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Newspaper Page Text
' -I, - LEE MERIDETH FOUND GUILTY OF MURDER. A verdict of guilty of murder in the second degree was reported Thursday afternoon by the Superior court jury against Lee Merideth, of High Point, for the killing of Mrs. Elizabeth Clark. Merideth is a youth about 19 years of age, and the killing occurred last fall at the home of Mrs. Clark in High Point. It was claimed by the defendant that the shooting was an accident and he denied there was any reason for committing the act. Evidence for the defense was that Mrs. Clark was standing in the room while he was cleaning a gun and that he accidentally pulled the trig ger. The state brought evidence to the effect that more than one ver sion had been given by Merideth. Do You Want a Free Dinner? 1 want anyone that knows of any- : v. nltiT that- ic rtrtrir miH that UllC 1U IUC ltJT lllUl jyvrvri. ( wnnld likrt a free dinner on Xmas to send me their names street and number. Captain W. A. Crandall. Carter Convicted in Georgia Court. Asheville, Dec. 15 It is learned here today that John H. Carter, formerly president of the American National bank here, was convicted Saturday in the Circuit court of Gilmer county, Georgia, and sen tenced to serve two years on the county chaingag. He appealed to the Supreme court of Georgia The charge against Mr. Carter in Georgia was that he hypothecated about $8,000 worth of securities belonging to small banks and wrongfully ap propriated it to hi9 own use. News from Washington today is to the effect that the appeal taken here in District court, in which the government had attempted to have decisions of Judge Boyd reversed in regard to misappropriating the funds 'of the American National bank, has not been upheld before the Supreme court of the United States, owing to the fact that Judge Boyd did not state reasons why tae counts had been thrown out. Sylvia Introduces "No Sieep Strike' London, Dec. 15. Miss Sly via Pankhurst, the militant suffragist agitator, since her arrest on Decern ber 10 has adopted the more Jr.tsiic method ofaddinga "no sleep strike'' to her "hunger and thirst strike.'' In order to force the prison authori ties to release her. She accomplish es this by walking continually. Her condition already is aggravated and her friends expect her release short ly. The oolice. however, plan to keep both Miss Pankhurst and her mother in jail until alter today's weekly meeting of the women's social and political union. In the meantime the militants con tinue their violent tactics, The ar son squad last night burned down an empty mansion near Bristol. An other party broke every window in the Richmond police station. Durable Xmas Presents at H. A. Moffitt's Store. Will Attend Big Pythian Jubilee at Washington. Monday night at a meeting of High Point-Lodge No. 39, K. of P. delegates were named to attend theTiftieth anniversary of the order in Washington City, Feb. 19th and 20th. Three will go from this lodge, Messers. John W. Walker and C. E. Kieger, representing the lodge, and W.L. Stamey, as a member of the Grand Lodge of North Carolina. The occasion will be one of the most important in the history of fraternal orders and wiil be attended by men of prominence all over the country, from the highest officers to 'the pri vate. Some rive thousand are ex pected to be in attendance. Hon. Woodrow Wilsor, president of the Unitod States, will address the body and lafer receive them. Hon. Wil liam Jennings Bryan will speak be fore the members and other big guns will be on hand. Two of the sur vivors of the original lodge which Rathbone instituted will be in at tendance. Both live in Washington and are the only living members of the Rathbone lodge. THE REVIEW, THURSDAY, DECEMBEK ism, Closing Out Sale Visit the store of E. M. Brower on the corner of North' Main and West Washington streets for your Xmas toys of all description, Dolls from 5c to $1.00. -' ; h TEN pure silk Knit Neckties for $2.00 at Mattock's. Shoes, hats, underwear, etc., at the lowest price possible at E. M. Browers, on the corner. v We save you real money. tf LOW ROUND TRIP RATES ACCOUNT XMAS AND NEW YEARS HOLIDAYS VIA NOROLK SOU THERN R. R. Ask nearet Aent tor complete in formation, H. S. Leard, G. P.. A, Norfolk, Va. Xmas Presents Mesh Bags. $1.93 to $4.98. Gold and Silver Handle Umbrellas at $3.50 and $5.00; Bed Room Slippers 75c and $1.00 pair; Silk Mufflers at 1.00 each; Children's Kid Gloves, Boy's Kid Gloves. Ladies' Kid Gloves, $1.00 pair; Mei's Fancy Neckties; Ladies' Shirt Waists in holly boxes, Silk Scarts 50c to 98c at H. A. Moffitt's Popular Price Store. DON'T YOU WANT A PEN? If you want a good fountain . pen, stylographic pen, gold pens, ink, pencils or the like, write The Weid lich and Simpson Pen Co., of Cin cinnati, Ohio, S. E. Cor., 5th and Sycamore streets, and thev will send you something interesting. Don't put it off do it today. We direct attention to the ad of Tilley's Emporium in this issue. This store is selling out and the tremendous crowds attending the sale speak more eloquently than words that big bargains are being secured and that Mr. Tilley means exactly what he says selling out to quit. n n S g.g g.s p M - rt r - 3 i ' ? 3- ci 6 c-T H i 3 L-) CD 3 P C- C o w 3" zr a CA1 rt n "X O. a Q- I 1 3 s4 - 3 w m O p !Trt a - P S3 3 7 arq n rs T C3 r3 CO C5 w rt -r p rr w DEBATE AT JAMESTOWN. There was a public debate in the Jamestown High school auditorium Tuesday night, Dec. 16; between the junior and senior classes. Th- question for debate was ' Resolved, That foreign immigration to the United States should be further re stricted by the imposition of an educational test. The senior speak ers, David Coltrane, James Groome and Mamie Gray, upheld the affir mative side of the question, while the junior speakers, Clyde Ridge, Harvie Williard and Rennie Gibbons, presented the negative argument. Odd Fellows Dav at Rose Thursday The Rose Theater will run Thurs day that magnificent reproduction of Bibical history, in two most mir aculous and thrilling events, in two reels, 2000 fet, of the "Child ren of Israel in the Fiery Furnace" and "Daniel Cast into the Lion s Den." These two great pictures were written by the Rev. Madison C. Peters, said to be one of the abl est ministers in the United States and was acted out by the Vitagraph Co. at an expense of oU.uUU. These special pictures are for the special and exclusive service of the General Film Co. and not put in the regular service bu charged extra by all theaters.7 Thre have been mil lions of sermons preached from the Bible taking as subject matter these two great pictures, and anyone who misses seeing them will miss two of the highest class Biblical pictures that nave ever Deen produced Dy man, up-to date. Every minister of the city invited to see these pic tures free of charge Thursday, The price will be lOoto everyone except ministers who are admitted free.: . Now don't forget that this is for the benefit oi the Odd Fellows of this city in behalf of, the orphan children, to help pay off the indebt edness of the home at Goldsboro. ODD FELLOWS OF HIGH POINT t - 2.w-a 3 5 3 CD cr o o o CD o CD o o oil cd q CO cr o o o CO ' ft ":. r - r CD p a c; n z2. C P o 3 ' a M -i a C , 3 t rt p ( r P. O o . -t o - 3. oo 2. i r-r rt m td rt 3 P O 2 3 ' p 2- ft 55 r,rt 3 P o o - IT' CD w 3 co - O 2 S rc p- co 3 n ji rt rc a 3 3 rt rt 3- g 3 rt r! i ft ?2 o.3 s.2-H i i ' -v. P. CO Qra t o o 3 3 ? 3" . M. p . i rt a f . a CO r-f- CO CO of Coats and Coat Suits,. $15.00 Coats now going at $7.50;rWA5U Coats at $8.00; $5.00 values at $3.50 at H. A. MOFF1TTS. See our immense line of dolls at any price you want, from 5c up. More value for your money: than anywhere else. E. M. Browers store. Don't forget' to visit the Rose Theater during, the holidays. High class special pictures ordered for these days. For Your Xmas Candies Come to us. The Biggest Bar gains inChrist- mas candies you ever saw, Reduced in price, but strong in quali ty, for the holiday trade. . Fancy box candies of all kinds. Loose and bulk candy of every description from 10c pound up Made in our'own kitchen, clean, pure, wholesome and healthful. Eat the best, come to us, High Point Candy Co. North Main Street Special Holiday Goods at Special prices THE CHRISTM AS SPIRIT is in the air at D. Rones & Son and the Holiday Shopper will find in pur store a more complete 1 and sumr tuous assortment of gifts than ever before. We Have this year antici pated that this will be the greatest gift-giving season in our history. We have made preparations as nev er: before to meet every demand of the discriminating buyer. We offer below a few suggestions to aid the Christmas Shopper. Diamonds of that superiority of quality and beauty always associat ed with our name lavaiiieres, rings, lockets, etc , with diamonds. Silver novelties a multitude of novelties in sterling, practical and useful gifts at "all prices from one dollar up. Match cases, cigar cut ters, letter openers, cigar cases, mil itary sets and brushes, etc. All engraving free. Open every night until Xmas. D. Rones & Son, Phone 625. 115 N. Main St. Do Your ShoppiugNOW ! .. Toys of all Descriptions at Moore's Book and Toy Store, North Main Street: $1.00 pr. of Heavy Cotton Blank ets, $1.25 values now 85c pair Wool Blankets $1.98 pair; 100 pail odds and ends in Ladies' and Child ren's shoes "at almost 12 price at H. A. MQFF1TTS. The Manufacturers Club had its annual reception last . Friday night to which a goodly riu mber assemb- ed. ? THE RING DRUG CO e KDexall Store Park & Tilford's fine candies. Toilet goods, etc Agents for Van Lindley's cut flow ers. "Ring Drug Co High Point, N. C. i Xif id xh't vi in 7T C r fl We have many things useful for HIM or HER that will make appropriate Xmas presents. The people are buying useful gifts because they are appreciated longer. Why n o t b u y something like this for Your loved one? Hats for men, wo men and children. Sboes for Men, Women and Children. Coats and Coat Suits for women and children. Clothing for men and boys. In fact we carry everything needed for man, woman or child to dress you from head to foot for less than the other fellow. Will pay you to come and see how low we have triced our goods. Extra special prices on un derwear, 25c underwear 18c: 50c kind 33c. Don't be misled by big signs, better bargains await you at our store' around the corner on Last Washington street Solomon Robinowitz East Wash, St., High Point. N C BUY YOUR XMAS HAT ) iffy fix f fx fix fix fix fix fx fix fix fix fix fix fx m fix M k Below Cost What more ap propriate gift could you make your mother, sister, or friend, than a nice hat, plume or fur set? We have a beautiful, full line of plumes, rib bons, hats, fur sets; for your inspection. Our long experience enables us to serve you intelligently and well. We are headquarters for rib bons of all kinds. Remember all Hats at and below cost. The only EXCLUSIVE millinery store in the c'ty, therefore sell cheaper. Come to see us, always glad to show you. id ZTZ id) Mi TIA Milliaer, South Main Street bMl 1 it f$x Phone 707 f5 Honrs 8 A. M. to 8 P. M. Denistry 9 o ITS l?l THE SUCTtOtf THEY NEVER 8L!P OR DROP By the latest and most improv- au ed methods. A' If Crown and bridge work, gold inlays, plates, etc. Best work, lowest prices. Cleanliness and sterilization Come in and let us examine and give you an estimate on your work during the holidays. .4 4h iglt Point Beritaygffi New Richardson Bldg. 135 1-2 S. Main St. I A !AI Ao 4a A A a ia 4 i VI i i a S4io r w, pyj- 9vy eyy ozi ov' ox