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''J A If You Own Your Farm, Use Print ed Stationery. Every farmer who owns a hund red acres of land or more ought to have printed stationery, with his name and the name of his farm and his postoffiee address properly giv en. The printed heading should al s0 give the names of whatever crops he specializes pn, and of what ever varieties of 'seed or whatever breeds cf hogs, cattle, or poultry he Keeps. Printed stationery gives you standing with whatever person or firm you are writing to and gives you a new dignity besides insuring that your name and address .. will always be given properly anil in full. : Moreover, such printed stationary increases your credit. A promin ent advertiser wrote one of our readers the other day saying: "We usually require cash with order for ail our oods, but we have found that it pays to trust a man who uses printed stationery as you do; so we are shipping your order at once.'' If you want to write to your Con gressman or member of the legisla ture; or if you have a request to make to your county superintendent of schools; or if you wish to get in formation from any businsss house, in case your letter will ha've increas- THE REVIEW, THURSDAY NOVEMBER I3THt 1913 ed weight and get prompter attend tlOn. - ' "!-,' ' . y , X' 9nnainXU Lpostal cards, buy 200 to 500 at the time and have your name and address" printed in the corner. Get the habit of usini printed stationery. ,The next time you go to town, why : not drop into one of the job printing offices arid give an order for 1,000 sheets of printed note paper and 1,000 envelopes to match? it will be one of the best invest ments you have ever made in your life. -Progressive Farmer. A Bill to Reach Robbers. Birmingham, Ala. Nov. 6 The Carlin bill, recently passed by Con gress making the robherv cars, baggage care, and express cars 5 . iucisiaie commerce and the.robbery of interstate shipments from platforms and stations a fed eral offense, is a law with--teeth in it and sharp ones at that as Was evidenced in the Federal court here when John L. Parker was given a sentence of six years in the United States prison for robbing a shipment of shoes consigned to Glazen, Miss., from a car in the- Birmingham yards on May 4tb. Parker was also im plicated in robbing a shipment of notions c nsigntd to vondale, Ala., from a car in the Birmingham yards on the night of July 30th and Otis Ayilliams and Arthur Goodeye who assisted him were, given sentences of four years and six months and three years end six months respec tively in the United States prison, . Under the Carlin law, the prosecu tion of car and depot thieves is great ly simplified and the certaiuly- of conviction is much . greater as the federal statutes do not provide the loopholes found in various state laws through which many criminals whose guilt was clearly prove d have been enabled to escaped on techni calities. As the result of the opera tion of this law, it is believed that criminals will recognize the danger of tampering with freight cars and depots and that there will be a great decrease in thefts of this character which frequently ) cause serious inconvenience and loss to shippers as well as to the railroads. The Darvineaux Studio High Class PHOTOGRAPHY ' At Reasonable Prices Studio over the Royal Theater Post Card Work a Specialty - YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED SI 5.00 15.00 P 1 o n Watche s WJTCHES 16 size, open face, 17 jewels ELGIi in 20 year gold filled cases These watches are brand new, just from the factory, and are usually sold at other stores for $20.00 to $25.00. Special Price for a limited time is only oo People of High Point and. surrounding country, this is a chance of a life time to secure a high grade watch for a trifle more than one-half what others ask yod for same grade of watch. Our store is well stocked with Diamonds. Watches, Bracelets, Rings, Rich Cut Glass, Genuine Americaa Hand Painted China, Sterling Silver and Best Plated Tableware, Gold Filled and Sterling Silver Handle Umbrellas. The biggest showing of Genuine Pink bhell Cameos (not the imitation) in Brooches, Lavalliers, Pendants, Bar Pins. Cuff Links, Tie Pins, Tie Clasps. and hundreds of other items of high class goods at very moderate-prices. Come to our store and let us show you the facts as advertised. We have the goods and the reputation of square dealing. You have the money and confidence in our ability to serve you. Let us get together. 106 N Mam St. Hi$h Point, N. C. The Purest Milk Obtainable from the finest bred . cows. Delivered at your door twice daily. ... If - you . try ; our , milk you will use no other.: Can supply your wants in any quan tity desired. Phone us. ' Lowe's Dairy Clyde Lowe; Manager Phone 3425 - J. W. SECHREST Funeral Director and Embalmer Dealers in Pictures, Mouldings, Mirror and Picture Frances Our picture department is complete with all the latest styles in mould ing and pictures. Over 200 patterns J U A L L TO SEE US CAROLINA & YADKIN RIVER RAILWAY COMPANY. Schedule in Effect October 141913. " This time table shows itime at which trains may' be expected to arrive and depart from stations shown but their departure or arrival at the time stated is not guaranteed. Subject to Change Wjthout Notice SOUTHBOUND - " No. 21 - i No. 23 Stations Lv. daily " Lv, daily -' A.M. ' P. M. The Place for PAL BARGAINS l Will Save You Money on Every Purchase. Laadies Coats and Coat Suits, Mens and Ladies Ready-to-Wear Garments, Shoes, Hats, Shirts, Collars, Valises, Trunks, Etc. - Give me a call and you will be convinced that ray store is the store of real bargains. Solomon Robonowitz Harris Bldg. L Washington St. I Lv. High Point 8:00 Thofnasville 8:30 Gordontown 9:16 Denton 9:50 Ar. High Rock 10:12 1:10 1:40 2:28 3.02 3:24 NORTHBOUND , No. 22 No. 24 Stations Lv. daily Lv. daily A M P M Lv. High Rock 10:32 3:45 . Denton 10:54 4:07 ' Gordontown 11:28 4:40 Thomasville 12:18 5:38 Ar. High Point 12:43 6:05 W. E. PRICE, Superintendent. li Deafness Cannot Be Cured y local applications, as. they cannot each the diseased nortinn of thA sar ! fhere is only one way to cure deafness,' t 1 - 1 Xl 4. I 1 &A..'l! 1 T iu max ia My uuiisuiuuaniu remeaies. feafness is caused by an inflamed condi ion of the mucous lining of the Eusta .hian Tube. When this tube is inflamed 'ou have a rumbling sound or imperfect ceiling, anu. wiien it is entirely cioseu. Deafness is the result, and unless the in ! lammation can be taken out and this fabe restored to its . normal condition. learmg will be destroyed forever; nine ases out of ten are caused by Catarrh, fhich is nothing but an inflamed condi ion of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of leaf ncss (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by tali's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free. I'. J. CHENEY, & CO , Toledo, Ohio. Bold by Druggists, 75c. t Take Hall's A"amily Pills for constloauon. Arthur Stugues Cement Contractor Sidewalks, Steps, Basements, Quar ter Rounds, Etc. Work Guaranteed. A trial solicited 109 Fairview St, City Reliable Denistry at Reasonable Prices 1553 $5.00,10 Yr. Guarantee cpppl A 1 For a few da vs only we have decided to make Ol LiryL" our "EVERSTICK SUCTION" plate, which is by all comparisons a $15.00 set for $5.00. Positivelvthe lightest plate known. Note the following: Prices As Low As Gold Fillings -Amalgam Fillings Enamel Fillings K Cement fillings 1.00 50 1.00 .50 Sets of Teeth - - $5 00 Bridge Woik per tooth $4 and 500 "Gold Crowns 22kJ $4 and 500 White Crowns $4 and 5.00 3 Painless Extraction Free When Bridges or Plates are orderea High Point Dental Parlors Permanently located 135 1 2 S. Main St. New Richardson Bldg. Office Hours: 8 a. m. to 8 p. m. s High Point, North Carolina. 'Phone 707 Sprams7Bruises Stiff Muscles are quickly relieved by Sloan's .. Liniment.. Lay it on no rub- ' bing. Try it. . Ankl Sprain mnd Daaloeatecl Hip. " I sprained my ankle and dislocated my hip by falling out of a third story window. , Went on crutches for Tour months. Then I started to use your Liniment, according to directions. I must ray .it is helping me wonderfully. We will neveY be without Sioan's Lini ment anymore."1' -Chat. Johnson, Lmuitxm Station, N. Y. . - Kills Pain ' Splendid for Sprains. " I fell and sprained my arm a week ago and was in terrible pain. I could not use my hand or arm until I applied ytrar Liniment. I shall never be with out a bottle of Sloan's Liniment." B. B. Springer, Elizabeth, N.J. Fine for Stiffness. M Sloan's Liniment has done more good than anything I have ever tried for stiff joints. I got my hand hurt so badly that I had to stop work right in the busiest time of the year. I thought at first tfiat I would have to have my fhand taken pJ. but I got a bottle of Wilton Wheeler, Morris, Ala. At all Dealers. 25c 50c and $1.00 - Send for Sloan's free, instructive book on horses, cattle, hogs and poultry. Address Dr.EARLS.SLOAN1Isc BOSTON, KASS. HOLDER'S TONSORIAL PARLORS . "-i- The Largest' Barber Sliop in the City. 8 Chairs in Charge of 8 Competent White Barbers. You don't have to wait but a few minutes at our shop. Give us a trial we strive to give satisfaction at all times. J. BURT HOLDER, Prop. REM Dlayr's V0nd2rful Stomach Remedf Is Recommended and Praised by , Thousands Who Have 1 Been Restored "I was a sick man for about three months caused from Gall Stones of the Liver and was told by three of our most prom inent physicians that I would have to submit to an operation to get relief but heard oil your Wonder ful Stomach' Remedy and secured a full treatment and took it according to directions and passed hundreds of Gall Stones. Since taking your medi cine I wort regularly ana lon't feel any ill effects. I am praising your C-eraedy to all my friends. I think it's worthy ol tae highest, praise. B. L. DOOLE Y Roanoke, Va." Sufferers of Stomach, Liver and Intestinal ( ilments are not a3ked to take Mayr's Wonder t .il Stomuch Remedy for weeks and months o fore they feel benefited. Just try one dose i.hich should nrv?:e you feel better in health, convince you thit you will soon be well and ftrons", free you frcm pain and suffering and giva you a sound and healthy Stomach, as it hps lone in thousands of other cases. Wherever It ts taken you will hear nothing but the highest f raise. Go to your druggist ask him about the great results it has been i accomplishing in cases of people he knows or send to Geo. H. Mayr Mfg. Chemist, 154-156 Whiing St., Chicago 111., for a free book on Stoniach Ailments and many grateful letters from people who havs, been restored. For sale in High Point, N. C, by Heart Drug Co. What Mother s Joy id For This Man, 'Twill o For You This is to certify that I, Eugene Patterson, collector for Mr. Henry Kimes, had, in February, pneumonia. On the day I am go inor to speak about I had three hemorrhages of the lungs; I thought my time was near. I got a 50-cent jar of your Mother's Jay, rub bed half of it on mv throat and chest;, 1 then rubbed the other half on a flannel large enough to cover my-chest. I put it on thinking that nothing woulvero me any good. In 30, minutes from the time I applied Motner any for five nights b -fore. Next morning I sat up in my bed and ate my breakfast and in two daysiromjhat time 1 went to my home in Burlin.non N C , and went to work. I really think if it had not been for Mother's Joy I woulu have been dead . , fe ' EUOENE PATTERSON. , Wedonot put our Jars in large Cartoons just for show We give you good measure, fair deahngsand the best 'sfllve made If it is not what we say carry it back to the concern you bought irfrom and get your money. It is. not made from Vaseline but Mutton Suet and Goose Grease and it penetrates at once. Vaseline will not penetrate the human flesh. Ask your doctor. : - mlmTTt! 7mxmM?j i,i,iiniiiirfcii'" wmMmiimmJ iiiiiiiiiiiiintiMini m urn mi iiiiii iiiiimi iriiri 3 ii 1 1 I Goose Grease Company; Greensboro, USES JOY 5 Colds 0JE 1 FOR .r -4m m yf?- ?ar -.s iinrrn AMfO 'II - -i mm GOOSE GREASE CO. GREENSBORO; N.C. n . i 1 i i t -t - ... ' I; - 1 i I y ' - t