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- :.en ir iirnnnnv it nmiruoi ll IISBI I I W IUI bKI I IK I 1 1 H hUUI HLUmtL m muiuuui, 11 uiunuw! SIUT UbINU bALIVA I INii UKUli n n't Lose a Day's Work! If Your Liver Is Sluggish or Bowels Constipated Take "Dodson's Liver Tone." It's Fine! Vp bilious! Your liver is slug- 1, You feel lazy, dizzy and all Psb ' d out. Your head is dull, your 10100 is coated; breath bad; stomach WngU nd bowels constipated. But don't ft salivating calomel. It makes you vcu may lose a day's work. calomel is mercury or quicksilver h causes necrosis of the bones, finmel crashes into sour bile like S namite. breaking it up. That's when , Lpi that awful nausea and cramp- you lv want to enjoy the nicest, gen and bowel cleansing you ing If you nDt liver I pxnerienced just take a spoonful f harmless Dodson's Liver Tone. Your Lst or dealer sells you a 50-cent Jgttle of Dodson's Liver Tone under personal money-back guarantee that each spoonful will clean your sluggish liver betier than a dose ol nasty calomel and that it won't make you sick. Dodson's Liver Tone is real liver medicine. You'll know it next morn ing because you will wake up feeling fine, your liver will be working, your headache and dizziness gone, your stomach will be sweet and your bowels regular. You will feel like working; you'll be cheerful; full of vigor and ambition. Dodson's Liver Tone is entirely vegetable, therefore harmless and can not salivate. Give it to your children! Millions of people are using Dodson's Liver Tone instead of dangerous cal omel now. Your druggist will tell you that the sale of calomel is almost I stopped entirely here. PROTESTS F RAM KfflMHDNAL THREE COUNTIES SUNMfSdOOL BURKE, CATAWBA AND GU11 FORD BEFORE STATE COMMISSION. LESSON You Know About MOON SHINE CHEWING TOBACCO "SwMter than Ckkkta." Try the Soke Mellow u the Moonlifht Made by BAILEY BROS.. Inc., WINSTON-SALEM. N. C ABOUT ALL HAVE BEEN HEARD (By O. E. SELLERS, Acting Director or tile Sunday tscnooi course oi wie jkluuujt BltIitituj LESSON FOR SEPTEMBER 26 (RE- OBEDIENCE AND KINGSHIP VIEW). Number of Protests Have Been Heard Against the Advances Made In Tax Valuation. LIFTS FIRE OUT OF HOUSE Autoist Rescuer Also Saves Dinner From Blazing Stove in New Jersey Town. A. R Gerber, a local clothing mer :hant. was the hero at a fire to which he was called as he was pafesing through Hartford in his automobile on his way home from Philadelphia. When a woman ran from her house and yelled that her kitchen was on Are Gerber didn't need any second alarm. Slamming on the emergency brake, he jumped from his machine before it was stopped and found the gasoline stove ablaze. Calmly moving some furniture out of his way and taking the woman's dinner from the stove so it would not be ruined, he pulled the blazing stove right out the back door and landed it where it could do no further damage except to itself. Mount Holly (N. J.) Dispatch Philadelphia Record. What Did She Mean? The two young ladies had gushed and "deared" each other until the other passengers in the tram were heartily sick of it; especially as they never lost a chance of getting in a nasty cut at each other. Just before they parted, Angeline obliged Emmeline with a stamp for a letter. "Oh, I must give you a penny for this!" exclaimed Emmie, as she pre pared to leave the car. "Don't bother, dear," cooed Angle; "give it to me next time I see you." "But you mayn't see me for a long time," protested Emmie. "Oh, well, the loss wouldn't be great!" cooed Angie, more sweetly than ever. Pearson's Weekly. Whenever You Need a General Tonic Take Grove's The Old Standard Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic is equally valuable as a Gen eral Tonic because it contains the well known tonic properties of QUININE and RON. It acts on the Liver, Drives out Malaria, Enriches the Blood and Builds up the Whole System. 50 cents. Adv. The average man pretends to think it is a great joke upon himself if he can't spell. But really, it is a tragedy. In spite of the war news the weath er occasionally asserts itself as a topic of conversation that will not be denied. run Precautions. in with you and get a "I'll bite." Wait a minute till I lock the dog up." The farther the waters of the oceans get from the equator the less salt thev contain. The General Says: Why send your money away for "bargain roofing" when von can set the best roofing at HMMiaUa uric of your own local dealer whom you know? Certain-teed Roofing is guaranteed in writing 5 years for 1-ply. 10 years for 2-ply. and 15 years for SjWT. and the responsibility of our big nulls stands behind this guarantee. Its quality is the highest and its price the most reasonaDie. General Roofing Mfg. Company World's largest manufacturers of Roofing and Building Papers New York Gty Bottoa CMcmo KttAana Philadelphia Atlanta Cleveland get St.LonU Cincinnati Kaasu City , MtaaespoBs Saa Francisco Seattle London Hamburg Sydney Do women dress to please or shock the men? The former is possible, but as for the latter well, done. it can t be Speculating in "war stocks" Is a sort of financial bayonet charge against the barb wire entanglements of common sense. LESSON TEXT Psalm 72. GOLDEN TEXT The king shall joy In thy strength, O Lord; and in thy salva tion now greatly snail ne rejoice, rs. El:l. The subject assigned for this review lesson is aptly chosen, for the kinglU est quality or virtue passed by any king is to be obedient. The servant who truly serves is obedient. The motto of the king of England is 'Teh dien" I serve. Gen. R. E. Lee once said that for him the greatest word in the English language is the word "obey." We read of our master that he "learned obedi ence by the things he suffered" (Heb. 6:8) and he taught that "if ye love me, keep (obey) my commandments" (John 14:15). The lessons for the past quarter cover an approximate period of about 125 years beginning probably B. C 1024 (Beecher). In them there are pre sented nine rulers; David, Solomon, Rehoboam, Jeroboam, Asa, Ahab and Jezebel from within, and two from without Israel, the Queen of Sheba and Ben-hadad, king of Syria. There are also five prophets mentioned, Nathan, Ahiah. Azariah. Obed and Elijah. It might be well for teachers to dis tribute blank pieces of paper and ask the scholars to write a brief outline of the oustanding facts regarding these rulers, also of Nathan and Elijah, though the last will more properly come later as there are yet several lessons about that great prophet These kings can be classified as good and bad, though the greatest of them all (David) suffered a most terrible fall. From these lessons the greal facts of sin, grace, prayer, the word ol God, faith, salvation and unbelief are all to be emphasized. For the older classes a most inter esting study can be made of the d velopment of God's people materially and the religious development also as well as a study of the causes foi the division of the kingdom. The tendency in both kingdoms wa downward towards the destruction ol the northern one and the captivity anc impoverishment of the southern. A good method of review would b Raleigh. The corporation commis sion has been very busy in the mat ter of special hearings to delegations from counties protesting against ad- -tronooe tbnt the commission has made Jin the tax valuation of real property in the great majority of the counties 78 of them to be exact. Tlien were deleeations here from Burke. Catawba and Guilford, Burke's increased assessment was 10 per cent and the plea for reducation was made hv A. C. Avery, Jr., and T. L. mc Dowell. The Catawba advance was 15 ner cent and the interests of the coun ty were presented to the commission in effort for eduction by a. a. wnn ener and County Commissioner Os home Brown. Guilford county's dele eation here was John Iff. Wilson and W. C. Boren and they came to urge hat the 10 per cent advance mart' .i!iir rfeat rmmtv was more than the conditions would justify. rrvia rnmmissifn heard these dele- gations at considerable length and throueh Chairman iTravis detailed conditions that brough the members of the commission to the conviction that the advances they have ordered were necessary in the interest of tiesequality of taxation between -the counties and to bring all more nearly on a level in the burden of taxation There was no intimation by the com missioners as to what final disposi tion will be made of the appeals for reduction of the assesments, the hear ings being understood to about com plete a series for whicn dates na set. Indeed, it was said at the offices of .nmmiHsion that the indications L 11 v .-- are that nearly, if not all, the excep tions that are to be made to these as sessments have been heard. Further more, there is the strongest sort of Mit the members of the commission are determined tnr1 hv their equalization assess ments. They point out the fact that they gave definite notice to the county tQ take up eacn of the different char WAS NOT A SEA SERPENT merican Museum Gets Picture of Harmless ohark, Mistaken for a Monster. Stories of persons having sighted sea serpents, and other monsters of the deep reach the officials of the American Museum of Natural History frequently,, most of them coming in the form of letters during the sum mer months, when persons more fa miliar with business offices or their bomes than with the Inhabitants of the sea are attracted to the resorts. Most of the letters are based on hearsay evidence, and so it was with some surprise that Dr. F. A. Lucas, the director of the museum, read in one of the letters that an actual pho tograph of the sea "serpent whose ac tions were described was being for warded under separate cover. He awaited the arrival of the photograph eagerly. The letter which preceded it said that the sea serpent had made its appearance at the eastern end of Long island and that it had whipped and churned the water near the spot at which it appeared for nearly an hour. Occasionally its huge tail could be seen above the water; at other times two or three sections of its writhing, dark body could be seen at once. One of the spectators who had fled to the shore from a small boat procured a kodak and snapped the monster as conclusive evidence that sea serpents did exist. The photograph arrived in the next day's mail, however, and Doctor Lu cas found it to be not a sea serpent but what is known as a "thrasher" shark, a species which, it is said, is more afraid of man than man is of it. Its name is derived from the manner in which it thrashes about in the wa ter with its huge tail. HAD PELLAGRA; IS NOW WELL One advantage of being poor is that one can get married without attracting the attention of that inveterate gossip, the world. That Christmas toy famine will not worry young Americans, most of whom want Uncle Sam to bring them an au tomobile. Personally, our experience convinces us that nose glasses that are guaran teed to stay put are as unreliable as painless dentistry. It is noticed from the records in the fraternal columns that the "We Should Worry' clubs are making snail diet after all. nnmmmiiiiiiin IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIHIJ: LADIES ! ! USE GILBERT'S I JEWEL ! TALCUM POWDER I The Talcum of Quality, for refined j people; Perfume rich, lasting, and ex- j quisite; Powder of velvety fineness. In Glass Jars ISc. and 25c. I Sold by all dealers. I MADE BY GILBERT BROS., & CO. BALTIMORE, MD. 5iiMKuHiHuiunmniiniiuniiiiiitniBiniiinNiiuiiiHUiiiiiiiuiuiiiiiMW The homely woman has one conso lation that can never be taken away from her. She looks beautiful to the man who loves her. If it is necessary to cure sun spots in order to avert calamitous condi tions down here, the eartb s case muse be regarded as hopeless. of Mrs. A Natural Consequence. "I see that Cleveland has one nprffirt babies now." said Blight. "Perhaps if I had not been a perfect baby I would not always be easting gloom upon my enemies (I hare no friends), my surroundings and I i myself today. But wnen i wa a child, my parents, in tneir nygieun craze, fed me only sweet milk, etc. And now that I have grown up, my disposition craves the sour." KODAKS & SUPPLIES We also do highest class of finishing. Prices and Catalogue upon request S. Galeski Optical Ca.. Ridummd, V. NO. 39-1915. assessing authorities at the very out set that substantial increase in as sessments over those of four years ooro wfljs ner.essarv and would be re quired and that there should be no hestiation about putting property at odfinuate tax basis of valuation un der the impression that this would not. be the case in other counties. The commissioners say that it is the fixed acters and give a summary of his life and of its effect upon the nation. II will be profitable to answer such ques tions as: What do the events of th past quarter teach us about the char acter of God? What great teachingt have we had presented on the subjeel of prayer? What peculiar manifesta tions have been seen in the develop ment of sin? In this quarter's lessons - uivuv m.- M purpose of the commission, in its worK nat emphasis has been made relativt commission More Jobs. "Tin vrm obiect to a form of government?" "Not- at all," declared the boss. "Then I can put several of my men into office, instead of only one." The coldest inhabited country is said to be a province in Siberia. The average temperature for the entire year is 2 degrees below zero. (BMP 10c Worth of Will Clear $1.00 Worth of Land &Ef4 rtK Get rid of the stumps and grow VJCl "X . M big crops on cleared land, now is the time to clean up your x?- Rlfl5r:n? ;8 while products bring high prices Blasting quickest, cheapest and V ing Du Pont Explosives. They work m cold weather. DU PONT POWDER COMPANY of equalization, to strike a real basis between the counties, which tney are insisting that they have done in the best possible manner in the increased assessments ordered. Contract Let For Cotton Mill. Concord. The contract for the erection of the Norcott Mill has been awarded to T. C. Thompson & Broth er of Charlotte. Under the terms of the contract the mill is to be com pleted January 15. The firm plans to begin work at once it is understood. ' The building, which will be located near the Brown Mill, will be 210x106 feet, half two stories, the other half three. The cost of the mill will he $175, 000. It will contain 12,000 spindles, 6,000 to be placed in operation in January and 6,000 six months later. Food Crops Increased. . Washington The crop report for September 1, this year, issued by the department of agrictulture, shows large increases in food crops for North Carolina over 1914. The fol lowing increases over last year are siiown : Corn, 2,085,000 bushels; oats, 1, 009,000; peaches, 92 000; potatoes, 1313,000; sweet potatoes, 53,000; rice, 1,000; tobacco, 19,374,000 pounds; hay, 105,000 tons. Bia Sians Begin "Talking." Winston-Salem. Winston-Salem's mammoth electric talking sign, the second of its kind in the South Atlan tic States, was formally introduced to the people of the city and section a few nights ago. It is estimated that several thousand people, many of them coming from Charlotte, Greensboro, High Point and other nearby cities were present on the court house square v-hen the huge sign was light ed for the first time. One of the fea ture sof the evening was the band concert. Big Catawba County Fair. Hickory. Catawba fair directors planned a home-coming for the first flay of the fair to be held here Novem ber 3, 4 and 5, educational day the second day and iivesock and poultry day for the last day of the fair. It oicn HAP.ided to have an aero- n ciuv plane here to make two flights each day which will be a drawing card, weather permitting. It is expected to have prominent educators here edu cational day to address the public ana a parade of the school children wil; be a feature. to the word of God? What moral du ties and obligations have been empha sized? If a good crayon artist Is avail able prepare on the blackboard 12 cir cles, five above, five below, and one al each end of a rectangle. In this lasl place the Golden Text for the day and in each of the circles, beginning in th upper left hand corner, either a sketct or some other suggestion of each ol the several lessons. Another suggestion for use upon th blackboard would be to draw twe panels or columns on either end of th board and connect the tops by an arch Divide the arch into five divisions and in the top, the keystone of the arch place ,the name of good King Asa, tc the left Absalom and Adonijah, and tc the right Elijah and Ahab. On the left panel write 'The Word of God" and on its capstone "David." On the right panel write, "Obedience," and on thd capstone "Solomon." Then under neath the arch and between the panels first the names of the remaining chiel characters belonging to Israel, and be low, but separate, those from withoul whose names have been considered during the past quarter. This arrange ment of names might be so made as tc call attention to the separated king doms of Israel and Judah, using the arch for the names of the characters affecting the kingdom before its di vision. Again the board may be ruled into two columns, one to contain the names of the "chief persons," and the other the- "chief facts." Divided according to lessons they will be about as fol lows: Chief persons 1, David, Joab, Abishai, Absalom; 2, David, Bath sheba, Zadok, Nathan, Solomon, Adoni. jah; 3 and 4, Solomon; 5, Solomon, Queen of Sheba; 6, Rehoboam, old and youhg men; 7, Jeroboam; 8, Azariah, Asa; 9, Elijah, Ahab and the widow of Zarephath; 10, Elijah and prophets of Baal; 11, Elijah and God; 12, Ben hadad, Ahab, young men. Chief Facts 1, failure; 2, anoint ing; 3, choice; 4, prayer; 5, wisdom, 6, division; 7, sin; 8, reform; 9, provi dence; .0, testing; 11, discourage ment; 12, defeat. Thus by careful and prayerful preparation a review of each lesson can briefly but profitably be presented. The material for a successful re new along any of the lines suggested will demand careful preparation on the part of the 'teacher, but will be well worth while in fixing the chief facts in the pupils' mind while it alsr will test the sort of work the teache has been doing. Ringgold, La. Mrs. S. A. Cotter, of this place, writes: "Will say that I am perfectly well and the happiest soul on earth. Wish every pellagra sufferer could know' of your great remedy. I know how to appreciate health and sympathize with those that are not so blest as I. Am grow ing stronger, gaining in weight and can do anything I ever could. Oh, I know I am well of that horrible disease, and my heart is full of rejoicing. I feel that I have come out of a dense cloud into the blessed sunshine. God be praised! He has spared my life for some good, and I feel that I have just begun to live." There is no longer any doubt that pel lagra can be cured. Don't delay until it is too late. It is your duty to consult the resourceful Baughn. The symptoms hands red like sunburn; skin peeling off, sore mouth, the lips, throat and tongue a flaming red, with much mucus and choking; indigestion and nausea, either diarrhoea or constipation. There is hope; get Baughn's big Free remedy for Pellagra that has at last been found. Address American Compounding Co., box 2090, Jasper, Ala., remembering book on Pellagra and learn about the money is refunded in any case where the remedy fails to cure Adv. Reasonable. "Fogarty has quit the profession. What do you think of that?" "Fogarty quit? You must be af fected by the heat. Why, he's on the bill this very day. What got that idea into your panama?" "Well, I saw him coming out of a business man's lunch place." Nautical. "Father," wired the young yachts man, "please advance me some money. My boat is entered in tomorrow's race and I'm sure she will win." And father replied: "Not with a time allowance from me." FARMER'S WIFE TOO ILLTO WORK A Weak, Nervous Sufferei Restored to Health by Ly dia E. Pinkhain's Veg etable Compound. Easota, Minn. "I am glad to say that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound nas done more for me than anything else, and I had the best physi cian here. I was so weak and nervous that I could cot da my work and suf fered with pains low down in my right side for a year or more. I took Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound, and now I feel like a different person. I believe there to nothing like Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound for weak women and young girls, and I would be glad if I could influence anyone to try the medi cine, for I know it will do all and much mora than it is claimed to do." Mrs. Claka Franks, R. F. D. No. 1, Maple crest Farm, Kasota, Minn. Women who suffer from those dis tressing ills peculiar to their sex should be convinced of the ability of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound to re store their health by the many genuine and truthful testimonials we are con stantly publishing in the newspapers. If you have the slightest doubt that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta ble Compound will help you,wrlte to Lydia E.PinkhamMedicineCo. (confidential) Lynn, Mass., for ad vice. Your letter will be opened, read and answered by a woman, and held in strict confidence. Truly Bostonese. Contrary to her custom, a Boston woman strayed far enough from home to encounter a mile post, on which she saw inscribed, "1 M. from Boston." Thinking it a gravestone, she read softly, "I'm from Boston," and then commented thoughtfully. "How sim ple and sufficient." Lippincott's. The Norwegian government has es tablished at Stavanger a domestic sci ence school to afford a complete course in housekeeping to young girls. What to Do for Itching Skills Eczema, ringworm and other itch Ing, burning skin eruptions are so eas ily made worse by improper treatment that one has to be very careful. There is one method, how ever, that you need not hesitate to use, even on a baby's ten der skin that is, the resinol treatment. Reslnol is the pre scription of a Balti more doctor, put up in the form of resin ol ointment and resinol soap. TUB proved so remarkably successful, that thousands of other physicians have prescribed it constantly for 20 years. Resinol stops itching instantly, and almost'' always heals the eruption quickly and at little cost. Resinol ointment and resinol soap can be bought at any druggist's, and are not at all expensive. 11 AMTFn Acreage In growing cities and towns ft API 1 L 13 suitable for sn b-di vision and sale M UCtiom. SATIOHAIi BJtlLTT ACCTIOH CO., Lak.Uaa, VU Children Cry for Fletcher's The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been in use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of - and has been maue unaer nis per Vf j jr Bonal supervision since its infancy TZaZZdA A Haw nn An a to 1rfiv'Pi YOU in this. aii rAnn.AifAi.fK. Tmltatmn and Just-as-erood " are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health ot Infants and Children experience against Experiment. What is CASTOR I A Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor OH, Pare Koric, Irops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. I contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. For more than thirty years is has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation. Flatulency. Wind Colic, all Teething Troubles and Diarrhoea. It regulates the Stomach and Bowels assimilates the Food, giving healthy and natural Sleep The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS i Bears the Signature of SI In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Hive Always Bought THK CKNTAUH COM' HCW rOWK CITY. WILMINGTON