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Image provided by: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Library, Chapel Hill, NC
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-J . t ! ! ft. a HI ' it- (.'.. .. - I ' s ' - ! 3 ' i'f V j. ."-'-.i - -. i 1 1 0 if I r r . 7 v, ' ' s 1 nr" 11 ''' "'i,v '-l''' - y . : : It ; M I ll A lrj a r J A t I uJ t f i 4 ; L . ! 1 1 . Into the greatest crowd that ever squeezed into one spot in the town of High Point. To squeeze into W. T. KIBK M&ed;Si)epartme on the Grandest, Greatest, most Stupendous selling event ever Jtnown in the history of this town. our sMufmmoucED SALE' STARTS WEDNESDAY AUGUST OT AN - j t. i klii iA ,m -r - . - ''.-I r man or women tdapipreciate tbe values we are offering, but And drastic measures must be useq in order tp accomp- rrM riiur AlTMT , v;:,.!'.., lishth&e& V J. JcN llAmi UnLl if you have ttie intemen and see these BAR' sale the greatest event in the town history. It will be re- ' ' n , GAINS yon are bound to believe! roem11eTEENebeF or gotten V DOORS OPEN AT 8:30 A. H. We Must Boise The Money We have very little space to mention further prices, but you can feel and rest assured that every' article contained in this store will be in this sale. Read the mute, crushing prices. They tell the story. They talk loud ahd long. Look for the Skns oil Froiit of Store . forty years me ahewcan special sais & salyaqe ca., of Washington, ifvuii iui ui uigiio vu x it ui utuiv, of business in your community,pf reliable business to back up this D. Gl, are in charge of thiat&fe Tlw are greatest r A . rriv T- Jiia. -m staterrient that you get better and grander values than ever before price wreckers in Be Sure You Are in The RigM duriDg this sale; , v Here Are a Few Price , Examples Selected at Random From the Many Hundreds on Sale ; " - ' - "ii" ' ' 11 - 11 -rf : ' - ' .v.- ---,:,;-, - f all Papir Parlor Tables Mens Suits Mens Shirts WSd-. . . , . "n. oc-. A neat oak table that you al- Aw'f.i,iu These NgHge shirts were jnade" OlfdW TiaiS I Sold regularly from 20 to 35c , ways pay at least $1.00 cqp A,iom m 8Ta to sell at 50c. they come in rfatk f Sa An Roll for.: Sale Price: OC Sale ri $2.50 blue. Polka Dot of white 9ftrt JSfeSi . price 4C KOll jj , only two to a customer. Sale pnce . . all sizes while they last UC sold up to $150. Sale price CK, I Apfbh Gihghain If Calicos and Lawns Dress Ginghams Yard-wide Percals ; taWfls'and Orpndies You hWe been paying 8c for r V These are'the, best grades"; of . I" An elegant assortment of pat- U These are the best and newest All - " . '. :l7Ki" . I this irade We have a big calico and a ' good assortment terns and colorings. New this patterns this season and have Air new. desiraoie stock : m lotl biitthey will go 07 riJ x of Lawns worth from T to season-r-a regular 12 He o0 . sold up to 15c per yard mn -pretty Patr a;der7 - tDUtt iney;W, 8 OsC yCl. 9c'yard. Sale price . . t grade. Sale price . . . OC Sale-price . . j . I 2C JW t2iftt f 1 n 1111 .1 9KKIlSSSI! ""IJ":."yT?I? ' 'J SLSPJiJ'!'!1 "' . L 1111 , """ "" 4 "' jfr " -.r-.V , ;,:,.;.r; tt, . r'v,. ;.:. ?-;,;: ::v,-? .-. r . ... ., ... . . ,v-X-!T""..'r:x. ...... tr-"-"- RAG CARPETS Buy for future needs while thir lot of 40e Icarpets last oOp Sale price . . HALF WOOL INGRAIN Carpets in several designs and patterps, was a bargain at 50c yd. Sale pnce - LOUNGES We just have six of these $7.00 Lounges left &Q QC Salepnce - - Men, here is a snap for you, a lot of $12.00 to $ suits Jo be closed out. Sale pnee $6.00 BED LOUNGES Beautifully upholstered in vel vet and are regular IjO QC $12 values, sale price PyO MENS WORK SHIRTS V A great big 50c bargain we will close out what we QC have, at Sale nrice VuL JAP MATTINGS That have sold up to 35c a yard Priced for this sale H o while they last, sale price AOl PRINCESS PRESSES . Come in a light oak color, bev eled swinging mirror, large and small drawers cheap at $8.50, Sale Price $3.95 BOYS SHIRTS J ; A special good lot of boys shirts made to sell at 45c o riU YARD-WIDE OIL CLOTH These are remnants of floor oil cloth sold at up to 40c a A rn yard. Sale price - AOL MENS WASH PANTS Made of Crash and Gingham in a variety of styles, sold nnr all season at 1.50, price OUL ART SQUARES i 9x9 feet in attractive patterns and colonngs, Sold at , $5 Priced for this sale $2.95 BROWN SHEETING Yard-wide, nice freight . for general use, worth 6 to 7c ' A vd. Sale once - I 55ale nrice m a 1 m m i i - w ri rn - Ti Sf 1 lYTfiwisr MENS PANTS An odd lot of worsted and cor duroy, sold up to $3 good values, sale price $1.15 DRESS GOODS In a number of good patterns and colors, a special 25c i n value, Salepnce -., iv- Lacss and Insertions These are fine Val Laces and Insertions ctnlr wfkrth fw vH sale nrice wv Fine Nottingham Curtains, 3 yards ; long, cheavy cordejdlf, coplin White or ecru, in a ;6?en different. patteBs Aeat, value: oq r$lMSale Price -' - VyV An odd and-end lot of black'and' tan oxfords in Patent. GunMetal' and Velvet materials sold ujp to $3 50.You will have to come OQa" earlv to et these at Sale brice OzC Ladies Vests Sleeveless with heavy tape neck and arms n considered eood value at lUc. sale nrice uV . Mens Oxfords All this reason's styles, shapes and colors, in vanous leathers, sold all season up r -j yi K to $3.50, while they last, sale price Fancy ruffled edge of- colored lawn edged with lace of a heavy quality sold at D5 $1.25 a pair. Sale price - - -DOC LADIES ROCKERS You may choose from several styles. They have sold rjn at $1.25. Sale price OC BCSUII An odd lot of b) wbol suits Just the thing for fall school snit. Sold up to $3.50 tff qp Sale. price - . tpl.tD - WASH. SILKS New, attractive colorings and designs, sold all season at . OArt Embroideries iuu xusenions in neat patterns and de- A signs, sold up to 15c vd. Sale , Mens Underwear Choose from BdbribrTNairterials mrts and drawers to match;ihind OQ you pay SOcrlst per gajment fialeiprice mJv Hot ajeis Dry Goods, Carpets, Rugs, ' Furniture Trunks w mis weakest 01 all (jrreat bales neia in 5 T.f Ms town ru. No Goods Charged at Sale Pricjes, No money refunded during this sale.: DON'T FAIL TO ATTEND THIS SALE ; 4 f ; . i i i w 1 1 life f iJ , u u u u uu uu u u u-t uu - v.. o hr NO, 26 SOUTH MAIN STREET High Point, ivi-: .? , -North Carolina ... ,..v ,. . 1 . . , , - t v.-.-- - . . ..." - . We Can Use Some Extra e; 'ADDiv m rjer- paies i-eppjj ... . r . . w. p t If UAiU 4.WXU11UC1 V Stote yill ibe closed to the anoTiiesday arrange Stock; -4