farm is located at Beltsville, Md., some 13 miles out - Of Washington and beyond the Maryland experiment station at College Park. It is being developed by the bureau df animal husbandry along practical down-to-date plans, and .the equipment, while of good appearance is simple and inexpensive in character, so that the veriest novice can copy the ideas without a greatexpenditure either-of time or money.- . Sixty acres have been set aside for thq poultry farm, but as yet it is only in the development stage, and much has to be done before a real ly workable demonstration plant is es tablished. Most of the houses are of he colony portable type. " , Culling Out'Old Hens. ' : " It Js-.well to keep in' mind that from the standpoint of egg production pul lets are .more, profitable than older hens. It is - false economy to retain hens more than two years old unless for breeding or exhibition purposes. Get rid of the old stock in the late summer or : early fall, retaining only the very best hens for breeding pur poses: "Plenty of room should be pro vided for the young pullets to develop and this can . be accomplished best by getting rid of the old stock which shows signs of deterioration. - : ' Space. for Hens. Allow every -hen from - four to six feet of floor space ; better six. Ten inches each of roosting space is not too much. The roosts should be placed at least eighteen inches apart. BOKHARA JS" VERY PRIMITIVE Interesting Sidelightss on Life of ; aw Almost Unknown People Under -the Czar's Rule.-,. - " :' London. Interesting sidelights on the life of-the almost unknown people under the rule of the czar in I Central Asia were given by Miss unristle,l R.-' G. S., one of the firstto be elect ed to that body, who has" recently.1 re- turned from a journey to.Bokhara. T - "The eleven gates of Bokhara said Miss "Christie, are still' shut, every night at sundown, and the watchmen parade the" streetsaf ter dark beating drums toshow-they are awake The: people were very friendly: 'The Bok" hara idea -of ijustice-was- direct and to the point They took -'the con demned persons up to the. top of the tower and -then threw them down. Once was enough. - -: " 3 " "The caravansary; in the . queer town was similar to those usually At Entrance to Bokhara Mosque. found in the east long ago. The little rooms look out over a small balcony into the yard. Underneath the rooms the cattle are kept. : "All the buildings, with the excep tion of the mosques and the towers, are built of. clay, and the method of the builders is simplicity itself. A wooden framework is put up, and in the spaces "between the , wooden boards are pressed sun dried balls of mud. Then over all comes more mud, and in a very short time a house is built and ready for" occupation." Miss Christie was fortunate enough to see the emir going to mosque and she also photographed him, which is considered "something of a feat, for no one ever Jtenows which of vthe many mosques he intends to enter. It was a Friday, and a crowd of su jects gathered near tM mosque with- Jn a few yards of the palace FISH INTOXICATED OH BEER Brewery Output Emptied-Into Stream Causes Chaos Among Pis catorial Tribe. " Mend ota. 111. There will be no more fishing in the-Mendota. creek for months to come. It is improbable that the fish will be able to see the bait for several weeks. The banks recent ly were lined with hundreds of dead fish and the creek was full of others dead drunk. . f . V, . - Because of failure to pay the gov ernment tax the Mendota brewery was closed and 1,081 barrels of beer were emptied" into the creek. v An hour later a conglomeration of queer sounds arose from the creek, from the mewing of cat fish to the deep bass of the bass. Several tur tles were seen disporting themselves absurdly on a log and three bullfrogs staggered arm in arm down Main street, until taken into custody by a policeman. They couldn't hop, despite the fact that they were full of them. ; Many of the fish imbibed too freely and climbed out on shore, where they were fatally prostrated by the heat. Those who survived followed the beer down stream In large schools. COURT HOUSE WITHOUT BIBLE Big Collection Is Raised for One in $2,000,000 Wilkesbarre . Structure. Wilkesbarre, Pa. Luzerne county, which has a $2,000,000 court house, does not own an official Bible, aswas revealed when an important case was on trial. The building was searched, but" no Bible -was to be found. No appropriation existed out of which the book could be bought until 1914. - The Bible class of the "Sixth ward of Edwardsbille took: up a collection to buy one when they heard of the matter., A committee from theclass called upon President Judge - N. A., Fuller and asked if they might pre sent . the court, with the Bible. He gave his consent, the Bible has been purchased and the members of the class are 'busy now inscribing their names on theTiy leaves. - -fs'-r-X . Drives , Cow Acress Navy Yard. . Washington. Privilege to drive a cow across the navy yard at Ports mouth, N. H., was given a woman of Kittery, Maine, by order of Secretary of the Navy Daniels. Every year she, has been in the habit of driving the cow from Kittery to her "summer home'' in Portsmouth and back fo Kit tery In the fall. JPrivilege was" refused this ear, so she appealed to the" sec retary of the navy. - - TOO r ON DIFFERENT : ASPECT Somehow. Antics; of Playful ; Pup's jn : Second Morning Did Not Appeal: -r ; to Mr. Knox. - J The morning:, wasv-young-and beau Jful and MmKnoxjstood atthe sid$ window and looked over, into the next yaroT interestedly.; chuckled : for sheer .. delight W he watched the antics of :two little pups his neighbor :ad bought -iTfew days, before. , -. - "OhAmy come here and see these pupsrover in Porter's yard," he -called to Mrs. ; Knox,':; who .was": busily ar ranging the breakfast table, f Aren't they just having a circus? Bless 'emi" he went on, with alf the effusiveness qf a ; genuine dog lover.4 "Ohr look, Amy, they have taken the morning pa per joff the porch' and each one has an end -of it; in ; his mouth,: tussling with it Is there- anything in 'the world more cunning than a little pup?" His enthusiasm was running away with him. "I think, dearie, we will have to get a dog one ofthese days..: .."..; ' -r'y The. next morning ; Mr. Knox arose, dressed and went down' to bring in the morning paper, as was 'his habit. He was just in time to see the cunning 1 ittle pups next door playfully tearing his paper into shreds and each vanish ing around the house with a-portion of it. - He 'came back to the kitchen sullenly: "" -'. - " 's- . - - : "Those blankety blang dogs next door have torn up the paper," he said, wtih no trace of his earlier , enthusi asm. . - . - . .v.,-. No. SrX-SIXTY-SIX This Is a prescription prepared- es pecially for Malaria or Chills and Fever. .Five or six doses will break any case, and if taken then as a tonic the fever will not return. 25c. Adv. How Simple. x 'My, dear," said Mrs. Snaggs to her husband, "what is a canard?" J "Don't you know what a canard Is?" queried Snaggs, rather sneeringly. "Why, the word itself conveys its own meaning' : ,r "Does it, Well, really, I can't see It. What does it mean, dear?" ''.I. "Why, a canard is something one canardly believe, of course." "Oh, to be sure! Why couldn't I think of that?" DOBS YOUR HEAD ACHBT Try Hicks' CAPUDINE. It's liquid pleas ant to take effects immediate rood to prevent Sick Headaches and Nerron Headaches also. Your money back if not satisfied. 10c.,25e. and 60c. at medicine stores. Adv. Telling a Secret. Itjs doubtful whether the person who" asserted that secrets - were made to tell, foresaw, even in his most cyni cal mood, anything like the following conversation in Das Echor : v J x "Lottie tells me that you told her the secret that I told you not .to . tell 1 anyone." v:--. :-h- : 'Oh,' Jsn't she mean ! ? I told her hot to tell you that I told It to her." : "Yes, I told her that I wouldn't tell you if she told me, eo please don't tell her thaf I told you!" . : " "BAD CASE OF DANDRUFF Bissell, Ala. -T had a very bad case Of dandruff on my head. I was tor mented by itching and my hair began to , come out by the combfuls. I al most became frantic, fearful ; that I would lose all of my hair' which - was my pride. There were some pimples on my scalp and I scratched them un til they made sores. My hair was dry and lifeless. V "I saw the advertisement of Cuticura Soap and Ointment and sent to my druggist for f three cakes of Cuticura Soap and a box of Cuticura Ointment. I washed my scalp with warm water strong with the Cuticura Soap and dried, afterwards applying the Cuti cura Ointment; working it in the scalp slowly with my fingers. After using them for several days my hair began to stop coming out. The dandruff all disappeared and in less than four weeks a cure was accomplished per manently." (Signed) Miss Lucy May. Cuticura Soap and Ointment sold throughout the world. Sample of each free.with 32-p. Skin Book. Address post card "Cuticura, Dept L, Boston." Adv. Legal Opinion. "A cat sits on my back fence every night, and he yowls and "yowls and yowls. Now,: I don't want to have any - trouble with Neighbor Jones, but this thing has gone, far enough, and I want you to, tell me what, to do?" , The young lawyer looked as solemn as an - old, sick owl,- and ; said n6t a word. . .' . "I " have a right to shoot the cat, haven't I?" : f "I would hardly say that," replied young Coke " Blackstbne. "The . cat does not belong to you, as I under stand it." "7 Y "No, but the fence does." - Y; Jf!Then," concluded "the light of law, "I think it safe to say you have, a perfect right to tear down the fence." ; In the Same Game. "It seems strange that he; could plunder a great corporation like 'that for years without being found out." "Well, : you see, the corporation was pretty: busy Itself." Chicago Journal, - For any sore-i-Hanf ord's Balsam. Adv. ' '- :-r:v : ."c,; " .'A girl marries .,to gain, Jiberjty; a man remains single to keep it. - I As a. means of grace, prosperity has never.been a brilliant success. V- ;j d rWe w out : :r What splendid .- facilities - are , offered for remaining poorl - , " - - ' K- - For-polson ivyuse7 Hanford's Bal sam. .Adv- ' -.Pr . - - ..- - fc - ... j.. . - . . The mere" fact that a man "doesn't laugh atlhis own jokes is- no Indica tion - that he do esn't think" them, funny.' INVIGORATING TO THE PAX.K AND SICKLY. -' Tb Old Standard general strengthening tonic, GROVE'S TASTBLBS3 chill TONIC, drives out Ma larla, enriches the blood and fenilds np tbesrstem. A sore Appetiser. For adiU and children. M eta . 4 Its Usual . Way. " "The hot spell came rather suddenly- ' " - -. '-"Oh, noL: Jt's been. getting warmer bjr degrees." - . . - . - For Aching, Perspiring Feet use TyreeV Antiseptic Powdereither sprinkled -into the shoes; or used , in solution. Never, fails to relieve. -- 25c. at all druggists or sample sent free by J. S. Tyree, Washington, D.. C.-Adv. Some Girls Do. C'':-". ' - "I wonder- why all the1 girls' fn our set titter whenever 'they see mel" ' "I think your fiancee passes your love letters around, my. boy."' :iV ; ' L . ALCOHOL 3 PER CENT , AVcgetablc Preparation for As -similatincheFoociandBcgula-tjng the Stomachsand Bowels of Promotes DigestionChccrfuI ness and Re st .Contains neither Opium, Morphine nor Mineral Not Narc otic Rttq oTOidDrSAffVElJmmi Aperfcct Remedy for Constipa tion , Sour Stonwch.Diarrhoea, Worms .Convulsions .Fevcrish ness and LOSS OF SLEEP Facsimile Signature of The Centaur Company, NEW YORK-: Exact Copy of Wrapper. -Occasionally a widower's heart warmed over by an old flame. is For galls use Hanford's Balsam. Adv.-'--.. -, . : - ; A woman has to be pretty good at figures to become a fashionable dress maker. Not the Way. An "advanced" woman tells the New York Tribune '. that "women are headed straight for trousers." We beg to inform the dear girl that the manner of approach must be reversed before the effort can be successful. Louisville Courier-Journal. . FAR BETTER THAN QUININE. Elixir- Babek cures malaria where quinine fails, and it can be taken with impunity by old. and young1. -Having: suffered from Malarious Fe ver for several 'months, getting no relief from quinine and being completely brok en, down in health. 'Elixir Babek' effect ed a permanent cure." "William F. Marr. Elixir Babek 50 cents, all druggists or by Parcels Post prepaid from Kloczew ski & Co., Washington. D. C. " . - ' Willing to Oblige;; At a reception the other evening T overheard the following? A young en gaged couple were sitting by them selves when a friend came along and said: V . ;. : .; : ' . ; "You two seem very happy over here-away from the rest of the crowd?" "We are," replied the girl, "won't you join us?" . - r "Sorry I can't," said the friend, "I'm not a minister. But I'll call one if you wish." Exchange. . - , ; Stung." . - . - "I want my money back for these here? socks," said the man as he land ed the clerk a package. "The sign you had up said, the socks was guaranteed for three months.' "Well, what's the matter with the socks?" asked the clerk., "I only wore them three weeks, and I had to' take them off and buy an other pair because this pair had holes inlthetoes," replied the man. " " m at .li i SB mm m m m n - w e . . . m iit m w m a w a m m mm - w fkpptrmuii - - - - S.-J -C. 1 Guaranteed under the Food and JJjj-Qj idsu u Your measuro u i rrThh nirl Tim a nualitw A good suit cant be tailor-made for less. For .(IlieUlU lliiie yUaillj forty yearswe have been selling made to order cioioins at oi.ov ana up (aaranveeinK greater and a more perfect fit than others can possibly give. Let Us Send You Sample Outfit fashion illustrations, Instructions free any inexperienced person can take meas- nrementa with oar aoenrate system..-TV positively guarantee a fit and ab solute) aatlsfaetlonu Our low trices will astonish your friends and nelsfat ; jAke their orders In your spare time. Extra price list famished. Make enoogb .profit to pay for your own salt. Can appoint yon as our representatiTe. Writs for tampUa today. Wt saw yon opt-half. : -. : CHICAGO WOOLEN MILLS, Dept.46, 833 W. Jaekon Blvd.,ChlCCO Chins and Fever quickly' eared, and the r entire system built np. restored appetite, elArbraln.good -I - digestion, rsns wed energy If you take' ;: . . - -T-" PAINFUL, TRYING TIMES Housework la- hard enough for. ! a healthy womt VH,an. w The wife who -has a bad back, who i is weak or tired all . the time finds her duties a heavy burden. - Thousands of nervous,: d i 8 couraged, s -sick ly .women havel traced ,v t h e i r "EvttyTtcixtrtTttU irouDies-io bick stoiy": . kidneys have found quick and thorough relief through using-Doan's Kidney, Pills. , The ' painful, trying ; times ot woman's life are much easlerj'to bear If the kidneys are well. - ". S Nerth Carolina Case - Mrs. J. W. Wilkinson, States vl lie, N. 0., tTi "I suffered acutely from bladder Inflammation and almost total suppression of kidney secre tions. Myamal weight was 140 lbs., bat 1 had run down to 90. Doctors said an operation was my only hope, hnt 1 would not consent and was given np to die. . Doan's Kidney Pills cared me completely. , -.".' v. Get Doan's mi, Any Store, 50c a Bos D O A N S FOSTER-MILBURN CO., BUFFALO. N. Y. 0) m 14 W For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have s Bears the Bought I - af J" For Over Thirty Years MM I TMB OBNTAUIt eOMMHTi MW VONK CITY. All makes, sold, rented and skillfully repaired. Rented 5 for 3 months and up; rent- applies on purchase. American - Typewriter Exchanger Inc. Home Office, 605 E. Main SL, Richmond, Va. A School Of The Highesl New5uiklini AccommoaaNr &TAL0GI 5005fudent5v DAVIS-WAGNER BUSINESS COLLEGE. IV WEST MAIN ST. NORFOLK, VA s FREE TO ALL SUFFERERS. M you feel 'OUT OF SOTS"RON DOWWorGOT THK BLUES' BUrFBR from KIDNEY. BLADDER, NERVOOS DISSASES, CHRONIC WEAKt4ESSE8.ULCERS.SKIN ERUPTIONS.PILES. write for my FREE book. tKVmost instructive MEDICAL BOOK EVER WRITTEN ,IT TELLS ALL about the DISEASES and the REMARKABLE CURES EFFECTED by THE NEW FRENCH REMEDY. Net. No2. NA THERAPION rS?; if it's the remedy for YOUR own ailment. Don't send a cent. -Absolutely FREE. No'followup'circulart. Dr-LeClerO USD. CO. HAVSKSTOCX KD. HAMPSTKAD, LONDOM.KNO. BACCOHablit Cared II II by new painless method 10 DEPOSIT u u 6R FEE required until cure is effected. Endorsed by Governor and other State officials. Home or sanitarium treatment. Booklet free. DR. POWER GRIBBLE, SupL Bn 902, Lebanon, Teas., Cednrcroft Sanitmriaa KOfDAK FiniSillHG LljlllTn By photogxphlo trpeoUHstev Aar rolled. I FiOb. eloped for 10e. - Prints So to Ac Mall you fcfeSE3 films to Dept. K. PARSONS OPTICAL QkJiP CO.( 344 King St.(Charleton,80a : .WVsHJaiiH.S'Bg-T . Oplnm,Whiskey and Drag HabiU treafc. L 1 ed at bome or at Sanitarium. Book oa J! ubjct rraa. DB. B. M.WOOL.I,EY, . mdmmlmm w TICTSB BAKlTABIVa. ATLAXTA. flMRSIA , KODAKS FINISHING kfiiiJjJ Send for catalogne and prices. tf&gZ Q. L. HALL OPTIOAL COMPANY W Norfolk - Richmond Lynchburg, Va. W, N.;UH CHAR LOTTE, . N O. 30-1 91 3. atues, oetier worinuuuoip Six day dellrery guaranteed. - The warranted remedy .con- -tains no aleonol or harmful Ingredients. Liquid 26c and aOo.ChoeolateCoatedTablets 36o at dealers or by parcel post. Address "Johnson a -Tonic," Barannah, Ga. , - 0 r b fv Urn V" XTC7V - - f iv -J , - . I ! r" '' ... ' - "".-! - t t I H a t v .4 u -1 '.I '-I "VI "-.rv.