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Newspaper Page Text
THE REVIEW, HIGH POINT, NORTE CAROLINA. SEPT. 2, 1915 ATEST MOVES fc, ' (BY PAUL A. STAMEY ' ' 1 Tiny Gl winner THE CRAZIEST CITY IN THE WORLD. (By A. Gink) Chapter Three, continued next week Let's ee. Where did we leave off. Never mind, I've found the place! Shut up. It is too. Don't tell me, I kuow. Have you read that? All right now we'll throw another spasm jusr to amuse the little ones. (Isn't this guy some nut?) Never mind, no matter which way you start the trail you can't lose. Carl Laemmle bought an entire Listen, children, you're not listening. Where was I. Oh, I see. Repur chased a menagerie consisting of elephants, which brought their trunks with them; camels afflicted with humps; zebras, those sinful creatures, which were born in ' stripes"; leopards who go through life with spots on their family escut cheons- lions, tigers, bears, wildcats; wolves and monkeys. Once you step your foot inside Universal City pay no heed to what you see. You may find a monkey trying to grab a whiskey bottle from a giraffe, but don't but in, for if you look around you will probably find a fellow grinding on a machine just to record that stunt. You may see a ferocious tiger coming down the street at a speed that would make the Twentieth Century look like a tramp steamer. But, don t move! He's been trained to do that. If an ugly cobra, or python comes gracefully up behind you, hissing at every slide over the sandy soil, don't pay any attention to him. Remember, you mustn't take seri ously what you see. For you are in the city orMake-believe, the Land of Pretense. After this But what's the use I'll of telling it all in one chapter, tell that in the next. NOTES OF THE MOVIES Edward Sloman. alias the villian in "The Trey of Hearts" has gone to the Kriterion Programme. Also Hazel Buckham, of the Universal, has joined this company. Margaret Joslin, of Essanay, has a hard task helping G. M. Ander son to train Indians for the pictures. Annette Kelierman, who it known as IS ep tune s Daughter is to appear in another feature for Fox like this. Beverly Bayne has at last joined her former leading man in Metro pictures. Muriel Ostriche joins Equitable. Allan Forrest is now with National. Pedro de Cordoba. Marv Fuller's leading man is now with Morosco. SHOCKING NEWS Clep Madison has left the Univer sal, so has Anna Little for Mutual. BUT They will be back before long wait and see. Jamestown Public High and Farm Life School ... New main building, 20 rooms and auditorium. Cost over $20,000. Complete equipment for teaching agriculture, cooking and sewing, in ad dition to regular courses. School farm of 24 acres. Separate dormitorr ies for boys and girls. Board at actual cost. Tuition free. Prepares for any college in the State. Teaching force: Two men and eight women, all specially trained for their work. New term opens September 22. Send for catalogue and views of the school. Address E. J. C0LTRANE, Principal JAMESTOWN, N. G. READY-TO-WEAR PECIALS FOR SATURDAY $1. and $.125 HC house dresses $1. and $1.50 child ren's white C A dresses for dv $1. and $1.25 gingham dresses for the lr children for $5. and $6. dresses for ladies, $7 CA going for PtW 50c Rompers for 39c 25c Rompers for 19c One table of dresses worth up to fkQr $5.00, for "O Come to our Satur Leonard - Beavans Stamey company z :C L E 0 s A R D B E A v A S T A M E Y C 0 FALL SESSION GREENSBORO COMMERCIAL COLLEGE Greensboro, IN. C While the commercial subjects are being discredited by many for other subjects of learning, there are no others so popular with business men. If you were a candidate fur a position what kind of work could you do? Do you be lieve after telling a business man you could not use a typewriter or take his dic tation and that you did not know anything about bookkeping or commercial forms he could use you? If you learn Bookkeeping or Shorthand it will serve you as a daily com panion every day in the year and will introduce you to the many businesses that will pay you well for your services. It is hard for any one to get employment at a living wage without a knowl edge of the commercial subjects. If you will consider the pay of the average bookkeeper and stenographer and the position they are in for advancement you will be thoroughly convinced that a course with us will be a profitable invest ment. We have prepared hundreds of good positions and we can prepare you. School established 15 years. COUPON Enrollment time; write for Catalog. Special rates on any course to those cutting out and sending in this couoon with their address. Name. Address Postoffice. State COACH EXCURSION TO WASH 1NGTON, D C., TUESDAY, SEP TEMBER 21ST. Southern Railway has arranged to operate low fare excursion from Salisbury, Greensboro and inter mediate points to Washington Tues day morning, September 21st, ar riving Wednesday moring, 22nd. Returning, these tickets will be honored nn ftnv rdnlar train hanHI. I ing day coaches up to and including train 29 leaving Washington at 4:30 p. m.t Friday, September 24th. Following fares will apply from stations named: Salisbury, $5 00, HIGH POINT, $5.00, Reidsville, $4.50, Greensboro, $5.00.' All intermediate points on same basis. Under this arrangement passeng e s can, if desired, have three whole and two nights in Washington, al lowing ample time to make side trips to Baltimore, Philadelphia and other points. This is the last excursion of the season to Washington. The Merchants of the South going to the northern markets reDort ex ceptionable fine prospects for busi ness this fall and winter. The mar kets are crowded with buyers and they are buying in large quantities liKe they did before the European war. OUR BIG RE DUCT10N SALE Continues Through August If you are a wise buyer you will come to our store during this month. Many fine values await you. Solomon Robonowitj 110 E. Washington St. Pants SALE IF you can get a fit in these Pants you can save from $4. to $12. a pair. $6. to $15. values for $3.25 and $3.75. Come early, few left. TUvnVarQ MENS FURNISH l iiautcra INGS. SHOES Printers Ink Did It. Of course you have heard of EI Paso, Texas. Every time anybody says "Texas" you think of El Paso. No, this is not an advertisement of the Texas town. What made El Paso famous? Ink. Nor is this an advertisement of ink. It is a preachment about what ink can do for you, and about the wav we stand ready to help ink serve you. The Review Printing and Advertising House. El Paso, Texas, is the best adver tised town in the United States. It doesn't pay for very much of its advertising. It getsjt by having things happen in its locality. And accounts of what happen at El Paso are NEWS, and these accounts are printed in the newspapers. And these accounts always start off with the El Paso date line: You have read the El Po date line so often that it has impressed itself on your mind. That is PUBLICITY. Publicity is the act of impressing something upon the public mind. Publicity is a species of psychol ogy. Nobody knows just what psychol ogy , is, but a lot of people make believe they do. In some universities and high schools they teach it. It is also taught by experience. Good purveyors of publicity have a psychological gift for im pressing things on the public mind. We have it. The Review Printing and Advertising House W. L. STAMEY Prop. High Point, N. C. SAVE YOUR OLD TIRES ! Bring them here and let us jr repair them One of the most up-to-date vulcanizing plants in the State. We Guarantee the Work to Last as Long as your Tire Our repair department is ready to serve you at all times. HIGH POINT MOTOR CO. 4 Great Leaders 4 The Haynes The Chalmers , The Oldsmobile The Overland SEE US FOR PRICES. Automobile Accessories of all Kinds PEOPLES MOTOR CAR CO. "The Quality Drug Store" tresh Turnip Seed We have just received a Fresh supply of TURNIP SEED the kind we stand behind. Don't Plant Just Any Kind of Turnip Seed. Get the best" we sell them. cJVL ATTON DRUG CO If it comes torn Mattoris that is all you need to know1' FOUNDED 183S CHARTERED 1859 TRINITY COLLEGE DURHAM, N. C. Classical and scientific courses leading to the bachelor's degree, oraauwe psrtxaents. Schools of Engineering, Education, and La. For catalogue and illustrated booklet address FLOWT2RS 8 w Secretary to the corporation