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r THE REVIEW, HIGH POINT. NORTE CAXVUiniL. juimc io, iio KEEP YOUR REFRIG RATOR COOL! These hot days you want your drinking water and other things cool and the only way to have this comfort is to keep your ice box well supplied. No danger of your milk souring or your vegetables and other eatables spoiling if you keep your refrigerator cool. Your health demands this, so why not call us up and have our wagon stop at your door. Always ready to serve you. Arctic Bee & Coal Co Both Phones 109 FOR A HALF HOLIDAY. Following the action of a number grocers of Greensboro iin deciding to close their stores every Wednesday afternoon during June, July and August, a number of other mer chants have begun an agitation for a weekly half holiday. It is pro posed to have Tall stores in Greens boro close Friday afternoons during the three months mentioned. RUB-RflY-TISRfl Will cure your Rheumatism Neuralgia, Headaches, Cramps, Colic, Sprains, Bruises, Cuts and Burns, Old Sores, Stings of Insects Etc. Antiseptic Anodyne, used in ternally and externally. Price 25c Ducjdole Plumbing Company - Independent Phone 613 PLUMBING AND HEATING estimates Furnished and Repairing Properly Attended To. Malaria or Chills & Fevei Prescription No. 666 ia prepared especially for MALARIA or CHILLS 4. FEVER. Five rtr HIT dnan will Krta1r arttr nr, J if taken then as a tonic the Fever will noi 1D4 tne entire season. return. It acts on the liver better than H. b. Calomel and does at I gripe or sicken. 25c Allen's Foot-Ease for the Troops- Many war zone hospitals hare ordered Allen's p()otEae, the antiseptic powder, for use among the troops. Shaken into the shoes or dissolved in the foot-bath, Allen's FootEase gives rest and comfort, takes the friction from the shoe, and prevents the feet getting tired or foot-sore. Drug and Department Stores everywhere sell it, 25c Don't accept any auoetttute. L r j i i , ' S ANNOUNCEMENT The New Atlantic Hotel Morehead City, "The Summer Capitol of North Carolina" will again be under the management of Mr. R. P. foster, who operated the hotel with much and to the entire satisfac tion of its patrons during the past two seasons. Many improvements are now be ing made. The alterations ana general overhauling will be com pleted before opening date, wnicn will be announced later. This fam ous Hotel will be equipped with new and modern convenices. This to gether with the fact that Mr. Foster, J Who is Well known by every Citizen J YES-We teach you the barber trade and give OI 1)19 ; S30.weelc Atlanta Rarher CnUare. R. Mit WANTS FOR SALE, ETC Use our classified ad column. It will pay big dividends. One cent a word first insertion, 3-4 of a cent a word for sub sequent insertions. Be sure to mention The Review when writing advertisers in order to get best service and results. of this section on account wide experience in the hotel business, . . r I insures tne nest 01 service auu courteous attention to all guests. Low Summer and Week-End Ex cursion Tickets will be on sale dur- LEARD, G. P. A., Norfolk Southern chell St. Atlanta, Ga. lti A Short Cut in Figuring Parcel Post Charges The following rules are great time savers in finding Parcel Post charges. In this table the number of pounds the pack age weighs is used as a basis in each case. To find the postage on a package to 1st or 2nd ZONE, simply add 4 cents to the number of pounds. 3rd ZONE, multiply number of pounds by 2 and add 4 cents. 4th ZONE, multiply by 4 and add 3 cents. 5th ZONE, multiply by 6 and add 2 cents. feth ZONE, multiply by 8 and add 1 cent. 7th, ZONE, multiply by 10 and add 1 cent. 8th ZONE, multiply by 12. There is only one 3hort cut to good Tprinting or embossing, and that is "The Straight Line" to 104 Broad street. We're no further away than your telephone North State 275. STAHEY PRINTING HOUSE Printers Engravers Embossers The Greensboro Daily News $2.50 cash with order, to new subscribers from now until November 20. Your acceptance of this special price will also entitle you to a free copy of our Handy Almanac and Encyclopedia, a book that you will find invaluable containing many important facts, statistics a: d figur s or wh ch you have frequent u?e. . Order the Daily News today and get the greatest benefit of this special price. Remember this is a campaign year and we handle the news impartially. il FOR SALE The best lot in Cameron Park, the fashionable residential section of Raleigh. The park faces on Hillsboro street. The lot is 89x239 feet, on the corner next to the residence of Mr. Max well, of the Corporation Commission. Paved streets and sidewalks, water, gas, lights, sewerage, etc. A bar gain at $2,000. Apply at this office rami tussn: . , - y-.-i WK Iff' PV- The Ever Bearing Blackberrv win prove a great money crop to y0li Six plants for $1 00 or 12 Dlarn rn' 2.00. Let us haue your orders at once. See ad elsewhere. We specialize in printing Stamey Printing House, Phone 275. A LOT OF HAY and corn atnv-r for sale. Mrs. W. L. Kivett. Phon. No. 526. m4-2ti Candy that sells during the wp. w at 50c and 60c a lb. can be secured on Saturdays at Matton's for 29c and 39c a lb. A trial makes a cus tomer. tf Land Deeds, Chattel mortdndf state warrants, Summons, etc., for sale at The Review office in anv quality desired. tf TWO BUSINESS LOTS on Rankin street, just off Commerce. See W. L. Stamey. GREENSBORO DAILY NEWS GREENSBORO, N. C. jl 15 K Good News to Aspirants for Knight- hood in the Dunlap Fony Jumiee. Only 130,000 Merit Units Necessary to secure a Star, Three Stars and 65,000 Additional Merit Units Secure a Pony. Five Stars Secure a Pony Outfit Certificates Redeemed for $25. in Gold All Aspirants must Register with One of the Undersigned Patrons See Us for Particulars THE HIGH POINT REVIEW J. A. HART DRUG CO. THACKER'S SHOE STORE (Incorporated) 2C Hart Drug Company is the place to get your Drugs and Toilet preparations. Fine line of Candies, Cigars and Tobaccos. Trade with us and win one of the valuable prizes we are giving away. Hart Drug Company Next to Postoffice China Ware Here at Last Beautiful Patterns in Real China Dinner Sets we Have Been Talking About Now in Hand Will be Sold at Third the Cost Will Only be Offered 30 Days. Here at last is the GOOD WORD for those who have been look ing for those beautiful dinner sets The Review announced two months ago. As a word of explanation : We confidently expected the shipment in March but strikes at the factory delayed it until now. Prices since have soared to twice the amount at which we placed our order and we could have canceled the order and made far more out of it then we will get by our offer, but we never disap point our rcaieis or make a promise we don't expect to fulfill without the imi oisibilitv "turns up" afterwards. In fact we can now sell the 510 sets at wholesale AT A HIGHER FIGURE than we are asking you at retail. The ver same sets we are now offer ing you retail everywhere for more than three times what we are a;king. We are Making You this Wonderful Offer to Get You to Subscribe to The Review. Or if a present subscriber, pay up to date and the amount asked and you get the dinner set and The Review one year. These dinner sets are EXACT REPRODUCTIONS of the re nowned brands and real China and would be in place in the million aire's, home as well as the man of moderate means. The sets are made by the celebrated Worcester China Co., and are guaranteed REAL CHINA. There are Ten Different Patterns and Everyone a Beauty. Now we have told you the simple facts in the case and it's up to you entirely. Th offer holds good for 30 days only and all sets not sold by July 15 will be disposed of at wholesale, as we already have an offer of $2.50 a set more than we are asking. Look ! Act at Once ! For the 42-piece dinner set, either design, complere, inclu ding one year's subscription to The Review, only (Retails for 15.00 everywhere). For the 31-piece dinner set, either design, complete, inclu ding one year's subscription to The Review, only (Retails for 12.50 everywhere.) We couldn't buy the sets today for less than double the amount now offered you. We simply offer them at these low prices to keep our promise. Come to this office and look them over, it's entirely up to you to secure the biggest bargain ever offered or let it alone. We will not feel disappointed at all if you do not care for one or more sets. Address all orders to THE HIGH POINT REVIEW For Sale $5.00 Eagle Premier Safety Razor outfit, including razor, 12 blades, brush and soap with dur able nickle finish on all parts. En cased in a leather case, plush lined, brand new. Yours for $1.98. A fine present for any one. This offer is good until the 18th inst. only. The REVIEW OFFICE. DUNTLEYS IMPROVED PNEU MATIC CARPET SWEEPER, brand new, cost $15 00. Yours this week only for $4.98. The Review Office. FOR SALE Two 50.00 scholar ships at Edwards Business College, this city. Will sell at a big bargain. See the Review at once. CAR LOAD LOGS AT AUCTION I will sell at public auction to the highest bidder Saturday, June 17th, 1916. one car load of logs (A. C L. 6902) consigned to Southern Ve neer and Panel Co., High Point, N. C, for freight and storage and other legitimate charges near old Best Chair Co.'s railroad crossing at 10 o'clock, a. m. Terms cash. S. O. SCHAUB, Agent, m 18 4ti Southern Railway. WOOD'S FIRELESS COOKER, brand new, cost $1250. Yours this week for $4 98. The Review Office. GET SUBSCRIPTIONS TO THE REVIEW and win a pony, cart and harness. We also give coupons for job work of any kind. Get your friends to subscribe to The Review and have their job work done by us and you can easily win a pony. WE GIVE DOUBLE COUPONS. Parti culars gladly given. The Review, High Point, N. C. WANTED Students to learn Bookkeeping, Shorthand, (9 lessons 6 rules). Civil Service. Positions guaranteed $50 to $75 per month. Scholarship sold on credit. Lessons heard any hour. Phone 4132. Ed wards Business College. tf IS $4 9.8 $2.98 104 Broad Street HIGH POINT, N. C. P. S. Prices quoted above f. o. b. High Point. Cash must accompany all orders. Specify if to be shipped by freight or ex press. Each set securely packed in separate boxes. FOR SALE Two fine building lots in Carrick grove. Will go cheap if taken at once. Apply at this office, LAND POSTERS For Sale Print ed on card or cloth. Chattel mort gages, land deeds, etc. Review Office. ' BIG BARGAIN IN FARM LAND For "quick selling: farm of 115 acres, located on the rural route only four miles from city, 75 acres in cultivation, rest in good oak and pine timber, one half mile of good bottom land, seven -room house, good orchard of four acres can raise wheat, corn, tobacco and most anything to goodadvantage; in sight of good school. Will sell on reasonable terms to suit purchaser. This land can ue bought at a great bargain if taken at once. Other land nearby selling for 30 percent more. Apply to W. L. Stamey or write care The Review, High Point, N. C, at once. tf FOR SALE Books at 50c each, "The White Slave Girls of Chicago": "Chicago by night", "Her Private Character", "In the Arms of Love", "Confessions of an Actress", all well worth reading and with a good moral. Address Review, High Point, N. C. The best investment you ever made is to buy 6 of the famous Mac atawa everbearing blackberry for $1.00; 12 for $2.00; 25 for $3.75. Yon will be repaid ten fold for the amount expended in the sweetest berry that grows. Something every garden should contain. Order at once we have them on hand. The Review office. STANDARD BOOKS FOR SALE at a big sacrifice 30 vol of Dick en's works; 30 vol Dumas; 15 vol Irving; 5 vol Encyclopedia; 5 vol Shakespeare and other noted books. They are offered at a great bargain, practically new. Call at Review ofj fice for prices and samples. WONDERFUL FACTS REVEALED Three wonderful books by a won derful writer: "The Truth About the Bible"; "Why Jesus Was a Man and Not a Woman"; "Sexology of the Bible". See the advertisement about these great truths in this is sue and send your orders to the Review for those you desire at prices given in ag You will never regret it. Glad to see our old friend R C Smith of Cooleemee in the city this week. Mr. Smith has just lately taken unto himself a better half. muffin (jail Stones, Cancer and Ulcers ol tne Stomach and Intcstiness, Auto-Intoxication. Yellow Jaundice, Appendicitis and other fatal ailments result from Stomach Trouble- Thousands of Stomach Suf ferers owe their complete recovery to Mayr's WonderfullRemedy. Unlike any other for Stomach Ailments. For sale by Hart Drug Co. and all other reliable druggists. DR. W. R. Clayton. DENTIST. Room3 506-108-10-12 Bank of Commerce Bldg. Phone 364. Every cent you or your friends spend with the Stamey Printing House or The Review helps you to secure a beautiful Shetland pony and rig for that boy or girl of yours. No contest, no competitors, every one wins. Ask for particulars, tf VALUABLE BOOKS FOR SALE Have for sale 25 volumes of Alex andre Dumas works, good as new cost $19.00; will sell for less than half. If you want a bargain here it is. See me at once and get some fine reading material that would be an ornament to your home. tf TIMBER DEED blanks for sale. rT view office. tf In Order to Introduce Roexall Tooth Paste We are giving a 25c Tooth Brush Fr'ee withe very package for a limited time Rjing Drug Co. Je.RjexUl Store FOR SALE QUICK Three lots on the old Clara Barbee property 50x289 ft. each. Think of securing a lot 289 feet in length Each lot will make two good build ing lots by dividing and building on each end. Have a bargain for you in either one, two or all three of them. Property adjoins the Fletcher Barbee home place. Come quick. W. L. STAMEY, m If you want a good building lot 50x289 feet in good location at half the worth see me at once. There are three of them, all together; will sell single or as you like. W. L Stamey, Review office. if