Newspaper Page Text
THE REVIEW, HIGH POINT, NORTE CAROLINA. DEC. 9, 1915 Backache Miss Myrtle Cothrum, of Russell ville, Ala., says: "For nearly a year, I suf fered with terrible back ache, pains in my limbs, and my head ached nearly all the time. Our family doctor treated me, but only gave me temporary relief. I was certainly in bad health. My school teacher advised me to TAKE The Woman's Tonic I took two bottles, in all, and was cured. I shall always praise Cardui to sick and suffering wo men." If you suffer from pains peculiar to weak women, such as head ache, backache, or other symptoms of womanly trouble, or if you merely need a tonic for that tired, nervqus, worn-out feel ing, try Cardui. e-65 Engineer, Fireman and Flagman are Indicted. Salisbury, Nov. 29. Indictments were drawn here today against A. Tankersley, engineer, and Arthur Kelly, negro fire man, of the Southern Railway's News York-New Orleans limited train, and Clyde H. Wilson, flagman on an excur sion train, charging manslaughter as a result of a collision last Wednesday night resulting in the death of two persons and the injury of 22 others. The indictments were handed up by the grand jury of Rowan county after consideration of the evidence given at the coroner's inquest" into the death of H. C. Severs and C. E. Hall, the two victims of the wreck. The condition of O. Max Gardner, of Shelby, and Henry Talty, of Charlotte, the two passengers who were most se riously injured in the wreck, was report ed favorable this afternoon from the lo cal hospital where they are confined. RUB-fyiY-TISf Will cure your Rheumatism Neuralgia, Headaches, Cramps. Colic, Sprains, Bruises, Cut,s anc Burns, Old Sores, Stings of Insec s Etc. Antiseptic Anodyne, used in ternally and externally. Price 25c Wanted SALESafEN Our repre ulUTc mra earning tSO to $150 per waek. Wrif qmtck for r ample and terri tory. It s Mlllng Uka wiid-fir. t5Everybdjr- a Customer. Hytoe'a Factor is 194 Order to Introduce Rexall Tooth Paste we are giving & 25c Tooth Brush with every package for a limited time Ring Drug Co. j Ws Rjexall Store j Santa Claus Headquarters Moore's Book and Toy Store is cheapest place for Toys, Books and fancy goods in the city. m s pills brAnd Co T 4TYTWO Aefc your nruggtet for CHI-CHXSS -TKR' DIAMOND BRAND PILLS in Rbd an Ribbon.' Takb no other.. Buy f T DIAMOND Bit AND PILLS, for twenty-five Ke av Tfcrn T A pr no Tf c,fMf Al-vcnvS ReliabiQ. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS time crvrpviAurBF worth xkikd cVtltTiUntnt tested HOTEL ORDER FOR SALE I have order on Hotel Richmond Richmond. Va.. dood for one year and worth $60.00 that I will sell at; a big reduction, also one on Hotel Cochrane, Washington, D. C, for $60.00. W. L. Stamev. Dugdale Plumbing Company Independent Phone 613 PLUMBING AND HEATING Estimates Furnished and Repairing Properly Attended To, Free SUSIES! DIAMOND SL Corn Limpers! Use "Gets-It" and Smile ! Come Come Right o$ Clean and auick! You Needn't Limp, or 1088 With Your Corns Any More ! J WhatB the use of spoiling a. eonrt time for yourself by limpinf trfSnd with fierce corns? It's onf of the easiest things in the world, now to set rid of them. "Gets-It" AaZk i? "Those Corns Come Right Off. Clean As a Whistle, by Using 'Gets-It!'" the new way. That's why 'Gets-It" has become the corn remedy of America, the biggest selling corn remedy in the world, preferred by millions. Do you remember that toe -eating salve you i.neu, max. siicKy tape, that toe bundling bandage, the gouging you've done with knives, razors and scissors? Well now. forget them all. No more fussing, no more pain. Whenever you use simple, easy "Gets-It,n the corn is doomed, sure. So is every callus, wart or bunion. Never cut corns or calluses, it makes them grow that much faster and increases the danger of blood poison. No cutting is necessary by using 'Gets-It," Use it tonight and end your corny existence. "Gets-It" is sold by all druggists, 25c a bottle, or sent direct by E. Lawrence & Co.. Chicago. p Sold in High Point and recommended as the world's best corn remedy by the Mann Drug Company and the Hart Drug Company. MORTGAGE SALE By virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain mortgage deed executed by E. R. Beckerdite and his wife, Lillie L. Beckerdite to E T. Corbit on the 30th day of Nov. 1903, and duly recorded in the Register of Deeds Office for Guilford County, N. C., in BjokNo. 155, Page 329 etc; and default J having been made in the payment of the note, secured by said mortgage, the undersigned i will sell for cash to the last and highest bid der, at public auciior., in front of the Bank of Commerce, in the City of High Point, N. C, on Saturday, Dec 11, 1915, at 12 o'clock M., the following described real estate, em braced in said mortgage to-wit, bcng in Guilford County, North Carolina, in High Point Township, adjoining the lands of Z. A. Burns and others, and bounded as follows: Beginning at a stone, near a large Cedar, along Grave-Yard street; thence North 36 and 1-2 deg; West 130 feet to a stone; thence E?st 60 feet to a stone; thence South 36 and 1-2 deg. East (say) 180 feet to a stone, thence South 53 and 1-2 deg; West 60 feet to the beginning, containing 10,800 square feet more or less.- This Nov. 9th, 1915. BETTIE CORBIT, Admrx, of E. T. CORBIT, d-ceased, Mortgagee. W. P. RAGaN, Att'y. nl04ti T H A C K El R'S Shoe Department Thacker Saves the People of High Point hundreds of dollars a year on Shoes. The Reason: Same shoes for less money but for Cash. Be wise, pay cash! MEN'S FURNISHINGS We carry a complete line of hats shirts, ties, collars, sox and other men's furnishings. Let as fit you in one of oar splendid tailored suits. Fine line of fall patterns on display. THACKER'S Shoes and Mens' Furnishings Onr Sanitary Pressing Department In charge of an expert from Baltimore. You will be pleased at the j change take our? word tor it. MONUMENTS Five to 20 per cent, off on all or ders for Granite and Marble Monu ments and Tombstones booked within the next 60 days. All mate rial and workmanship absolutely guaranteed I can refer you to hun dreds of satisneq customers. Don't fail to see me before you buy. ..... D. R. RAPER High Point Marble Works. Near Poetoffice. LAZINESS WITH A VIM I wish I was a rock, A sittin' cna hill; Doing nothing all day long, , But jus' a sittin still; I wouldn't eat, I wouldn't sleep, I wouldn't even wash; I'd just set still a thousand years, And rest myself, b'gosh . SAVE MONEY BY READING. The Review is being liberally patron ized by the merchants of High Point to advertise their jnany splendid values for the trade and this alone should be a big inducement for you to subscribe to The Review so as to be able to keep up with the splendid bargains advertised from week to week. By missing these avlues advertised you will lose ten times the subscription price of The Review .within a year. Be wise. Malaria or Chilis & Fevei Prescription No. 666 is prepared especiallv for MALARIA or CHILLS &. FEVER. Five or six doses will break any case, and I if taken then as a tonic the Fever will net return. u acts on me liver Detter man Calomel and does not gripe or sicken. 25c MORTGAGE SALE By virtue of the power contained in' a cer tain mortgage deed executed by Daniel Law son and his wife Saluda Lawson to D. S. Lawson on the 22d day of March, 1912 and duly recorded in the office ot the Register of Deeds for Guilford county, N. C, in Book 237. page 214, etc , default having been I made in the payment thereof and of the money secured thereby, the undersigned will on the 24th day of Dec. 1915, at 12 o'clock M , in front ot the Bank of Commerce on North Main street in the city of High Point, N. C. , sell to the last and highest bidder for cash and according to law, the lands situate in said State and county, in High Point township, bounded as follows; Being lot No. 8, in Block "A." as shown in the plot of the Ed. and D. O. Burns re subdivision. Said plot duly recorded on page 48, in plot Book No. 2 in office register of deeds said Guilford county, N. C. Said lands conveyed to D. S. Wiley by J. H Phillipps, see Book 226. page 176, and con veyed to Phillipps by Burns Book No. 172, page 623, etc. This the 23rd. day of November, 1915. D. S. WILEY, Mortgagee. MORTGAGE SALE By virtue of the power of sale contained in a cerrain mortgage deed executed by James C. Welch and his wife Lula R. Welch on the 7th day of April, 1913, and duly recorded in the Register of Deeds office for Guilford county, N. C, in Book No. 247. Page 382. etc.. and on the 4th day af October 1913, for value received transferred and assigned to E. T. Corbit. and default having been made in the payment of the note secuted by said mortgage, the under signed will sell for cash to the last and highest bidder at public auction on the premises, in the Citv of High Point, N. C , on Saturday, Dec 18th, 1915; at 12 o'clock, M. the following described real estate embraced in said mort gage to wit.-a tract of land being in Guilford Couuty. N. C, High Point township, adjoin ing the lands of J. C. Welch, M. C, Welch and others and bounded as follows; Beginning at a stone M. C. Welch's corner on Jordan street; thence in a southern direction with Jordan St. 50 ft. more' or less to 5. C. Welch's corner; thence jn an eastern direction with J. C. Welch line 299 ft. to Bums street: thence in a northern direction 50 feet more or less to M. C. Welch's corner, thence in a western direction with M. C. Welch's line 200 feet, more or less to Jordan street, the beginning, containing 10.000 square feet, more or less. ' his Nov. 17. 1915. W. P. PAGAN Mortgagee BETTIE CORBIT, Admrx. Assignee W. P. RAGAN. Atty. M ORTGAGE SALE By virtue of thepower cf Isaie contained in a certain mortgage deed xc-cuteu by A. L. Ellison and his wife Octava L. Ellison to T. C. Andrews on Oct. 31st, 19i4. and duly record ed in the Kegisterof De- ds Office for Guilford Count . N. C , in Book No, 268, Page 188. etc., and default having been made in the payment of the note, secured by said mortgage, the un dersigned will sell for cash to the last and highest bidder, at public auction, in front ot, the Bank of Commerce, in the city of High Point, N. C, on Saturday, Dec. 11. 1915, at 12 o'clock. M. the following described real estate, embraced in said mortgage, to wit: Being in High Point township, Gui ford county. N. C. adjoining the lands of i J.H Parsos and others and bounded as follows; Beginning at a stone in Loflin street. D. H. Parsons. Southhast corner; thence running about West with Lof lin Street 50 feet to a stone, Henry Robinson's Corner; thence running North with Robin son's line 150 feet to a stone; thence running east fifty feet to a stake, thence running about south with line of D. H. Parsons 150 eet to the beginning, containing 7,500 square feet more or less. This November 9th. 1915 T. C. ANDREWS, Mortgagee. W. P. RAGAN, Att'y. MORTGAGE SALE By virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain mortgage deed executed by John R. Davis and his wife, Suda M. Davis to Ed. L. Ragan. on Nov. 28th. 1911. and duly recorded in the Register of Deeds Ofiice for Guilford County, N. C. m Book, No. 35. Page 168 etc. And for value received transferred, assigned and sold to Mrs Bettie Corbit, Administratrix, of E. T. Corbit. dee'd. on Nov. 9th, 1915; and default having been made in the payment of the note, secured by said mortgage, the un dersigned will sell for cash to the las-t and highest bidder, at public auction, in front of the Bank-of Commerce, in the City of High Point. N.C.. on Saturday, December 11, 1915. ! at 12 o'clock, M.. the following described real estate, embraced in said mortgage to-wtt: ue ingin High Point Township, Guilford County, North Carolina, adjoining the lands of E. A. Snow and others, and bounded as follows: Beginning at a stake on West side of Hamilton street, E. A. Snow's corner; thence along Snow's line Westwardly 150 feet to a stake; thence about South 65 feet to a stake; thence Eastwardly 150 feet to a stake; thence North wardly on HamiltonstTeet 65 leet to the be einning. containing 9000 square feet more or less. This November Vtn, ED. L. RAGAN, Mortgagee: BETTIE CORBIT, Admx. Assignee. W. P. RAGAN, Att'y. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as administrator of the estate ol Willis L. Brower, deceased, late cf Guilford County, North Carolina, this is to nntifv all oersons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at High Point, North Caro lina, on or beiore the nth day ot November, iQlfS. or this notice wiH be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate Will please make immediate payment. This the 27th day of November 1915. E. M BROWER, Administrator, Of the Estate of Willis L. Brower, Dec'd. NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA - GUILFORD COUNTY Alt Whitaker vs Grover C. Whitaker IN THE SUPERIOR COURT The defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Guilford County, North Carolina, to obtain an abso lute divorce; and the said defendant will further take notice that he is required to ap pear at the term of the Superior Court of said ii J i 1.1 J.l J County to oe neia on monuay me lin uay of January, 1916, at the court house of said County in Greensboro, North Carolina and answer or demur1 to the complaint in the said action or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in said complaint; This the 22nd day of November, 1915. M. W. GANT, d ? ti - Clerk of theSupeiior Court Christian Conference Adjourned Thurs day. The Noth Carolina and Virginia Chris tian Conference,- which met in' Durham last week, adjourned Thursday afternoon to meet next year with Union church, in Alamance eountv. The closing address of the conference was made by Rev. Dr. J. O. Atkinson, editor of the Christian Sun, on "Supply ing the Need of a Missionary Con science." Systematic investigation of the facts relative to missions throughout the world and a study of God's work were the roads to pursue. He declared that Jesus Christ was the world's first and foremost optimist. The election of ministers to represent the conference in the Southern Christian Conference which meets in May resulted in these choices: J. O. Atkinson, J. S. Garden, P. H. Fleming, J. W. Holt, P. T. Klapp, S. B. Klapp, C. C. Peel, H. S. Smith, J. W. Wellons and W. L. Wells. The following laymen Vere chosert as delegates: Charles A. Hines, W. A. Har per, J. D. Wilkins, D. L. Boone, J. W. Winfree, A. B. Farmer, D. S. Farmer, L. D. Rpipy, J. W. Johnston and H. C. Simpson. The conference ordained Rev. H. Shel ton Smith, pastor of the Hign Point church, to the full gospel ministry. Pro bationer's license was granted to L. L. Wyrick and Carr E. Gerringer. DOES YOUR STOMACH TROUBLE YOU? Wonderful taaditady will change that Lon face! And One Dose Has Often Dispelled Years of Suffering Mayr's Wonderful Remedy can really be termed WONDERFUL. No matter where you live you will find people who have suffered with Stomach, Liver and Intestinal Ail roents, etc., and have been restored to health and are loud in their praise of this remedy. It acts on the source and foundationof these ail ments, removing the poisonous catarrh and bile accretions, taking c ut the inflammation from the in testinal tract and assists in render ing the same antiseptic. Sufferers re urged to try one dose which alone should relieve your suffering and convince you that Mayr's Wo i derfifl Remedy should restore you to good health. Put it to a test to day. Send for book'et on Stomach Ailments to Geo. H. Mayr, Mfg. Chemist, 156 Whiting St.. Chicago, or better still, obtain a bottle fiom j your druggist. For sale by everywhere. The Cloth Signs and Fire The new law in regard to placing cloth signs in front of a building for "sale" purposes or what not is a good thing. It is not only danger ous from a fire standpoint but is a very bad advertisement for a town, for the visitors to walk up and down the streets gazing upon innumerable store fronts blocked in by Sensational a id highly colored cloth signs. And u is also best for the firm who would have the rigns in the long run. It is a bad custom and now since the law is against it, all par Lies, we feel, will be thoroughly oaiisfied. WEAK, SORE LUNGS Bestored To Health By Vinol Camden, N.J." I had a deep seated cough, was run-down, and my lungs were weak and sore. I had tried everything suggested without help. One eve ning I read about Vinol and decided to try it. Soon I noticed aii improve ment. I kept on taking it and today I am a well man. The soreness is all gone from my lungs, I do not have any tough and have gained fifteen pounds. Frank Hillman. We guarantee Vinol for chronic coughs, colds and bronchitis and for all weak, run-down conditions. Matton Drug Co , High Point, N. C. VALUABLE BOOKS FOR SALE Have for sale 25 volumes of Alex andre Dumas works, good as new, cost $19.00; will sell for less than half. If you want a bargain here it is. See me at once and get some fine reading material that would be an ornament to your home. tf Ideal Christmas Present One of our seal leather card cases and cards detached one at time. The latest novelty out. For $1.75 to $2.75, you can get the case and 50 cards with name and address of any person desired printed there on. Order now. Stamey Printing House. Phone 275. STUBBORN G0UGHS, GOLDS AND BRONGHIAL AITECTI0NS RELIEVED With Best Home-Made Remedy 128 Teaspoonfuls for 25 If everything was in as liberal and fair a manner as J. A Hart Drug Co. is sell ine Schiffmann s New Comeentrated Expectorant, -absolutely no cause for complaint or dissatisfaction could pos sible arise from anyone. . These drug gists say "Buy a bottle of this new reme dy and try it for Bronchitis, Bronchial Asthma, Whooping Cough, bevere Cough, Croup or any Bronchial Affec tion, snd we will return your money, just the same as we do with Dr. Sen iff - mann's famous Asthmador; if it does not give perfect satisfaction, or if it is not found the best remedy evec used for any of these complaints.'' In addition to this guarantee, in order that the public might try this remedy without further delay, these druggists announce that tbey have decided to make an extra induce ment and will sell 200 regular 50c size bottles for half price, 25c, to tha first 200 I e sons wh sign and present the coupon be ow at their store. Although they and the proprietor are Josing money on every bottle sold at th s price, they both have decided to stand this loss, so as to give those who have not yet used this excellent remedy, an opportuuity of try ing it, at their loss, know ng it will be found the best medicine ever used by TWENTY-FIVE CENT COUPON NO. 3 This coupon and 25c is good for one (only) 50c bottle of Schiff mann's New Concentrated Expectorant at J. A. Hart Drug Co. if your name and address is filled in. Name Address THE UNIVERSAL CAR III III We Have Just Receiv- ed Six 5-Passenger cars. J Place your order im- 8 j mediately before they I j are all sold. I j l "- Price $463 70 ii j High Point Motor Co. I THERE ARE OTHERS. It is now and always has been the natural instinct of men to think well of themselves and occasionally in their ef forts to ventilate their importance, will allow their ambition to get the better of their good judgment. Every man has Bad Cough ? Feverish? Grippy ? These Ailments Weaken Your System. Your Body Then Needs the Help of Dr. King's New Discovery. Colds are annoying. They inter fere with our duties. In our weak ened condition they may end in a spell of sickness or even more serious vailments. Fear, however, should be overcome, for in Dr. King's ilew Discovery you have an effective rem REVIEW advertisements bring the bus iness to your doors and you sell them k Great Leaders 4 The Haynes The Chalmers The Oldsmobile The Overland SEE US FOR PRICES. Automobile Accessories of all Kinds PEOPLES MOTOR CAR CO. anyone. Even though not in need of such a medicine at present, it will pay to ob tain a bottle now at half price, as n doubt someone in the family will require it before the winter is over, but you will not have another chance of buying for less than full price. . One bottle makes a full pint (128 tea spoonful) by simply mixing it at home with one pint of granulated sugar and one-half pint of water, and makes a whole family supply, and as much as would ordinarily cost front $2 to $3 for the same quantity of the ordinary, old fashioned,, ready-made kinds of doubtful merit and also without a guarantee, lil e this remedy. It is prepared from strictly harmless plants and is so pleasant that children like to take it and it can be given them with perfect safety, as it positively contains no chloroform, opium morphine or any other narcotic, as do most cough mixtures. Absolutely no risk whatever is run in buying this reme dy on the guarantee of the above well known reliable druggist. If a neighbor or friend would take and pay for half the bottle, the cost of half a pint ot this excellent medicine would onl cost each about 12 cents. a value, but it is not up to him to make it. As a matter of fact, he depreciates and is seldom taken seriously, and for this reason it is a better proposition to lei; the other fellow be the judge and stand or fall by the decision, and it is also well to remember that there are others. edy. Dr. King's New Discovery contains the ingredients which fight cold germs, which soothe your cough, healing the irritated and inflamed mucous membranes. Just as soon as you start taking Dr. King's New Discovery your recovery is assured. Without assistance your weakened system tries in vain to throw off these cold germs. Your system cries for help and Dr. King's New Dis covery is just the remedy needed. Get a bottle to-day. Take at once. You will feel much better to-morrow. All druggists.