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THE REVIEW, THURSDAY, JULY 31,, 1913 - - -..w,.., v.; -. . M I . ' s . - .. . - . - - : . . . ' : INTERESTING STORY LONG AGO Washington, D. C, (Special) How Louis Philippe, due d'Orleans and later King ot the French, lived for several years at Birdstown, Ky. and even paid court to a pretty maid of Frankfort, the State capital, is related in an article inCthe National Waterways Magazine," v by - the Countess Spottiswood-Mackin; The article is profuse in illustration of scenes identified with the asylum found by the Bourborn exile during a most trcubulous period of his eventful career, when Marat had proposed the setting of a price upon his head, and of priceless objects of art presented by him to St, Joseph's Cathedral at Bardstown after, he be came Sovereign of France and, still later, following the downfall of his dynasty. Among the art works pictured are several vestments , of exceeding beauty and great intrinsic value, embroidered by Louis Philip pe's queen, Marie Amelie, and and his sister, Adelaide, after the flight of the court to England, which stilf repose in the Bardstown cathedral Returning from the recent world peace conference atSt Louis, whith er she had been sent as a delegate by Govemofc Herman Sulzer, of New York, and by the President General of the Daughters of the American Revolution, the Countess Spottiswood-Mackin made a pilgrim age to her alma mater, the convent academy at Nazareth, and while there she obtained material evidence of the sojourn of Louis Philippe, which has been shrouded in mystery and doubt by historical writers of the past. Photographs of the rec tory of Bishop B. J. Flaget, at Birds town, where Louis Philippe was frequently entertained by his con fessor and spiritual advisor, and of tne sacred objects presented to the r lisious community at Bardstown, i icluding a bell which still hangs in the tower o the Cathedral, are pub lished for the first time. The stay of the Bourbon duke in Kentucky was not without a sug gestion of romance, the Countess relates, continuing! i "While visiting Frankfort, the iucal"party was entertained at the Love House, which has ever been associated with Burr's conspiracy, where a gala ball was tendered in their honor. The stately minuet was danced and Louis Phi'ippe in vited a young lady to dance with him, but she declined, tearing to wound the feelings of a 'plain young mm' with- whom she had but a short while before declined to entei the minuet. That the loyal maiden made a more than superficial ' im pression upon His Highness is ap parent from the fact that, when, three decades dt mote later, he found himself Kjng cf the French, a gentle man from Frankfort who had known him during the period of his exile called upon him at Paris. The King inquired for his 'Frankfort queen' and chatted pleasantly of the ball at the Love House and the incident of the minuet. "In a centennial ode to the City of Frankfort, in 1886, Major H. T. Stanton, of that place, penned the following verse: 'The Love House stands no longer here Where from. the crowd secluded The cold ambitious Aaron Burr His scheme of empire brooded, But some are mindful of the dance In sratelv grace perfected,- AhM onrc ihe nroffered hand of IT iin " "- - r France A Frankfort queen rejected. ''Unon.his return to France and Vmc itifinn tn the thrtfrre of the C7 V IV V St. the of St. "The THE Bourbons, Louis Philippe was not unmindful of the kindnesses that had been bestowed upon' him while he tarried in the Kentucky hills. The material evidences of his grati tude are many about Bardstown and happily these are extant today. It may inneed be said that a potent art influence was exerted in the academic circle of St. Joseph's Col lege at Bardstown and of the neigh boring Nazareth Academy, which is incorporated in the same religious community, by the donation of priceless treasures of painting, stat uary and objects d'art by Louis Philippe alter he became the Sove reign of France. Among the pictures which yet hang in the cathedral church at Bardstown are "St. Peter in Chains" and "A Winged Mark," by Vandyck, "St John Baptist" and "The Flaying Bartholomew," by Rubens, Coronation of the Blessed Virgin , ' ' by Murillo, and an unknown painter's ''The Annunciation." Such a group of masterpieces, these, as might grace the transept of an Old World cathedtal and might be coveted of a Continental city. They are large pictures and are hung high in the silent nae, where the light' trc-m upper windows illumines them and where, at eventide, they assume a wondrous mysticism of form and color." An amusing episode is told of a pleasure-craving landlady who de clined to care for Louis Philippe, when he fell ill at her hostelry, pre ferring the attractions of a traveling show, the first to reach the the town, to waiting upon a scion of the royal house of France. "The party visited George Wash ington at Mount Vernon in 1797, and it was the First President of the United States who planned for Louis Philippe and his brothers, an itinerary of travel through the more settled portions of the young coun try that took them through to Pitts burgh and down the Ohio and into the mountains of Kentucky and Tennessee. The western limit of their tour was reached at Nashville aud on May 13, 1797, they turned northward through the wooded valv ley of the Big Barren River, resting at a ferry nan's on the Green Rivtr. FOR - SALE. I J 1913 Model, Motor Cycles and Motor Boats at bargain prices, all makes, brand new machines, on easy monthly payment plan. Get our, proposition before buying or you will regret it, also bargains in used Motor Cycles. Write- ui to day "Enclose Stamp for reply. Address Lock Box 1 1 Trenton, Mich. : jl-24-10w IT'S A MISTAKE For Cuts, Burns and Biuises In everv home there should be a ho of Bucklen's Arnica Salve, ready to apply in every case of burns, cuts, wounds or scalds. J. H. Polanco, Delvalle, Tex,, N. No. 2, writes: " Bucklen's Arnica Salve saved my lirtlr girl's cut foot. No one believed it could be cured." The world's best salve. Only 25c. Recommended by all druggists. Made By Many High Point Residents Many people in a misguided effort to get rid of kidney backache, rely on piasters, liniments and otner makeshifts. The right treatment is kidney treatment and a remarkably recommended kidney medicine is Doan's Kidney P:lls. High Point is no exception. . ,';,. The proof is at your very door. The following is an. experience typi cal of the work of Uoari's Kidney Pills in High. Point.. Mrs. Frank ie McCarter 408 Tom hnsbn St., -High Point, N. C, says: 'I suffered for a long time from severe pains across the small of my back, generally felt nervous and was unaMe to sleep well. I at length procured a box of Doan's Kidney Pills and it took less than the con tents to remove tne trouble. i-hey improved mv. health. I hore 'that ! others suffering from kidney com plaint will give them a trial. " For sale by all dealers.-- Price 50 cents. Foster-Miiburn Co:, Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. '- Remember the name Doan's and take no-other. FOR SALE 4u acres or iana tor sale, one fourth mile from city limits, just north of ; High Point, For f urthert particulars apply to J. Mat Gordon k Route 4. High Point. N. C. m-2-3 m Colleges'and the Churches Leslie Weekly; Drifting! Are we over-educating our, young people pnd emphasizing the old adage that a little learning is a dangerous thing?" The colleges are crowded and the churches are empty. Is there any relation be tween the two? Possibly in the light of college statistics now being printed. Of the graduating class of Columbia Un iversity , for instance, fifty-two confessed t hat they -never attended the campus chapel services, eight declared themselves without religion, and fifty two were not suf ficiently interested in the question of churchgomg to answer it. Only one member put himself down as a legular attendant at chapel, Only one of the entire graduating class! But the favorite dances of these young gentlemen are, . set down as the turkey trot andjtango." '- Thirty-six of these graduates are to become lawyers. No. doubt the voices of some will be heard in our halls of legislation in favor of upset ting the established order of things and trying the new fangied "notions which all the experimenters are ad vocating. Let the people ru'e! The King of All Laxatives Tor constipation, headaches. Dr. digestion and dyspepsia, use King's New Life Pills. Paul Math ulka, of Buffalo, N. Y., says' they are the "King of all laxatives. They are a blessing to all my family I always keep a box at home." Get a box and get well. Price 25c. Re commended by all druggists. If you have lost something, want They crossed the Salt River at Pitts to sell something, etc., our penr y Fork with difficulty, and nigh: I u: d column brings quick results them arrived at the inn of aCapta n Bean at Bardstown, a settlement of about one hundred and fifty houses and 'great expectations. The per sonal diary of Louis Philippe brings to light some interesting facts as the circumstances attending his ar rival and sojourn at Bardstown. He was taken seriously ill, and, although importuned by his brothers to mi i- ister to the needs of the distinguish ed renfchman, the landlady of the inn could not be induced to forego the attraction of a traveling show that had just reached the town." 50 business lots and ?mill farms to be sold by Kenny bros., trie world 's original auctioneers at Trinity July 31. Music by the band and valuable prizes given awa . Unsightly Face Spots. Are cured by Dr. Hobson's Eczema Ointment, which heals all skin eruptions. No matter how long you have been truoblea by itching, burn ing, or scaly skin humors, just put a little of that soothing antiseptic. Dr. Hobson's Eczema Ointment, on the sores and the suffering stops in stantly. Healing begins that very minute. Doctors use it in their practice and recommended it Mr.. Alleman, of Littletown, Pa., says: "Had eczema on forehead; Dr. Hob son, s Eczema Ointment cured it in two weeks." Guaranteed to relieve or money refunded. All druggists, or by mail: Pnce 50:. Pfeiffer Chemical Co., Philadelphia and St. Louis, f LDfTWir ffflK LrMaCkickft pyaEw chicks u V TBS PARK POULARD I ti$J GROWING FEED 1 k& YmutfttmwdmhuMtmttr h m Is "Z toUr- 42n3i s- Our deeds follow us, and what we have been makes us what we are. Our time is one that calls for earn est deeds. Big auction sale of town lots and small farms at Trinity, July 31. See ad elsewhere. - No. Six-Sixty-Six This it a prescription prepared especially for MALARIA or CHILLS & FEVER. Five or six doses will break any case, and if taken then as a ton?c the Fever will not return. It acts on the liver better than Calomel and does not gripe or sicken. 25c laMalf f J I Bf 1 rt -ft STOUr PRODUCE CO., High Point, N.. C Week End Fares from Southern Railway Stations FROM station named to MoreheadCity Burlington, N C, $6.00; Chapel Hill Station, $3.40; Concord, $8.75; Durham, $4.50; Elon College, $6.25; Graham, $6; Greensboro, $6.35; Haw River, 5.75 High Point, $7.00; Hillsboro, $5.20; Lex ington, $7.50; Mebane, $5.50; Raleigh, $4.50; Reidsville, $7.25; Salisbury, $8.00f Thomasville, $7.25; WinstonSalem, $7.00. - Fares to Beaufort $.20 higher than the above to Morehead City. Tickets sold for all trains Saturdays, May 31st. up to and including Saturday September 13th, 1913, good returning leaving destination not later than Tues day following date of sale. I c GRAY'S NEW Pure fresh Milk: Delivered Twice Daily to Your Home. BEARS THE HIGHEST TEST OF BUTTER FAT. YOU CANT GET ANY BETTER! YOUR PANRONAGE SOLICITED. Also Cream in Any Per Cent Desired. Reaular prices Phone 3516 R. W. Gray Rid Your Children, of Worms You can change fretfuyil-teriper- ed children into hearty , happy youngsters, by rid ing.t lieift"?ol worms. tpssing, rotting, grinaing: vui.tccm, crying out while asleep, accompan ied with intense thirst, pains tne stomach and bowels, feverishness and baH breath, are symptoms that indicate worms. Kickapoo Worm Killer, a pleasant candy lozenge, ex pels the worms, regulates the bowels, restores your children to health and haoniness. "Mrs. J A; Brisbln, of Elgin, 111., says: M I have used Kick apoo Worm Killer for years, and en tirely rid my children ot worms, would not be without it.' Guaran teed. All druggists, or by mail. Price25c. Kickapoo Indian Medi Co., Phi'adelphia and St. Louis. The Purest Milk Obtainable from the finest bred cows. Delivered at your door twice daily. If you try our milk you will ue no other. . . Can supply your wants in any quan tity desired. Phone us. Lowe's Dairy Clyde Lowe, Manager - Phone 3425 IN OUR CARPET DEPARTMENT We are mak ng'a grand showing cf high grade carpets and rugs at unusually low prices even for. this time of year. We have patterns that are the very latest in style and in colorings and are bound to pleas the most exacting custdBir. i : Linoleums, tf.: cloths, mattings, tooxai prices wav dupn to btdrock. It is a great, time for bargains. ' Half Wool ingrain carpet at J8C ana c Per yJ- .-. . . - All Wool Ingrain carpet at 48c ana :c ya. Good mattings 13c, 15c, 18c, 20c and 22cyd Floor oil cloth 24c, 28c, and 30c yd. Linoleum, good quality 48c yd. 9x12 Brusselsand Velvet Rugs only 1.?.98. J6x72 Brussels and Velvet rugs oniy 27x54 Brussels and Velvet rugs only $1.79. W. T. K1RKHAN S CO. This Is Cyras O. Bates, the man who advertises Mother's Joy and Ooose Grease Liniment, two of the greatest things known to humanity. Mother's Joy is a Cure and Never Falls Announcement Opening Connect ing Link Bet een Raleigh and Mt. Gilea J. (Charlotte Ex tension) To Agents and Connections: Effective July 1st, 1913 the Raleigh, Char lotte & Southern Railway announces the comp etion of its-counecting link between Varfna, N. C. on the Raleigh & Southport Division, and O'lon, N. C. on the Durham & Charlotte Division." New stations have been established a.i follows: Duncan, N C 4.6 miles west tf Varina Corinth, " 12 4 miles west of Varina Rosser, ' 18 miles west of Varina Colon, " 23 miles west of Varina Through passenger service Will be inaugur ated betweon Raieigh and the following ter minal and important paints, iucluping Inter mediate stations Aberdeen, Asheboro, Cdrthage, Ellerbe, Mt. Gileac Biscoe, NC tc Hallison, Gulf, Candor, Troy, Star, Hnehurst, N C Apply to Agents for schedules. E D KYLE, WW CROXTON, Traffic Manager General Passenger Agent Norfolk, Va. Greatly Reduced Week End and Sunday Excursion Fares to Jack- WE; M OMAN'S BTORE f Ptocetp QetYourDry Goods ingNewand Everyth Styl You are always welcome and we ae ever ready to show you. New things in feminine wear arriving daily. i Give us a call and make yourself at home. Tilley's Emporium Allen Bros, old stand . - South Main Street rounded in I83S Chartered IS59 TRINITY GOLLEGE An institution of education intensely devoted to developing men. Its graduates are everywhere successful and fill important positions in all lines of work. They occupy places of honor and dignity in church and state, and ably and prominently represent their state in the national government. A college supplied with ample resources to provide the best edu cation More then a million dollars recently added to its endowment. A wide range of courses. Necessary expenses of the student moderate. No increase in tuition charges within twenty-five years. For catalogue and illustrated booklet address R. L. FLOWERS " - Secretary to the Corporation. Durham. N. C Trinity Park School ESTABLISHED 1898 Location excellent. Equipment fir&-class. Well-trained faculty of successful ex perience. Special care of the health of students. An instructor in each dormitory to supervise living conditions of boys under his care. Excellent library and gym nasium facilities. Large athletic fields. Fall Term opens September 10. till-a-28 FOR ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE ADDRESS W. W. PEELE, Headmaster, Durham, N. C. RALEIGH, CHARLOTTE & SOUTHERN RAILWAY CO. Schedule Effective Tuesday, July 1st. Main line between Raleigh and Mt. Oilead fayettevule Branch, Aberdeen and Ashboro Branch READ DOWN A. M. x 7:25 13 o O x 8 13 8 59 10 10 P. M. x 6:10 6 58 AM ! 10 18 11 20 x 6 58 7 44 8 55 P. M. ! 4 10 5 03 8 03 !9 00 x 8 03 9 05 6 40 6 48 6 59 7 33 8 05 8 40 x9 30 P M ! 4 42 5 00 . 5 12 6 30 5 52 6 25 5 20 !6 40 SCHEDULE A.M. Lv Raleigh Ar '.10 45 Lv Varina Ar 9 50 Lv Stair 6 40 Ar Mt. Gilead Lv !5 40 - Lv Star Ar 6 40 Ar Ashboro Lv x 5 40 Lv Varina .Lv Lv Lillington Lv Ar Fayettevil'.e Ly READ UP A M 10 18 10 10 957 A. M. x9 55 9 05 PM 4 42 3 40 PM x 9 05 8 15 x 7 10 P. M.. x 5 10 4 14 x 4 14 3 28 x2 20 8 03 7 53 7 32 Lv Star Lv Lv Biscoe Lv Lv Candor ' Lv Ar Ellerbee Ar Lv Jackson Sp Lv Lv Pinehurst Lv Lv Carthage Lv A r Aberdeen Lv For further information relative to schedules and fares apply to any Ticket Agent or S K. Adsit, T P A, Raleigh, N. C. , . ! Daily except Sunday 9 IS 840 !9 00 6 55. 6 25? 5 26 x 4 15 Vf Has since 1894 given "Thorough Instruction under positively Christian Influences at the lowest possible cost." RESULT: It Is to-day with Its faculty of 83, a boarding patronage of 363, its etudent body of 413, and its plant worth $160,000 THE LEADING TRAINING SCHOOL FOR GIRLS IN VIRGINIA $150 pays all charges for the year, including table board, room, lights, steam heat, laundry, medical attention, physical culture, and tuition (nail subjects except music and elocution. For catalogue and application blank address, REV. THOS." ROSSER REEVES, B. A,, Principal, BLACKSTONE. VA. son Springs, N. C. via R. C. & S. Ry. , From Week End Sunday Aberdeen, N. C. .75 $ .50 PineYurst, .50 .50 Carthage, .95 West End ; Candor, .50 .50 1 Lllerb 1.50 Biscoe .90 .65 Star 1 05 .75 Troy 1.30 Mt. Gilead 1.85 Gulf ' 2.40 Colon 2. 70 Asheboro . 1.90 x 1.50 First date of sale May 30,1913 Week End Tickets sold Friday, "Saturday and Sunday, good until Monday, following date of sale. ' ' Sunday tickets sold Sunday only good to return on date of sale only. Get a complete information from any Ticket Agent. R. C. & S. Railway. S. K. ADSIT, T. P. A. ADMINISTRATRIX' NOTICE Having qualified as administratrix of the estate of George C. Johnson,, de ceased, late of Guilford County, N. C, this is to notify all persons' ha vingclaims j against the estate of the said deceased to ! present them to me as said administratrix Ion or before the,2lih day of June 1914, ' or this notice will be pled in bar o( their ) recovery. AH persons indebted to said estate please make , immediate payment This June 24, 1913. - ALICE Z. JOHNSON, j26-6 ti , Administratrix. HERE WE GO SOMETHING ELSE DOING AT THE FAI Special R Special FOR TEN DAYS ONLY nnnn yards Lace Insertion 10c and 15c value Qn nar OUUU for the fimited time named - - - CAj pel JU. onnA yards Lace Insertion in 5c values nar- on -.J UUU row widths, only - - - - - - - 1 yU. SACRIFICE IN WHITE GOODS and White Petticoats 75c "values, special Gowns, ' :47c BIG ASSORTMENT IN DRESSES Sizes 14 to 16, all colors, newest v styles, good material 75c value, for. ten Days . ' 43c MENS OXFORDS AT A BIG SAVING. $2 50 and $3 00 values in Tans and Pat. Leather, button, lace, only a limited number o( pairs left $1.89 12 l-2c DRESS GINGHAMS Ginghams in all colors and shades 12 l-2c values, our price 9c $1.00 LINEN SKIRTS. Absolutely the best $1.00 and $125 linen skirts in blue and tan, same as sold else where at above prices, while they last - . -. y 40c CLEAN SWEEP IN WHITE CANVAS PUMPS, to be closedout at : -- $1.50 and $2.00 values 98c There are hundreds of articles to numerous to mention in this limited .i. VaHviu vnu to come and eet vour snare oi our un- v - ' r matcnaDie Dargains. refunded. Satisfaction guaranteed.or your money cheerfully The Fair, On The 8quare High Point, IV C -1