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THE REVIEW, HIGH POINT, NORTH CAROLINA. Find Out For Your self At Our Bisk ! Just How Good the Parker Lucky Curve Fountain Pea Is ! We know that the best way to show you how much better tjie Parker Lucky Curve Fountain Pen is than any other fountain pen, is to let you give it an actual trial. So we will allow you to pick out any Parker Pen from our assortment, take it away, and use it for ten days to see how you like it. When you take the pen away you leave its price as a deposit, but if after ten days use you are not thoroughly satisfied in every respect, and do not want to keep the pen, bring it back and your deposit money will be returned cheerfully and without argument. That certainly gives you every chance to prove our claim that the Lucky Curve whieh stops the leak is the biggest improvement ever m de in fountain pens, and that the Parker Lucky Curve Fountain Pen is the best your money can buy. We have a very large as sortment for your selection. Always pleased to show our goods. D. F. Staley, Jeweler 14 years in the Jewelry Business in High Point. ANNOUNCEMENTS FOR COUNTY TREASURER. To the Democratic voters of Guilford county: I hereby announce myself a candidate for the Democratic nomination for the office of county treasurer, subjeet to the action of the primary election to be held May 16, 1914. J. H. BARKER, Summerfield, N. C. TO THE VOTFRS OF GUILFORD COUNTY. I hjreby announce myself as a can didate for the office of Register of Deeds subject to the primaries of Guilford County to be held on May 16th. 1914. W. H. R NKIN. " FOR CLERK SUPERIOR COURT. To the voters of Guilford County: I hereby announce my candidacy for the Democratic no mination for the office of Clerk of the Superior Court, subject to the primary election to be held May MASON W. GANT.SGreensboro, N. C. FOR SHERIFF OF GUILFORD COUNTY. To the voters of Guilford County: I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of Sheriff of Guilford County subject to the primary to be held May 16, 1914. D. B. STAFFORD, Greensboro, N. C. FOR COUNTY 1 REASURER. To the voters of Guilford County: I hereby announce myself a candidate for the Democratic nomination for the office of county treasurer, subject to the will of the primary election to be held May 16, 1914. Respectfully, G. H. McKINNEY, Greensboro, N. C. The Pick of Them All It is hard to always selct the very best combination of papers and magazines for spring and summer reading, but you will find these three hard to beat. Look at the Saving, too The Review price $1.00 a year, Hol land's Magazine, monthly 51.00 a year. Farm and Ranch, weekly $1.00 a year. To You Until De , 1914 for Only 85c Bring or send your order for this combination at once and let us send them to you. New subscriptions only accepted on this offer. Tell Your Friends About It THE REVIEW HIGH POINT, N. C f his Is Cyrus O. Bates, the man who advertises Mother's loy and Goose Urease Liniment, two of the greatest things known to humanity. Mother's AtGfWt Grain Privileges MONEY IN WHEAT Puts and calls are the safest and surest method of trading in wheat, corn or oats. Because your loss is absolutely limited to the amount bought. Fo further risk. Positively the most profitable way of trading. Open an account. You can buy 10 puts or 10 calls on 10,000 bushels grain for $10, or you can buy both for $20, or as many more as you wish. An advance or decline of 1 cent gives you the chance to take $100. profit.- A movement of 5 cents $500 profit. Write for full particulars and bank references. R. W. NEUMANN New First National Bank Building Columbus, Ohio Address all mail to Lock Box 1420 EASY TO DARKEN GRAY HAIR When your hair turns cray. streaked with array white, faded, brittle, faPinc ut. itchir. j scalr or dandruff, try the following: On retiring rue Q-Ban like a shampoo on hair and scalp. Bj mor ing the gray has disappeared and anothei application or two of Q-Ba- the hair is beauti fully darkened and becomes fluffy glossy anc luxuriant with real hair health. Itching and dandruff have stopped. Q-Ban stops tailing hair and promotes its growth. Q-Ban is not sticky and messy, and can not injure the hail scalp. Delightful to use and sure to darken graly hair so evenly and naturally no one can tell 50c for a 7 oz, bottle. Hart Drug Co., High Point, N. C. We have it in all grades. Better put in your winter's supply before prices advance High Point Ice & Fuel Company Both Phones 109 call ia BECK THE PLUMBER He Knows How, Redding Bldg. J. W. SECUREST Funeral Director and Embalmer Dealers in Pictures, Mouldings, Mirror and Picture Frames Our picture department is complete with all the latest styles in mould ing and pictures. Over 200 patterns CALL TO SEE US Garden Seeds The Kind That Grow MATT Drug American Cafe First class in the truest sense. 'i Meals at all Hours. Choicest meats, fish, oys ters, etc., from my market daily. Give me a trial, I am sure you will be pleased. R. W GRAY Prop. American Cafe. Opposite Postoff Ice. S. Main St. , I IN OUR CARPET DEPARTMENT We are making a grand showing of high grade carpets and rugs at unusuaily tow prices even for this time of year. We have patterns that are the very latest in style and in colorings and are bound to please the most exacting customer. Linoleums, oil cloths, mattings, too, at prices way down to bedrock. It is a great i:ime for bargains. Halt wool ingrain carpet at 38c and 44c per yd. , All Wool Ingrain carpet at 48c and 54c yd. Good mattings 13c, 15c, 18c, 20c and 22cyd Floor oil cloth 24c, 28c, and 30c yd. Linoleum, good quality 48c yd. 9x12 Brussels and Velvet Rugs only $13.98. 36x72 Brussels and Velvet rugs only $2 79. 27x54 Brussels and Velvet rugs only $1.79. W. T. KIRKMAN & CO. John W. Walker, High Point, N. C. Trade at Home With Your Home Merchants and Thus Help to Make High Point Greater J. E. GUV. (Basement Flwood Hotel.) THE CLOTH EOLOGlSr. If your cl thes need altenng, Right is right Wrong is wrong If vour clothes need pr ssing give us a trial and thev will look new all the while. Tailoring, Dry ( leaning, Dyeing and French Dry Cleanings Ladies' Work a Specialty. Work called for and delivered to any partof the City. Phone, North State. 250. Cigars WATER AND LIGHTS l"R!.STATE ASSOCIATION HOLDS ITS FOURTH ANNUAL CON VENTION IN ATLANTA. NEW OFFICERS ARE ELECTED Prominent Speakers Urge the Con servation of the South's Many Re sources. Resolve to Enlarge the Scope of Its Work Over South. Atlanta, Ga. Scientific and practi ;al business problems involved in the nanagement of water and light plants ;vere discussed at the session here of ;he fourth annual convention of the Tri-State Water and Light Associa, :ion of the Carolinas and Georgia. Scores of members from every section )f the three states were in attendance The annual address of President A. F. Sproiles was the principal feature 3f the session Included in the program were ad Iresses by H. W. Graves, chief for ?ster of the Federal Department of Agriculture, and M. F. Coun, of Philar ielphia. Mr. Graves appealed to members of thetassociation and to the south gen ?rally to prevent serious injury to southern industrial- development by affording better protection for the forests, farms and mineral resources. He praised the marked advance in in dustrial enterprise which he said was svident in the south and declared conditions of today only approached the threshold of possible develop ment. "Serious injury to the industrial development of the south can be pre vented by adopting right measures now," 3aid Mr. Graves. "The Nation al forest reservation commission has approved the purchase of 120,700 acres in North Carolina at a total cost of $924,539; of 23,286 acres in South Carolina at a cost of $128,157; and of 96,132 acres in Georgia at a cost of $622,654. These Government for ests, however, will form only a very small portion of the forest area which must be protected. A consid erable number of states have made a beginning to meet this problem." Mr. Graves said the engineer and the forester "must work hand in the hand if our river system is to be con verted from sources of danger and ex pense to one of the highest useful ness." The following officers were elected: President, F. C. Wyse, Columbia, S. C; first vice president, J. W. Neave: Salisbury, N. C; second vice presi dent, Hugh Hill, West Point, Ga. ; third vice president, E. R. Fluke, Sparta, Ga. ; secretary-treasurer, J. C. Barnwell, Rock Hill, S. C. N. C. Postmasters Appointed. Washington. At Grassy Creek, Ed ward D. Greer; Lewisville, John T. Poindexter; Lilesville, Robert L. Lind sey; Moores Springs, William G. Moore; ?Proctorville, Pearson P. Smith; Thurmond.. James A. Thomp son ; Westfield, Bertie E. Dix ; Yan ceyville, Henry W. Perry; Ararat Thomas W. Bryant; Climax, Malcolm L. Allred, Crutchfield, eThomas S. Draughn; Glenwood, Walter O. Ash worth; Legerwood, Joseph H. Elliotti McLeansville, Peter V. Boone; North side, William H. Fleming; Pates Hugh Monroe; Sandy Ridge, Cabel Hall; Co!fax, W. E. Bowman, Caro leen, William C. Lynch; Bahama, Ad olphus W. Tilley; Bear Creek, Grovei C. Phillips; Bonlee, Benjamin H Waddell; Dallas, Robert S. Lewis; Denton, John E. Varner; Essex, Lu ther E. Williams; Milton L. Kendall; Holly Spring, James C. Adams; Ju lian, Eva L. Whitaker; Kelford, Wal ter R. Brown; Lewiston, John B Saunders; Lowgap, Joseph L. Cocker ham; Mayodan, H. Roy Martin; Price John W. Price ; Ruffin, J. Benton Sta ley; Stantonsburg, Romulus T. Bea man; Stem, William A. Brinkley; Whitsett, James H. Joyner; Wilkes boro, Norman O. Smoak; Woodland Kate N. Griffin. Miss Wychie is Honored. Ralein. Miss M. L. Wychie, ol Raleigh, a well known nurse of Ral eigh, will be in charge of one of th Red Cross relief stations at the Con federate reunion in Jacksonville, nexi month. She will be the only Nortt Carolinian selected by the Red Crosi for this grade of work. Improved Road Drag. Canton. Good roads enthusiasts o Bethel section of this county hav adopted a device, which the designer Ira Mann, says is a great improve ment upon the famous split-log draj and they are demonstrating its supe riority by systematically improvinj the highways of their community. Th invention is somewhat similar to th split-log but according to those wh have seea it work, is hade of tw pieces cf sawed timber, plated witl steel. The steel plates prevent th edges cf the drag from wearing. W'fmington's Export Increase. Wilmington. The exports from th port of Wilmington for the quarte: ending March 31 were more than,tripl what they were for the same quartei last year. In 1913 the exports for fh first quarter of the year amounted t( $1,126,581, and this y;ar for the cor responding period tho- exports amount ed to $3,463,139. Total exports anc 'mports values for the first quarter; f the. two years she- 1914 to be lead ng by more than K.0 per cent as fol lows: 1914, $4,678,125; 1913, $2,113. 30 M Ml DENTISTRY Inspect our up-to-date office and equipment which is designed to meet the most exacting reqair mts We can give you First Quality dent stty at VERY MODERATE PRICES, became we are satisfied with a fair profit which does not require the exhorbiant fees demanded by many dentists. Cleanliness and Sterilisation, Crown and Bridge Work, Gold Inlays, Plates and Treating by the latest and most improved methods. I i ... i.i-.i-q .1, in...-. a Gold Crowns - $4.00 to $5.00 Plates - - - - $5.00 Gold Inlays, and Fillings of All Kinds at Moder ate prices. a X High Point Dental Parlors X 135 1-2 South Main St. New Richardson Did. bum With a North State 9 m Keraeravllle Jf I fM Telephone you have Winston-Salem ffl Spl& i0 TeL 3 li ypiy the Great Piedmont JHwjreaq ' 1 "U Section at your fia- y 8 ' Thomasville la J GreMboro4? NORTH STATE TELEPHONE COMPANY (Independent) J. F HAYDEN, Manager GUARANTEED FEATURES Get the Policy without a Guess! THE PRUDENTIAL is as simple as a check written to your order. "Jack" 415 Bank of Commerce Good Wholesome Flour That's tho Kind We Sell Every Day In the year. There's some satisfaction in knowing lhat you get the best in buviris: tfie products of the HIGH POINT MILLING CCS mill. You'll find the white frost tad luxury flour the best to use for any kind of baking, it's made from the best wheat and makes the best bread, cake ind pastry. Yours truly, HIGp POINT MILLING COMPANY M Taylor Bldg. Special Agent mm Wp9m WmSm jrrrTrTHTri 1 1MB mm a ar i v i r rm tikriu rori i i M I rf