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EijI". -vvyJ.. - y:. "rpTT! " - . - .- - ,.. , , -.. - , - - , , ,, --. f f ' j ;- .' llf A T M I M -Wj Tf - - n.r - - r- The High ; Roint Med ical society gaye a banquet jkothe.'differe'riVisit ir jctahs!m nn i&fiefek VVe' df sa jn S rh eet ing ; -D.v M"Scafl5o.rouglT Jiad themis tdnelioTall :6fqiB U 5Croucrfs. houseilaslweekarwJ dislbcfejlfis siTpIde Dri -JlL Re!tzelwas ()tSindsetlielsipu i-&tjSj? tjie- leler . property on Kini " ah E Lrt)eTly stre'ets;WeJne's-: y. , PLAIN TALK: : " . Plain talk ajboiit - laies! missesl a n d chiltl ren's, coa ts- a pd' coat suits; and spQrCQatstoOJin large -varier ties to felectyour vcjioice. from as nice ariijgoate linie as is in town, at areat jsaying. Tale jt f rom xne call tp'see the; line of i merchapdise at London: Reliable, Store f Rain cpMs thatywlH ?sf a rrthe iatn; 'Underwear of every description trorri the smallest: size, to the; lar.gest -ihe right kirjd V 6 rlghtpncef Vat London's Reliable St&rel-? ALLEY'S All; persons are itjereby'v warned thaifrice1 sleeping-bjfhr 1 1 f1 otner ruDDisri into the; streets p;the City will be en to reed wit 'hh 1 1 tfxrrn Theiost ' cornrlete lineJ of mer chandise that any merchant ' could ever count upon,' weiare rprd to saylthat we have gathered r ipto dur store for this season, .nch dfy any competitive prices-ry tr?n age is solicited on. the merit of the merchandise and prtcesand wV be greatly appreciated at London's Re liable Store: .: , v;. -TbJtadiie?! Stored - v. ' . .7 , . ji tiort. All suchsweepihgs shoufd be bu rned on the . prem ises- V? if ; v ; Sir- ;;Frej teMaiorll . :- '. '. ' 5 ii don's Reliabie St0rey '-jlj .' m N r 'All wool $ si4s.)lac&f ahci Mue7r: worth S4 OOror &2 ' , : - :. rs,, Dora ;Horn ey was : buriedat peep Kiyerchurelvl hu'rsdayf .Mrs. Peep River churc)vThu'rsdav,:iMrs day sold tor ..8,i)UU. 1 he sman The Review eives vou the news each .v.e'ik Horney was a sisterrihrlaw to fwn '!rarrhs road sold ?MWn.e:of't for 1.00 a- vear.'' - " ' : l, .'tc- f .'' ' - W Nice FteficfriSere 'skirts,' Worth 1 w ine baop wHwvi " . iiiiiuf vuai will "flv--- : ' . : i to d b 1 e; you w i t h sewip on button sp ' " . 25c, 50c a(hd S1.00. u . , . "-l- ,5weatjand --dipSyA for . cliildren. ; v" and' fadies. - v " 4 ' " ; ? . !" v Velvets, corduroy,, serge, ging hams, the very kind you need. t - - 1 . ' Hosiery, that vfe guarantee, Hon--: '. ' est silk, Gadet and Granite. Fit :. anyone's p,6cket book as well as the' toot. . ; "'..'"" 1 Visit "The Woman's StoreVyou are always welcome.. " - v- TILLEY'S EMPORIUM No. 121 South Main Street Great Auction Sale Extraordinary My beautiful stock .of watches, jewelry and diamonds I will com nrnce Tuesday, Nov. 4th, 7:30 oVlock and 2:30 and 7:30 every day thereafter to offer and sell to the hialiest bidder anv selection or any article in my store. I have bought too many, goods for my ability to meet payment, hence I make this for relief. So marrv of my g( ods art- tor the selection of ladies. The sale will be conducled as such sales iire handled in large cities a ladies auction sale. Seats will be provided for their comfort and my best goods will be offered and sold at what they viil bring. 1 . have secured the services of the well known autioneer, Col. E. E. Newton, who will con du.t the s-'ile v i h politeness-and dignity. So 1 ask all my cus:omers ',,.f I represent some of the best companiejsVin both line's, doing business in the United States v Will take special pafns in pleasirig(one and all and a trial is earnestly olicited. ; , 3m to attend every session of these 1 sales, 2:30 and 7:30 for a few days only. We will give a number presents to ladies attending sales. First day a beautiful umbrella , vv ill be given to the lady holding, the fortunate number. Watches, dia monds, sleeve buttons, brooches, cnains. cnarms. vo a nuirons. nnej., - - - : - - w i u u mm R02erS CUtlerv. kn ves. forks. SDOOhS Bates, the man who pearl handled vknives, in fact every Joy and ooose nice '.article one could exnect to find gjJJ thlniraeteit in a well appointed jewehy store things known to .. K 1 , . . humAiiity. bterling silver spoon and torks. I nis will be a great chance for your Mother's Christmas presents. Now Lidies and gentlemen do not fail to attend my great offering," you will be' pleasecl at my store on North Main street.' 3ign of red flag. E P. C:nible, Jeweler. Store closes onlv at time of sales. No goods at retaiP all a auction. Offices: Bank1 of Commierce- Building, 2nd Floor Phone orders receive prompt attention. 9. Taylor Insuriaric 'of all. Kinds ' J I ' I'll -55? JMm 1 vm Joy ';UH.- EK (3 "gl II FOURTH SERIES of the Piedmont building 5 Loan Association Will Begin Payments Jan. 1 5th, 1913 t-UK bALt-mre, ciean seeu ti Tve? J.-WrFoiits, Route 3, Bx 27 t - The books zit eii for sub scriptions now. Prepare to build a home by easy pay ments ' or save a few dollars at a good rate of interest. wl c. IDOL, Sec. & Treas. Greatly reduced for the week Our display in'cludes a wide variety of 'the rich new designs and colorings in the season's choicest weaves. The beautiful contrasting colors are a de light to the eye. A Brown and blue ratine, special 75c value 49c Brocade cotton goods in tans, blue's, greys, garnets, in fact' all colors, 35c value, special 21c ; '' , Silk stripe poplins, in all colors, 30c value for 1 9c Boys suits, ages 3 to 18, at: astonishing prices, look' is all we ask 1.50 flouncing in embroidery het, special 79c Our mens department is complete, mens $12 suits, special $7.78 1 lot mens odd pants. $2.00 and $2.50 values, special $1.65 Ladies ribbed underwear 50c value 39c Chjldrens union suits 25c values,. special 19c Coat suits worthirorn 15.00 to 30.00, in aU?colors and sizes, our ; : price from 9.48 to 18 50 " Mens, ladies and childrehs shoes, strictly guaranteed, we sell them for less, a trial win convince you. I Strong and Dtir able Lanterns CaT?;n and Hard Use under All Conditions. Give steady, btight light Easy to light Easy to clean and rewick. Don't smoke. Don't blow put in the wind Don't leak. i4 At dealers everywhere STANDARD OIL COMPANY Washington, D. C Richmondl..Va.. Norfolk. Va. ' (New Jersey) BALTIMORE Charlotte, N.O Charleston, W. Va. Charleston, C 7 LB S. Oh, Fin a Soapmaker all right. And it's so EASY so QUICK! Just dissolve a can of me la a quart of water. Now pour this water into four pounds of melted Grease, no. BOILING at all. And you will have seven pounds of fine, hard soap, 50c. worth, and I only cost 5c, a nickel, a half dime. I am RED DEVIL LYE GET ME AT ANY GOOD STORE SAVE MY LABELS We. clothe your family for less. Satisfaction guaranteed or your v . . times. . :'.":v H ', . Ml we ask is &j Trial. A! OrS THE SQUA RE, That's Ml f 'mmmmmmmm''-' N it how cheap, but how pond ! WV are talking about shoes, i t.u " i'i :!! avs lemernber the quality , ho; r.nt the price Fist of 'all M 1 1 1 ur.ntls ttisra'ciion and we c-n :turt- vou thijs If VOU will c: 11. yi ti. ;.,..! at our- lines of 1 !'tjD in need of any for yourself or iM 'Livi u will be 'convinced that it ; w ? mere talk, but we will show y,-. that we can deliver "the iioods 1 ! ,1'i ility at the most . reasonable, p; s obtainable. Oi.r 25 years of i x -nence in, shoes, of i'ilrereiU brands, . w'e -have se!tej3 i - Oesr on which we can boast.-, n "! v:nt to be on the gain H. just C i!i ;it the London's Reliable St ueji Hals and Caps! . . Call for anv style' and c)lNrVabd any yrade, a!.o any size and at Vny j Yam .mm Tin 1 it at LohdOil ,1.1m ;ror . to 's'Clothinai , , " f'loihing tor the httle feilow a.r) i bi: 'Vltowfrom' size 2 UP to as; rz: -a, H) in luvp.iilp stvle O') ' bleJ - . s ,'.fd and' Norfolks, all 'ith I ... . ' n . . 1 .. i e i' nock er pa wis, in ,. i ' 'e , . y- 'st patterns or. iioods, eaclv anu. everv one of. the 500 suf.s we have stock at the lowest ' pWces ' btyit; IMe. A glance tliem-will con v.nce vou that i.ondonV Reliable; Sff facf . Stick to a Certainty, MJa scr !Me mw mr mr jt nr mrfni r i i . CONSISTS. OF ' Accuracy, Promptness, Courtesy, Confidential ..Treatment and Censervative Financial Aid. Not only are youvassured of all that at tnis bank but the. standing of our depositors and the :, in- . creasing business of the bapk, PROVES our ability to render such service.; Accounts are 1 soiicited from companies. and individuals. : 0 ' AH Tacilities given consistent with conservative banking. r-; - ..... J, , ( 'J Hfixne Banking Company $147,000 dtal'f30d0 'fh Surplus $3,200f Deposif s ' SHJ: .- '- -i .) '.ffc? j. ' V. . - ; - ' , .,'-' -.1 . .. . . v ; ; -. . - t V WRNN President;;- J. K. KtllZLL. Vice-rresiaept .,. : i i viii i.iiiN. cxiasmer.-' ATivi,,.vj"" J; lore is the place to buy boy s - . ' i... msmmu :