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Newspaper Page Text
THE REVIEW, HIGH POINT, NOETE CAROLINA. DEC. 9, 1915i 1 , . Look No Furth er F or it I We have just what you want in cigars, cigarettes and tobacco. Your favorite smoke if kept on hand. OUR BILLIARD PAR LORS Are first class in every detail and we invite your patronage. We are the pioneers in billiards in High Point and made it Dossible for you to enjoy this pleasant pastime. Come to see us the latch string hangs on the outside. Steam heat, comfortable Clements Cigar Co. m FLOWERS FOt GIFTS Or Special Occasions In thinking of your friends do not fail to include flowers in your !' , ' '' i list of presents, One of our. i 'beautiful, blooming plants or a box of flowere will add wonder fully to the pleasure of the occa-. sion. 1 ATTENTION! Don't Wait for Xmas Week -Send Your Work Early Of course you'll want an extra supply of clean linens and your clothes spotless for the hoiidays so let us have your laundry early. In this connection we desire to thank one and all for their patronage the past year and solicit a continu ance of same for the com ing year. HIGH POINT STEAM LAUNDRY Remember Don't wait fcr Christmas Week. DO IT NOW! GROCERIES AT LOW PRICES We carry a line of good gro ceries which we sell to the peo ple at a saving of 20 per cent and deliver all orders promptly. We have the Best Flour Obtainable for the money and it will pay you to figure with us. For Xmas we have plenty of candy, oranges, apples, nuts, raisins and the like. Come to JOE LEVINE'S GROCERY E. Wash. St, High Point, N. C Think Stripling May Be Free Christmas I That Edgar Stripling, former chief of police of Danville, after his sensational arrest five years ago, may eat his Christ mas dinner with his family is the hope expressed in a letter received in Dan ville from relatives in Savannah, Ga. Governor Harris not long before the Frank lynching announced tha he would pardon Stripling, who is at Milledge ville, but no date was set for Stripling's liberation. A GOOD MOTTO Do what you are paid do to, and then some. It's the "then some" that gets your salary raised. mi mmm COURT IN SESSION. The December civil term of Guilford Superior court was convene 1 Monday by Judge M. H. justice. The terms is for one week and will be followed by a two-weeks criminal term. The first week of the criminal term v !! be pre sided over by Judge J. L. Webb, of Shel by, Governor Craig having, authorized an exchange between him and Judge Justice. RUN-DOWN WOMAN Made Strong By Our Vinol Fort Edward, N Y.-" I was in a run down, nervous and weak condition so i could not do the housework for mv'lit family of three. I had taken cod K oil emulsions and other remedies with out benefit. A friend told me about Vinol. 1 tried it and it soon built up mv strength and made me a well woman so I now do all of my housework." Mrs Elmer Glidden. We guarantee Vinol, our delicious cod liver and iron tonic, for all run-down weak and debilitated conditions. ' Matton Drug Co. , High Point, N. C Reward, $JCo pieased ablf " l, oil hih v c tmc iiuw Known lo tin- medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitut; disease, requires a constitutional tr , ment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken n ternally, acting directly upon the 1,1 ' and mucous surfaces of the system th by destroying the foundation of the digl caac, aim fiiviug Hie JJllieni SUVM)rtll ')V building up the constitution and assistin nature in doing its work. The proprietor nave so much faith in its curative now era that they offer One Hundred Dollar for any case that it fails to cure. grrJ for list of testimonials. Address F. J. CHFNFiT CO., Toledo, Ohio Sold by all Druprprfst.s, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation The readers of thit nanM. ..-n to larn that there im at i-.Lf aded osease ' tha sc-Jenee v.. : to cure in all its mtazpa an urrv" arrh. Hali'a ParnWi t ,,7' T. L" u '3 ! I mti v-&v w i i r bid GREAT Selling This WEEK ! F YmQ CofQ nrl Suits- Rvpfvonp r.n Spi at a Special Price This is the week to buy your Xmas Coats and Suits. It is all in your favor to buy Now, because the prices are low and the stocks New and Complete. Don't make the mistake of putting it off until the Newest and Best Styles are gone, but come today and select your Xmas suit or coat. The prices are sure to please you. fflOSI: THAT HAVE-6ET gSvg&g 5HF5 GOT THt SHEET AND BLANKET AND ) WOW, BY HECK , SHE'S TRYING TO MONOPOLIZE Special Sale of Xmas Suits. This week $15.00, $18. and $20. Suits on sale at $9.95. Xmas Coats for Ladies. Misses and Children In a good selection of new sryles. No where will you find a better assort ment of snappy, up-to-date styles in coats than here and the prices are marked down low for the Xmas selling. Certainly you will want a new coat for Xmas and when you see what stylish looking coats we are showing this week for such little prices, it will be hard for you to get away without purchasing your new coat. Now is the time to buy. See them today. Ladies Coats In newest and best styles on sale this week at $4.95. 5.95, 6.95 and 7.95. Girls' Coats In nobby new styles 10 to 12 and 14 years, at big values. Prices $3.95 and $4.95. Children's Coats A splendid assortment of the new and snappy styles for the children 6 to 10 vears, at special prices $2.98 and $3.98. Be sure and see these winners. Xmas ShirtwaistsNew and At tractive Styles New Xmas shirtwaists in attractive styles in Crepe de chine at jfl.98. Beautiful new styles in waists at 98c. Kid gloves in all good shades at 1.O0. Xmas HandkerchfefsIn Great Variety of New Styles We are now showing a splendid selection of Xmas handkerchiefs at 5c, 10c, 15c and 25c. Beautiful Holiday packing in handkerchiefs at 25c, 35c, 50c, 75c, 98c, $1.25 and $1.98 a box. A Special Sh owing of Men's neck wear for Christmas at 25c and 5oc. f Y a - nw 7 K We Are Strong on ffl Clothing Shoes Xtra Special Values in Millinery Buy vour xmas hats here. A spec ial sale of hats this week. New auto and sport caps in for xmas selling at fifty and ninety-eight cents. Don't forget this is the week you can buy your Xmas suit, coat or hat at a Special saving. Come and make your selection today. THE MOFFITT FURNISHING COMPANY i pjSi For the man of Moderate Means as Well as the WelMo-do Man We carry well-known brands, too, the kind that give the best pos sible service for the money, and we are anxious for you to secure these splendid values. In Clothing- we have the celebrated "College Cut," from $10. to $20., for men and young men, and for Boys we have the "Mighty Good" make of clothing for $2.50 to $10. Overcoats from $7.50 to $20. In Shoes- the "Star Brand", "stronger than the law," simplv iust can't be ex celled for the price. We have 'em both for dress and for work. Wright's Health Underwer, in Union Suits and separate pieces. H. HARRIS & BRO. N. Main Street. City of High Point