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Newspaper Page Text
Two New Guns For Sale at a Bar . -. nam. I have for sale a visible Loading ffss. IF Repeating Rifle, 22 calibre, worth $10.00, Never been used, latest model, just from factory, will sell for S7.50 One single barrel - hammerless shot gun, the latest pattern never been used, worth $12.bU, will sell for 9.25. NEW ORLEANS W. L. Stamey, Review Office. ii!liii(i!fi!i!l?!!iPii L THIS IS THE FIRM who ten years ago reasoned " People come miles to get a taste of . real ' New Orleans Coffee they've heard so much of its remarkable and peculiar goodness. Why not send it to them place it within reach of everybody, no matter at what distance ?" The result was Now the most popular, the most called-for brand on the market. Mapy imitators have since come upon the scene, but after you once know Luzidnne you will never be de ceived by the " just as good " argu ment of its imitators. SOLD EVERYWHERE The Reily-Taylor Co., New Orleans, U. S. A- 'jjjjmt p J flftr Oh, Fni a Soapmaker all right. And it's so EASY--so QUICK! i . ' . Just dissolve a can of ire in a quart of water. Now ' i-' pGl'rntf'is. water into four pounds of melted Grease. V no DO i LING at ail. I d yOU wiI1 have seven Pounds of fine, hard soap, 9 M 50c. worth, and I only cost 5c, a nickel, a half dime. f I am RED DEVIL LYE J GET ME AT ANY GOOD STORE c.SAVE MY K 5c. jma w II Tl era 11 Damn Eg CONSISTS OF Accuracy , Promptness. Courtesy, Confidential 'I jratment and--Conservative Fin mci 1 Aid. Not only are you assured of all that at tlis bank but the standing of our depositors and the in-;, leasing business of the bank PROVES our ability to render such service. Accounts are solicited from companies and individuals. All facilities given consistent with conservative banking. Home Bonking Company Capital $30,000 Surplus $3,200 Deposits $147,000 F. WRENN. President JL R.' REITZEL, Vice-President MILTON, Cashier H. E MONTalwoER, Ass't Cashier J C. WELCH, 2nd Vice-President . King of Externals Is the Original in the field of external rem edies for all forms of inflammation such as pneumonia, croup and colds. Nothing can approach Gowans. It stands supreme. We have been selling Gowans Preparation for Pneumonia and Colds ever since it was put on the market, and have found it one of our most satisfactory sellers, CA RPENTER BROS., Wholesale and Retail Druggists, Greenville, S. C, July V, 1910. BUY TO-DAY! HAVE IT IN THE HOME All Druftftiats. $1. 50c. 25c. GOWAN MEDICAL CO.. Guaranteed, and money refunded by yeur DrogBAi FOR SALE Leap's Prolific seed wheat, re cleaned, Appier Cats. Red Multiplyer Onion sets. W. L.KIVETT. o 2-tf. The. scissors tl at The.Riview is giving away are guaranteed by the manufacturer to be plated with pue gold 22 Uarat fine, beautiful fai.y handles, etc. If you miss this,ou lose much. Stomach Troubles Dbappear Stom ich, liver and kidney troubles weak nerves, lame back and female ills disappear when Electric Bitters ar.e used. Thousands of women would not be without a bottle in their home. Eliza Pool of Deew, Okla. writes: "Electric Bittcs rais ed me trom a bed of sickness and! suffering and has done me a world of good. I wish every suffering woman could use this excellent remedy and find out, as 1 did, just how good it is." As it has helped thousands of others, it surely u i do the same fonyou. Every Dottle guaranteed, 50c and $1.00. At all Druggists. H. E. Bucklen & Co. Philadelphia or St. Louis. . Constipation Poisons You If you are "constipated, your en tire system is poisoned by the waste matter Uept in the body s?rious if suits follcw. Use Dr. King's iNew Life Pills and you will soon get rid of eonstitpa'tion, headnche'and other troubles.-- 25c at Druggists or bv 3 man n. t. tsucKien oc .o., rniia. oc St. Louis. Holiday Rate . j For the Christmas and New Year 1 holidays the Soutber.j Railway will j Hi sell round trip ticket at greatly re duced fares. Dates of sale Decem ber 17th to. 25th, December 31st, 1913 and January 1st, 1914. which final return lit it January 6lh, 1914. ; For lurtiVr and detailed informa tion app!y to any Southern Railway Ticket Agent. : Dr. Hobson'b Oil tment Heals Itchy i Eczema ' i The constantly itching, .burning j sensation and . "other disagreeable forms'of tczt ma , tetter, salt rheum isf and skin eruptions promptly cured by Dr. H bson's Eczema Ointment. Geo. VV. Fiich of MenJota, ,111. says: "1 purchased a box of Dr. Hobson's Eczema Ointmenf; Have had Ec zema ever since the civil war, have 1 een treated by many doctors none Hi m have givt n t he benefit that one box of Dr. Hobson's Eczema Ointment1 has.' Every sufferer shouid try it. We're so positive it will help you we guarantee it or money refunded. At all Druggists' or by mail '50c. Pfeiffer Chemical Co. Philadelphia & St. Louis. J. W. SECHREST Funeral Director and Embalmer Dealers in Pictures, Mouldings, Mirror and Picture Frames Our picture department is complete with all the latest styles in mould ing and pictures. Over 200 patterns C A L L TO SEE US The Darvineaux Studio High Class PHOTOGRAPHY At Reasonable Prices Studio over the Royal Theater to) I Ill Appropriate Xmas G i fts As the holidays are drawing near, we desire to call your attention to the large and most beautiful selection of Yuletide Gifts ever assembled in High Point and also invite your most critical inspection.. We are as usual fortunate in securing the choice of the market. , . In this assortment we feel confident that we can please and satisfy the taste of the most particular and discerning customer who demands the best the Jewelei can produce. Diamonds for Christmas gifts may be purchased from our stock by any one, whether they wish to spend a few dollars or hun dreds. Our stock consists entirely of fine white stones. Be sure to see-our complete stock of High Grade Jewelry soon. Anything in jewelry bought at Staley's Store is always appreciated more because Staley's Stamp stands for quality, 2). F. STALEY, Jeweler 106 N Main St. Hih Point, N. C. y y II W .,.,. , u on., , ,,,,,-,, i 7 The Difference Between 35 and 15 is what we save you on your clothes Men, Dont be Misled by High-Priced " Tailors ! We have pleased thousands, why not you ? Positively Guaranteed a fit, please you or money refunded VALUES - $25, $30. to Order Suit 5,000 styles to select from in the newest Grays, Browns, Steels Im- ported S33t3h rAT33ifsilk Worsteds, Fancy Blues. Blue berges, Fancy Black ani Blank firdfi Rliif fippvs Pumia ri j Harebones in all colors, and Unfinished worsteds in any style weight color or design, they are here at your disposal. ' W-' v v-XVTJ JL Ul LIVj 1 il. - Ti III I i-i I II I W Tf- SI R 114 S. w U WW Nearby Stores, Greensboro, Durham, Winston Salem, Wilmington, Charlotte, N. C, Danville, Va. $35, $40, $45, - VALUES rat LrY to your easure Mairi Street Wo I Urn Pi PI PI