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THE REVIEW, HIGH POINT, NORTH CAROLINA. TORTURING TWINGES MaC,.!: kidneys. When the kid- b- fail to clear the blood of uric acid, If acid forms into crystals like bits in the muscles, ioints broKtu . . the nerve .cuiuks. 0 brokei dart through the affected part hpnever it is moveu. tuuug wo r . IJ'-J T! 1 1 V. kidnevs, Uoan s xYicwey r us uave 9ed tnousanua u rmbago, sciatica, gravel, neuralgia urinary disorders. IBOBTHCABOUIW , y Williams. J. . r i ff fa,s; "I was fn ron iown from rrv trouble and 2,for me. I had W&tc pains, ?sWp well and didn 'nervous. The kjd n e secretions re In l -ad shape. JOB ,5. j tv Pills and they Ann curd me. l ! hnd the , htcst sign of kid trouble since," Every Pldore TelhaStory" r.f F as'i at Any Store. 50 e Ba DOAN'S Vfl.'LV fOSTER-MILBURN CO, BUFFALO, N. Y. No. SIX-SIXTY-SIX This is a prescription prepared es pecially for Malaria or Chills antf Fever. Five or six doses will break any case, and if taken then as a tonio the fever will not return. 25c Adv. Naturally Fortified. "I am afraid that man i going to say something he will be sorry for." "Don't worry," replied Miss Cay enne; "people who make a specialty of reckless talk seldom have the. discern ment to be sorry. AS FIT AS A FIDDLE Is a condition everyone would like to boast of. It may be that all you need is two or three Wright's Indian Vege table Pills just "before going to bed. Trial box free. 572 Pearl street, New York. Adv. Both Ways. "That was a raw deal he got." "Yes, but you must confess it was well done. Every time a man sows wild oats he gets a lot of innocent people to help him harvest the crop. Are You Suffering FromO Ail to- Intoxication S iifKHnHHHHBHHIIHHfiBH Intoxication is poisoning, or the state of being poisoned, from toxic, substances produced within the body." This is a condition due to the stomach, bowels, kidneys, liver, or pores of the body failing to throw off the poisons. More than 50 of adults are suffering from this trouble. This is probably why you are suffering from nerv ousness, headaches, loss of appetite, lack of ambition, and many other symptoms produced by Auto-Intoxication. Your whole system needs stirring up. DR. PIERCE'S GOLDEN MEDICAL DISCOVERY will remedy the trouble. It first aids the system to f expel accumulated poisons. It acts as a tonic and finally enables the body to eliminate its own poisons without any outside aid. Obey Nature's warnings. Your dealer In medicines will supply you, or you may send 50c for a sample package of tablets by mail. Address Dr.R.V Pierce, Buffalo, N.Y. The latest edition of Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser should be in every family. No reason why yon should be without it whan it will be seat free to yon if yoa wiu remit coat of wrap pins and mailing 81 one coat stamps to Dr.R.V. Pierce, Buffalo, M. Y. More Convenient. "Did the baby take his prepared food "Xo'm; he took it with a spoon." CHILLS AND FEVER AND AGUES Promptly Cured by Elixir JBabeK. "T rfimniPnil 'RHxir Bflbek7 tO all . ; rv, t 1 1 em XTa x a i. v ; 1 a. J.ll J il T nn - j- ... .-3 nn Cn n rr ss '.ii u if i ii liicuitiiic. ,c, . i 3 nHM A T run m il iiiiri uui cu in . pv -x. y-i i1 UL T 5 n ; , v r t a r is l ui ruaiu ii uiu j.e.ivvav w The average married man is the kind i i i ii i 1 -lI i 1 1 For Thrash and Foot Diseases Antiseptic, Cleansing, and Healing I HANFORD'B Balsam of Myrrh in mm SMS ror Ualls, Wire vuis. Lamenpsn. Strains. RunrliA Thrush. Old Snrie Nail Woundfi. Fnf P - e A Fistula. BleedW. Etc &. Made Since 1846. About it Price 25c, 50c and $1.00 Ail Dealers Certainly Not. "I don't waste any time on anything I don't understand." "Then you never eat hash." SHAKE INTO YOUR SHOES Allen's Foot - Base, the Antiseptic powder for Tired, Tender, swollen, nervous feet. Gives rest and comfort. Makes walking a delight. Sold every where, 26c Don't accept any substitute. For FRBB sam ple, address Allen S. Olmsted, Le Roy, K Y Adv. Fitting. "What a flat face that apartment house agent has!" "Yes, but quite a suite expression." Important to Mothers Examine carefully every bottle of 6ASTORIA, a safe and sure remedy for infants and children, and see that it Tieara tYiex Signature of CtZfflgrfZ In Use For Over 30 Years. Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria Penitent. "What became of that son of yours who studied music?" Oh, he's a well known conductor now." SKIN TROUBLE ITCHED BADLY The Reliable Remedy ior u.1 Torms rT RHEUMATISM AT THE JOINTS FR(T TH V. T'NKTnil' Liquid, Tablets, Liniment For sale by aU druggists BOnTUAieDTAi Dyspepsia Tablets I M?03' Fprmentation, Immediately. teeoT.iRnd Disbress after Eattmr. One not hP f' 5"c- Jloney refunded if they do wneip, or write for Free Sample Box and Ii OroarJ,3v shrtu nuro-rnu ro u. Glenns P. O., Va, "My baby's trou ble began with an itching and then a little bump would come and she could not rest day or night. The trou ble affected her whole body. The bumps festered and came to a head and the corruption looked like thick matter, kind of a yellow color. The sores itched so badly until it seemed to me she would scratch herself to pieces and then a sore would form and her clothes would stick to her body and pull off the little scab. In some places she would scratch and irritate the sores until they seemed to be large. She was affected about a year. "I wrote for a sample of Cuticura Soap and Ointment. I bathed her body in warm water and Cuticura Soap and then I applied the Cuticura Ointment, and they afforded relief aft er twice using. I bought some more Cuticura Soap and Ointment and in side of two weeks she was cured." (Signed) Mrs. J. R. Greggs, lov. 21, 1912. Cuticura Soap and Ointment sold throughout the world. Sample of each free.with 32-p. Skin Book. Address post card "Cuticura, Dept. L, Boston." Adv. When He Gets "His." "A man seldom gets what he is look ing for," observed the old fogy. "Unless he is looking for the worsl of it," corrected the grouch. Some men are naturally fast, and some are tied to their wives' apron strings. Whenever You Need a General Tonie HHHIBIBliB9lBBHBBBHlBs9iB file Old Standard move's Tasteless chill Tonic j Equal ft Valuable as a General Strengthening Tonic, Because it Acts on the Lw, Drives Out Malaria. Enriches the Blood and Builds Ud the Whole System, Ton i . . . . . . . luj : iv nna. n . 1 - . . . . m . i i : i i ' i . A mm formula is printed orreverv UKaI. ahnwim it. nntaina the well-known W w y UININE and IRON. It has no equal for Malaria, Chills antt Nursi' e,ttkne88 General Debility and Loss of Appetite. Gives life and vigor to ui-uerB ana Ka la Sib-i,. I'viiA- a Tnnin anri snrA Anneuzer. v, mivuj vai mi a xx uo iuiuv kx rv uuu winuren. urxaxaxueea Dy your urnygist. vv e mcoii iw. wv JflTBNJlONAL SUNiWSffiOOL Lesson (By E. O. SELLERS, Director of Evening Department, The Moody Bible Institute, Chicago.) C LESSON FOR APRIL 26 THE LOST SHEEP AND THE LOST COIN. LESSON TEXT Luke 15:1-10. GOLDEN TEXT- "Even so, I say unto you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner that re penteth." Luke 15:10. I. Introduction, vv. 1-3. We now come to that chapter in the Bible which contains three of the more celebrated parables of our Lord. In last week's lesson we had set before us the severe terms of discipleship laid down by Jesus to the multitude which followed him as he left the house of the Pharisee. The writer, Luke, makes a close connection be tween the final admonition about "ears to hear" in chapter 14 and verse 1 of this lesson. Jesus had sifted the crowd though he had left the door open to himself, for he was seeking those who were prepared to share with him in his enterprises of building and of conflict, if they could bear his teaching. This is responded to by those outcast ones, the publicans and the sinners. They had no righteousness of their own, no spirit ual hope centered in themselves and they turned eagerly to one who was unqualifiedly honest with them though at the same time he set up heart searching conditions. What a con trast! The grumbling theologians, criticizing and bickering, grieved that he should demean himself by such associates. In reply, Jesus shows them the truth of the fundamental purpose of God's attitude toward these who eagerly sought to "hear," by giv ing them these parables. In the first two, the sheep and the coin, we see divine love seeking the sinner; in the third, the prodigal, we see the sinner seeking the father. Christ's idea of goodness consists in saving fhe bad. The Pharisee holds aloof. Christ goes out from among the Pharisees and among the outcasts. True and False Shepherds. II. The Lost Sheep, vv. 4-7. The shepherd is God the son (John 10:11, 12; Luke 19:10). He is the "True Shepherd," the Pharisees were false ones. This adds point to the parable; see the Old Testament rebukes for the same, Ez. 34:7-10; Zech. 11:16-17; Jer. 50:6. The lost sheep belongs to the fold, but was out of place. These outcast ones were still Israelites and the backsliding Christian still belongs to the fold. A sinner is a lost sheep. He is away from the care, the protec tion, the guidance of the shepherd and is tern, bleeding, and "ready to die." One such lost one will call forth the shepherd's utmost endeavor to save It, far beyond the care lavished upon the ninety-and-nine already safe in the fold. This means labor, toil, and pri vation, and he keeps up the search "until he finds it." This does not mean that all will be saved, see John 17:2, 12 R. V., but every "sheep" that is astray he will find. Once found it rests upon his shoulders, is kept by his power, I Pet. 1:5. Over it he and the father rejoice, vv. 23, 24, 32. There is here the evidence of the in terest in the flock which is incom plete and the interest of the owner as well. The safety of the lost one depended upon the shepherd's interest. Work of Holy Spirit. III. The Lost Coin, v v. 8-10. These three parables are a unit in the tact that they reveal the attitude of God toward men who are in their deepest need. Each is the story of something being lost and the fact that it is found. The first is a revelation of the son, the last of the father, while this central one sets forth the work of the holy spirit through the church. Rev. 22:17; Eph. 5:25. One of ten coins in this woman's marriage neck lace is lost, hence the incompleteness. The spirit will not rest until it is found, nor should the church. The woman takes her lamp the word of God, Ps. 119:105; Phil. 2:15, 16 and sweeps the house. It has been sug gested that sweeping usually stirs up a dust and that some are likely to object. So the world will object when the church of the living God begins to stir up a dust and they are annoyed at any eager search for the lost ones, Acts 17:6. The woman is a sugges tion to us In that she sought "dili gently," until the lost coin was found. Then she, too, calls in her neighbors that they may rejoice with her. Does the church keep up a like search? And do we know anything about the "joy" of the holy spirit? Gal. 5:22, I Thess. 1:6. Over the wellbeing of the home the woman watches " and again the search is in the interest of the owner, and in the interest of the household. IV. Summary. The chief value of these two pictures is in their revela tion of the work and interest of the son of the spirit. The crowding mul titude of publicans and sinners, held in contempt by the Pharisees, Jesus viewed as lost ones. Appalling as this suggestion is, yet the sheep be longed to the shepherd and the coin was the property of the woman. This suggests the dignity and value at men and the tragedy of their condition. Knowing all this and understanding the full significance of that tragedy, the son as the shepherd has under taken to seek and to save the lost. REAR ADMIRAL BLUE r Rear Admiral Victor Blue, chief of the bureau of navigation of the navy department, is a busy man these days in Washington, directing the departure of the warships for Mexican waters. NELSON O'SHAUGHNESSY wl''HffBK-'-:':'S how mm Nelson O'Shaughnessy, American charge d'affaires in Mexico City, tried his best to show Huerta the serious re sults that would follow his refusal to order a salute to the American flag at Tampico, but failed. GENERAL GEORGE BARNETT General Barnett is the recently , ap pointed commander of marines and to his men may fall the duty of seizing the customs houses at Tampico and Vera Cruz. G. W.'s Fame. "When opportunity knocked at the door of George Washington," remarked the Observer of Eveuts and Things, "it seems to h?.v KUfcde use of Wchet." Sick Is it possible there is a woman in this country who con tinues to suffer without giving Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound a trial after all the evidence that is con tinually being published, which proves beyond contradic tion that this grand old medicine has relieved more suffer ing among women than any other one medicine in the world ? We have published in the newspapers of the United States more genuine testimonial letters than have ever been pub lished in the interest of any other medicine for women and every year we publish many new testimonials, all gen uine and true. Here are three never before published : From Mrs. S. T. Richmond, Providence, R. I. Providence, R. I. " For the benefit of women who suffer as I have done I wish to state what Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has done for me. I did some heavy lifting and the doctor said it caused a displacement. I have always been weak and I overworked after my baby was born and inflammation set in, then nervous pros tration, from which I did not recover until I had taken Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound. The Compound is my best friend and when I hear of a woman with troubles like mine I try to induce her to taKe your medicme.'Mrs. S. T. Richmond, 199 Waldo Street, Providence, R. L A Minister's Wife Writes : Cloquet, Minn. "I have suffered very much with irregularities, pain and inflammation, but your wonderful medicine, Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound, lias made me well and I can recommend the same to all that are troubled with these complaints." Mrs. Jen nie Akerman, co Rev. K. Akerman, Cloquet, Minnesota. From Mrs. J. D. Murdoch, Quincy, Mass. South Quincy, Mass. u The doctor said that I had organio trouble relief. I ana ne aoctored me for a long time and I did not get any saw Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound ad- -v, vertised and I tried it and found relief before I had & finished the first bottle. I continued taking it all through middle life and am now a strong, healthy woman ana earn my own living. Mrs. Jane U. Murdoch, 25 Gordon St., South Quincy, Mass. RlpteWrlte to LYDIA E.PISKHAM MEDICINE CO. WW (CONFIDENTIAL) LYNN, MASS.,foradvice. Your letter will be opened, read and answered by a woman and held in strict confidence. FOR MALARIA dniif TGHIO If not sold by your druggist, will be sent by Parcels Post on receipt of price. Arthur Peter & Co.. Louisville, Ky. Gives Credit to His Wife. A woman is said to have drawn the designs for Canberra, the new, capital of Federated Australia, says a Mel bourne correspondent. Mr. Griffin, the American architect whose plans were adjudged in open competition to be the best, has declared in public that his wife is practically the designer of all the works that have emanated from their house. "My wife is the genius. I am only the business man," said Mr. Griffin, who is retufhing shortly to America to bring out his domestic genius to Australia. IF YOUR SKIN ITCHES, JUST USE RESIN0L The moment that Resinol Ointment touches itching skin, the itching stops and healing begins. That is why doc tors have prescribed it successfully for more than eighteen years in even the severest cases of eczema, tetter, ring worm, rashes and other tormenting, unsightly skin eruptions. Aided by warm baths with Resinol Soap, Res inol Ointment restores the skin to per fect health and comfort, quickly, easily and at little cost. You need never hesitate to use Resi nol. It contains absolutely nothing that could injure the tenderest skin even of a tiny baby. All druggists Bell Resinol Ointment (50c and $1.00), and Resinol Soap (25c). Adv. Just Wait. Cholly I don't see anything so bally attractive about Miss Lines. Charley You should see what she has In the First National bank. Dartmouth Jock o' Lantern. RUB-MY-TISM Will cure your Rheumatism and al kinds of aches and pains Neuralgia Cramps, Colic, Sprains, Bruises, Cuts, Old Sores, Burns, etc. Antiseptic Anodyne. Price 25c. Adv. Sacrifice. "You are not willing to give up the slightest selfish pleasure!" said she. "Ycu wrong me," replied he. "I used to be very fond of bicycle riding and I gave it up years ago." Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets regulate and invigorate stomach, liver and bowels. Sugar-coated, tiny granules. Easy to take as candy. Adv. Softened. "Why didn't you whip your dog?" "Because when I started in to whip him he licked me." Putnam Fadeless Dyes are the eas iest to use. Adv. For a Rainy Day. "Does your wife try to put anything by for a rainy day?" "Yea, she is saving a rainbow wig." This is the BEST Saw Mill The Twentieth Century Every tingle niece im We make H fe. J these varia- ble belt feed and center friction feed saw mills of the best tested materials throughout. Steel headblocks and cable drive. Economical. Write for descriptive catalog of all sixes of saw mills, planers, resaws, edgers, etc. J. A. VANCE & CO NORTH CAROLINA mm DAISY FLY KILLER S3? SPSS flies Neat, clean, or n a. mental, convenient, cheap. Lasts all season. Made of metal, can't spill or tip over; will not soil or injure anything. Guaranteed effective. All dealers orSsent express paid for 11.00. HAROLD S0MEE3, 160 DeaTalb Are.. Brooklyn, K. T. HAIR STAIN "Walnutta" For Gray, Streaked, Bleached and Red Hair or Moustache. Matches Shade Light Brown to Black. Does not wash nor rub off. Sold by your Uruggutv Regular size, 60 cents. Send so Howard Nichob, 2208 Clark Av.. St. Louis. Mo. and get a FREE Trial Bottle. yuiu xsiuggj Free W bCIUS, Free FREE TO ALL SUFFERERS If yon feel 'oct of sorts' "bcn sown' 'got the blubs SUFFER from EIDNBT, BLADDER, NERVOUS DISEASES, CHRONIC WEAKNESS, ULCERS, SKIN ERUPTIONS, FILES, write for FREE cloth boubd medical book om these diseases and wonderful cukes effected by JH Eh IE FRENCH! R E ME D Y No.! Ho 2 Na3 THERAPION rXZ the remedy for tocr own ailment. Absolutely FREE. No 'follow up' circulars. No obligations. Dr. LeClero Med. Co., Ha verstock Rd.. Hahpstead, London. Ekq. wb want to prove tbkbxpiox will ccbb tou. TOURS TO EUROPE Mmtm Personally Conducted Select Parties. Sailing June 4tb, duration 92 days, 1776. Bailing June 17th, duration 79 days, 1675. For particulars and full itinerary, apply to ELI AYL8WOKTH 74 Mawney Street, Providence, R. T, KODAKS & SUPPLIES We also do highest class of finishing. Prices and Catalogue upon request. S. Galeski Optical Co.. Richmond, Va. TIT) flPCJV TREATED, usually gives quick U ilUF 0 1 relief, soou removes swelling A short breath, often gives entire relief in 15 to ?f days. Trial treatment sent Free Dr. THOMAS E. GREEN. Successor to Dr. H. H. Greens Sons, Box 0, Atlanta, Ga. AGENTS One hundred to three hundred per month. Household article which sella in every home. Big profits. Very little capital re quired. Business supplies capital. Mtxnplet free. Write Acme Mfg;. Co.. Canton. Ohio. WAUTEI1 Men to become icecream makers. Year ft AH I LU around Job. Excellent pay, also men who have worked in dairies and cheese factories. Send references. BOX 7 85, ROANOKE, VA. mm oisai eke RHODE ISLAND REDS and CAM PINES the greatest layers. Bggs f 1.00 per setting up. Free booklet. Old va. Poultry Farm, LawrencerlUe, Va. NO. 17-1914.