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Newspaper Page Text
V-T. T iliW A? fttje "$ensilar" gtore 2 The Haunt Drug Go For Your Xmas Gifts in Our Line Cigars all the leading brands, put up in Xmas packages, 50c up. Mnpes ana looaccos 01 an Kinas. M Candies Norris' Exquisite, all size packages; the HJ best sweets for mi-lady none so good. l Toilet Articles, full assortment. Perfumes, all size il packages: Mary Garden,Haubigant's,Hudnuts and Van (1 tine's, and other preparations of these celebrated per fi fume makers Soaps, Cold Creams, Toilet Waters, Etc. W Combs, Brushes and Mirrors, in Pyralin and Ivory goods. f Conklin's Self-Filling Guaranteed Fountain Pens, the very thing for a Christmas f present for HIM or HER. Don't forget the Big Grafanola Prize Contest closes the night of Dec. 25th. First Prize $200. Grafanola; Second $75.00 Sewing Machine; Third Ladies $25.00 gold watch; Fourth Ladies $20.00 gold watch; Fifth Ladies Silver Toilet Set. Prescriptions carefully compounded by registered pharmacists. 14 THE HART DRUG CO. Next to the Postoffice Start Tout Loved One on the Road to JVealth! Encourage HIM or HER to become independent through a BANK ACCOUNT. Money in the bank to the credit of a person takes care of the "rainy day" the reverses and the misfortunes that make up the av erage life. Start a an Account for a Christmas tt r 'resent From a Dollar up we will enter you in the happy throng of money-savers, give you a nice book with the amount you deposit and the party's name thereon. You hand this Christmas morning to your son, daugh ter, wife, mother, friend or sweetheart, and we venture to say that no better gift could be made, to say noth ing of the inspiration the party will receive by the gift, which in itself says: "Put your savings in the HOME BANKING CO. where it will draw FOUR per cent, in terest, compounded. Won't you try the plan and see how well It works will be glad to answer all enquiries. HOME BANKING COM PANT D. H. MILTON, Cashier EDGAR HATCHER, JR., Asst. Cashier All Accounts, large or small, solicited. "he Goods Regardless of Cost Get them :at Your Own price u St SO FULL LINE OF HIGH GRADE JEWELRY Watches, Diamonds, Cut Glass, Bracelets, Mesh Bags, Lockets, Chains, Stick Pins, Umbrellas In fact any and everything kept in a First-Class Jewelry Store We mean just what we say the goods Must Go! We have hundreds of the prettiest and most appropriate gifts that You can buy for much less than they are worth. Come to our store and we will convince you that you can buy here for half the price generally charged. Fancy fmld Handled Scissors With Subsci iption Visit the Royal for the Best in Moving Pictures Special Features during the holidays AN IDEAL XMAS FKESENT Something that every woman wants The pictures here give only a faint idea of their beauty and durability. No such scissors ever offered you before. An inexpensive present that will be thoroughly appreciated. I hey are going fast, better get yours today. OUR OFFER For $1.28 we will give ou a pair of the 8-inch scissors and for $1.32 a pair of the 10-inch scissors AND The Review until January 1915. Take your choice of the scissors. They are made accurately and cut perfectly and will prove a joy for ever to your mother, sister, wife, daughter, aunt, sweetheart, or friend We are anxious to show you. F. PCAUB H Jeweler 215 North Main Street Everything for your comfort Nothing too good for our patrons is our watchword Rbyal Theater Ms Jllk . The price of the scissors alone are $1.50. so you get them for. less than nothing by subscribing to The Review. It's more subscriptions we are after and are willing to let you have these valuable articles in connection with The Review without cost. i Phone, mail or bring your orders at once. is the place , the People's Paper