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1 THE REVIEW, HIGH POINT, NORTE CAROLINA. FEB. 3.-1916 1 BURST INTO TEARS. . Baltimore, Md., Jan. 31. When the sweet strains of the song, "Mother," played by a street piano, wafted through windows kept wide open because of the balmy, spring-like weather of the last few days, a Cumberland, Md., recruit for the United States Marine Corps burst into tears and left the recruiting sta tion of the "sea soldiers" in? the custom house building today.' The recruit had not yet been enlisted and the recruiting officers made no ef fort to prevent his leaving. "The sound of a.bursting shell in bat tle might have conveyed the same sort of idea to that young fellow, and it is perhaps just as well," . remarked one of the recruiting sergeants when the recruit, motherward bound, left the of fice. : Two o'clock Friday afternoon the English street car rani into the Kiss Kola truck at the Chestnut street cross ing, doing some little damage to the truck which the car, struck with such force as to temporarily render Ed. Mun go, one of the occupants, unconscious. He also received slight bruises "about the head, and issuffering no little from the accident. . . , " SAW MILL ACCIDENT. v Ed. Hohn, 27 years old, married, and the father of three children, was horri- Ibly mutilated in a saw mill accident near Fairfield church.' Mr, Hohn was operating a track saV and in trying to remove a piece of bark from a log, his overall jacket got caught in the fast whirling saw, pulling him into its dan gerous teeth, cutting , jaw bome into, severing the, tongue, and badly lacerat ing chin and under lip. The man was brought to the hospital here and given attention and today is getting along as well as could be expected in such a case. ? Mrs Frank Dalton visited the ' family of her son, Judge Dalton thfe past week. The Christian society of the M. P. church, recently organized, is growing nicely in membership and enthusiasm. v Let us have your subscrition dur ing this month if you desire to get in on the $1.00 a year rate. D R.1 IN K The New Drink: Manufactured by local people si bottled drink of unsur I passed excellence Call for Kiss-Kola the drink that satisfies and refreshes the tired nerves with no bad after effect. In Bottles and the price is on ly 5C iss-KolaCo High Point, N. C. Mfrs. Kiss-Kola and Kiss Brand Soda EEC - 1 ' " " t"ll""i STOP, LOOK- AND LISTEN ! Real estate is the safest earthly investment man can possess And when be is called to leave this old world he may have the sweet assutance that his loved ones are secure in their own home, and in the enjoyment of the fruits of his labor Is there a house and a lot, or farm you want for a home? If so we furnish the money to buy it. Do yeu have property you would exchange or sell? . If sowe will exchange with you, or sell it for you. When ou have money to loan, talk it over with us. We Vame good security for you and guarantee its payment. have some splendid bargains now to offer in City property, and rm tods also timber lands. Loans made on good security. For further information, call at the law office of D. H. PARSONS, ATT'Y. High Point, N. C. nu oq4 .Rank of Commerce Building riJuuc iju i. NGSWATE1 Digests Food, Purifies Blood, Creates Vigor Moore's Springs water has made more, permanent cures than any other water in existence. . For Indigestion, Constipation Catarrh, Stomach and Bowel Troubles Kidney and Bladder Diseases, Rheumatism, Nervousness and long standing Blood Diseases it has no equal. Let us Drove its wonderful curative powers to you. . Prices of water, 12 one-half gallon bottles $1.50; five-gallon Car- BoSdi Springs (water free) $1.00 to $2.00 per day, $10.00 to $1250 per week. - . r Write for booklet and other information. Moore's Mineral Springs Go. Moore's Springs, IN. C Order to Introduce Tooth Paste . we are giving a 25c Tooth Brush Free with every package for a limited time ' Rjing Drug Co. tJelRjexall Store HOTEL ORDER FOR SALE I ha ve order on Hote Richmond Richmond, Va., good for one year and worth $60.U0 that I will sell at a big reduction, also, one on Hotel Cochrane, Washington, D. C, for $60.00. ' W. L. Stamev. Some Late Styles jor the Women FEEBLE, AGED WOMAN Says Vinol Hade Her Strong Oranrl Saline. Texas. "I am an asrecl woman and for a long time was weak nH f hl but Vinol restored mv health and strength so that I feel almost young again and am doing all my housework. Old people who are weak and feeble should try Vinol and know its merits as I do. It is the best medicine to create strength and for chronic colds I have ever taken.' ' Mrs . j? annie hj.kodgers. Vinnl. our dplir.ious cod liver and iron tonic, is sold on our guarantee to benefit A J or your money win De returned. Matron Drug Co., High Point, N. C. MAKE IT PERSONAL. The trouble with a lot of advertising is that is isn't anything like the firm it is supposed to advertise. Make it truth- ul, personal, honest, gracious, earnest just like you. Then the people will believe it. SAVE MONEY BY READING. The Review is being liberally patron ized by the merchants of Hijrh Point to advertise their many splendid values for the trade and this alone should be a big inducement for you to subscribe to The Review so as to be able to keep up with the splendid bargains advertised from week to week. By missing these avlues advertised you will lose ten times the subscription price of The Review -within a year. Be wise. Look No Furth er JForitI We have just what you. want ill cigars, cigarettes and tobacco. You favorite smoke h kept on hand. OUR BILLIARD PAR LORS Are first class in every detail and we invite your patronage. We are the pioneers in : billiards in High Point and made it possible for you to enjoy' thiS'pleasant" pastime. Come to see us the latch string hangs on the outside. Steam heat, comfortable Clements Cigar Co. : NOT THE LEAST DANGER. A; state and local story in regard to recent "Bell operations where the local business was turned over to the local exchange at Concord, the Bell taking over the long distance business and contrast ing this procedure with other likely towns wherein High Point was mention ed, perhaps created a wrong impression with some here.. It can, however, be safely stated that the North State Tele phone company of this city hasn't any idea now or 'in the past of entering into any agreement whatsoever with the Bell t people, directly or indirectly. The com pany here has the business, the confi dence of the people, is giving good ser vice, in fact among the very best in the south), is making money at the rate of a little over. half what the Bell charges for same number of phones, and therefore is contented, and it is reason able to suppose that with this excellent service and long distance connections over its own wires and the Postal Tele graph .company, coupled with the fact that -this service is about half .what the Bell charges, that the people would se riously fight any attempt to curtail the good work of the North State Telephone company which is saving the telephone patrons of High Point $7,000 a year alone on their service. Bad-v (Coug'h ? : vesrish? Grippy ? These Ailments Weaken Your System. Your Body Then Needs the Help of Dr. King's New Discovery. Colds are annoying. They inter fere with our duties. In our weak ened condition they may end in a spell of sickness or even more serious ailments. Fear, however, should be overcome, for in Dr. King's-New Discovery you have an effective rem edy. ' Dr. King's New Discovery contains the ingredients whichVfight cold germs, which soothe your cough, healing the irritated and inflamed mucous membranes. Just as soon as you start taking Dr. King's New Discovery your recovery is assured. Without assistance your weakened system tries in vain to throw off these cold germs. Your system cries for help and Dr. King's New Dis covery is just the remedy needed. Get a bottle to-day. Take at once. You will feel much better to-morrow. All druggists. Report of the Boys' Corn Club Work - in the State. As a result of the work of the Boys' Corn Clubs during the year 1915, re; ports sent in by the boys show that 70, 040.4 bushels of corn have been produced by l',308 boys reporting. Fifty boys made 100 bushels and above. The aver age yield of these fifty boys was 111.7 bushels per acre. As an indication of the interest of the boys this past year, 37 3-10 per cent, of the boys enrolled reported, against 21 3tl0 per cent, for the year 1914, an increase cf 16 per cent, for the year. Ninety-five out of the 100 counties in the state had boys enrolled in the work, and 88 counties out of the 95 sent in re ports. The 12 remaining counties of the state from which no reports were received had only a combined total mem bership of 17. TOWN BOOSTERS. We want every reader of the Review to read each week the Town Boosters, Today's subject: "When you Know What is Best ask for it by. Name." These articles are written by an expert. ight to the point, arid will do you good o read them. Watch out for the one sext week. HISTORICAL ADS FOR BANK OF COMMERCE. This, week we start a series of histor ical banking ads for the Bank of Com merce, which will prove intensely inter esting. Head them each week. The sub ject this time is BENJ. FRANKLIN. r liter You will learn much of history by reading the ads and incidentally of the advantages gain-ed by patronizing the Bank of Commerce. THOSE THAT HAVE-GET wI&on sf v f l PUT TEN BONEN . KNEW THAT SKATE V ( 0N Hlh1 AN0 W0N iillBb WOULD WIN, AN) I DIOM'tV T "THREE Epr . HAVE It . ; , NO. 15 AVjTtyVAL CARTOOA Sivceo4At.Y. Getting Orders from England rOXLlAU AMK. OTM0MUKST, MA NT us have your paper on hnw; to promote the best interests of" High Point as a shopping center. See notice elsewhere; DIPPY DUK NATIONAL CARTOON SERVICE JCflR& W. Y; I I . ii u Ifor. eve (wortk nfcs. Cs.l f Icaw on theSS? I f LL TAKE TW O ATATIME 1 1 V r Vahd get rich quick. I . UtfP.U v- "wit r-; i 0 . Z 5ECOI10 TlMElOCWV VpGKI H ffi'lT Vlfif I if yoo oys XA- I 9 I IIdfsp u'pir-HTi AD l i (fir O-oJLvJ V fc J y 0 Copy of above GETTING ORDERS FROM ENGLAND Foxlease Park, Lyndhurst. Hants, England. Goose Grease Co. JM . Fabre gave me some jars of your Goose Grease last winter which now is gone. Will vou Kindly senrt me six jars omer joy aaive as oon as p-.aiuie. wo are greatly in need of it. I enclose check for $4.00. which leaves $1.0 for forwarding. Please send it to me as soon as possible.. ' MRS. C. V. SANDERSON, Arthur Brisbane Says Country Weeklies Give Good Results AT a meeting of the American Advertisers Association Arthur Brisbane said: "Not the country publisher but the business man is the chief sufferer from he fact that our merchants and manufac turers have not utilized the country newspapers' advertising columns as they should an 1 can be utilized. Remember these facts: lie who reads the Utile crossroads newspaper or the larger newspaper of the fair-sized town is a man who buys everything. He lives in a house and on land that he owns. H is interested in everything that the business men are doing. Through good advertising you can sell him everything, from the paint on the roof of his house to the cement in the floor of his ce'lar Everything between the roof and the cellar, everything in the barn, and every tool in the field he buys and you mav sell him- He is not like the dweller in the big city flat, who gets his water through a pipe, his light through the wire his heat from the basement, and whose shopping consists in retting a readv-made suit of clothes and a ready-made dinner in a tin or paper box.' Tfca man who reads the country newspaper buys everything. H2 buys pumps, lamps, stoves, automobile, clotaing, dresses, books, paints, farm implements, furniture, carpets, oils. In this room are two hundred and fifty men and individuals. Some of them represent a dozen manufacturing enterprises and more. There isn't a man here who has anything to sell that he can not sell to the reader of a country newspaper. nd every man here could more probably advertise in a country newspaper in proportion to its circulation than in any other publication on earth; Iemphasize the vrlue of the country newspaper as an advertising medium, for it has that value.' "" ' v. - - . " f 1 'hi' i 11 ;. . '' V i i 1 ' j , r i t If. I 1 f ( t k f ' I f 1 ' '". ' '' 5 .