Newspaper Page Text
S&An' $ you know? that you iOP I saveJBig Money by -j , X Jdwg Every line of the v ads in (he Review. We guarantee thistoyoiu It's up to you to make good. 'J 7e mtwrnm ofne6de jf Pol. 13;Wbm this week, well worth your care ful attention. VTK' j.iwuu Uiey"KOaa 01 J3i:; ! ) m r a mm i m m - y vdiucs. roiiow me sign acd arri?e safely 2:fages T ( fth s ihe Soods sold in High Point the laboring tieoble. 61 F1NESIRET A GREAT FORWABD STEP High Point to Be Linked Together with Best Road in the Country Work to Commence Soon. It is good news that has been flashed over the country that Guitfordcounty takes the lead in building the high est grade road bed for a distance of 15 miles. ' The board of county commission ers, Tuesday voted unanimously to borrow a sum not to exceed $125,- OUU with which to construct imme diately, between "Gieensboro and High Point, a concrete-asphalt high way. Between four and five miles of such highway has already been built, something over two miles from each point, and there remains approximately 10 miles to be con structed. It is estimated that the work will cost about $12,500 per mile. ! I ?1 1 , 1 ine wor& win oe aone Dy con tract being the intention of the board to have the improvement made by a force outside of the county convicts, so that the latter may be used continuously on im provement and repair work in other sections of the county. The new highway which is to be of the very highest class to be found in the United States, will be completed during the coming summer. It will be the finest section of roadway to be found in North Carolina, connect iug the best two towns in the state; and Will likewise be the finest link in this state of the National and Central highways. It will be model by which other counties may be guided in future highway lm provetiients. High V Point, N.. C., Thursday, Feb. 10: 191 6 9 ' i . - . "w " ' ; . - THINGS PERSONAL AND OF A GENERAL NATURE of Boston, win preacn at Saint Mary's Episcopal church next Sunday morning. The local lodge of Rebekahs gave a social last night at their ; lodge A Will. -? OPENED UP GENERAL INSUR- ANCE BUSINESS A: F. Eshelman, who for several years was Manager of the Insurance Department of the Home Banking Company, and for the last four years General Manager of the South ern Live Stock Insurance Company pt this city, has . oxkpeoVan indepen-; dent, rgerieral 4!ihsuraace arid real estate Agency in the PeacockSher rod Building next to the postoffice. Mr. Eshelman has also held the office of' Local Secretary of the Board of Underwriters of High Point during the last six years. His fair and loyal services in this capacity have always been greatly appreciated by the- local insurance agents. Yon and the Mills" We direct your attention to the half page ad of Gilmer Bros, in this , issue, where the people of High Point have a chance to buy seasonable merchandise at a great saving. The store backs up every price made; and Mr. Hauser, the general manager is even on the alert to give the big gest values to the people. Their slogan is just "you and the mills" when price is quoted, the middle man's profit being done away with. tf SUMMARY OP THE LATEST KEWS IN THIS ISSUE OF THE REVIEW. Clark and Mann fight side by side. Colombia treaty not approved. 'Education board appropriates $335,250. All the latest war news. River floods do big damage. Germans hard pressed. Canadians are warned. Wilson thinks Appam a prize. Census of Raleigh, New Bern and Asheville. Should manufacture toys. White way for Shelby. LEATHER ON THE JUMP We have before us an article bearing on the big advance in claimed that the armies wear out so ad 1?pba!S:,! much leather that mateiials used n manufacture have -.gone up from 5 to 25 per cent and the end is not yet in sight. The makers say .the average profit has been wiped outr The buying of calf skins and fole leather by British representatives causes hides to soar and even the U. S. government is called upon to pay the increase "on account of Jhe war, which is at least an average of 12 1-2 per cent increase. This means that shoe leather and shoes must be sold at a higher rate in High Point also and the buyer will please bear this in mind. . d T5e Neatest blackberry grown. Kead about it elsewhere and send myour orders. . VP1 ,nas commenced on the building of the High Point Steam Laundry on East Washington street It is said that one automobile man in High Point keeps his gaso line m the safe and his mnnv in n wooden box. This goes to show the vaiue oi gasoline these days Mr. and Mrs. A. C. St a lev Liberty visiting relatives. Dr. and Mrs. H- W.- McCain have returned from a visit ta rpiaHv in Charlotte and Waxhaw. Kev. J. C. Rowe. father nf P Gilbert Rowe visited his " wwm A UVO day. Quite a delegation went over to Greensboro Tuesday afternoon to appear before the county commis sioners in regard to the High Point- vireensooro road which it is desired to have completed early as possible. J. W. Harris is the new vice-president ot the Commercial National Bank, succeeding the late W. G. Bradshaw and John P. Ha v worth was named as director. During January there were 43 births nd 22 deaths in this city and in the township outside of High Point 52 births and 25 deaths. V The Christian Endeavorers of High Point held a "get together" meeting Monday night at the Friends church. President Gilliam of the Manufac- i.uici s emu nas appointed a com mittee to confer with the North State lelephone Co. in regard to connect mfc with the long distance feature of the Bell. The North State Telephone Com pany is willing to give long distance Lconnectioo imM points ' under: rea- euuaoie qonouions,, out not willing to take a white elephant on its hands to do this, no more than any other organization in High Point would be expected to do. E. E. Mendenhall and J. O. Apple, permanent receivers of I. A Morris and Bros, through an inventory find the stock worth $3,500 and that it owes $4,500. The city's new motor truck is doing good work. It is a 'nifty gas burner said a citizen Tuesdav. H. E. Elam of Greensboro is the new manager of the Bell Telephone Co. here. T. A. Morris, former manager, is now at Hamlet. The Million Dollar Blackberry for sale. Read about it in big ad else where. The Jamestown aggregations won in both the male and female con tests in the games of basket ball in the armory here Saturday night. The girls' game resulted 23 to 6 and ; the boys game 21 to 14. The, games were witnessed by a goodly number and notwithstanding James town won byt a safe margin both games, still they were not void of thrills at times. The United Daughters of the Con federacy bad a white sale at the Elks' home yesterday afternoon and at night there was an auction sale of parcel post packages, etc. - Sunday afternoon Miss Lula Ven- able and Wm Miseneheimer were married at the home of the bride, Rev L. A. Peeler of the Reformed church officiating. 1 he stork left a promising eon last week at tue home of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Austin. w Dr. Sylvester Newl in preached be fore the Christian Endeavorers at the Friends church Sunday on ,4Aim AIARBSfflP? Hiss Hoover Dead miss unve noover, wno at one time lived here and was well and favorably known died in Greensboro early Tuesday morning from tuber culosis from which she had been va sufferer for many months. The re mains were conveyed to Marlboro church in Randolph county yester day morning where they were in terred'" ' 7. " .V;.'v-v Her mother, Mrs. R. H. Maxwell, preceeded her to the grave only two weeks ago, a -Victim of the same dis ease. - ' - i ne norai onenngs oy inenas were very pretty. A more , extend ed notice will appear in the next is sue of The Review. , SISIET Woodmen Band The Woodmen of the World will organize a band and it is the intention to make it one of the best anywhere. The instru-; mints will be ordered in a few days. - J REPUBLICAN MEETINGS. The republicans- of High Point -say they are united and hopeful for good re suits. The precinct conventions held Thuresday night were largely attended and much enthusiasm shown and a large . crowd journeyed to Greensboro Saturday to attend, the county convention. The North High Point precinct met at the armory, and organized by selecting tua. Li. Kagan chairman, and U. U. Kob bins secretary. The delegates appoint ed were: Frank Wright, J. O. Connof, U. U. Kobbins, W. J. Hedrick, . A. Hoi ton, D. L. Crouch, D. E. Spencer, Robert Ciceloff, Ed. L. Ragan and J. J. Hay- wortn. ine alternates were: James Hptchins, H. W. Scott, G. A. McGhee, Emery Henderson, Lane Sechrest; N. E, Bras well, L. O. Tadlock, R. H. Ring, Tom Hines, Charles Blake and B. C. Harmon; The third war, South High Point, met at McLewallen's store and chose P; Ragan chairman, and Z. M. Silman, sec retary. . These delegates were elected: J. D. Taylor, Z. M. Silman, B. H. Bradner,: J. P. Purdue, H. U. Oakes, WVP. RaJ gan, J. E. Foust, and C. F, Williamsi The alternates were: W. C. Gibson,' J; A. Teague, A. S. Newton. ,W, F. -Smithy a MoserT. M. Hall., .: ;'. " Theinojurtiw:ardilose JorOi chairman, aal vy alter Koyalj secretarj, when they met at the store of Jones and' Ragan. The delegates elected were: J. S. Worth, W. L. Horney, Walter Roy all, G. L. Giyett, J, E. Cox, Charles Ha- ney, M. K. Lynch. The alternates were: J. Carl Hill, John. Carroll, Webb Far rington, H. M. . Rrmentrout, Will Car roll, Wyatt Friddle and J. R. Yates. At the county convention delegates' to the state convention were elected as fol lows: 9.atcisttsidrhcaeeaX X State D. E. Wagoner. N. R. Wood. W. tf. J3ynum, M. T. Wagoner, C. D. Cobb, M: C. Shaw, R. C. Chandley, R. L. Schoolfield, E. J. Lafort, J. A. Hunni cutt, J. S. Duncan, J. G. Hodgin, Gil liam Grissom, J. F. Farrington, A. D. Connor, C. W. Curry, C. A. Hinton, J. A. Groome, J. A. Hoskins, R. G. Camp bell, J. S. Holton, C. R. Bowman, W. E. Bowman, C. C. Robbins, Z, M. Silman and J. Elwood Cox. Congressional D. E. Wagoner, C. E. Hornaday, W. P. Bynum, M. T. Wagoner, W. J. Boone, M. D, Stafford, E..A.' Spen cer, J. R. Schoolfield, D. J. Carey, J. A. Hunnicutt, L. Herbin, B. C. Sharpe, A. H. Cranford, W. L. Morton, J. Q. Hunnicutt,! T IT IflllM A T TT- 1 r-i -r 1 u. d,. miuiKan, a. d. xiinsnaw, o. jjj. Murrow, R. H. Smith, L. C. Huf fines, J. B. White, C. R. Bowman, E. B. Atkins, E. L. Ragan, W. P. Ragan and J. S. Worth The Meeting last Night -- Pursuant to a call from President yimam ot tne Manufacturer s club a few citizens of High Point. Thnmac. juie ana .Lexuigton gathered last night at the club to discuss the tele phone situation. The committee Which Mr. Gilliam named from the Manufacturer's chih. the half that were asked to Pnrtlfl frnm Ttr. . 7 ' " UVU1 AVIA ington and Thomasviller and only me Directors of the North State ccjjuuiic yi uus ciiy wno were dsked to be present,, constituted the interested parties. There are 1600 North State subscribers, scores of whom would: have been present, representing every trade and . busi ness, if they had been asked, there are many at i nomas vine and Lex ington also, all of whom are against consolidation with the Bell Tele phone Co. So the crowd present last night were ONLY the ones ask 6d to come out to the meeting ? f it developed at the meeting that itiwas consolidation of the-nlants that was desired by the Bell Tele phone Co. more than the long dis tance connection: which manadAr Hayden of the North State Co. offer ed to make. But the local company is not favorable to a proposition with a company that has' onlv 86 phones in the city and a big investment against the North' State (Vs. 1600 connections as it would be a tremend our burden to shoulder such a con solidation proposition even with a big increase in rates which would naturally follow. The Bell plant could not be used at all for some time. - More than a thousand merchants manufacturers, other business con cerns ana maiviauais are averse to the proposition and will sneak out when given a chance. BUT MIND YOU the few DeoDle waiuuimg lur iuii uisiance service UAJN WAVE WHAT THEY WANT but certainly they can't exneht thV local concern to take over '--.a-vwhitA eiepnant to get 4t The long distance connection with the Bell can be made without this useless waste of money. This rich Bell corporation can stand to loose it far better than .1 1 l . : . . '.. us locai company can taKe it over and which is barely able now to make a small . dividend on its busi ness. There's a big difference between giving the long distance connection wameu Dy a iew ana taKine over a worthless investment (to the local company) of $50,000. You see the point, reader! , RECORDER'S COURT Forty-one cases were tried in the Recorders court in January and conviction was secured in 36 Drunks and disorderlies, violation of the health, ordinances, larcency, forgery, pistol toting, whiskey sell ing, etc., composed the list. ..'Will Rankin was given 30 days on the road and . Walter Leach, hnth colored, let otf with the costs in a gambling case. Ed Mediin contributed dollars for bein drunk arid Marv vCaldwell contributed liberally for ine same onense. " Chas.and Herbert Wrfeht shellerl oui nve dollars and the costs for disorderly conduct. ' : The case of JoeTvsonfor Iarcnrv of a pistol and . booze from Henry Peace is being hied this morning as we go to., press. Tyson claims he did not steal the whiskey but bought it of Peace and here complications arise and as a result two cases in- sieaa ot one is on the docket fronl swearing out the firslwarrant. Joe Welborn was acquitted of selling liquor in court yesterday; however there is another case against him to be tried soon. O O . O : : o YOUR LAST CHANCE. If you desire the Review and the four splendid magazines advertised elsewhere, all five one year each, for the low price of $1.18, you must act before February 15, when this low price will positively be withdrawn. Old as well as new sub scribers can avail themselves o,f this of fer by paying one year in advance. If you register and don't vote you are counted against the bond issue, but if you don't register you can't vote, neith er is it counted for or against the bond issue. TALKS WITH SCREEN-STRUCK GIRLS, T1 - TiTI - w ' . Reau wnac a Movie star Has to bay Lach Week in The Review A Big Feature for this Paper - By Beatriz Michelena No. 2 LAny letters to Miss Michelena that you care to write will be for ...jj :r . -ii i i .. . waiucu u yuu wm aaaress tnem in care of J he Review. Hidh Pnint M . . ' O " mm:, n X See this celebrated movie star inSalomv Jane at the Broadway todavl This is one of the greatest pictures of the times and yet ine price ot admission will remain the 5c and lOc same, Take pains to be faithful and conscien tious in business. It will bring you success. Take flattery as honest compliment grateful for. an insult, and an as something to be fflOSrTnAT-nM-CETffAri St. Valentine's day Monday Feb. 14 next stop ee Beatriz Micb!ena in Salomy Jane at the Broad wav to.av. ' Read the ad about tnis celebrated piaytr. printed ia another part of the paper. . " W. Blanchard Moore gave an interest ing lecture Tuegday night, February 8; at the school auditorium on iSiberia and her vile prisons, etc. Robert Parker, of Salisbury, visited his brother, V. J. Parker, on. White Oak street, last week. Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Durland have re turned from Battle Creek, Mich., where they have been for the past two months. Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Sinclair and child are in Florida in the interest of their baby's health, expecting to be gone a month. ' Edward K. Willis arrived here Thurs day night and remained over Sunday, accompanied back home by his wife, who had been visiting for ten days at the Harmon home. : " , K ' - T i-s1 ' - ' 5UREfYOUVE GOT WHAT But iet e (yooluget-- ahd tkat j 1 - - vitsoa'aV jr&os setfttc &nJ94rtofv. . (Copyrirhtcd January. 1914. by Beatriz Miche- lenai PLEASE do not think rme the im personation of pessimism if I take oc casion in this "telk" to enlarge some what upon the difficulties that I last week told you would surround n en deavor to enter the mdtioa picture pro fession. As a matter of fact I am ceedingly optimistic. I believe that there is no one who has a more abun dant or a longer abiding faitn n tue eff:. cacy of ambition and hard determined work. It you are coins: to try to get into Die tures, there is a . safe and sensible way or you to start about it and that is with aa expectation that you are to experience a real struggle ana will have reason to call upon every ounce of courage and patience you possess. ' - U i. . lueiciuic i'm. goinj: iOj warn you against two enemies to vour. success. One is the irresponsible stories you have read about in this or that actress who has fallen immediately into star roles and big salary with no effort ; or fight for what she got; the other is your well meaning but deluded friends who tell you that you are as beautiful and talent as any one appeaneg on tne screen, w'uum consequently aemana as much recognition and- salary,, and de maod it with no delay. I can tell you honestly that there is no one who has achieved anything in the motion picture profession who has not worked hard for her success. The struggle with, some have been more obivous than with others,' but, whether it has been seen or not, the struggle has Deen mere in every case and the success has been the reward of exit and fi?ht. When your friends tell you how easily you witKsucceea in pictures, thank them as politely as you can, but do not take their words too much to heart Our director tells xae that the girls who apply to him for a "trial" because their friends are sure of their, immediate success, are each day numerous enough to furnish every producing company in the' United States with a leading woman. : A very few of these many applicants will some day, be sure enough leading women, but they, are the ones' who will the most successfully disregard what their friends have said, and consequently be the more ready to start out with a determination to work and wait until success is theirs- Why Shoulder a White W phant? :1-:M:: , We can't see why High Point is inconvenienced by the local tele phone company failing to consolidate with the. Bell. " It is believe i that ninety per cent of its 1600 subscri bers do not care for a more extehrU'.- ed long distance ?than now in use ; bat that it's onlythe very few who care to talk to New York and San Francisco from their office and these calls are far between. -The Jocaf company is in connection with the Postal Telegraph Company l and reaches all important cities - in the south and southwest (and no doubt ; this connection is what caused the Bell Company to see a dhnstV Th local company also reaches many " points in the state over its own lines and the service, both local and long distance, is just about half what Is v charged by the Bell. We do not be- ' lieve the people are willing to pay the double rate to be charged just to. please, a few people, which wmJd i have to be the case if the local con.. ' pany consolidated with the Bell: which has a v $50,000 investment here with only 86 subscribers against the North Sfate Compauyv i with a similar investment and 1600" connections. It doesn't take a philr: y sopher to see the difference. Pray icii us u such an investment wouja appeal to any business "concern in High Point86 phones and $50,000 investment? Not one ner cent, net profit after deducting operating ex-vr i penses, etc. Then why want home ' : ; people to shoulder a white elephant?.. ;,; The local company will no doubtS ! be glad to give the long distance: service to any point not reached by ' its company but consolidation is i ; another thing." " ' With a raise of.' rates following such a sten where' would nnvrhim v' be saved ia the one phone system : . two phones now only eo3t what one ' phone will cost with consolidation ' - so the Bell phone coul be used ' no w entirely for long distance and the- North State for local and yet the price would beino more than with1 ''; j the proposed charge;. r A i - Mr. Spier ought to ' be ashamed to- even ask such a thing! ; X ; , j t Ihe law of self preservation still 1 i holds good in fre'Anierica, we I trUSt. ' . ' ; - ' - VI il! High Point, Bonis 1 FATHER'S SONS BANQUET. Tonight, at South. Main Street school the "Fathers-Sons" banquet will be held to which all the -boy scouts and . their fathers are expected to attend. An in teresting program has been arranged and a large crowd is expected.' , ' . : ; NEW ARRIVALS ' In Spring suits , skirts and waists at the Leonard-Beavans-Stamey Cc. See them.. - ; :;.v .; J.:-'.:. l Mr and Mrs Charles Burns spent Sunday' with Mr and Mr W E Kirkman antf an? Visit-' , ing Mr and Mr J A Culler this week.? Mr and Mr J A Culler have been present" ed with a little daughter, Ethel Juanitai ..C- Mfss Hahce and Anice Welch, Master Virgil and Ashbom Elliot spent Sunday with Miss Una and Master Clyde Kirkman : j LitUe J?uth Lowe has returned home from ' a visit to her grandparents :Mr and' Frank vs Mrs JM Smith and sod LlV' are-'visitinS Mr and Mrs Calvin Hughes his. week last. . .v,. .. ; ; : "' - u. , " Little RiitK Magdalene Hughes Y'visitinS her grandparents, Mr and Mrs W'E'KJrk man. .' : , . -;-. ' Glad to see Mr J M. Gordon has WaT ne bam completed. , . '. '( -- Mrs W E Kirkmah'spent Tutsday in i H!g?v v POint. ' ' . ' : ... Sorry to hear that Miss - Cashwell,of : th Welch school has sad tiewsv- Her mother is sick, truly hope she will be well soon. . - - -r. ' Telephone Men to Heetl- Tuesday. February 22nd the North' Carolina Independent. Telephone 5 Association will meet here. Head quarters will beat the Elwood hotel; visitors iromotner states are ex pected and the number here" will prooaoiy total lfJO or more. ; 1-1 -it Valuable Lands Sold i Messers. 0. A. Kirkman. M. .t Wrenn and W. D. Simmons Tiid- in the Homey lands Tuesda v for 53f.- 500. If the sale is conflrmfrl hv :he court the property will be great-, y improved. , ; - ; --Km ,'r H ;'ir f THE MILLION MlL$ BERBY ... - The Review offers for sale the famous .Wacatawa Everbearing DiacKDerry. wmcn is thoroughly, explained in big. ad elsewhere at the following pricey Six for $1.00; twelve for $2.00; fifty for $6.50; one hundred for $1 1.00; two' for 50c. -Please . place : your or ders at once if you' desire them" or you can order from the Home office at San Jose,-California Only a limited number bn hand here. Every garden should con tain six or more of these great berry plants. Y ; ' r Vl7