I Guarantee "Dodson's Liver Tone" Will Give You the Best Liver
and Bowel Cleansing . You Ever HadDon't Lose a Day's Work!
Calomel makes you sick; you lose a
day's work. Calomel is quicksilver
and it salivates; calomel injures your
liver. . - .
If you are bilious, feel lazy, sluggish
and all knocked out, if your bowels
are constipated and your head aches
or stomach is sour, just take a spoon
ful of harmless Dodson's Liver Tone
instead of using sickening, salivating
calomel. Dodson's Liver Tone is real
liver medicine. You'll know it next
morning because you will wake up
feeling fine, your liver will' be work
ing, your headache and dizziness gone,
your stomach will be sweet and your
bowels regular. You will feel like
working. You'll be cheerful; full of
vigor and ambition.
Your druggist or dealer sells you a
BO cent bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone
Playing Safe. r
"So you don't guide hunting parties
any more?"
"Nope," said the guide. "Got tired
of being mistook for a deer."
"How do you earn a living now?"
"Guide fishin' parties. So fer no
body ain't mistook me for a fish."
To Drive Out Malaria - ' v
And Build Up The System
Take the Old Standard GROVE S
TASTELESS chill TONIC. You know
what you are taking, as the formula is
printed on every label, showing it is
Quinine and Iron in a tasteless form. The
Quinine drives out malaria, the Iron
builds up the system. 50 cents.
Many a self-made man might be
happier if he could blame the job on
somebody else.
Caused by Disease
The close connection which exists
between the heart and the kidneys is
well known nowadays. As soon as
kidneys are diseased, arterial tension
is increased and the heart functions
are attacked. When the kidneys no
longer pour forth waste, uremic poi
soning occurs, and the person dies and
the cause is often given as heart dis
ease, or disease of brain or lungs.
It is a good insurance against such a
risk to send 10 cents for a large trial
package of "Anuric" the latest dis
covery of Dr. Pierce. Also send a
sample of your water. This will be
examined without charge by expert
chemists at Dr. Pierce's Invalids' Ho
tel, Buffalo, N. Y. When you suffer
from backache, frequent or scanty
urine, rheumatic pains here or there,
or that constant tired, worn-out feel
ing, it's time to write Dr. Pierce, de
scribe your symptoms and get his
f fU try ifTtJ We are the largest
Uisr Mm W handlers of EGGS in
the South. What have
you to ship? The high
est market price guar-
i axiteed with quick returns. Give us a trial.
Reference 1st National Bank. Richmond, Va. .
WOODSON-CRAIG CO., .Commission Merchants
Dept. B Richmond, Va.
u The Reliable Remedy
I I for lumbago, gout and I 1
For sale by all jr Jr
druggists r
Ozark M
others Used To Be
Afraid To Go
Now Sleep Soundly Since They Have
Found a Sure Preventive
For Croup.
Many mothers, besides those of
Ozark, Mo., have been afraid to sleep
at night for fear of being awakened
by that dread croupy cough. Mrs. H.
H. Givan and Mrs. J. J. Cave, both of
Ozark, have found, in common with
many other Missouri mothers, that a
jar of Vap-O-Rub in the house in
sures a good night's sleep.
Vap-O-Rub is the external treatment
for all forms of croup or cold troubles,
introduced here from the South last
winter. It is in salve form and you
just rub it over the throat and chest,
covering with a warm flannel cloth.
The body warmth releases antiseptic
vapors that are inhaled with each
breath, loosening the phlegm, and, in
addition, Vick's is absorbed through
and stimulates the skin, relieving the
tightness and soreness. Croup is usu
ally relieved in fifteen minutes, and a
Chill Tom ic
w will pay high cash prices for new or used machines, such as Lathes, fihapers. Millers. Pners
s . ... ..n and price
nnaers, etc. Will buy single machines or enure snops. aw - , . .
J y-u know of machines for sale, write us. We wlK wablj commission for information leadin t
26 BROADWAY , -:: . ;j : ',-7 ? ,; .
under my personal guarantee that It
will clean your sluggish liver better
than nasty calomel; it wont make you
sick and you can eat anything you
want without being salivated. Your
druggist guarantees that each spoonful
will start your liver, clean your bowels
and straighten you up by morning or
you can have your money back. Chil
dren gladly take Dodson's Liver Tone
because it is pleasant tasting and
doesn't gripe or cramp or make them
I am selling millions' of bottles of
Dodson's Liver Tone to people who
have found that this pleasant, vege
table, liver medicine takes the place
of dangerous calomel. Buy one bottle
on my-sound, reliable guarantee. Ask
your druggist or storekeeper about me.
"Are you sure the world is happier
and better?"
"Absolutely. Look at the people
who used to make themselves miser
able on bicycles and who are now
riding in motorcars!"
To half pint of water add 1 oz. Bay Bum, a
small box of Barbo Compound, and H oz. of
glycerine. Apply to the hair twice a week
until it becomes the desired shade. Any drug
gist can put this up or you can mix it at
home at very little cost. It will gradually
darken streaked, faded gray hair, and re
moves dandruff. It is excellent for falling
hair and will make harsh hair soft and glossy.
It will not color the scalp, is not sticky or
greasy, and does not rub off. Adv.
Usually when a woman disapproves
of her daughter's husband the honors
are even.
of the Kidneys
medical opinion, without charge ab
solutely free. This "Anuric" of Dr.
Pierce's is 37 times more active than
lithia, for it dissolves uric acid in the
system, as hot water does sugar.
Simply ask for Dr. Pierce's Anuric
Tablets. There can be no imitation.
Every package of "Anuric" is sure to
be Dr. Pierce's. You will find the sig
nature on the package just as you do
on Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription,
the ever-famous friend to ailing
Worry is" a frequent cause and
sometimes a symptom of kidney dis
ease. Thousands have testified to im
mediate relief from these symptoms
after using Dr. Pierce's Anuric Tablets
for the kidneys and backache. .
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription
makes weak women strong, sick
women well. No alcohol. Sold in
tablets or liquid.
"I saved twenty dollars this after
noon." "How was that?"
"Billson wanted to borrow twenty
five and I lent him only five."
Important to Mothers
Examine carefully every bottle ol
CASTORIA, a safe and sure remedy for
infants and children, and see that it
Signature of LtrM&ii
T" IV .
In Use for Over 30 Years.
Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria
Spain has opened an aviation school
near Madrid in which the government
aids those receiving instruction.
Deep cuts should be healed by Han
ford's Balsam. Adv.
Wise is the girl who fears a man
more than she does a mouse.
To Bed At Night
good application at night will, in al
most every case, prevent a night at
tack. But let Mrs. Givan speak for herself.
She writes "I have used Vick's Vap-O-Rub
on my little girl for croup.
I rubbed it on her chest and throat
and it is just splendid, and 1 wasn't
afraid to go to bed at night."
Mrs. Cave says "I find Vap-O-Rub
the best thing' I have ever used for
colds, sore throat, croup and all kinds
of skin troubles for children. I could
not do without it now, as It saves
calling a doctor."
The penetrative quality of Vick's
makes it excellent also for inflamma
tions of the, skin, such as burns,
bruises, itchings, piles and muscular
soreness. In these cases, particularly
in cases of burns. It seems to draw
out the inflammation and has a de
lightfully cooling effect. Three sizes,
25c, 50c or $1.00. The Vicic Chemical
Company, Greensboro, jm. j.
ie Genuine has
this Trade Marl
better than cure. Tutfa Pills if taken In time
are not only a remedy lor, but will prevent
biliousness, constipation and kindred diseases.
C6 J?i
1 "
Doings and Happenings That Mark
the Progress of North Carolina Peo
.ple Gathered Around the State
The trustees of the University of
North Carolina, in semi-annual sessioD
in Raleigh, received the annual report
of President E. K. Graham, covering
the whole scope of the activities of
the institution. In concluding this
report President Graham said:
"There have been, during the past
year, many inspiring evidences that
we are coming more and more to see
that true loyalty to the University
.consists not merely in pride in the
institution, nor merely in love for it;
but, also, and mainly, in our personal
devotion to the high things for which
the sinstitution stands, and our prac
tical service in making these things
prevail. The essential character of
the institution is co-operation in its
fullest- and -deepest sense. It is the
Institution for expressing in intelli
gent and constructive terms all of
those varied aspects of human effort
that make complete and unified the
rights of the state. Adequate equip
ment, therefore, to do its work with
freedom and vigor it asks not in any
selfish measure, but as the heart of
the general good. If we view it in
the lesser way of partisanship, wheth
er friendly or unfriendly, we shall
think too lightly of its mission, mis
conceive its true character and poten
tial greatness, and so fail to give it
the means to perform its function
with the strength, the vision, and the
confident faith necessary to the lead
ership committed to its case.1
In every particular, except that of
physical equipment, the report shows
a year of remarkable progress. - The
registration to January 1 was 1,123.
Including the Summer school the reg
istration was 1,823. These figures
represent a gain of over 300 the past
jrear and of 886 over the registration
of 1914.
The report shows that 93.5 per cent
of the regular students registered
are North Carolinians, nine-tenths of
the counties are represented in the
regular term and all the counties are
represented in a number of the activi
ties. It is found that all professions
and denominations patronize the Uni
versity in their relative proportion.
President Graham treats at length the
growth and magnitude of the exten
sion department, which is scoring sig
nal success.
312 High Schools Enter Contest.
Three hundred and twelve high
schools in 93 counties of North Caro
lina have enrolled with Secretary E.
R. Rankin for the approaching con
tests of the High School Debating
Union. The triangular debates will
be held throughout the state on
March 31st ,and the final contest far
the Aycock Memorial Cup will be hejd.
in Chapel Hill on April 14th.
The contests of the Union from first
to last will be participated in by fully
2,000 student debaters, and the total
audiences will number 75,000 North
Buncombe county leads the state
with an enrollment of 13 schools.
Robeson comes next with 12, and
Guilford follows with 10. Alamance
has 9 and Mecklenburg 8. Johnston,
Nash and Wake have 7 each. Gaston,
Iredell and Union have 6 each. Beau
fort, Durham, Cleveland, Rockingham,
Rowan, Scotland, Vance, Warren and
Wayne have 5 each enrolled.
Dr.- Rankin Named Delegate.
Dr. W. S. Rankin, secretary of the
North Carolina state board of health,
was appointed by Governor L(Ocke
Craig as delegate from this state to
the Congress on Medical Education,
Public Health and Medical Licensure
in Chicago on February 7 and 8.
Boys and Girls Get Literature.
Special from Washington. The boys
and girls of North Carolina have near
ly cleaned out the document room of
certain articles on preparedness said
a clerk recently The mails of both
senators and representatives have
been filled with letters calling for in
formation with which to prepare for
the great state-wide debate on wheth
er or not the United States should
adopt a policy of greatly enlarging its
navy. Many of the congressmen
have been receiving from 10 to 15 let
ters daily.
Calls Attention to Laws.
Insurance Commissioner James R.
Young announced that hereafter no
license will be issued to any person
who has heretofore been licensed as
an insurance agent until ten days af
ter application has' been filed. This
is to enable the commission to get
the data required by law in such
cases. At the same time the insur
ance commissioner is . sending out
notices and copies of the law requir
ing persons in the: state Insuring in
unlicensed companies to remit fire
per cent to the commissioner.
Will Safeguard State's Interest.
; ; Governor Craig .and the Council of
State directed Attorney General T. W.
Bickett to take whatever steps are
necessary to conserve the interests of
the state in the Mattamuskett Railroad
Company roadbed as graded some
years ago by state; convicts. The sit
uation is that certain interests have
procured a judgment against the com
pany foi f 470 accumulated fixed char
ges, and are moving for an order of
court for a foreclosure sale under the
Attorney" General Bickett's instruc
tions are to arrange to take care of
this judgment in whatever way it may
be possible to avert any sacrifice of
the state's stock in the railroad.
There is at this time no indication
whatever of any early equipment of
the road for passenger and freight
service. However, it is believed that
the property will assume very much
increased value as soon" as the mam
moth drainage scheme for the lake
bed and Buroundlng lands is accom
plished. This means the reclamation
of 100,000 acres, 50,000 in the lake
bed and 50,000 adjacent swamps.
J. P. Kerr, private secretary to
Governor " Craig, . who is one of the
commissioners for this development,
says the , drainage equipment should
be completed and the pumping station
fully installed within 90 days, or four
months at most. The machinery of
the pumping plant that will lift the
water into the canal that will convey
it to the sound is now being put in
place. The pumps will have the ca
pacity of 15,(500 gallons a second, or
this means something like 1,250,000
000 gallons per day.
The Mattamuskeet Railroad practi
cally encircles this Mattamuskeet de
velopment and it is believed that the
roadbed must ultimately be of very
great value to the locality and the
Prepares for Spring Term Court.
Clerk J. L. Seawell of the Supreme
Court is rounding out the preliminary
work for the convening of the court
for the Spring "term on Monday, Feb
ruary 7. Special effort is being made
to direct attention to the fact that
in future applicants for license to
practice law are required to file their
certificates and the checks for license
tax and registration fee on or before
February 4. This rule is to be rigid
ly enforced.
Warning to Insurance Agents.
Commissioner of Insurance James
R. Young is giving notice to all com
panies and agents, doing fire Insur
ance business that it is not permis
sible in this state for commissions to
be divided, except with regularly
licensed insurance agents or brokers,
and that the law does not allow, more
than five per- cent to non-resident
brokers, and that only when the
brokers are licensed to do business ir
Ciis state.
Graham Speaks to Livestock Men.
Maj. W. A. Graham, commissioner
of agriculture, returned from Salis
bury where he delivered an address
before the North Carolina Livestock
Association in session there. The com
missioner is deeply interested in im
pressing on the farmers of the state
the advantage and necessity of rais
ing their own meat supply as well as
their grains and other products for
home maintenance.
Three Officers Commissioned.
Adjutant General Young of the
North Carolina National Guard issued
commissions to three hew officers for
the medical department of the guard.
Dr. Houston B. Haitt, High Point,
first lieutenant, will be assigned to
Field Hospital Corps, No. 1, Asheville,
as will Dr. John Y. McConnell of Dav
idson College, while Dr. John E. Ray
of Raleigh, first lieutenant, is assign
ed to headquarters in Raleigh.
High School Fund Apportioned.
The apportionment of $75,000 public
high school fund has just been an
nounced from the state department of
education and Mr. C. E. Mcintosh has
been preparing for the distribu
tion of the amounts set apart for the
various high schols.
Teachers to Meet In Raleigh.
The executive committee of the
Teachers' Assembly reached a devi
sion to hold the 1916 session In Ral
eigh. There is still some question as
to the date, but the sentiment was for
detaining Thanksgiving week.
Dr. Pratt Delighted With Success.
Dr. Joseph Hyde Pratt, state geolo
gist, has just returned from New Bern
where he attended the meeting of the
North Carolina Forestry Association.
He was delighted with the success of
the meeting and for the promise it
gave of future achievements.
"One feature absolutely unexpect
ed," said Dr. Pratt when in Raleigh,
"was the subscription in less than
ten minutes of $350 by the lumber
men present. This is to be given
anriually for two years to aid the for
estry work in the state." '
New Enterprises Chartered.
The Carolina Cyrup Company, Ra
leigh, capital $10,000 authorized, and
$2,100 subscribed. " The company will
manufacture syrups, fruit extracts
and other fountain supplies.
The Calypso , Supply Company,
Calypso, . Duplin county, capital $25,
000 authorized, and $6,000 ' subscribed.
The "company .-will do a mercantile
business , '
The C: Li. Fountain Company, Leg
getts, Kdgecbmbe county, $50,000 cap
ital authorized, and $10,OOOsubscribMd
for a mercantile business. . . ;
She Had the Evidence . , , I
"He ; doesn't like my ' cooking,"
sobbed the three months' bride, a tear
on her long lashes VI just know he
doesn't. So there!" '
"What . makes your think so?" her
mother asked-; "Has' "he , said he
doesn't like your cooking?" '
"N-no-o," stammered the bride.
"Nonsense, child, it's Just ", your
imagination. I felt there was no ba
sis " ... . , .
"There is a basis," the bride in
sisted, tearfully. "I had been cooking
the loveliest things for him for about
two weeks, and then he told me he
had decided to become - a raw-food
faddist. Boo-hoo-o-oo!" Judge.
Nice Enough, But
. A ? twelve-year-old boy, who had
reigned supreme over parents .and
household all through his dozen years,
was surprised one morning to hear
the cry of a little baby brother.
"Isn't it nice, Tommy," said the
jubilant father, "that we have another
"Yes, it is nice, father," said Tom
my, as he saw the end of his reign;
"but what bothers me is, was it nec
Crusted With Dandruff Yield Readily
to Cuticura. Trial Free.
Cuticura Soap to cleanse the scalp of
dandruff crustings and scalings, and
Cuticura Ointment to soothe and heal
Itchings and irritations. Nothing bet
ter, surer or more economical than
these super-creamy emollients for hair
and scalp troubles of young or old.
Free sample each by mail with Book.
Address postcard, Cuticura, Dept. L,
Boston. Sold everywhere. Adv.
The man who talks loudest on a
street corner is apt to be dumb as an
oyster when at home.
Alabama Man Says Tetter! ne Cures
Morvin, Ala., August 1, 1908.
I received your Tetterine all -O. K. I
have used it for Eczema and Tetter, Ring
worms, Old Sores and Risings and can
gladly recommend It as a sure cure.
J. R. DeBride.
Tetterine cures Eczema. Tetter. Boils,
Ring Worm, Dandruff, Cankered Scalp,
Bunions, Itching Piles. Chilblains and ev
ery form of Scalp and Skin Disease. Tet
terine 50c; Tetterine Soap 25c. At drug
gists or by mail direct from The Shup
trlhe Co., Savannah, Qa.
With every mail order for Tetterine we
give a box of Shuptrine's 10c Liver Pills
free. Adv.
Man wants but little hear below
if the people occupying the flat above
him own a piano.-
Ec-Zene Kills Eczema.
Let us prove it. Accept no substitute. If
your Druggist does not have it, write to
Ec-Zene Co., St. Paul, Minn. Adv. . .
There are a lot of funny things In
this world besides men and women.
Obstinate sores should be cured by
Hanford's Balsam. Adv.
Fortunate is he who sees the point
of a Joke instead of feeling it.
For Forty Years Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound Has Been
Woman's Most Reliable Medicine
Here is More Proof
To women who are suffering from some form of
woman's special ills, and have a constant fear of breaking,
down, the three following letters ought to bring hope:
Pinkham remedies." Mrs. Matmb
Testimony from Oklahoma
Lawton, Okla. "When I began to take Lydia E. PinkhamV
Vegetable Compound I seemed to be good for nothing. I tired easily
and had headaches much of the time and was irregular. I took it again
before my little child was born and it did me a wonderful amount of
good at that time. I never fail to recommend Lvdia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Coirroound to ailing women because it has done so much
for me." Mrs. L. MoCasland, 609 Have St, Lawton, Okla.
From a Grateful Massachusetts Woman.
Rpxbury, Mass. aI was suffering from inflam
mation and was examined by a physician who found
that my trouble was caused by a displacement.
My symptoms were bearing down pains, backache,
and sluggish liver. I tried several kinds of medi
cine; then I was asked to try Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound. It has cured me and I am
pleased to be in my usual good health by using it
and -highly recommend it." Mrs. B. M. Osgood,
1 Haynes Park, Roxbury, Mass.
If you want , special advice
E. Pinkham Medicine Co. (confidential) Lynn, Mass. Tour
letter will be opened, read and answered by a woman and held
In strict confidence. ' . y . :-
, 'What would you give to be
; perfectly well? All you have
got, of course. It may be that
your trouble is of a catarrhal
nature. Catarrh of the head.
Catarrh of the stomach. Ca
tarrh of some internal organ.
If so, Peruna will help you on
the road to perfect health. If
you want to be convinced, buy
one bottle. No further argu
ment will be necessary.
Coughs Colds Catarrh
Yager's Liniment, the great ex
ternal remedy for rheumatism,
neuralgia, sprains, bruises or
congestion, gives prompt relief
from pain.
Mr. John Aberman, Claremont
Mills, Md., writes:
"For four years I suffered with
rheumatism and had to walk on -crutches.
The doctor said my case
was chronic and incurable but I
tried Yager's Liniment with sat
isfactory results. It is the bestlini- '
ment to relieve pain that I ever
used. Its action Is prompt
and effective.'!
Put up fn large bottles
containing eight ounces.
Sold by all dealers
25c a, bottle.
Prepared by
Baltimore, Md.
W. N. U., CHARLOTTE, NO. 6-1916.
Are lorn
North Crandon, Wis. a When I was 16 years?
old I got married and at 18 years I gave birth to
twins and it left me with very poor health. I could
not walk across the floor without having to sit
down to rest and it was hard for me to keep about
and do my work. I went to a doctor and ne told
me I had a displacement and ulcers, and would
have to have an operation. This frightened me so
much that I did not know what to do. Having
heard of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound
I thought I would give it a trial and it made me as
well as ever. I cannot sav enough in favor of tha
Asbach, Korth, Crandon, Wis,
write to juyaia
t -