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'TfitS BE VIEW;: - mQH-POnm ?KOETS VdB0mnvrOCT;.12; 1916 X r " L . "-CaVVC... -4- The Review Publication Office ... 104-106 Broad Street WL. STAMEY. . . . . - .Editor and Publisher Issued Every Thursday Atternoon SUBSCRIPTION RATE8 SO One yer - - 75c SIX niQnun ......... Three months 40; Reaches the Horas and Business Places in the city and the suburbs. - Advertising Rates oh Application. ; THURSDAY, OCT. 12, 1916 All Notices and Advertisements not con SKcMtad me will be inserted and h ireed for until ordered out. T J. Gold spoke Saturday night at Elon College to a large audience From now until election night Mr. Gold will speak in every, county in the Fifth district, in which he is democratic candidate for elector.. D:.0r tcxv lest vou forget it and are denied the right of suffrage id the election next month. If you have movea io anouia precinct since last election, even if you were registered then, you must register again to he entitled to vote. Safety First see that-your name properly appears on tne regisirauuu books THE FAIRS Last week Winston had her fai r; tliis week we are pulling off the same stunt at Greensboro, next week. Raleigh will draw immense crowds to her great State Fair and in a few days Charlotte will follow suit. Surely the peop!e are given a chance to take in the fairs these days and see the big ears of corn, the golden pumpkins, the bright to bacco, the huge potatoes, etc. It is a great institute, the county fair. Yes we must not forget to mention, Everybody's Day at Thorn asville Saturday. It was a b;g event. SOME CORN Cyrus A. Davis and son Everett are without a doubt the champion corn growers of this section. They had two acres of the seven ear to the stalk variety and while the stalks fell short of fsevn yet therie many which had five ears to the talk and ahont all four ears avm) a nubbin' One of the 5-ears-to-the Ftalk variety is cn exhibition at The Review office. It pays to raise such a prolific varety of corn. t Fire Prevention Day Fire Prevention Day was fittingly observed here Monday to impress the importance of fire prevention on the minds of the people. Fire drills were held in the schools, individuals examined their premises to see if there was anything likely to cause a fire, the factories took a casual in ventory, to locate any possible trouble and the citizens (or some of them rather) put thiugs in betur order believing that "an ounce of prevention is worth A pound of cure." EDITUK JYILILWILK. LLAVLO W. N. Keener for the past 18 rhonths editor of the Enterprise, has resigned his position to return to his first love, the practice of law, in his old home town of Lincolnton. Mr. Keener lias ability as a writer as the Enterprise from time to time shows. While here he and his family made many friends and acquaintances, who regret the departure but with a wish of prosperity and happiness for the future in the good old county of Lincoln among God's people. ' ' A PUBLIC LIBRARY ; , . The movement has been renewed for a Carnegie library and it is. qui c probable that the good ladies will be successful this .time. -The city now owns two big vacant; tats one on the corner of Commerce and Rankin and the other; just lately acquired from Homer Wheeler next to the First Baptist church on North Main, which can be used for the purpose as either is too small for a public play ground. In order to have a Carnegie library High Point must contribute 10 per cent of the cost of same each year for its maintenance. For in stance if $25,000 is appropriat ed that means that we must put up $2,500 each year. Postmaster Farriss is interesting himself in having the free delivery service extended to East Snow Park, Tate street, Parkway and at other pjints. HIGH POINT ROUTE 1 NEWS. Misses Matilda and Luthinia Mc Millan of High Point spent Sunday afternoon at L. C. Phillip's. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Montgomery ori Mr nnri Mrs. W. L. Guyer and daughter, Miss Ida, motored to Kernersville Sunday afternoon on a visit to relatives. m ; Mrs. Richard Brown of Mechamcs ville is visiting at John Taylor's. W. P. Jester went-to Thomasville Saturday to Everybody's day. A number of people gamereu tu the home of W. W. Guyer's Sunday and devoted the afternoon in sing ing, under the leadership of W. A. Jester of High Point, r Mr. and Mrs. Arville Proctor have moved toThur. ton street, H;gh Point. Mr. and Mrs Clyde Lowe of High Point, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. James Lowe Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Pearce spent the day Sunday in High Point with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Claud Ellington of High Point, were visiting at E. O. Henderson's Sunday afternoon. Miss Annie Williams of High Point, spent Saturday night and Sunday with Miss Dorothy Hender son. Miss Minnie Long spent Sun day with her also. E. C. Gtissom spent bunaay in High Point at the home nf his son, MrsJay McGee.of Steph- tyA enville. Texas, writes: "ror fAl nine (9) years, I suffered with I J II womanly trouble. I had ter- tibie headaches and pains in my back, etc. It seemed as if I would die, I suffered so. At last; 1 decided tc try Cardui; the 'woman's . tonic, ? arid it, helped me right away. SJhe full treatment not only helped me; but it cured me." V -"TAKE TP 8 Wis, us the Woman's Tonic Cardui helps women in time of greatesf need, because, it. contains ingredients which act specifically, yet gently, on the. weakened womanly organs. 50, IX VOU ieei. ciscouragcu, blue, out-of -sorts, unable to yA do your household work, on fKl account of your condition, stop worrying and give Cardui a L I trial. It has helped thousands pi of women, why W Try Cardui. . li not you? pjl Mrs.' Henry A. White addressed the civic league of Thomasville last week. No. This it a prescription prepared etpecially for MALARIA or CHILLS A FEVER. Five or six dotes will break any case, and if taken then as a tonic the Fever will not return. It nets on the liver better than Calomel and does not grif or sicken. 25c S. E. Wall and W. H. Ragan at tended the John C. Drewry funeral in Raleigh last week as representa tives from the Masonic Lodge of this city. The fall lyceum course opens Oct. 16th with the, Meitsersingers male quartette. The course, thia year is handled by the boy scouts and thev nave contracted with the Piedmont Lyceum association of Charlotte. What's the matter with the boy scout patrols? Several of them are not in working order. It would be a bad thing to let any of the patrols disband for lack of attention. Walter inssom Mrs. Elmina Jones was quite sick . Sundav with rheumatism. Mrs." Walter Clodfelter of High Point, was visiting at J. Mat Gor- don's Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Henderson have returned from Va. , when they . have been with their son, Ray, who had typhoid fever. He was getting along nicely, but was not aoie to come with them. Mrs. J. D. Motes of Mechanicsville and Mrs. James Morefield were visit ing Mr. and Mrs. Henderson Sunday. The Welch school opened Monday with a large number of children, and is progressing nicely under the management of Prof. George Short and Misses Bessie Cash well and Fay Homey. Prof. Short is boarding at J. A. Boiling's. Miss Cash well at E. J. Welch's and Miss Homey at A. M. Payne's. (Allie Guyer) NEURALGIA PAINS YIELD QUICKLY Hundreds Find Sloan's Lini ment Soothes Their Aches The shooting tearing pains, of neu ralgia and sciatica are quicklyre lieved by the soothing external ap plication of Sloan's Liniment. Quiets the nerves, relieves the numbness feeling, and by its tonic effect on the nerve ami muscular tissue, gives immediate relief. Sloan's Liniment is cleaner and easier to use than mussy plasters and ointments and does not clog the pores. . Just put it on it penetrate. Kills pain. You will fiad relief is it from rheumatism, neuralgia, sciatica s:iff ie k, toothache, etc. . For strains, sprains, bruises, black -and-blue spots, Sloanls Liniment quickly reduces the pain. It's really a friend of the whole family. Your druggist sells it in 25c 50c and. $1.00 bottles. Allen's Foot-Ease for the Troops. Many war sone hospitals hare ordered Allen's Foot Ease, the antiseptic powder, for use among the troops. Shaken into the shoes or dissolred in the foot-bath, Allen's Foot Ease gives rest and comfort, takes the friction from the shoe, and prevents the feet getting tired. or foot-sore. Drag and Department Stores everywhere tell it, 25c Don't accept nny tubatituUi Dr. and Mrs. I. T. Mann returned Saturday from their wedding trip, to points at the ,north and ! for the present will have rooms with Dr. and Mrs. H. C. Pitts, the bride's parents. HHICHESTERS v r- Tne DIAMOND BRAND. Xmim! Ask yomr UrarrJit for , I'lIU in Re4 and Ueld metallic boxes, sealed with Blue Ribbon. Take mm other. Bur mf Torn Dracci. Ask for Cll l-OIIES-TEB'S DIAMOND BRAND PILLS, for SS years known as Best. Safest. Always RcMable SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE A Dr. and Mrs. S. S. Coe have re turned from their bridal trip and for the present have rooms with the father of the bride A. M. Idol. C3U B-Gu3Y-YIISEu3. Will cure your Rheumatism Neuralgia, Headaches; Cramps, Colic, Sprains, Bruises, Cut9 and Burns, Old Sores, Stings of Insects Etc. Antiseptic Ancdyne, used in-v-nfliiy and externally. Price 25c. Rev. and Mrs L. A. Peeler attend ed the funeral services of Mr. Peeler's sister-in-Jaw, Mrs Geo. D. Peeler of Salisbury last week. Major Chas. M. Stedman is indis- posea in Washington and ne may have to undergo a serious operation. DR. J, J. HAMLIN DENTIST Bank of Commerce Building Room 500 Fifth Floor. Phone 444. Residence Phone 770 High Point, North Carolina ' ""-Dr.' and Mrs. a DBatet'.will return- from their - honeymoon trip sbmetirae this week. r ' lifts Your Corn Eight Oft vyr&p In your life bo4 a corn come yontSSLthAt Look at thetruo skin , underneath smooth, as the- palm or your nana We must christianize the millions of foreigners coming to this country or ' sooner or later they will heathenize us, say some learned Christian gentlemen. WILL GO REPUBLICAN? 'The city has evidently gone into the real estate business" said a well known citizen to the editor yester day "and I am going to. bffe some of my land for sale also' continued the gentleman. "And you -can put it down as a certainty that the re publicans are going to darry this township by a safe majority on ac- : coup t of the actions of democrats." -What do you mean, we asked. "You heard what I said, and watch the prediction" and with :. these parting words the man was gone. $1.00 Would Yon Accept " lor 15c . ; Of course so! You would also ac cept 65c for 15c, wouldn't you? Well then listen " - For every order sent me for a October Ladies Home- Journal with 15c, (the price of the Journal alone) you will receive a High Point book absolutely .free. Offer, expires Oct. 15th. ' If to be mailed add 12c to above amount.'- x Paul A. Stamey; Review Office, High fomt, JN. C. 1 J WaD Now. Look at That! Off Comes THal Pesky Com as Slick as a WhuUs. . The earth la blessea with the on, simple, painless, never-failinsr rem edy that makes millions of corn-pestered people happy, and" that OBTS ,IT". Apply It In 3 seconds. It dries. Some people jab and dig at their ' corns with knives and razors wrap their toes in packages, with ban- dages or sticky tape, make them red and raw with salves. Nothing- like this with, "GETS-IT. Your corn loosens you lift tt off. There's nothiiur'to press on the corn', orhurt. Angels couldn't ask for more. Try it tonight on any corn, callus or wart. "GETS-IT" Is sold and recom-, mended by druggists everywhere. 25c a bottle, or sent on receipt of pric toy. B. Lawrence & Co., Chicago. luv 1 ka vrn rmaAir Kv -ll0 Mann Druff Company and the Hart Drue Company. Rev- L A. PeeTer is conducting a series of meetings at the Reformed church in Thomasville this week. ANSWER THE CAU High Point People Have Found That LThis is Necessary A cold a strain, a sudden wrencb. A little cause may hurt the kid neys. - Spells of backache often follow. - Or some irregularity of the urine. A splendid remedy for such at tacks. A medicine that has satisfied thousands. Is Doan's Kidney Pills, a special kidney remedy. - Many High Po'nt people rely on it. .Here is High Point proof. J. R. Brooks, machinist, 402 S. Hamilton St., High Point, says: "Every once in awhile my kidneys get a little out of order. I take a few doses of Doan's Kidney Pills and they never fail to give me relief. My kidneys seldom cause me any trouble now " 50cat all dealers. Foster-Mil-burn Co.. Mftfrs. Buffalo. N Y. inn Jluiy J inl IIV . For Sprains, Lameness, Sores, Cuts, Rheumatism Penetrates and Heals. Stops Pain At Once For Man and Beast 25c 50c $ I. At All Dealers. c?rn mm i i a vzm a t -o. ami m m si. m. i m m m U Ul u uuu SALE OF IS livJ VALUABLE LAND. Pursuant to the power of sale con tained in a certain contract executed by the Rowland lark Company and Theo. Wasky on the 16th day of October, 1914, default having been made in the pay ment of the note constituting thte con sideration for said contracts, the under signed attorney-in-fact will on Satur day, October the 14th, 1916, at 12 o'clock noon, or as soon thereafter as may be, sell the lands described in said contract in front of the Wachovia Bank & Trust Company building in the city of High Point, North Carolina, to the last, and highest bidder for cash, the said lands being more particularly described as follows: Ltot iso. 97 m the property known as Rowland Park, in the city of High -Point; N. C, as shown on the plat of lands of said Rowland Park Companv. made by N. Ambler, civil engineer, and duly recorded in the office of the register of deeds of Guilford county, N. C, in Book No. 3, page 60 ROWLAND PARK COMPANY, By W. C. Idol, Attorney-in-Fact. THE DUNLAP MINERAL SPRINGS COMPANY Krnarsville, Nrih Car Iina This water is indicated in all af fections due to the Uric Acid Dia thesisGout or Rheumatism in all its forms, Brights and all Function al Diseases of the Kidneys, Indiges tion and all catarrhal conditions of the Stomach and Bowels, Nervous. J! J 1 ? 1 Tt '-- aisoraers, Maianai revers, ana m the preparation of Artificial ' Food for infants. Delivered to your door at the fol lowing prices: i 1 5 gallon carboy $1.00 Crate of 8 one-half gallon, bot ties : '--y - ,0 X $1.00 - Write or:sefi us when in the city Dunlap Mineral Springs Co. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. - Having qualified as executor of thfc estate of W." J. Allen deceased, late of Guilford county. North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of aaid deceased to exhibit them to tie undersigned at High x uiuk ui uviurts kue i lii iulv ui oeu- tember, 1917, or this notice will be plead ed in bar of their riecoveryall persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This the 25th day or August, 1916. '..-.v . J. L. ALLEN, Executor St. Of W. J. Allen, Dcd. Deafness Cannot Be Cured y local applications, as they cannot 2ach the diseased portion of the -eac. IA0?10119 way to .cure deafness, aid - that Is by constitutional remedies, seafness is: caused by an inflamed condU l3P- 'the mucous lining of the Eusta hian Tube. When this tube is inflamed ju have a rumbling' sound or imperfect taring, and when it is entirely closed. Vafness is the result, and unless the in ammatlon can be takea .out and this ybe restored , to its normal condition,' .earing will be destroyed forever; nine ases out;of ten are caused by Catarrh, bich is nothing but an inflamed condi on of the mucous surfaces. . We will by Cjrtt Hnniiiwi nniio m i?3081 by catarrh) tbat cannot be cored b J ; laU' Catarrh Care. Send for circulars;; free. ' v 5- J- CHKNET, & CO , Toledo, Ohio, told by Druggists, 75c - q Takellall'a Family PiUs for consrio&Uon.. -T. " Get.Ready to Build a Home 117th Series V - V. High Point- Perpetaai Building & Loan .Association -c Opens October 1st, 1916" V. A. J. Idol Secretary At Commercial National Bank wis m SSI-: r ' - - gas jffTytx jiliifll New Suits, New coats New Skirts 100' New Suits for Saturday Bi Specials for $12.50, $15. and $20 Great line of coats, prices $5. to $30., all sizes New Skirts. We carry the biggest line of Skirts in the city, $2.50 to $6.50 mi The LeonardBeavansS tameylo Commercial National Bank HIGH POINT, N. C. A Mighty Force It is estimated that practically one-half of the investments made in the business world are made on borrowed money. This demonstrates what a mighty good factor credit is today. The surest way to establish a satisfacto ry credit, to be drawn upon when occasion demands, is to maintain a satisfactory bank ing account with this institution. Commercial accounts are invited. The Commercial National Bank OFFICERS: J. Elwood Cox, President C. M. Hauser, Active V-Pres. V. A. J. Idol, Cashie J. W . Harriss, V-Pres. E. S. Wall, Asst. Cashie 3C Cedar Lodge Dairy Fresh Milk, Cream and Butter Delivered Daily All Orders Have Prompt Attention Phone your, orders to 800 fc-.rroadway Theatre m M m m