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Newspaper Page Text
RIINJD THR HIDDEN PROVERB WORTH t? a CT77T? hatq fastfp HABERDASHERY AND JU1.U 1 iJiv xin i jji - EASTER OUTFITTING Cannon-Fetzer Co. Leaders in Fashions The swellest things in Neckwear, newest Pattern Shirts, Spring Underwear, Hosiery and all the latest Tggery for Easter. S. E. Willis, Prest. North State Phone 399 A. J. Owen. Sec. icTreas. my Side Ice Fuel Comp; (Manufacturers of ICE and Dealers in "COAL and WOOD HIGH POINT, N. C. Orders by Telephone will Rjeceive Prompt cAtention. Special For 1 Week 26-Kece Silver Set for $6.00 In an Imitation Wood Chest 6 Knives, 6 Forks, 6 Teaspoons, 6 Tablespoons, 1 butter knife and 1 Sugr Shell Roger Brothers Goods D. F7. ST A LEY Jeweler - 106 N. Main St Telephone 156 $50.00 $50.00 FOR THE HIDDEN PROVERB CONDITIONS Jn each of the ad vertisements appearing on this page IS A WORD MISSPELLED a letter dropped from a word. In order to be winner you are to look for the words. Should you locate all the letters cor rectly, send in the coupon giving the proverb the dropped letters make and which picture represents. A new pro verb will be printed each week. An swers can be made on return blank printed herewith. Page will last 12 weeks $50.00 IN GOLD AND MER CHANDISE will be given to the par ties having the largest number of correct answers to the 12 proposi tions. See list of prizes on another page All answers for one week must be i 1 - Electricity is Life Without it we cannot live. We supply everything in the Electric Line Estimates funished on all con tracts. Electric Fans, Motors and supplies. C0MST0CK ELECTRIC CO. HIGH POINT, N. C. S. Main St. Phone 720 New Today for Easter New Skirts, new Waists, New Neckwear,new Gloves, new Bags. SPECIAL SHOWING This week of New Millinery at Popular Prices Come to see us for your Easter wants; we can pleae you. Tbe Moffitt Furnishing Company Buying of High Point's Mer chants is Good Judgment. Sentiment in trading does not go far vnnr wants must be sup plied and you will buy from the merchant who has what you want at the most attractive prices and who tells you about it through the columns of a paper that you rely upon for such information. This page has been planned to show the merchants of High Point that the PEOPLE DO READ adver tisements THAT ARE WORTH WHILE. The editor of this paper believes in his readers and believes that if they they will carefully read the ads. that appear upon this "Proverb Page" that they will SAVE MANY times the price of the paper. The editor of this page gives his eaders an absolute personal guar antee that every merchant whose Telephone 771 Grand Spring Opening Showing 1000 New Spring syles for Men's Suits I personally design, cut, fit and make the work on my premises PLAGE ORDERS EARLY If you want good clothes Let ME be YOUR Tailor Cleaning and Pressing Free The DfHPI I The Tailor KV 1 MM Tailor Bank of Commerce BIdg. Easter! Complete Lines For and After In Clo hing, Foot-wear, Headwear and Furnishings of Quality at PRICES TIUT ARE REAL RARAINS at LONDON'S RELIABLE STORE Bring this ad to our store and get three packages of 10c Seed for 25 cents. PIEDMONT GROCERY CO. 205 NORTH MAIN STREET 5-fIQH ROIINT, The finest stock of Seeds of all kids in the city by the package, pint, quart, gallon or bushel. See me before buying. We Keep Everything Needed in First-class Groceries FREE ! For the Next Two weeks with every $1.00 purcasc regular 25c Box Vapoline Croup and Pneumonia Salve Hart Drug Co. Next to Postoffice Come early before we give it all away 1 " f ucU juco fl fa l fv - J STVWQ that f I 1 Mil1 i i 1 Way ov If 1! Save This Coupon. It is worth 10c to you Bring Coupon signe properly and get a 25c bottle of Benzoin Cream for 15c. MR STREET. What Proverb Does This Picture Represent? HIGH POINT, N. C. BENZOIN OF CREAM: A delightful and refreshing toilet requisite. Makes the skin soft; white and smooth. Neither oily or sticky. Kid gloves may be worn immediately after using. Per fectly harmless and can be used freely on the most delicate or sensitive skin . PREPARED BY GREENE DRUG CO. 711 S. Main Street High Point, N. C Easter Greetings! L A. Morris SBro. Grocers to the People. Try North State Flour Seed Potatoes Fresh Meats Everyhing You Need Wc Have It! I. A. Morris & Bro. b g 50 w C3 k C3 o : 73 . ! -i W : ar : n a : a- . r.: 58 1 55 : 3 : a . 09 . a-. - O O 73 c 9 Go. 3 . a. 73 z a CO 9 to Easter fiats & Shoes This week and next we will have on display some very special things in Ladies Hats and Low Cut Shoes and Hats, from 50c, $1.50, $1.98 up to $5 00 Ladies low cut shoes $1.50 $2.00, $2.50 and $3,00 Ladies shirt waists in wash silks at 98c. It will pay you to watch this space ach week H. A. Moffitt This "Ad." is Worth OR FOUR MONTHS' MUSIC LESONS FREE. CUT IT OUT AND BRING TO BTT nCTJnDlST At the HOME FURNITURE STORE . JTl. WO-DVJXvlN 209 N. Main Street, High Point, N. C. And let him tell you all about it. This "ad." will apply on any Piano Emerson, Schomacker, Lindeman & SonandKnabe FRAZIER PIANO COMPANY SMOKE EL RICO CIGARS CLEMENTS CIGAR COMPANY MADE IN HIGH PONT FOR HIGH POINT PEOPLE None BetterAsk Your Dealer Cut Out This and bring it to Mr. will sell you and he 10 yds. Fine Lawnsdale Cambric for 75c . This makes this ad. worth 25c to you. Mr. Stamey savs that you will certainly read this ad. and we want to test his sttement. George Wood Dry Goods Co. filed at The Review office before the following Tuesday evening KADS CHANGED EVERY WEEK if desired but copy for changes must be in our hands Monday precedin J issue. Everybody is Selling as well as buying. The merchants of High Point aie operating on com paratively small expense, they have not reached that city point of put ting on LOTS OF AIRS and LET TING THE PUBLIC PAY FOR IT. You can buy goods cheaper here than in any city in North Carolina, and you can also FIND ANYTHING you want here. Let the merchants prove it. Clip ads. offering special values. There is an extra prize for this also. See notice elsewhere. 23 Years in Business A LARGE LINE OF '- . v 9 Easter Millinery on hand. Prices to suit the times. Neckwear and all things con nected with a first-class Milinery Store. Miss Venetia Smith Cut Out This Ad. ad. appears hereon will deliver the goods as advertised- If you find any misinformation please report it to this office and the matter will be adjusted. W. L. STAMEY, Editor. And bring it with you and we wil allow you 25c for same on anyShoe in our store from 3.00 up. THACKER'S Your Merchant's Placi He is an important part of your city. He does more than his share in the advancing of your city's growth, in the support of your churches, schools and all other pub ic conveniences. Youbuy your goods, of him and he will buy your chick-1 ens, your eggs, your real estate, your insurance. The money spent with your TOWN MERCHANT always comes back to you. Red the ads and win prizes, also use the merchants special offers and win extra prizes. Spring Planting Makes for Beau tiful Homes. Foliage Plants Porch and Window Boxes and Trailing Vines add a wealth of color and charm to the extrior of your home. See our stock. svtr ArfHi . 1 1 'M m m 1 1 i j i rjULu- 1 V j, iff) J d Easter G? ee tings HOLDER Sc MOSER Easter Greetings LEADING "TO N SO RIAL. ARTISTS OF THE CITV LADIES, GENTS AND CHILDRENS SHAMPOOING, CHIROPODIST, HAIR DRESSING, ETC NORTH MAIN STREE - - HlGH;POINT, N . C- FINE POOL PARLORS IN THE REAR IF IV HY DO YOU COOK WITH GAS ? MO f - NO DUST SMOKE TJT? 4 t i? r rr 7f .Q Take Things cool, you'll live longer. Call up Phnes; North State 700; Bell 35. PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY THERE IS A D I F FERENCE In Coal sell the as well as in Ice. We BEST COAL Procurable as well as the best ICE If you need ether call up phone 109 and your order will be promptly attended to Arctic Ice & Coal Co. r There Never A Store Was so full of saving chances, never one so crowded with interest and diversified good things which will appeal to thousands. The SPRING STOCKS are wonderfully complete, filled with beautiful things for Easter wear. YouT find it rich with timely suggestions and fruitful in economy. ALLEN'S We Will Dry Glean 1 Garment for You Free We want to show you the difference be tween ordinary pressing: club work and real, first-class French dry cleaning:. To do this, we will dry clean one skirt, or other garment for you free, provided no member of your family has had work done by us previously. Simply wrap the arment up carefully, enclose postage for return, put your name and address on the outside, mark the package "Free Offer" and mail to us by parcel post. We are now better equipped than ever before for first-class dry cleaning, dyeing and laundering in our New $25,000 Plant Our expert dry cleaners and dyers will make your clothes look like new, and at a very low cost. A specialty of fine goods, furs, plumes, glovss and other wearing ap parel that requires expert attention goods too valuable to be risked with irresponsible people. Send us this trial garment today. Send two pieces if you wish, and we will have the postman collect for one only. Agents wanted everywhere; write for terms. Colombia Laundry Co. JgJSsSSESffe Dry Cleaners, Dyers, Launderers. Kef.: Any bank or bus. man in Greensboro 50c 50c Cash Coupon 50c ROCHEUE'S STUDIO g , . -' i The hoder of this Coupon is entitled to one dozen $3.00 CABINET PHOTOGRAPHS FOR $2. 50. Don't miss this opportunity to get $3.00 worth of Photographs for $2 50. Coupon is good only on Cabinet Work or larger. ROCHEUE'S STUDIO N. Main Street, Harris building, HIGH POINT, N. C. ASK FOR THE CAROLINA, BLUE RID8E -Oft-' PLYMOUTH COOK STOVE MADE ONLY OF Pure Pig Iron Every Stove absolutely GUARANTEED Sold by Hardware and Furniture Dealers MANUFACURED BY filascock Stove & Mfg. Co. GREENSBORO. N.C. Anchor Your Savings to The Earth Live in your own home. Buy a lot at WIU0U-BAR TERRACE The finet section of High Point Can Pitts & Albertsoa I