Newspaper Page Text
THE REVIEW, ;THURSDAY, JULY 24, 191$ f - : uAMPUM BELT FOR BIG BILL EDWARDS tt the hilis , of their In- and Tammany Braves Fail Gorreclly to Guess Boss Street ; SweeMf's Girth Hiawatha BMoomint New York, Special To tfii leaf J ereen hills of Fieldstcn wthl Ctfil warrior Big Bill Edwards, ent th1d the woods and by-paths where then was no streets for cleaning. There he sat and smoked the Cdluriie'ntj with the Indians smoked tne pieace pipesa w the sylvan flay of pas sion, Hiawatha, done by Longfellow. All this yesterevenmg. ? . V . Sken-yeh-eah, chief of. thbesman, stood upon the pipestene. qua r ry, stood and called the sorts and child Arm of tne ancicni warrior i am many, asked them FioMston. there to dian pageant, Hiawatha. : .- nown the streets, alleys of the mainland arid Manhat tan, quite the sarhe that Big Bill Edwards dusts at nighLhen dusk has gathered, came the - Tafnmany followers flockihg. ..., - :.:rt..z- There was he, the. legislator, Peter Dooling, well v remembered; John F. Curry in his war paint, Charlie Culkin in his feathers, Edward Boyle, the arrow . maker, and a gallant host of others; Wi'Ham Wright and Russell Williams, Dan iel FlinnJ the fire fighter, and the merry George Donelian - Irish names, but Indian scrappers. Had the poet, the ywhite-haired author, loed and seen this host of chieftairSione call tell but he what fancies would have passed before his mind's eye, what great epic, what quaint legend would have been written by him.- When the chiefs had puffed the peace pipe,-whooped and sung and danceWMstrtte) Sken-Yeh-eah seized the -wiajjprn, held the belt that all migWlt, &eedbe con vinced fofeytt Itslefigth was vast and mighty, Then he did an other war dance,, tangoed , w hoor3ed and shouted loudly, caljed upon the stars above him to be yitness to the Bering, called his warrjor friends a bout tarn, dashed around the lake that slumbered all unconscious of of the wampum. Soon he came to Big Bill Edwards, held the belt out in the moonlight, give" it to the Gleaning ' Chieftain, made a little speech in Indian, walk ed away in sad confusion, that its length was not made greater. "Never mind," cried out Bill Ed wards o'er the sound of laughing waters, and the moqnrinjcJdQi from heaven and the crickets Chir ruped mirthfully, and the warrior Sken-Yeh-eah sang again in this wise, just as wept the sad NoKomis: "Oh, that I were dead as thou art! No more work and no more weeping, WahonowinI Wahono win! Here you have a wild tradition, and 'tis trurer than word of fiction. If vou don't believe its sequence, if you find a cause for doubting, go and ask that doughty warrior, Sken-Yeh-eah, chief of tribesmen, go and ask the hundred present, they will tell -the self-same story. Go and ask the Big Bill- Edwards; he will laugh and answer this way: "Ye who love the haunts of na ture, love the sunshine and the meadow, love the shadow of the forest, love the wind among the branches and the rain shower and the snow storm, and the rushing ot great rivers through their palisade of pine trees, go and see that Ir dian pageant, hear the song of Hiawatha!" IT'S MISTAKE Made ISy-Many Higrr Point Residents r Many people in a misided effort to get rid of kidney backache, rely bn plasters ; liniments." and other rnakeshifts. The right treatment; is kidney treatment and a remarkably recommended kidney medicine Js Doan's Kidney P:lls. High Point is no exception; - J The proof is at your very - door. The following is an experience typi cal of the work of Doan's Kidney Pills in: HigK Point. - '' Mrs5 Frankie McCarter, 408 Torn linson St:,; Higri Point, N. C, says: "I suffered,- for " a long time from severe pains across the small of my back , generally felt nervous and was unable to sleep well. I at length procured a box of Doan's Kidney Pills and it took less than trie con tents -to remove tne trouble. They improved my health. I hone that others suffering from kidney com plaint wilfgive them a trial' For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. . - Remember the name Doan's? and take no other. For Cuts, Burns and Bruises home there should be a All T J - box of Bucklen's Arnica Salve, ready to apply - in every case oi burns, cuts, wounds or scalds. J. H. Polanco, Delvalle, Tex,, N. No. 2, writes: "Bucklen's Arnica Salve saved my little girl's cut foot. No one believed, it could he cured. The world's best salve. Only 25c. Recommended by druggists. DOCTOR FERRELL PROMOTED. The State Board of Heslth loses a good man this week. Dr. John A. Ferrell,, for three years director of the State-wide campaign against hookworm disease in North Caro lina, has made so good in his work here that the Rockefeller Sanitary Commission, at Washington has of fered him a much larger field here. Under Dr. Ferrell's direction the hookworm work of the Rockfeller Sanitary Commission and the State Board, of Health has advanced more rapidly in this State than in any other State in the South. Free ex aminations, and free treatment wherever infection has been found, have been provided in eighty-five counties of the State, a.d more than one-ninth of all the people in the State have been examined for this disease. All this work has been done without charge to the persons examined and treated, the funds for carrying on the work be ing provided by the State Board-of Health, the Rockefeller Sanitary Commission, and the boards of county commissioners of the differ ent counties idnvhich the work has fjeen proseted -; ' i Unsightly Face Spots Are cured by Dr. HobsorTs Eczema Ointment, which heals all skin eruptions No matter how long you have been truoblea by itching, burn ing, or scaly skin humors, just put a little of that soothing , antiseptic. Dr. Hobson's Eczema Ointment, on the sores and the suffering stops in stantly. Healing begins that very minute. Doctors use it in their practice and recommended it. Mr. Alleman, of Littletown, Pa., says: "Had eczema on forehead; Dr. Hob son, s Eczema Ointment cured it. in two weeks." Guaranteed to relieve or money refunded. All drugeists, or by mail. Price 50c Pfeiffer Chemical Co., Philadelphia and St. Louis, f Pure Presh Milk. Delivered Twice Dallv to Your Home. BEARS THE HIGHESTTEST OF BUTTER FAT. YOU CANT GET ANY BETTER! YOUR PANRONAGE SOLICITED. Also Cream in Any Per Cent Desired. Regular Prices Phone 3316 R. W. Gray Rid Your Children of Werrris . You can change fretful, ill-tenper-ed children into healihy, happy youngsters j by riding them of worms. Tossing, rolling, grinding of teeth, crying put while asleep, accompan ied with intense thirst, pains in the stomach and bowels, feverishness and bad breath, are. symptoms that indicate, worms. Kickapoo Worm Killer, a pleasant candy lozenge, ex pels the worms, regulates the bowels, restores your children to health artd happiness. Mrs. J A. Brisbin, of Elgin, 111. says: "1 have used Kick apoo Worm Killer for years, and entirely- rid my children of worms. I vybuld not be without it." Guaran teed. " AH druggists, or by mail. Price 25c. Kickapoo Indian Medi cine Co.; Pni'adelphia and St. Louis. The Purest Milk f Obtainable from the finest bred cows. Delivered at your door twice daily. If you try our milk you will use no other. Can supply your wants in any quan-' tity desired, Phone us. -.T ' Lowers Daifyf Clyde Lowe, Manager Phone 3425 v E: J.. Justice announces himself a-candidate for the senate to suc ceed Lee S: Overman, Ex-Governor R. B. Glenn will also be a candidate, ltis learned; ;:r.:v;:FORvSAL; :: ',fr 1913 Model. Motor Cycles and Motor Boats at bargain r prices, ?all makes, brand hew machines,) on easy monthly payment plan. (Get our proposition tefore .buying or you will regret it, also bargains in used Motor Cycles. Write us i to day. Enclose Stamp for reply. Address Lock Box 1 1 Trenton, Mich. ABOUT CUTTING TOBACCO Mr. Editor, '''hy::'-'i:7: :. Dear Sin- Forty-eight years ago 1 began the work of growing tobacco. After a few. years I decided; or rath er discovered, that there were - cer tain ways better than others for cutting tobacco in order for j.t to cure up nicely and have a heavy body" and bt oily -and waxv." ' To explain, I'll say that tobacco has sap jusf! as a treee, and tobacco also as at intervals an oily sub stance, which is its natural posses sion. When the sap, or water, rises in tobacco it pushes out the oil through the pores of the leaves on the ' principle that oil and wa er wont mix, and tobacco cut in this state will be light and "chaffy," when cured. Prom the fact that - vy acres or land tor sale, one fourth mile from city fimits, just iiortlvon High Point. For furthert particulars apply to J. Mat Gordon- roure , riign Point, N. C m?2-3 m ; If you have lost something.' want 10 Sell SOmethinir ' " jniir r.Pnnu column brings quick results 5 v ' 50 business lots and small to be sold by Penny Bros., the world's original auctioneers at Trinitv July 31. Music by the band and valuable prizes given away; Mrs. E. Oi Shafer died Friday evening; with typhoid fever. The funeral services were held from the house Saturday , morning. The re-' mains were sent to Statesville for interment v : J . J Plans are being perfected for the building of the new M. E. Church on North Main Street at an arlv date. The District Conference of the M. E. Church convened Sunday at Ramseur. ; r ;, A severe storm visited this sec tion Friday afternoon blowing down trees, up turning several small out houses and doing other damage. '. A tree fell in front of a car Har vey Burgess was driving near Greensboro Saturday. 'Burgess saw the tree falling just in time to miss it. :'7: - ' V-'-vv-V- Charlie Myers who was arrested here I XNorioris, Keady-to-Wear Etc, I I Yoii are always welcome and we are ever ready I . vvr ouy.n jruu. '.- . . v- New things in feminine wear arriving daily. Give us a call and make yourself at home, v : III Atl T 1 1 . -j-a . ... II Alien Dros. oia stana - ' boutn Mam Street I sap bushes the oil out Of tobacco is llasfweek escaped while he was under why it is so gummy" at certain times and will barely stain your hands at other times. But cut tobacco when full of oil and it will cure up nicely and have a -heavy body" and will be oily and "waxy." When tobacco is full of oil and it can not evaporate as sap does in curing, therefore the tobacco is compelled to be rich and heavy. Farmers have experienced cutting tobacco one eek and do well with itand then again the next week and off of the same piece of ground and have altogether different luck. If any of the farm ers will write and send a stamp for reply, I'll be pleased to write to them upon this matter. Yours truly, Daniel V. Davis, Advance, N. C. R. F. D. 2 poytfj Oh aint W don't m& yo to take our word for the work thw tmfcr woni derfatieed wUl do (or yoiK try it jrour wn ctiirkw t our xpOM if it JUkfcr PARK JL POLLARD the care Of Special Officer John Roach for retailing:, whileMyers was supposed to get up his bond of $400 Quite a risky business of allowing: a man to sit around with no strings tied to him. Iia Montgomery, a local contractor, died Saturday from ' tuberculosis and the funeral services were held from North Main St. M. P. church Sunday af'ernoon, conducted by Rev. Stowe of Asheboro and Dr. Tyree of this city. For a num ber of years Mr. Montgomery had been engaged in " the contract business ' and was a firs$ cl ss workman. He built many of the houses in High Point. His death is deplored by his friends. He leaves a wife and several children. Malaria or Chills & Fever Prescription No. 666 U prepared especially for MALARIA or CHILLS & FEVER. Five or six doses will break any case, and if taken then tonic the Fever will not return. It acts on the liver better than Calomel and does not gripe or sicken. 25c STOltf PRODUCE CQ nigh Point, N.. C The King of All Laxatives For constipation," headaches, in digestion and: dyspepsia, use Dr. King's New Life Pills. Paul Math ulka. of Buffalo, N. Y., says they are the "King of all laxatives. They are a blessing to all my family j,aiid 1 always keep a box a t home. " Get U ! a box and get well. Price 25c. Re- commended by all druggists. IN OUR CARPET, DEPARTMENT We are mak-ng a grand showing 'of high grade carpets and ugs- at unusually low prices-even for this time of : year. ' We- have patterns that are tne very latest in style ana in colorings ana are bouna to please tne hiost. exacting customer. , Linoleums, oil cloths, mattings,' too, a$ prices way down to btdrock. It is a great, time for bargains. Half Wool Ingrain carpet at 38c and 44c per yd. All Wool Ingrain carpet at 48c and 54c yd. Good mattings 13c, 1 5c, 18c, 20c and 22c yd Floor oil cloth 24c, 28c, and 30c yd. Linoleum . good quality 48c yd . 9x12 Brussels and Velvet Rugs only $13.98. J6x 7 2 Brussels and Velvet rugs only - $2; 79. 27x54 Brussels and Velvet rugs only $1.79. W. f . KIRKMAN & CO. This lv Cyrus O. "Bates, the than who advertises Mother's Joy and Ooose Orease Liniment, two of the greatest things known to humanity. Mother's Joy '; fs a Cure and Never Falls founded in 1535 Chartered 1559 TRINITY GOLLEGE " - An institution of education intensely devoted to developing men. Its graduates are everywhere successful and fill important positions in all lines of work. -They occupy places of honor aod-dignity-in church and state, and ably and prominently represent their state in the national government. A college supplied with ample resources to provide the best edu cation More than a million dollars recently-added to its endowment. A wide range of courses. ..-., - . Necessary expenses of the student moderate. No increase in tuition charges within twenty-five years. , . .. For catalogue and illustrated booklet address " v i ; R L. BLOWERS "' c i Secretary to the Corporation. Durham, N. C Trinity Park School ESTABLISHED. 1898 Location excellent. Equipment firsl-class. Well-trained faculty Jf successful ex perience. -'Special care of the health of students. An instructor in each dormitory ' to supervise living conditions of boys under his care. Excellent library and gym nasium facilities. Large athletic fields. Fall Term opens September 10. till-a-28 FOR ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE ADDRESS : W. W. PEELE, Headmaster, Durham, N. C. V" RALEIGH CHARLOTTE & SOUTHERN RAILWAY CO. Scheduler Effective Tuesday, July 1st. Main line between Raleigh - and Mt. Oilead Fayette viae Branch, Aberdeen and Ashboro Branch READ DOWN A. M. x 75 8 13 Week End Fares from Southern Railway Stations -FROM station named to Morehead Cityi Burlington. N. C. $6.00; Chapel Hill Station, $5.40; Concord, $8.75; Durham, $4.50; Elon College, $6.25; Graham, $6; Greensboro, $6.35; Haw River, 5.75 High Point, $7.00; Hillsboro, $5.20; Lex ington, $7.50; Mebane, $5.50; Raleigh, $4.50; Reidsville, $7.25; Salisbury, $8.00; Thomasville, $75; WinstonSalem, $7.00. Fares to Beaufort $.20 higher than the above to Morehead City. Tickets sold for all trains Saturdays,' May 31st. up to and including Saturday September 13th', 1913, good returning leaving destination not later than Tues day following date of sale. Announcement Opening Connect v ihg Link Betweert Raleigh and Mt. GileaU, (Charlotte Ex- t, - tension) To Agents and Connections: Effective July 1st, 1913 the Raleigh, Char lotte & Southern Railway announces the comp etion of its . counecting link between Varina.JN. C, on the . Raleigh & Southport Division, and Colon, N C. on the Durham &, Charlotte Division. New stations have beenestablished is follows: . Puncan, N C . 4:6 miles west cf Varina , t Corinth, 'f 1 2 . 4 miles west of Varina . Z, Rosser, 18 miles west of Varina Colon, : ' 23 'miles west of Varina Through passenger service Will be inaugur ated betwebn Raieigtt and the following ter minal and important paints; incluping Inter mediate stations "Aberdeen, Asheboro," Carthage, . Ellerbe, - -Mt. Gilead, Biscoe, NC U s- it r- Hallison, Gulf, Candor, Troy, Star, Pinehurst, N C - Apply to Agents for schedules. E D KYLE, W W CROXTON. Traffic Manager General passenger Agent Norfolk, Va. Greatly Reduced Week End and - Sunday Excursion Fares to Jack son Springs, N. C. via R. C. - - & S. Ry. From Week grid Sunday Aberdeen, N C- $ .75 $ .50 Pineburst, .50 .50 Carthage,, .95 West End - candor .50 .50 Lllerb : 1.50. Biscoe .90 .65 Star r. 1.05 - .75 Troy ; 1.30 Mt. Gilead 1.85 " Gulf - 2.40 Colon -. ' , 2.70 Asheboro 1.90 . 1.50 First date of sale May 30, 1913 x8 13 8 59 10 10 P. M,; x 6;10 6 58X AM 1 10 18 11 20 x 6 S8 7 44 8 55 P. M. 4 10 ';5 03 .,8.03 ' !9 1)0 x'803 9 0S o 6 40 6 48 6 59 7 53 8 05 8 40 X V 6V KM ; 1.442 is 00 ; :"5 12 . - 2- 6 30 5 52 -V 6 25 : 5 20 16 40 SCHEDULE A.M. Lv Raleigh Ar HO'45 Lv Varina Ar ' 9 50 Lv Star 6 40 Ar Mt. Gilead Lv !S 40 Lv Star;;: Ar 6 40 Ar Ashboro . Lv x 5 40 Lv Varina . Lv .-, Lv Lillingtbn LV ' . Ar Fayette viite Lv READ UP AM 10 18 10 10 9 57 A.M. x 9 55 9 05 P M 4 42 3 40 PM x 9 05 8 15 x 7 10 P. M. x 5 10 4 14 x4 14 - 3 28 x2 20 803 7 53 7 32 Lv Star - - T - a Lv Lv Biscoe5feLv Lv CandoteLv Ar kllerbee -Ar ...... v Lv Jackson" SpJ-v 6 55 Lv Pinehur<ri.v 9 15 6 26 Lv Carthage? '- Lv 8 40 5 20 A r Aberdeen Lv : ' !9 00 x 4 15 For further information relative to schedules and fares apply to any Ticket Agent or S K. Adsit, T P A, Raleigh, N. C. : iany except ounuay ,- -. n nil,""'" 1 ;itta. -Hify' 'liTn im inim' m an ijmiji-w-J , Has once 1894 given 'Thorough instruction ondex positively Ghriitfazi Influenced at the lowest possible cost." . RESULT: It Is to-day with Its faculty of 83, a boarding patronage of 863, its student body of 413, and its plant worth 1160,000 THE LEADING TRAINING SCHOOL FOR GIRLS IN VIRGINIA $150 pays all charges for the year, including table board, room, lights, steam , heat, laundry, medical attention, . physical culture, and tuition in aU subjects except music and elocution, i For catalogue and application blank address, REV. THOS. ROSSER REEVES, B. A., Principal. ( BLAGKSTONE. VA. Week End Tickets sold Friday, Saturday and Sunday, , good until Monday following date of sale. " . Sunday tickets sold Sunday only good to return on date of sale only. Get a complete information from any Ticket Agent. R. C. & S. Railway. V w S. K. ADSIT, T. P. A. ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE -. Having qualified as administratrix of the estate of George C. Johiison, de ceased; late of Guilford County. N. C. . this is to notify all persons' having claims against the estate of the said deceased to present them to me as said administratrix on oTbefore the 24th day of June" 1914, or this notice will be pled in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted tp said 4estate clease make, immediate oavment. I ) This June 24, 1913. " ; j26-6 ti - Administratrix. HERE WE GO SOMETHING ELSE DOING AT THE FAIR Special FOR TEN DAYS ONLY Special 5000 yards Lace Insertion 10g and 15c value for the limited time named - - - 2cperyd. onnrv yards Lace Insertion in 5c values nar- row widths, only 1 l-2c yd. SACRIFICE IN WHITE GOODS White Petticoats and Gowns, 75c values, special ,47c BIG ASSORTMENT IN DRESSES Sizes 14 to 16, all colors,, newest styles, good material 75c value, for ten Day ,, 43c MENS OXFORPS AT A BIG SAVING.; $2 50 and $3 00 values in Tans and Pat. Leather, button, lace, only a limited number of pairs let! $1.89 12 l-2c DRESS GINGHAMS Ginghams in all colors and shades 12 l-2c. values vour price v . 9c $1.00 LINEN SKIRTS. Absolutely the best $1.00 and $1 2b linen skirts , in blue and tan, same as sold else where at above prices, while they last i: - - - 49C CLEAN SWEEP IN WHITE CANVAS PUMPS, "to be closed out at ,r $1.50 and $2.00 values 98c " Thereare hundreds of articles to numerous to .mention Jn this limited : sra, lhetfore we advise you to come and- get yotir share bf our un- matchable bargains. Satisfaction guaranteed or your money cheerfully; -refunded.-'.,, . - ' -'-,''-''' - The Fairy S3JS?S gh Rolrit, IN. C,