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GOVERNOR GALLS SPECIAL SESSION MR. CRAIG ISSUES PROCLAMA TION SETTING THE. DATE AS SEPTEMBER 24. HAS A TWO-FOLD PURPOSE The Extra Session of the General As, sembly WIN Consider the- Rate Problem as Well As Proposed Con stitutional Amendments. Raleigh A proclamation was Issued by Governor raig for the general as sembly to convene - in extraordinary session September 24, the . session having a constitutional limitation of 20 days. The proclamation de clares the special session to be for the following specific, purposes: & "Frist, to provide ior the-people of North Carolina just transportation rates and adjust the relations and obligations between- . the . state of North Carolina and the railroads op erating within the "territory of the state." .... .. "Second, to recefYe . the report of the constitutional commission and to consider the submission to the people of amendments to the constitution." Speaking of the call for the legisla ture, Governor Craig said: " "The last legislature passed a reso lution proving for an extra session of the general assembly in order that amendments to the constitution might be submitted to the people. The gen eral assembly created a commission to prepare -such amendments and re port them - tos the governor. This commission has completed its work. An extra session of the legislature is therefore necessary. "The negotiations netween the rep resentatives of the railroads, and cor poration commission have not, in any opinion, resulted in any understanding sufficiently definite to delay . the call for the extra session. These negotia tions will not be interfered with by this call, and - before the meeting of the general assembly September 24 there is ample time in which to ar rive at an agreement. earnestly hope that there will be an amicable adjustment of our differences with the railroads." " "I cannot do otherwise than sub mit these questions so vitally affecting the people of North Carolina to their chosen representatives." Franklin County Good Roads. The good roada of Franklin county are fast coming to be recognized as the best in the state. People from, va rious sections of the country come to inspect them and study at first hand their plan of construction. A large party from Goldsboro, consisting of George C. Royall, Capt. N. O'Berry, F. K. Barden, John M. Grantham, G. A. Norwood and John Borden, who compose the board of trustees ap pointed to build 25 miles of good roads in the Goldsboro township of Wayne county -spent a day in going over the roads. Governor Grants Three Pardons. Governor Craig granted three par dons. John Whitaker of Wilson coun ty, who has served since 1897 on a 30 year sentence for second degree mur der and is now 60 years old, is pardon ed on recommendation of Judge W. S. O'B. Robinson, who tried the case. "Babe" Robinson of New Hanover county is pardoned for the remainder of a one-year sentence for highway robbery, the-judge and : other court officers recommending the pardon. "Bud" Davis of Durham county is par doned from the remainder of . an 18 months' sentence for retailing. Test Efficiency of Sand Clay Roads. The county commissioners are about to test the efficiency of the sandj clay roads in Mecklenburg for they have blocked off the stretch of road between the .Mount Holly road and the Rozzell'3" Ferry road and 'this is now in the hands of the road-builders. The cost of building is! about $1,200 a. mile cheaper for the sand-clay, roaa. Road Work in Rowan County. An order has been passed .by the Rowan county commissioners to have the public road leading from Salis bury to the Piedmont toll bridge thor oughly repaired. A force of men will be set to work at once and the t thor oughfare will be placed in tip-top con dition. The old"" road-bed Is to be removed, a new dressing given the macadam and sand-clay usdd where advisable. This - stretch of road is Perhaps used by. more menwho pay more taxes than any road of the same length in North Carolina. Only Two Towns Hreard From. The trustees for the erection of. the North Carolina Home for Wives ; and Widows of Confederate Veterans, Col. Ashley Horne, chairman, opened bids from towns for the location of the in stitution and find that only Durham and Fayetteville have made proposals. The Durham and the Fayetteville sites are to be inspected soon. T Fayette ville offers the choice of two sites 2nd $3,000 in money to be added to the $10,000 appropriated by the state Durham offers one site and $1,;50 ir cash. STATE- OPUCIANS" ADJOURN Will Hofcfhelr Ne?vf Vgn N ew - Dern. Officers Elected or. .Ertsu-, ' Iruj Year.. - - t rrham;S-The state t Optical , fioci-etJ-spent another" InterestmV ay-in Durham andpassed a number of important-resolutions before adjourning. One of the, most -important of these resolutions "was one condemning the general practice of selling 'glasses by mail.; . The . United States postoffice department has 5 Tecently prosecuted two St. Louis men for using the mails in this uWay, especially ; - prosecuting those who advertise gold-filled glasses at a dollar a pair. The ; North Caro lina 'society's- resolutions' approved and commended the action of the de partment. .. : The. following new officers, were elected at this meeting: r -President, C. H. Hanessee, of Ashe- rville. Frank M, Jolley, of Raleigh, secretary-treasurer, ; Nathan Rosnstein, Durham, first vice president. -- f..h .-- ' r R. W. , Walker, of Winston-Salem, second vice president. --?". , After, the transaction of-the regu lar business the members of the? so ciety were tharjttestsf of the Liggett & Myers Tobacco Company, and made a tour of their- plant in Durham. It took something- like - an hour for the visitors to go over the plant, and they found it most interesting. They were shown the various 'processes through which the tobacco i3 carried from the warehouse floor till it Is packed in to the tobacco sacks as smoking to--bacco or rolled into the tinfoil pack ages as cigarettes. The last work of the society, was the selection, of a place for next year's meeting. There was some sug gestions that the society meet in the western part of the state, but this was overruled on account of the meeting of the State Jewelers' Associa tion there next year. , A number of the members are also jewelers and fcr this reason an eastern town was se-' lected. The association will meet at New Bern next year. Buncombe Delegation Named. President E. C. Chambers of the Good Roads Association of Asheville and Buncombe county, has named the following delegates to represent the local organization at the approaching meeting of the North Carolina Good Roads Association, which is to be held July 30 and 31 and August 1, at Morehead City: Gov. Locke Craig; Dr. Chas P. Ambler, Mayor J. E. Rankin, Frank R. Hewitt, Fergus Stikeleather, Fred L. Seely, Dr. S. Westray Battle, Dr. M. H. Fletcher, Ben M. Jones, Charles A. Webb, Dr. E. B. Glenn Frank M. Weaver, W. F. Randolph Harry W. Plummer, Dr. Reynolds, E C. Sawyer and Mark Brown. Two Women Killed by Train. Two women, about 30 and 35 years old, whose bodies now await identi fication at a local undertaking estab lishment at Asheville were instantly killed by Southern railway passenger train No. 102 due in "Asheville from Morristown, Tenn.,at 10:55. Reports 3tate that the women, who were man gled almost beyond recognition, were walking on the western track near Riv erside Park, this city, when they crossed to the opposite track to avoid a freight train coming behind them, They were caught by the eastbound passenger train which passed over them. Officers Capture Another Still. Chief of Police Harden and Deputj Justice, receiving information whfcfc confirmed their suspicions that a blockade still was at work" in the vi cinity of Rutherford, made a raid, capturing a 50-gallon liquor-making outfit, which did not seem to have been in operation for some time. How ever it is thought that no small part or the ardent which has been coming into Rutherford at intervals was pro duced by this plant. North Carolina Postmasters. North Carolina postmasters recent ly commissioned are Joseph H. Lane, Leaksville; Pies J. Caudell, St. Paul; Otho K. Holding, Wake Forest; Jos. H Bo wen," West Durham, and Lizzie Galloway, Supply. William C. Tucker has been made carrier for Route No. 1 out of Thomasville. State Builders'. Exchange. The Builders' Exchange of North Carolina will meet In semi-annual ses sion in Charlotte next -May. An invi tation was recently extended by C. C. Hook, president of the Greater Char lotte Club and by Mr. J. A. Jones, a leading contractor here.; The decision to accept the Invitation was unani mous. This will bring to Charlotte next summer the leading contractors and builders' of the state.vThe recent meeting was held at Wrightsviiie. Mr. J. A. Jones, is president of the organ ization. Given Sixty "Years at Hard Labor. Pleading guilty to two charges of murder in the second, degree. Jack Burton, alias Jack ; Berry," colored, charged with killing two women of his race in a dance hall on South French Broad avenue, . Asheville, was sentenced to serve ' a term of sixty years at hard labor in the state peni tentiary, by Judge Frank Carter. There were two; sentences of thirty years each imposed, by the court. In passing npon the case, the court held that the trial docket of the . superior court, is quitecongested with criminal cases. THE STATE GROG END .THEIR -ANNUAL, CONVENE TlON.w- .ADM.IN ISTRATIOtJ . ' C WARMLY-COMMENDED. MEET. IN CHARLESTON NEXT Charlotte is H ighly , Jraised- The ' Next Annual Convention To-Be Held rat the Isle of" Palms? Whert Big At- - tendance is Expected .Charlotte.--"I unhesitatingly affirm and il- am ' confiden t that' every -whole-sajegroceiv manufacturer and 'manu facturers' salesman Twill Warme out In the statement. that. the twenty-second annual- convention of the South ern. Wholesale . Grocers': -Association held in Charlotte; has-been the best, in unity ' of effort, ; and 4; co-operative spirit manifested, that the organiza Jtion has ever khown," certainly in my experience" President J; H. McLau rin, .of Jacksonville, vFlar, head of the organization. "Charleston . and the ; Charleston grocers. Jobbers and salesmen are go ing to do all in their power to giver the twenty-third annual convention a roy al " reception and entertainment I can say no more than this: "We will giye you as. nearly as we are, able as good: a time as:Charlottex has done" -Mr. J. Koster of Charleston,' the man who Induced the association to hold its. next annual meeting at the Isle of Palms, -Charleston. - ; " - These two expressions will give some idea of the manner in "which Charlotte has entertained the several hundred - delegates . and, visitors here for the annual convention of the Southern Wholesale Grocers' Associa tion, which adjourned recently after electing officers for the Ensuing year and selecting the Isle cf Palms, Char leston, S. . C, for the - next place of meeting. Those elected were MrJ lJ. H. McLaurln "of Jacksonville, president ; Mr. J. D. Faucette, of Bristol, Tenn., first vice president; Mr. W. T. Reeves, of Tupelo, Miss., second vice presi dent, and rfr. C. W. Bartleson of Jack sonville, Fla., treasurer. The office of secretary is filled by the directors, the present secretary, who will doubt less be re-elected, being Mr. Robert Moore of Jacksonville. The re-election of Mr. McLaurin was the occasion of a vast outpouring of commendation. f IUi 1 1 W VUllllliy ill 1I fcIC VVUIIhi Windsor. The ' first Thursday in August for the past twenty years has been a great day in. the life of the people of . Bertie county. That ii-"01'd Soldiers' Day" and on it in Windsor is held a reunion of the Confederate veterans. An immense crowd always attends. This year unusual efforts have been made to have a larger cele bration and gathering than usual. A "home coming" day has been- added and, much interest has been arousod by the large number of letters receiv ed from absent Bertie people "who say they are going to pay the old home a visit. ' Old Lady KiHed by Train. ' Lumberton.--While crossing the track at the National Cotton Mills, two miles above - here, Mrs. Delia Blackburn, 65 -years old, was struck .by", the first section of Seaboard train No. 14, being Injured so badly that she died an hour later. The train was composed of Pullmans carrying peo-phr-from Birmingham and Atlanta to Wrightsviiie, and, although -running at high speed, Was . stopped by the time , It ran half its length. The aged lady was wearing a sun-bonnet and started to cross the track without look ing up. ;. . T " North Carolina Nw Enterprises. Raleigh. Charter? were issued for the Graham Water Company, capital $10,000 subscribed by Jfl. L. Henderson and others for supplying water to the town of Graham; the Park View Hos pital, incorporated, Rocky Mount, cap ital $50,000 authorized, and. $25,000 subscribed by R. H. Speight and oth ers, and the Matt Slaughter Company, Kinston, capital $100,000, subscribed by Matt Slaughter and others for musical instrument and - mercantile business. - - , Good - Roads in Durham. ' Durham The county road force has completed that part of the central highway in .Durham county ana when Orange county connects with this road leading out of West Durham there will be a good road from this city to Greensboro. One gang of the convict force is now working on- the Durham end of the Quebec and" Miami road, which Is known as the Oxford road. It 'will take something like three months to get a four-mile gap in this road put into the proper condition for travel. Held On Serious Charge. ; . Greensboro W. jC, Tise, a Winstorx alem. business man, and 5 his stenog rapher, Miss Lillie Tess, are under bonds v of $400 to appear in police court- and answer ; to charges of im morality. Some time , ago the woman, came to Greensboro and ; took apart ments und to : her ' a - child was born. After. the birth, man, woman and child left in an automobile. The child was left with & -woman in - the suburbs of Winston-'Salem, where it -died. Inves tigation -"when a- burial - certificate was requestedturnished -the -clue. . , - - NEWS OF NORTH I CAROLINA SHort1 Paragraphs of State" News That Has Been ' Condensed For Busy ' . - - People of Stated " - K . ' LumT)erton. While a numberof boy - - 'K employees of, the Dre3denJ. Cotton Mills w.ere. bathing infLumbef River recently uun jot ? xuienvrnamed Todd was drowned. OEftortstot. recover the body had Been- in;yain at'4ast report-, Spring Hppe.MrTiave" Lester," of .t$i';p;lace;died:asa;;Tesult of a mule kicking' hinCFMr Lester was "snaking- logs for J. J.; SandersiThe mule's feet '.got : out ot-the traces,- when Mr. Lester .whipped --Mar to make him get back in . thetraces. . The mule kicked "with, fatal effect - v 3oldsboro.A f telegram from the chief of "police at Plymouth states that a iman answering the description " of W. .H Gibson-has - been 'arrested in that city 'andwill be held until Mr. Hales and ; an officer - arrive .on the scen-rom-;this-city. - ' r , Newborn. -Fire ? of unknown" origin but belieyedTto have been;caifsed; by rats igniiing - matched: visited . Orien tala small town a fewl miles" below Newbern" recently ana caused" damage mated in the store occupied by , , the Hooker Grocery Company and spread -ffom that to the dry goods store of Jonn Rachid. ' 'tfy-x', i Wilson. George Whitley, -. who was shot from amfiush" near " Bailey while returning from church. .: accompanied by a. y oung: Istef was unable to attend the prelimihiry Shearing before J. " H. .Fulghum, J. P. which was set to be heard at Bailey; several days" ago: The hearing was postponed until August 6th and will be held et Middlesex be fore Recorder F. H. Brooks. - : Greenville. Considerable time and attention are being devoted by the people of this township to Ithe bond election which "is to take place next Tuesday week for the' issuance of $50,000 bonds for the construction of good roads. The voters seem Jo be pretty evenly divided on the subject, although it is a fact that both sides are claiming a "victory by a big mar jorlty. - Raleigh. The corporation commis sion, made an order - requiring the" Southern Railway to put Into opera tion on and after August 1, an addi tional passenger train between San ford and Mount Airy, to leave San ford 5:40 a .m. and arrive at Mount Airy at 11:50 a. m. returning to leave Mount Airy at 3 p. m., and arrive at Sanford at 9 p. m. Greenville. Work will begin in a few days on - the additions to the Teachers' Training School here. It is expected to have the -buildings com pleted by the opening of the fall term, but they are hot expected to accommo date, the increased atendance already booked for the coming acadenlic year. Interest runs high In the coming elec tion for road bonds so high, in fact, tharit is said that doubtful registra- Washington. Local business mem have become interested in the sub ject of good roads for Washington and Beaufort county. These ' gentlemen have duringthe past, several days raised about $600 by private subscrip tion, and expect to build two Or three miles of. sand-clay road for demon stration" purposes hoping to stimulate interest and. co-operation among the citizens of the county and . show the benefits resulting in a business way. :. Wilson. At the September, 1911, term of Wilson superior court Judge Cobke sentenced John" Morris 1 (son of one of Wilson's wealthiest citizens) to eighteen months on the roads for recklessly shooting In town and hold ing up a prominent citizen atwthe point of a rifle. Morris served but a few weeks of his time when he took long chances and hook the road dust from hist feet; For some' time he scouted around nearby towns and fin ally . located in Emporia, Va. Wilmington. In view of the recent speech of Mr. A. J. Maxwell, clerk of the corporation commission, before jthe North Carolina Retail Merchants' Association at Wrightsviiie Beach, ad vocating state-aided boat lines as a so lution of the freight-' rate . problem, which ha3 created considerable inter est throughout the state, the public will no doubt be interested in the rec ord of the report for te yast year, Its advantages to the state and facilities at hand. , r - High Point Plans are being, form ulated for a big , celebration at the completion of the Coler road to High Point The occasion will be within the next six weeks and the celebra tion will be sufficient to bring thou sands of people to the city, Wilmington. Mrs. Eliazbeth Van B. Nichols, divorced from the late Allan B. Nichols in New York five years ago, and since that time a leader in Wil mington social circles, has been: in dicted in three cases charging the em bezzlement, of $15,000 from an old friend, Mrs. 'Helene P. Lemassena of. Philadlpehia. '- : - Elizabeth City. -Bush, the five-year-, old son of Wilson Turner, a farmer residing about four miles from this city, fell off a load of hay and was run over by one of the wheels of the cart. ; - .'7 ' - - . 'I Kinston. Born In August ,1877, ;a mule belonging to L. J. H. Mewborh', a Greene county man, died several days ago. - During, his entire life of 35 years the hybrid was the property of Mr. Mewborn and two: years, ago, when' he became too feeble for work, the' venerable beast was retired to fin ish his 'existence -in a pasture, petted and-pamperea and free of care. ; , - HUERTA REGIME GRDlfJING SHAKY fc 1 i - r " - c 1 . i rf- ' - ' j i reports of contention and r st r i fe i reaching wash i n q " ton daiLy. A COLLAPSEx IS PENDING A Statement . is Issued--By : President Wilson at This Time to Clear Up the Published . Misrepresentations. To Guard American Interests. Washington. Reports of conten tions surrounding the Huerta. Govern ment in Mexico have put Administra tion circles in an attitude of keen ap prehension toward the situation there. Advice) hich oMcials believe to indi cate that the strife between the' Huerta regime and the revolutionary elements Is nearing a point where some definite conclusion Is to be reached. ;.-Y Information -ot this situation . was permitted to become known and was coupled - withj the . authoritative state ment that the United estates was mak ing no additional naval or military preparations. Reports of impending collapse of the Huerta regime are be ing talked oyer freely in official cir cles though no official of the -Administration will permit his name to be coupled with them. 'All information made public was with the stipulation that it should not be represented as reflecting the vie ws of "the. Adminis tration. v v - Meanwhile ; President ; Wilson - is awaiting the coming of Ambassador Henry Lane Wilson, .-hurrying North from Mexico City to make at first-hand report of conditions. His reports will be compared with those President Wilson has reeclved from oth er sources. ? " Secretary Bryan whohas cancelled some of his lecture dates that he, might return jto Washington, will par ticipate in the conferences. - Ambassador Wilson was at Havana at last report, and an indication of the deiire to hurry him to Washington was seen-in a request by Secretary Bryan to Surgeon General Blue pf the Public Health Service to expedite the Am bassador's passage through quaran tine at Havana and Key West. Proposal For Protectorate. Washington. Strong support.,, has Jeveloped in the senate for President Wilson's new policy of protection and supervision over Nicaragua. A.n infor mal poll -of the committee on foreign relations indicated that the treaty pro posed by Secretary Bryan will receive endorsement with a safe margin of votes and come into the senate with the backing of influential members of both political ' parties. It became known definitely that the proposal does not bind the United States to Jiny obligation for the outstanding debts of Nicaragua. Motoring Women to Storm Congress. Washington. Scores of suffragist laden automobiles are hastening to ward Washington bearing petitions to congress for a constitutional amend ment granting universal suffrage and by the end of this week leaders of, the national woman suffrage associa tion said these automobiles would be numbered by the hundreds. The sen ate and house are to be stormed by the motoring women July 31 Already a number of state parties of women are on their way here awheel. Earth Shocks Felt in Germany. Berlin. Besides the sharp shocks of earthquake felt throughout Wur temberg tremors Were experienced all over Southern Germany extending from Strassburg by way of Frankfort to Munich, in Bavaria and as far as Zurich in Switzerland. Many persons were thrown down in the streets and hundreds' ran in terror out . oftheir houses. At Strassburg the seismic re cording instruments were put out of business by the violence of the distur bance. ; ... Calamity Wl'l Come Says Smoot . . "Washington. -Republican Senators continued to bombard the Underwood Simmons tariff bill. Senator Burton of Ohio expressing the assurance that it would fail in its purpose to lower the" cost of . living and Senator Smoot of Utah, ln an address branding t it as 'the most injurious tariff measure ever taken up for . consideration. . "This bill,," said , Senator Smoot, "is a par tisan and sectional measure, the out come of secret caucus methods such as never ruled before in the Senate of the United States V - - ' - Wou Id Decorate Peary. - ; Washington. Congress has been called- upon - by President Wilson for its" decision whether Rear Admiral Robert E. Peary may accept the decor ation of grand officer Tuf the Legion of Honor conferred upon him b. Presi dent Poincare of Franee. Admiral Peary, as a Naval officer, cannot' ac cept a gift of decoration ""from a for eign Nation "wthout congressional per mission. The decoration "was:" turned over to the AmericanAmbassador to France, who. forwarded it to Secretary Bryanr ! " MATTON'8 Has Bn a Household Name In High Point and Surrounding Community For : : t ! : "S PURE DRUG8, TOILET ARTICLE A v ETC. . " W Deliver Goods to Any Part of the City. - MATTON DRUG CO. The Independent Tele phone Lines Reach over: 3000 Telephone statlo&a in this section not" reached by -.. . .. any other system. Direct connection with Concord, Sa Isbury, Spencer, China Grove, AIbe " marie, Winston-Salem, Greensboro, Asheboro, Randleman, Thomasville, mediate points. - UdBTB ST1TF TH FPHflHF fid IV11IU Wllllb IU(U UUHfa VW J. 7. HAYDEN, Manager. fHEY GRIND US DOWN 'But that only increases onr useful ftess. There's some satisfaction ta knowing that after we come from the HIGH POINT MILLING C0.'8 mill well be clean and white, anyhow. You'll find the white frost and luxury flour the best to use for any kind, of baking; it's made from the best wjxeat and makes the best 'bread, cakes asd pastry. Yours truly, HIGH POINT MILLING COMPANY. Rexal 1 Cherry J jfcq Will Cure that Cough Ring Drug Co. let Us Clean and Press Tcsr CIs&ss at 1-2 th Kt&Aar frfci Cults cleaned 25c Pacta cleaned 10 Prompt dellYery, Good work. BRITISH WOOLEN MILLS Don't Overtook that subscription. If yeu ' srs le srresrs resmbr tast we ese shrsys Cn4 food use for the MONEY Evrybody who reeda jTio fcnysiiews pepers, but ererybody wae reads newspapers deernt buy maaziues. Cctch tho Drift? ie the medium to resell tbe people of tkie coaunamity. cop, QlllGK Service iepnel