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THE REVIEW, HIGH POINT, NORTH CAROLINA. April 23d, 1914 BRONCHITIS CONQUERED jRoyersford, Pa., Man Tells How. At this season of year with such sudden changes, it is so easy to take cold, and almost before one is aware there is inflammation in the bronchial tubes a hard cough and unless checked in time chronic pulmonary troubles may result Townsend Young of RoyersforCL "A uvafa ftiYkftfthtftl tmn. ble contracted caused me much diffi culty about breathing. My, chest felt clogged up and there was consider able soreness. I tried different rem edies without help; but I am glad to Bay that Vinol cured my bronchial trouble which had lasted for three months. My breathing is all right and the soreness entirely gone from my chest." Vinol contains the curative, healing princioles of fresh cods' livers (with out oil) and tonic iron. We guaran tee it to be delicious in taste ard to satisfy you with its medicinal effects. P. 8. If you have any skin trouble try Saxo Salve. We guarantee it. Maitoa Drug Company, High Point MATTON DRUG CO., DRUGGIST HAS VALUABLE AGENCY Matton Drug Co. has the High Point agency for the simple mixture of buckthorn bark, glycerine, etc., known as Adler-ika, the remedy which became famous by curing ap pendicitis. This simple remedy has powerful action snd' drains such surpising amounts of o!d matter from the body that JUST ONE DOSE relieves sour stomach, gas on the stomach and constipation almost IMMEDIATELY. The QUICK action of Adler-i-ka is astonishing. ONE DOSE WILL MAKE YOU FORGET That You Ever Had Stomach Trouble or Gall Stones. MAYA'S WONDERFUL STOMACH REMEDYforallStomach.LIver and Intestinal Trouble, Gastritis, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Pressure of Gas around the Heart, Sour Stomach. Distress After Eating, Nervousness, Dizzi ness, Fainting Spoils, Sick Headaches, Consti pation, Congested and Torpid Liver, Yetiow Jaun dice, Appendicitt and Gail Stones. The above ailments arc mainly caused by the clogging c; the intes tinal tract withv mu coid and catarrhal accretions, backing up poisonous fluids into the stomach, and otherwise deranging the digestive system. Mayr's Wonderful Stomach Remedy is the Best and moat widely known Remedy for these ailments and should quickly relieve and cure the mostehronic cases. Put it to a test. One dose will prove its great curative powers. It acts like magic in the most chronic case of Stomach, Liver and In testinal ailments, Appendicitis and symptoms of Gall Stones. Thousands of sufferers are highly praising the remedy and are recommending it to others for restoring them to perfect health. Do not permit a dangerous operation for these ailments until you have at least tried one dose of this great Remedy. Guaranteed by me to be absolutely harmless, contain ng no in jurious drugs, under the Pure Food & Drag Act. Serial No. 25793 Geo. H. Mayr, Mfg. Chemist. 154-156 Whiting St., Chicago. 111. For sale in High Point by the Hart Drug Company APRIL FIRST is the date the 12th Series Opens High Point Perpet ual & Loan Association Pays 6 per cent, as an investment. Builds a Home with Rent money. How many shares do you wantj High Point Perpetual Building and Loan Association. P. REDDING, Pres. V. A. J. IDOL, Sec. & Treas. " PRETTY HQMfc WEDDING; At noon Tuesday there occurred at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J R Harrison in the Quaker woods a simple out very pretty spring wedd ing, when Miss Jessie Monroe Worn ble was given in marriage to Alton Guthrie Murchison. Only a few of the friends and relatives of the famiiy were present to hear Rev. J. H. Barnhardt pro nounce the impressive ceremony that made man and wife of two people who had known each other since childhood. - The bride, dressed in- a going away suit of blue, with a bouquet of white bride's roses, came in on the arm of her brother, J. R. Harrison, while the groom was attended by his brother, Duncan Murchison, of Rock Hill, S. C. John Karioy, superintendent at the Cox shuttle block factory, was stricken with heart trouble about noon Saturday and died at 4:30. EASILY DECIDED. This Question Should be Answered ed Easily by High Point People. Which is wiser to have confi dence in the opinions of your felbw citizens, of people you know, or de pend on statements made by utter strangers residing in far-away places? Read the following: H. C Poole, 601 E. Green St., High Point, N. C,, says: "Some time ago 1 noticed that my kidneys were not doing their work properly, the kidney secretions being irregular in passage and causing me a great deal of distress. My back was so weak that after stooping, I had to take hold ot something and pull my self up again. I was troubled by dizzy spells and my head ached constantly. Mv rest at night was broken, and in the morning I was so tired and wepkthat I could hardly drag myself around. Doan.s Kid ney Pills completely cured me." Price 50c, at all dealers. Don't Fimply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Mr. Poole had. Foster-Milburn Co., Props., Buffalo, N. Y. Tho readers of this paper will be ;leat.ed to Lara that there is at least one ireaded disease tha1 sc'ence has been -ble to cure in all IlS stages, and that is aarrii. Hall's catarrh 5Uie ij the only positive cure now known to the medical iraternlty. Catarrh being; a constitutional disease, requires a constitutional treat ment. Hall's Catarrh Cure i3 taken in ternally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces cf the system, there by destroying the foundation' of the dis easerand giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature In doing its work. The proprietors pave so much faith in its curative pow ers that they offer One Hundred Dollars, lor any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. . , Address F. J. CHENEY CO., Toledo, Ohio Sold by all Druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Villa for constipation. CHECK YOUR APRIL COUGH Thawing frost and April rains chill you to the very marrow, you catch cold Head and lungs stuffed You are feverish-Coughs continu ally and feel miserable You need Dr. Ring's New Discovery. It soothes inflamed and irritated throat and lungs, stops cough, your head clears up, fever leaves, and you feel fine. Mr. J. T. Davis, of Stickney Corner, Me., "Was cured of a dread tul cough after doctor's treatment and all other remedies faied. Relief or money back. Pleasant Children like it. Get a bottle today. 50c. and $1.00, at your druggist. Bucklen's Arnica Salve for All Sores. WAKLING IN OUR SHOES Js easy as can De No biiered or tired feet to make the exercise a torture. Get a pair jnd you'll enjoy either a short stroll or a good brisk walk. Our shoes are made for ser vice as well as looks. They can be Put on new and worn with all the comfort of old shoes ana with all the !vest in style as well. Thackers PEE Cash Shoe Store High Point, N. C. STRENGTHENS WEAK AND TIRED WOMEN. "1 was under a great strain nurs ng a relative through three months' sickness," writes Mrs. J. C. Van De Sanae, of Kirland, HI., and Elec tric Bitters kept me from breaking down. 1 will never be without it." Do vou feel tired and worn out? No appetite and food won't digest? It isn't the spring weather. You need Electric Bitters. Start a months treatment to-day; nothing better tor stomach, liver and Kidneys. The great spring tonic. Relief or money back. 50c. and $1.00 at your drug gist. ' SFRING LAXATIVE AND BLOOD CLEANER Flush out the accumulated waste and poisons of the winter months; foleans your stomach, liver and kid neys oi all impunties. lake Dr. King's New Life Pills; nothing better for purifying the blood. Mild non griping laxative. Cures const;pation ; makes you feel fine. Take no other. 5c, at your Druggist. CLEARS COMPLEXION RE MOVES SKIN BLEMISHES Why go through life embarrassed and disfigured with pimples, erup tions, black-heads, red rough skin, or suffering-the tortures of Eczema, itch, tetter, salt rheum. Just ask your Druggist for Dr. rlobson's Ecze ma Ointment. Follow the simple suggestions and your skin worries are ove Mild, soothing, effective. Excellent for babies and delicate, tender skin. Stops chapping. Al ways helps. Relief or money back. 50c. at your Druggist. TAX NOTICE TO ALL DELIN QUENT TAX PAYERS. City taxes for 1913 have been de linquent since January 1st, and this is to give final notice that all taxes remaining unpaid on the first day of May will be advertised and property levied on and. sold to satisfy same. If you send check in payment of your taxes it will be necessary to add 4 per cent to the amount on statement sent you in October. H. C. FIELD, City Tax Collector. April 8th, 1914. tilml FOR CORONER. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the Democratic Nomination for the office of County Coroner of Guilford County, subject to the action of Primary election to be b,eld May 16, 1914. "GEO. L. STANSBURY, Greensboro, N. C. NOTICE Notice is hereby given in compliance with the statute that an application for the pardon of John Stevenson will be made to the Governor of North Carolina. At the March term of the Superior Court of Guilford County, Stevenson was tried upon the charge of keeping whis key for sale and was convicted and sen tenced to a term of three (3) months up on the public roads oHGuilford County. Either his pardon will be asked for or commutation of his sentence to a fine. This 8th day of April 1914. THOS.J GOLD, Attorney. CAROLINA & YADKIN RIVER RAILWAY COMPANY. Schedule in Effect October 14, 1913. This time table shows time at iwhlch trains may be expected to arrive and depart from stations shown but their departure or arrival at the time stated is not guaranteed. Subject to Change Without Nolice SOUTHBOUND No. 21 No. 23 Stations Lv. daily Lv. daily A. M. P. M. Lv. High Point 8:00 Thomasville 8:30 Gordontown 9:16 Denton 9:50 Ar. High Rock 10:12 1:10 1:40 2:28 3:02 3:24 NORTHBOUND No. 22 No. 24 Stations Lv. daily Lv. daily A.M. P.M. Lv. High Rock 10:32 3:45 Denton 10:54 4:07 Gordontown 11:28 4:40 Thomasville 12:18 5:38 Ar. High Point 12:43 6:05 W. E. PRICE, Superintendent. NORFOLK - SOUTHERN RAIL ROAD COMPANY Schedule in Effect Feb. 1, 1914 Short line between Raleigh, Fayetteville, Charlotte, Star and Asheboro, N. C. Arrive Raleigh: 10:00 A. M. and 4:50 P. M. Daily from Fayetteville. 5:35 A, M. Daily except Sunday from Charlotte, Star and intermedi ate points. 1:30 p. m. daily from Charlotte, Asheboro and intermediate points. Leave Raleigh 74:0 A. M. and 5:50 P. M. Daily for Varina, Lilling ton and Fayetteville, 7:30 a. m. and 10:00 p. m. Daily for Varina, Duncan, Star, Mt. Ciilead and Char lotte. Leave Fayetteville: 7:00 A. M. and 1:50 P. IW. for Lillington, Varina and Raleigh. Leave Charlotte 6:30 A. M. and Asheboro 5:30 A. M. daily tor Star, Duncan , Varina and Raleigh. Further information cheerfully furnished upon applica tion to Agents. H. S. Leard, GPA., Norfolk, Va., J. F. Mitchell, TPA. Raleigh, N. C. a Tfms. jfm cans only rj( . J i m .1 1 am looking for WORK!! I am a Soap-Maker. I am a Scrubber. I am a Cleaner. I am a Dirt Eater. I am a Disinfectant. I will wash clothes whiter and with less rubbing. It's the BUB that rains. I am 'from Missouri' and will show you for five cents. I am Red Devil Lye crr FOR GREAT BIQ CANS. O Half the usual price. SAVE MY LABELS. SPILLS CHICHESTP DIAMOND SmL MAMO 4 Per Ct. Interest . compounded, on Deposits THE Deposits of 25c 50c or $1.00, Etc. Each week Greatest of ah Helps to the Working Man The Christmas Ready Money Club Already Hundreds ot Depositors are Enrolled in our Club and Happy in the assurance of a nice little bank account when Christmas time rolls around BY ALL &1 rax rrcDVuiteBr sXM OQ6RS If you Don't Join our club you'll be sorrv next December when thousands of the thrifty men, women and children of High Point are receiving their accumulated deposists for the past years. These deposits represent just little amounts which are put in the bank weekly and are never missed. These little amounts seem trifling at the time, but ittle by little they grow and soon become substantial sums. You Have Another Chance We have opened our Ready Money Club for a forty weeks period running from February 21st. There are only three classes 25c, 50c or $1.00 a week. The best and most highly regarded business habit is taking care of Savings Money. These deposits represent just a little Don't miss this opportunity. Don't be one of those who will be sorry. Join today--Now's the Ac- cepted Time Call or Write Us Bank of Commerce Become a Member of oar Ready Money Club Now H. A. Millis, Cashier High Point, N..C. Capital and Surplus $110,000. Save the Change Yon Have been Throwing Away 0. E. Kearns, Prest. J. H. Adams, A. M. Rankin, V-P's.