Newspaper Page Text
. f Thp Review covers the field WuM ife "High Point for High Point;" that's the Th1 circui""" .,,i ;c- ur. i r . il 4T1I II I 11 ' ' i,ke 1 h ned newspapers of High Point, being thef?mracticanyvry,home in the city and read vertlsers.take notjce slogan. Keep your money in riigr Point; trade with High Point merchants; buy every thing you can in High Point at all times; that's the foundation for a Greater High Point fhe Review is read and appreciated by that large body, of people who buy four-fifths of the goods sold in High Point- the laboring people Pol. 10 No. 25 Hiqh Pointy N. Cl, Thursday November 20, 1913 8 Pages 1 M v H D B E A V A 5 c I eonard T) eavans-. D s tarnej ompany Friday and Sat urday Bargain DAYS On Wool Dress Goods 1 big lot of 50c dress goods for only - 25c Every piece of dress goods cut in price. Come and get your share - of the bargains. A Leonard - Beavans- Siamey Company o A R D J b! E A V A IT S T A M E Y C 0 M. P. CONFERENCE. IN SESSION First Session HeH Rev. C. A' Cecil This Cay, is the President- Large Number1: of Ministers and Dele gates Piesent. The North Carolina Conference of the Methodist Protestant Church is in session here, and will continue f( r the next week. Every train yester day and today brought large num bers of ministers and delegates who are finding conjenial homes in this hospitable city.- Rev. C. A. Cecil of. this city, is president of the Confer ence and will likely be named to succeed himself as a president can serve five years as head of this de nomination in the state. Rev. A. G. Dixon is pastor of North Main Street Church where the-conference sessions are being held. The local church numbers among its mem bership some of High Point's most prominent and substantail citize'n9, having an enrollment at this time of some 300 and a splendid church building. Lately the denomination has had erected a magnificent or- phanage building near town where ample accommodations have been made to care for the unfortunate little ones of the church. Already there are -several domiciled at the home. We trust that the stay of these good people will be both pleas ant and profitable in the fullest sense. K. OF fVS ENTERTAIN JAMES PARKER MEETS DEATH r AT CROSSING " Pav Cash and Save Monev! yOUR SHOE BILL will be 1 rtT-tK TfrUOP( if VOU let US sell you. Why t Because we sell forCasn.. there fore much cheaper than the credit man ! We have what you want the standard brands. Don't you want to be convinced? then come here! Thacker's Shoe Store N. Main St. High Point, N. C. inerv Exclusively 1 9 We carry nothing but Millinery and therefore we are in a position to sell you at the very low est prices at all times. just received 100 untrimmed li li es, a splendid line of the new ts' creations. Oi:r line oi trimmed and un lrimnu d hats are the largest we m- ever had, all styles and prici-s . Our ribbon department is com- Ij'ete at all times. ' Call and see our line before buying elsewhere. The sale of the half interest in the i Ragan-Millis property on North and South main street has been conhrm ed. The Millis he'rs become owners of the Clinard-Staley store building while P. D. Stern of Greensboro bought the four stores on South Main street. Winston put it over on High Point in the football game here Saturday, score 14 to 0. Mr. A. W Pegram has reopened the Star Market on bouih mam street. D. E. Hammer spoke at Archdale Sunday evening before the Christian Endeavor Society. Mrs. Hawkins has gone to Char lotte after a pleasant visit to Mrs. F. N. Tate. If you want to see good pictures go to the Royal. Judge Edmunds announced that he would close the Bellevue hotel fnr 12 months under the Hobgood act which classes it under the indict ment as a public nuisance. An ap peal was taken in this matter as well as for keeping liquor for sale, for which John Ocil, the proprietor, was given 12 months on the road. See Jack Taylor for insurance. The local lodge of Elks will hold ito annual memorial service in the school auditorium at 3 p. m , Sun day Dec. 7th. The mid-winter furniture exposi tion will commence here January 12th. Messrs. Alvinand Ralph Parker and W. Flem Norman have closed Hpfll with the Southern Loan & Trust Co., of Greensboro,' for 68 lots in .Snow Park addition. Five dozen rabbits were killed Tuesday bv Chas. Gurley and an other party, so Gurley says. The Red men will have a banquet Wednesday night, Dec. 3rd. George J ' Gould accomponied by a party of friends, arrived yesterday in Mr. GoukTs private car for a ten days bird hunt. The Southern Express and South ern Railway Companies have been indicted for delivering liquor at High Point. The indictment is f o ri an act of 1907 in conjunction wnn me new webb law. Will Jackson was convicted be fore Judge Edmunds yesterday for retailing iri three cases at the Belle vue hotel and sentenced to 1 months on the ro&d. He appealed. Mr. TilW y of Tilley's Emporium, is witness in a damafge suit at Went- worth this week. "MofTitt Furnishing Co., lias its risual column of facts on first pape. See vhat is iaid. b; Rones' & Soil take a-half pape1 ad with us until' Xmas and your at tention is. -directed to it each week. Leonard-Beavans'-Sraney C., Good' Speaking and "an Enjoyable Banquet Large N a m ber Present Monday night in their lodge foom High Point Lodge -No. 39, K. of P. of Pythias were at home to a num-J hereof invited guests." Chancellor Commander .W. E, Herndon presided and called on several, members and visitors for speeches, viz: Geo. T, Wood, Mayor Fred N. Tate, Col. D, H.Miiton, W. L. Stamey, John Wi Walker. Dr. S. S. Coe, I). E v Ham mer, Dr. W. J. McAnaily; Judge Ed munds, W. P. Ragan.C. E. Keiger.H and others, who spoke along differ ent lines embracing frsterhalism and the good it was doing, The speeches were of a high-order and highly complimented. Cigars were passed during the evening- After the exerctses in thejpdge room all repaired to the American Cafe where a banquet was served and where good fellow ship prevailed in the fullest sense. Some of the toats.were great. At eleven o'clock the merry crowd broke up expressing themselves as highly pleased with the evening's entertainment. THE "TURKEY TRAIN" Morristown, Tenn., Nov. 19. All preparations have been completed bv the tramc and transportation de partments of the Southern Railway for the ODeration of the annual Thanksgiving "Turkey Special" from the great Last Tennessee poultry district to the big Eastern markets. The special, train will start from Johnson City Friday morning, Nov. 21st,running via Morristown and Asheville to Washington over Jhe Southern Railway and from Wash ington to-New York over the Penn sylvania Ralroad. Sunday Night While Attempting to : Catcji a Freight Train Both Legs Cut Off aid Skull Crushed. :. While in the act of catching a Jreighjt train-at the Main street cross ing Sunday night James Parker, son of Mr. and Mrs. T. Lemuel Park er, met an untimely death. His head struck the big switch lamp and befell underneath the wheels of the fast moving train wnich severed 'both legs. He was taken to his home where Dr. D; A. Stanton, railroad physician, attended him, 'the young man dying next morning at one o'clock- Parker with a man by name f Oakes intended "beat ing it to Greensboro. - INTERESTING PROGRAM The nroram of the thinieth an nual session of the NoXh Carolina Teachers' Assembly, to be held in Raleigh, Novemper 26 29, has been sent out to the teachers of the State by Secretary. EE. Sam?, and it shows that great things in the way of in spiration, eolightment, and informa tion are in store for all who ma be able to attend. ATTENDS IMPORTANT MEET- ; ING ... Mr. A. Lyon, president of the Carolina Baseball League, returned last week from Columbus, Ohio, where be attended a meeting of the National Association of Professional Baseball and had the honor of being placed on the auditing committee. G6v. Hooper of Tennessee addressed the-body and tried to get the next meeting for Nashville. Gov. Cox of Ohio welcomed the delegates to Columbus. There were some 400 people in attendance. The Associa tion meets next year in Omaha, Neb. T am selling all mv hats at half price. Miss Venetia Smith. Joseph Robertson and Miss Nettie Robbins were "married Monday at 2 o'clock hy their pastor, kev. L- A, Peeler, after which the young-couple leftJor Randleman to visit- friends. Miss Frldie Hav worth and C. M. Morris were also married byRev. L, A. Peeler at the parsonage" at 3 oolockSunday. - J. W. Harris and J. El wood Cox, have returned from a fox chase at Manchester today. Cards have , been received an nounoVng the marriage of Herman Dupuy Sears and Miss Sarah Ethel Pickett, on the evening of December 3rd, at the First Baptist church, m NOTICE TO ALL TAX PAYERS You arc hereby notified that a 'rebate of oii per cent will be allowed cm alls city taxes, including school taxes, if paid on or before 7:00 P. M, Saturday Sfov29th. During the month of De cember, one one-half of one per cent will be allowed, and beginning with January 1st, ! a penalty of one per cent per month will be added, as pro vided by law. Respectfully, H. C. Field, : CitV Collector, v RediiG STATE IS CALLED TNKS TO GIVE SILVER TEAS Tomorrow evening at the Wash ington street M. E. Parsonage, silver offering. At the residence of Mrs. E. A. Snow tomorrow evening, silver offering. The Mystic Tea by the ladies of South Main Street M. .E. Church was a decided success. Gov. Craig Declares "We are Heirs of a Princeless Heritage" Cus tom of Our Fathers. State of North Carolina Executive Department, Raleigh. A Proclama tion by the Governor. After the harvest is the day of Thanksgiving. Toil has been re warded in manifold abundance; the nation triumphs in progress and pow er. Art altruistic awakening has quickened the conscience of our time; it has commanded the men in high places to nobler conceptions of public duty, and inspired the people with the hope and determination of advancement. Therefore, I, Locke Craig, Governor of the State of North Carolina, in i obedience to the custom established by our fathers, and in accordance with the ProclamaUon of the Presi dent theUnitedStates,do proclaim Thursday, the twenty-seventh day of November, a holiday. I call upon all the people to do no work upon this day; to make this a day of rest and rejoicing, and, in reality, a day of Thanksgiving. I earnestly hope that the day will be fully observed by the famers, merchants, mechanics, manufac. lion Sale of Woolen Dress Goods this city after which a reception j turers and by the men, women and Bradner & Pearsall New Gents Furnishing Store is now. open for Business in Sherrod Bldg. Commerce St. ... :. Ready for Business Miss Venetia Smith The Milliner. S. Main St. wants ic-e our clubbing offers elsewhere t.'-e best chance you will .ever nave. Pead all the ads in The Reveiwv VOUr DUSineSS aUU O iiiarvui ! attractive .piccs- in ad on Ist-page. The Fair, oh the square,; nasr an interesting "talk'' for you today. LJok it up. . ' Better pay what you owe on The r..:.., r.H vear in advance in ...t t U oHviintaaft of the Sl.UU i "ic aftpr that the rate umu : price is $1.50. We carry a full line of Boys and Gents Furnish ings at all times. Clothing, Shoes, Hats, Shirts, Collars, lies, Socks, Underwear, Etc , We carry what you want from the medium to jthe fancy articles of wear. Give us a call. We strive to please at all times. will be given at the home of the bride. The teachers of all the graded schools iu the city will meet at Elm street school next Friday. Prof. Thornwell Haynes will address that body of teachers on ''Everyday Problems in Teaching. The city schools held their fire drills Monday. The Elm street build ing was vacated by 500 children in one minuie: while the South Main street school made their exit, with 700 pupils, in three minutes. See Staley's watch offer did you ever see such a bargain, a w atch for $15.00 worth about double the price. The Central Foundry and Machine Co., is in bankruptcy. Mr. Wilkes McClave is the proprietor. Are you" going to Richmond to see the annual football game between 1 North Carolina and Virginia. All hats at half price at Miss Venetia Smith's. Gontin net Brad & Pearsall Gents and Boys Furnishings Commerce St. Sherrod Bldg. THB LITTLE RED' CROSS SEALS. This year promises to be a ban ner year in tha sale of Red Cross Seals in Nonh Carolina. This means that people all over the State are taking great interest in the fight against tuberculosis, as the seals are sold wholly to help on this worK. LeetB. Myers, the Secretary of the State Red Cross Seal Committee, stated today that sixty-five, cities have ordered thus far more than one million seals and many more orders are expected to come in ; in the, next few w eeks. The, Secretary has just completed a trip through cities in the eastern part of the btate, ana reports great interest every where in the anti-tuberculosis work. One in teresting feature of the campaign, is the interest -shown by church or ganizations 'andVeveral hundred pastors of the State will preach ser monsthis year on the humanitarian side of tuberculosis work. High Point has ordered 25000 of the seals. - '"' A ioint meeting of the County Board of Commissioners, Board of Health, and Board of Education was recently held in Nashville to discuss the advisability of employing- a comnetent Dh vsician to devote his entire time to the prevention of v sickness. IuYPve'r'bebbiogly 1 decided bv the boards that this be made for children in all ranks and occupa tions. -I call upon the people to assemble in their nlaces of worshio that they mav in reverence express to the Al-j mighty their gratitude and , taitn that human sympathies may be en larged and the bonds of brother hood acknowledged and strengthen ed. - Let us remember the poor and unfortunate, and realize that it is more biessed to give . than io re- j ceive. We are the heirs of a priceless heritage, and let us hope and strive that in this common-wealth right eousness may be exalted, and that to all men may come a full measure of justice, which is grander benevol ence, more august than charity." , Done in our City of Raleigh, on this the twelfth day of November, in the year of our Lord one thousand J nine hundred and thirteen, ana; in the one hundred and eighty-eighth year ot our American Independence. LOCKE CRAIG, Governor. JNO.P. KERR, Private Secretary. ues this i Week 1 J. C. Boufdin has received word from his father, W L. Bouldin, who is in the hospital at Baltimore, that he stood his trip well and will ue examined at once for an operation. NEW ADS THIS WEEK MofTitt Furnishing Co , 1st page, Leonard-BeaVans-Stamey Co., 1st page. The Fair," 4th page. . Munford's. Cash Store, 4th page. D. F. St'aley, jeweler, 8th page. ' Thacker's Shoe Store, 1st age. D Rones & Son , 3rd page. . Goose Grease Co., 3rd page. Meyer's Department Store, 6th oage. . ' Tilley's Emporium, 6th page, l.uzianne Coffee, 4th page."" Standard Oil Co.. 5th page. Bradner & Pearsall lst-8th pages ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE Ha vine nualified as Administratrix of the estate of J. W. Witcher, deceased, iate of Guilford County, North Carolina, this is to nrttifv all persons havine claims aeainst the estate of said deceased to exhibit them, duly verified, to the undersigned, or to my attor ney D. H. Parsors,.Hih Point, N. C. on or befob the3Gth,. day of; Oct, 1914, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. AH persons indebted to said estate wiU please make immediate payment. ' - Mary' L Witcher, Administratrix of J.W. Witcher, deceased All 50c . Woolen Dress . Soods s i.:ryL.-.i-;.--c Now 'Inrip Rft nrovisinn was the employment )f such-an officer. This Oct. 30thy i9i3. no rWf Furnishing Gompany: 'A .r I V:' r ' ,