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Newspaper Page Text
i i iiiitwTinniinT : -4 THE REVIEW,, HIGH POINT, NORTF CAROLINA. Dec 10 1914 TRINITY NEWS. Thanksgiving being a bright day many from here went hunting; some went to the road meeting near Car away, ine roaa ior aooui ieu iuue two nlaces. Drs. Stanton and JaoK son are attending her and friends are glad to know she is getting on as well as can be expectea irom such a serious accident. Rev. Crowder, the new pastor on nas Deen surveyeu auu ucauy cuuui " ji-a Trnhd hprp money has been subscribed to build the mJ it. About ten days ago Miss Mamie Young fell and broke her arm in at 11 o cIock sunaay. me peopic were well pleased and enjoyed the excellent sermon delivered oy mm Receiver's Sak The Famous, Next Door to Alexander's. Bankrupt Stock Buckwald Bros. s. Entire stock has been marked at and below COST to move quickly and affords you an exceptional oppor tunity to Save Money The goods are going fast and you should make your purchases early. Included in the stock at cost is a lot of attractive Christmas Novelties M. C. CROWSON, Receiver It's Easv Enough to -3? y - y w Questions. (By Wj H. Dugdale.) It is easy to ask questions, " But to answer them all is a task; If you note it is rather amusing The curious questions they ask; Some fellow will asK you in earnest Where Gain got his wife long ago, When you tell him that Nod was her birth place He'tfaskyou "well, how do you know?" M talking of the good old days when grandmothers went to prayer-meeting instead of the "movies," and say ing they were brothers living in High Point and on a visit to their "Uncle Copple" who lives a few miles below Linwood, two prepossessing young men walked into the livery estab i lishment of Mr. Brindle, of Lexing ton, some days ago and asked for a horse and buggy. They were hand somely fitted out by the obliging proprietor, and upon paying in ad vance and driving off, pleasantly Thev ask vou whv street cars don't hurry. - . ... ....... . . . . '... . Why a pawnbroker's sign nas tnree Daus; protested tney would return me why a man that is owing him money outfit early the following afternoon &SS2SS3&iii " ii zi -t0 And men when they meet never do; return by Linwood for the flag-raiS- It's because the men have something better, jog exercises scheduled for the next But the girls, well the thing's up to you . morning ..... - j - They ask you why watchmakers' dummies Are always a quarter past eight And ask why the girls with new bonnets Will manage at church to be late; Why the girls at the telephone station Will insist that the line is in use, Why a messenger boy never hurries And always has got an excuse. They ask why tonsorial artists Have poles painted red, white and blue; Why men who have plenty of money Appear to have plenty to do. Why Mayor Tate does not order a "curfew," Why last week we had so much rain; Why a man steps in front of a trolley: And if murderers are all insane. They ask you why air ships ain't floating: Like ships out at sea in the sky; They ask you why people that's wicked . Should live while the good ones must die: They ask you to tell where is Heaven, Why people say whiter than snow: ' They ask you to give a description ut the place where the wicked will go. They ask you why Jona selected 1 he whale as a place of abode: They ask you if Paul ever married, And if honeyand milk ever flowed. They ask you if Solomon's temple Was bunt without hearing a sound: If Aaron's rod turned to a serpent. If the body of Moses was found. The next morning's sun arose and so did the flag at Linwood, and so also rose the spirits of all the sur rounding community of Linwood, and th" day was slipping into night before it began to pry itself into the consciousness of Mr. Brindle that the "Jones Brothers" had been at a different kind of raising they had raised his horse and buggy. The clicking of many telegraph keys and the taking down and the hanging up of many telephone re ceivers revealed the information that the last seen of the "Jones Brothers" was a glimpse of them driving "Old Mack" at a S. 0. S. gallop toward Salisbury and the set ting sun. AS TO CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. Do not think of cutting down your Christmas presents. Give freely according to your means. If your heart is heavy for the agonized people ot Europe you need not be frivolous in giving. But whether the giving is joyous or in in the minor key, there never Was a Christ mas when the obligation to give was more pressing. . A general contraction of Christ mas present making tnis year would unquestionably have far reaching disastrous effects. It would mean to manufacturers and jobbers heavy unsold stocks; to retailers it would mean shrinkage of trade and disappearance of profits; to the transportation interests it would mean the loss of regular an nual business; to the wage workers it would mean widespread lack of The "Jones Brothers" Take Horse and T0IT- th numbel & wi wuirv in una cuy at n is pitiful to think ot the eagerness with which scores of men and women must look forward to the Christmas flurry as a hope for earning a few They ask why the city officials Don't put in new sewers right away; They want you to go into details And tell them the cause of delav: They ask you what code is adopted, . And what it contains that we need; You can only politely inform them 1 o apply tor a copy and read. One man cannot answer these questions Aitnouyn ne oe wise as a sage; He may study from morning till evening, From infancy up to old age. They think if they want information It requires no thought on your part, You can give it without hesitation For you know all the answers by heart. Don't you think it's wiser and better To take down the books from the shelf And study their contents a little And answer these questions yourself? You will find what an effort is needed, And will get some idea of the task. And then you won't wonder whv people .1 -1 vjaii i uusnci uic qucsilUIlS you asK. Young Men Kept Driving. Buggy at High Point. Congenially asserting that they bore the reliable name of Jones days' pay. How much more pitrfui would it b if this hope were defeat ed. Wise givers will naturally adapt their Christmas remembrance in this troubled year to the prevailing temper. Utilitarian considerations will be likely to guide them to an un usual extent But it is to be hoped that the inspired trifle will nt be entirely dropped out of currency. The money spent filtering back over the counter through the. chan nels of trade to the starting place will help in some degree, great or little, a long line of anxious capitalists and workers, great and small, to weather hard times. At is the genial privilege and joy ous duty of all to relax Jtheir purse strings this year for Christmas pres ents just as far as prudence wilj allow. Toilet Articles CIGARS, ' CANDIES, ETC, FOR XMAS. Ping Drug Co. THE REXALL STORE : Agent for J. Van Lindley Nurseries THE PLACE FOR YOUR Xmas Candies - OF ALL KINDS, Chocolates and Bonbons, Ice Cream, Etc. Candy from 10c. lb. up. Put up in Fancy Boxes if you like. High Point Candy Co. N. MAIN STREET. Jarrett Stationery Co. Headquarters for Xmas Toys of All Kinds. Call and Look Them Over. High Point Motor Car Co. AGENTS FOR THE CELEBRATED FORD CARS Repair Work of all kinds, Painting, Vulcanizing, etc. Our plant is thoroughly equipped for taking care of your cars. .High Point Motor Car Co. Phone 639. GEO. WILSON, Mgr. Sweeping Reductions Now Prevail Throughout This Great Ready-toWear Department A clean sweep of every dollar's worth of goods in this departmeut. Every garment offered durtoig this sale is desirable, and in many instances at a trifle of the actual cost. The splendid styles, the high quality of the materials and superior workmanship in these Women's Suits, Coats, Dresses, together with the emphatic price reductions, should act as a strong incentive that will doubtless make clearing absolute. $6.95 Commencing Thursday, Dec. 10th and lasting 10 Days One special lot of women's and misses' suits. They are perfectly tailored, and only the bes materials and trimmings are used, are bound to interest intending purchasers. Sizes from 16 to 36. Values from $15.00 to $20.00 SALE PRICE $6.95 They $6.95 WOMEN'S TAILORED SUITS Original prices $15,00, 17.50 and 18.00 Sole price $10.95 WOMEN'S AND MISSES SUITS Original prices $20.00 and 22.50. Sale j?rice 14.95 COATS FOR THE LITTLE FOLKS Sizes 2 to 8 Years. $7.50 and 8.50 Coats at 450 and 5.00 Coats at 350 and 4 00 Coats at 2.50 and 3 00 Coats at $498 398 2.98 1.98 MISSES' COATS From 8 to 14 Years $10.00 and 12.50 Coats 7.50 and 8.50 Coats 5.00 and 6.00 Coats $7,98 4.98 3.98 WOMEN'S TAILORED SUITS Original prices $25.00 and 27.50. Sale price 18.95 WOMENS COATS $20.00 and 22.50 Coats - $14.95 15.00 and 17.50 Coats - 10.98 10.00 and 12.50 Coats - 7 98 5.00 and 6.00 Coats - 398 $30.00 and 32.50 Suits 19.95 $3500 and 40.00 Suits 23.95 EVENING COATS Original prices $25.00 and 30.00. price - SILK PETTICOATS Original prices $3.00 and 3.50. price Sale 1.98 Sale 18,95 MILLINERY Women's stylish Millinery half price and less. Clearance of Boys' and Misses' HATS. Splendid assortment to choose from s No goods charged or sent on approval during this sale, Women's silk and Wool Dresses It concerns a superb group of seventy-five of the handsomest Silk and Wool Dresses we ever saw dresses such as women of fashion intend to wear the whole of the coming season. $35 00 and 40.00 Dresses $22 95 20.00 and 2250 Dresses 12 98 10.00 and 1250 Dresses 698 $25.00 and 30.00 Dresses $17.95 15.00 and 17.5) Dresses 9 98 5.00 and 7.50 Dresses 3.98 Good Assortment of Sizes No cash register tickets given on goods advertised in this sale. Allen's Dep artment Store High Point, North Carolina