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Image provided by: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Library, Chapel Hill, NC
Newspaper Page Text
Last Call! Closing Out Sale Positively Ends April 30th Tremendous Reduc tions All Over Store The real, genuine and only sale ben eficial to the con sumer. Forced to Quit, Must Sell! Forced to Close out The Biggest and Best Bargains now stare you in the face! READ THE SWORN STATEMFNT THE PRE-EMPTORY SALE Starts Thursday April 23d, 9:00 O'CLOCK, SHARP An Extension of 7 Days has been granted the " Wizard" to make Final settlement and wind up the business. Read Sworn Statement ! Notice to Merchants We will sell all or portions of this stock. Come and make us an offer. All Pixtures FOR SALE This is a Real Clos jag Out Sale The most Gigan tic, Closing - out, Quit Business,Sac rifice Sale of Mod ern times. Thous ands of Bargains, Rich and Rare, Spic and Span. A whirlwind of Fast and Furious selling. Bradner & Pearsall Around the Corner from the Postoffice 115 E. Commerce Street, High Point, N. C. Don't Confuse This Sale with ordinary Clea rance Sales where you only get a slight reduction on broken lines. We are determined to close out every dol lar s worth of stock on hand, and with this one object in view, we are going to make such dras tic reductions, as it will be the talk of High Point for years to come. We will sell so cheap, you will think you are back to 5c cotton and 8c wool. The Balance of our stock simply at your mer cy. No price too small to leave any thing unsold. Read Sworn Statement FREE! FREE! FREE! Railroad Fare to out-of-town customers making a purchase of $10. up, 20-mile limit. Store will be closed all day Wednesday April 22nd to make final reductions, we are going to cut-prices to the very core. TERRIBLE PRICE CUTS on clean, up to-date SHOES and OXFORDS for Men and Boys. $5.00 values Shoes or Oxfords - $3.48 BOYS SHOES OR OXFORDS 4.00 values Shoes or Oxfords - 2.98 $3.00 values - . $2.11 2.50 values Shoes or Oxfords - 1.99 2.00 values - - - L74 HATS ! To Fit Any Head HATS ! All new straw, Panama and stylish soft Hats included. $6 00 value Panama - - $3.98 $3.00 Sailor straws - - -2.11 1.25 value sailors - - 84c 2.50 Sailor straws . 1.57 3.00 Spring felt hats - - - 2.11 Soft silk hats any color . . 39c PANTS ! If we called them Trousers they would cost more PANTS ! $5.00 values 3.29 III $4.00 values . . . 269 2.50 values . . 1.72 2.25 . . . . 1,69 2c Men's large white handker chief 5c values. 74c Blue Bell overalls and jumpers, all sizes Regular $1.00 values 19c For Paris hose supporters, 25c kind. , " 37c Work shirts Dew goods all sizes, big stock, standard 50c values. 19c Fo Men's Fine elastic Suspenders 19c Will buy a Stylish Necktie worth double the money $9.69 Men's fine Raincoats Regular $15.00 value. 19c Good leather Beits this season's goods 37c Big Lot of Dress Shirts, your opportunity. 18c For men or boys spring caps. 9c For linen collars all sizes regu lar 15c kind brand new. 39e TRUNKS $18 00 value 5.00 value 10.11 2.98 $3.32 Men's Rubber rain proof Coats. Buy a nce umbrella, worth $1.00. 19c Men's silk hose. 84c Men's Strong every-day Pants. 74c For men's Dress shirts, large and well assorted stock, reaj $1.00 values. 36c For B V. D. underwear the best on the market, regular 50c values. 7c For men's 10c & 15c seamless hose, all colors, come early for this. 69c Brass ;bound corner, strapped suit case. Read This Sworn Statement TO WHOM IT MAY CON CERN: I, E. L. Cook, of the firm of Cook & Hiatt, Prop. Stag Pressing & Tailoring Co., do hereby certiry that we have this day rented the Building now occupied by Bradner & Pear sell, located 115 East Com merce Street, and will occupy same as Stag Tailoring & Pressing Co. on and after May 1st. 1914. E. L. COOK Subscribed and sworn to be fore me, this April 13th, 1914. W. C JONES, N. P. Commission Expires Aug. 9th 1914. We are compelled to vacate the Build ing soon. We have got to go. We must sell at any old price. From now on until the closing of this sale, we will leave nothing undone to accomplish our purpose-stock and fix tures Must go. It's now or never, your gain and our loss. We must vacate not later than Thursday night April 30th, all fixtures and every dollar's worth of merchandise Must be disposed of by April 30th. Don't fail to get your share of these Bargains. We earnestly urge your prompt attendance. BRADNER & PEARSaLL Around the Corner from the Postoffice. 115 E. Commerce Street, High Point, N. C. Save! While Vou Can Save!