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ink kevibw,- high pomT, ;. noeth r 6AnoLnrAv: jocr. 12, 1916 V 5 '"A . 1 -: County CaiSidates Ilere Nor; 3rd ' Sheriff D. B. Stafford - V r - r ; - Mr. ana xv;rs. uavm wuu0.vuj . Register of Deeds-W. H. Rankin ' Treasureri-G. H. McKinney Q v Coroner G. L. Stansbury v Surveyor J. R. Edmunds. County commissioners W p d 1 ff UlK DeglBS UI1 ; DCUOI Stfndaywith the, family of Mr, ana The "various , county, democratic JilCClb . r v.v In thexifternoon the eaitor tookMr. At,ioi wnrV hna hpdiin -nn: thft Wlhorrr for a short visit to -his candidates will be; at ' High; Point Nov. 3rd. On Oct; 28 there will be streets of High Paintrthe start be- brother. Phillip Wei born and also all day speaking exercises at Taber- uacle, Nov. 2d at Pleasant - liarden , arid -. at Monticell6,v 'Hon. T.-. W. ren and W, C. Jones. ing made on South Mam near Rusr to the home ot yrus uavis. sel. Mr, Williamson of the Lassiter Bickett and rex-Governor Kitchin will be at the all day .meetings. Col is on the ground ahd will super intend the work. ; " Fine week for fairs,:eh? Land Deeds, Chattel mortem The Democratic jiommees -tor legis state warrants, Summons, etc ria anr TTinmna lative and county offices i are: v Don't lorget tne Dig iana. saie oi - . ;Ai tho hid land chl at State senate A. M. Scales. House of representatives Carter quality desired. any tf fho Kmd-ArmfiftM farm Jnrirl Mnn- "V - T Jl ! dar by Penny Bros, and Thomas J' . f thft sae. as uslial. Dalton, W. A. Bowman and Clem G. Wright. . : TIMBER DEED hlnnt fr Mt ; A 'i auu was a big success. " oaiv;. Kn : s i HIIIIHHIIIIIIIlW, . .,--- MMMn I fcl 111 I ! I Wfc is- ' if ' i r r. U - f i -. i't-: I. i i' K w '1 jM?-;:' ' -A - j . '7 r- ' 1 h-.ji- ff-sf r wr tmm AVERAGEFIGURES djlj so stouhcures W.B.Muform Corsets g-ive Style, Comfort and perfectly fitting Gown. Long wearing, they assnre trie utmost in a corset at - mos I Eccncsucal Price. $3.00 t3$l.G0. W.BReduso Corsets make large hips disappear; bulky waist-lines more graceful ; awk ward bast-lines smaller and neater, and have the "old corset" comfort with the first fitting. $5.G0 and $3.C0. WEINGARTEN BROS., Inc. Hew York, Chicago, San Francisco 9 U j ':. i U J J J 6 overnor o aroima IVill Speak at jfr&;j4rmory in D 0 n t O n 1 hiirsday T ht OCT. 12, 30 IMPROVEMENTS MADE Very noticeable improvements have been made at Gilmer , Bros. Co. on South Main street tThe ? re; serve stock C3rried in an ? enclosure in the rear of the" store has been moved to a building on Rankin street and coat arid suit racks substituted which gives a clear space from the front end of the store to the' rear, adding appreciably to the looks of things. Mr. Oliver, the genial manager is after convenience not only for the benefit'of the. force of clerks but to the trade as well and he has succeeded admirably. j Verily this be the beautiful Indian summer weather. '' . AGED , p. m; Plenty ofS "eats Ivlade Strong and Well by Vino! This letter proves , there is -nothing eaual to Vinol to create strength for weak,' run-down conditions. . : - Vestal Centre, JN. X. i am a iar mer 74 years of age and got into a weak, run-down condition as a . result of the Grippe. " Our druggist suggested Vinol to build me up and I noticed an improvement soon after taking. itr and it has restored my strength so I can now do a good day's work. My wife has also taken Vinol for a, run down condition with splendid results. . H. W. Xesteb. , , M Dru Co.. Hi gh Point, ,N. C New Coats v . In Newest Styles Just fn $5.00 to $22.50 . New Suits In the Latest Models . $12.50 to $19.95 .Special Showing Today In Trimmed Hats See Them Mpf f itt Furnishing Co. , (Look for the Sign) - i . , - . : LORDY.WHrTT BgflUTY - ' " , SUCH RiSTOCRaTlC . is a foreign princessV "l J '' I'LL JUST FOLLOW HER . Mf, w IrteoT a New JOB, ' WlrfV i"5 ' -I DIPN'T LIKE HOOSEy fri f DIPPY DUK ' 7t, FREUND-WAGENER NATIONAL CARTOON SE.BV1CE CORP N Y SAY STRAX6 Ht I ) ,-' (COT bOMETHlMG AAJ HERE FOR "YOU M( r o euv.voocy ma-j I -EW""'"mto I HAVE MrtTY Shares here .i r- IWHiCM ENTITLES Cf THE MC-IDER XQ) HAt F OF GRrtiiNnV'. v ', r J Iffpf i,nSf. COATS Wil $l!Jlllln And At Gilmer Bros. - n J Specialty Store Jc o rp ftfrfiird Hcilr nur finite pnflts nnH rlrcCAfi nil rliTc spflfinn'fi nilf- chase. We invite you to come and see the values fur "yourself. We take 44 r nleasnrein shnwind von. . 4 V RE WORTH ASOO SIX MlLtlON DOLV.AI BUT eeiMO.TS OUi IL L SELL FOR$7.8,t A"V 1 L C MAKE VOU ,WEEK-ENO 3i PEnTJ OP MfXl C O V usic by tbe Band Ladies Cordially Invited 17i I JfJOW wmt DO VOL) C,AV? o r . , lER THIS IS A- COOP T MING.) dm, a - " l i But iM-NOTU - - New Arrivals Childrens coats in. white, grey and black $1.48 to $5.98 Sweaters For all. Children, Misses, Men and Women - : 29c. to $5.98 Sport Coats In light and dark checks and stripes . ... $2.98, $3.98, $4.98 and $5.98 Goat Suits In black, blue, brown and mixtures, all sizes S v $9.98 to $24.50 : Middy Suits In blue, blacks and Shepherd checks, extra values. ' Separate Skirts In all colors and sizes, plain and fancy 98c to $5.98 ' . - ' Our Piece Goods Department is complete,' Dress Goods, Percals, Ginghams, yp. outings, sheeting and domestic ; UnaerwearrKosiery, Blankets, Rain Coats. Make out your list. Gome to Gilmer Bros. Co. and Note the Saving , AU "v. - .. ' " - : . : ' v - ---:. . . , ....Jqv f ft t . I I 1 n ' 3?5 South Main Street . ' . " . . - K A kos. kc kov ke ke o O o 2 24 1 High Point, N. C. "7