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THB ttVISW. fllGH POINT, HOBTK OAROLIKA . OCT. 12, 1916 . ' ' ( .-... h '-t u " 3 f I I 'A: i '3 " si I 'H - Mr. and Mrs. Clarence j. rciw and family of Orangeburg, S. U were h e i he first of the week op ac count of the death of Mr Fields sister Mrs. Grace Pegram who died at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. H. C. Field Sunday of tuber culosis. The friends of Clarence will be glad to learn that he holds a very responsible position with two rail roads at Orangeburg. RESOLUTIONS OF RESPECTS Whereas God in His infinite wis dom has taken from us by death Alien U. Tomlinson, a beloved and highly esteemed member of this club; and . Whereas Mr. Tomlinson was a young man of high character and sple idid attainments, ever cheerful ana kind, true and loyal to his friends, successful in business; now there fore be it - - -p.. Resolved, by the Board of Direc tors of Commercial Club in behalf of this organization. That m trie death of Allen U. Tomlinson every member of this club has lost a true and lovable friend and companion, and this community a valuable and highly-respected citizen: and be it further Resolved, that a copy of this re solution be recorded upon the minu tes a copy be sent the member? of the bereaved family and a copy each be furnished ihe city news papers for publication. Board of Directors Commercial Club PerC. C. Prince, Secretary. r WOMAN ALL RUN DOWN Made Strong and Well By Vinol "Waynesboro, Pa. "I was all run down after a hard spell of bronchitis so it waa hard for me to keep about. I had paina in my chest and took cold easily. A friend asked me to try Yinol. I did, and it built me up so I am strong and well and I am able to do my housework which I had not done for three months before taking Vinol." Mrs. Y. 11. Horbougii, Waynesboro, Tx. Vinol creates an appetite, aids diges tion, makes pure blood and creates strength. Your money back if it fails. Matton Drug Co , High Point, N. C. PUBLIC OFFICERS PULLED Warrants were issued for G. E. Crutchfield, member of the Board of Commissioners of Reidsville and J. M. Whitehead, ex-mayor of Ram seur for exceeding the speed limit while Dassin through the city last 1. Tk,. iara tovoH With tYlBt costs in the case, the fine being re-! mined as they were only averaging j about 15 miles an nour ARE YO Feeling The High Cost of Living? ? You can overcome part of this by making your purchasing headquarters in wearing apparel for xhe entire family at our store. We are offering you to day for your selection a store full of quality mer chandise at about the present Wholesale Cost of Goods Merchandise will continue to advance for an indefinite period, so pay us a visit while there is yet a chance to buy at last year s prices. We ofter spe cials all over the store. A few suggestions this week: . - 79c Children s Pure Wool sweaters, $1.50 values for Ladies "Classic" Coat Sweaters, $3.00 values for - - $1-98 Misses and Boys School and Dress Shoes, - . , 98c up to $3.50 Misses Ready-to-wear dresses, Coats, Cloaks, etc. 29c up to $4.98 Full line of Ladies and Misses 2-piece and union suits 14c to $2.98 Bargains all over our store Get it at the a n Cp1a. They Sell .AUallUi; Jai2 VU. Cheaper Review ads bring the best possible results S J 11 W Bill vUl Liquor Here and There Hpnrv Hilliam and Geo. Brooks colored, were arrested Saturday for retailing, the former having one quart and the latter six pints ana they had-bfen retailing u ai uie rediculous law price ot luc per drink. About the same time officers saw a suspicious looking buggy on Leonard row with a more suspicious looking negro by the name of Will Walker who in turn thought the presence of the cops too suspicious and "lit a rag" leaving buggy and horse and two gallons or lb.uu worth of corn liquor. The fourth Sunday is the big sing ing at Abbott's Creek which will draw a large crowd. 2X BCMC MB6R! On Saturday night, Septem hpr2Zr 1916. Mrs. J. R. Reiteel's Ruick Light Six 1916 Model automobile was stolen from her orivate garage and on the following Monday night Mr. C. M. Hauser's Buick of similar model, was stolen about one hundred yards from where the first car was taken. Mr.Hauser's car was recovered the following day about one hundred miles from here in the possession of the above named Otto Wood. He made his escane bv lumping out of the car before the officers could get near enough to arrest A A . . , him. Otto Wood Mrs. Reitzel will pay one hundred dollars ($100.00) for the recovery ot nercar, ana tne county oi uumoru win yxy twenty-nve aouars to.uu iur uic anwi ui vuu w Wood is described as follows: t.4-,c;v orvc rA Vioiftht hnnt fivp feet pJoht inches: weight about 160 pounds; has deep blue eyes; left hand off at the wrist, tie warns sugnuy on up-iuc un unc wui, leans well forward on steering wheel when driving an auto mobile to hide his stub wrist. The above photograph is a good likeness of him and was taken about three years ago; his hair is probably longer now than shows in the picture.. He is a nation wide automobile thief and leads a kind of gypsie life when not in prison. He is probably traveling with his wife. Description of car wanted follows: lirtKf RnJL- 1 Ql mnHpl Hark tfreen bodv. frame No. 204355, motor No. 200958. Left here with State Please notify all garages and especially Buick dealers, and if car is found or arrest made notify O. L. GRAY, CHIEF OF POLICE HIGH POINT, N. C qp YOU WILL GHEAP NEVER BUY AGAIN, SOON SO Listen to a Little Confidential Talk ! Do you KNOW that Cotton and woolen goods, leather and in fact every class of merchan- rted "skvward ?" and that UiUV) -M.M. m !1 it will pay you handsomely to buy nOW ueiore cillUUici auvautc in pij. -. The nearer the approach of cold weather, the higher the goods go ! You know this is natural and you know that everything is advanc ing rapidly and you therefore KNOW that we are giving you good, timely advice, so why not buy now and save the difference ! We handle a general line of Merchandise such as Cloth ing, Shoes, Hats, Underwear, Hosiery, Ladies Accessor ies, etc. ; SOLOMON R0MN0WITZ The Little Store Around the Corner on E. Washington St. Rear of H. Harris & Bro. Across from J. W. Sechrest & Son fT5S-lX.Ka-Jl.T.y.,, irmniiiiriw ' i.nv n.i...r i n ri I ..iwi inni n i. n ,. n M 1111 M n Style Economy Quality . Courtesy F. Raiff & Co. Corner Main and English Sts. High Point Comparison is the True TVst that is bringing riearlv ev erybody to- "Raiff s" for Fall Suits Fashion's last word in Style and Elegance. r v N Serges Velours Gabardines Poplins Velour Checks Whipcords Our suit business is flourishing because wo men who compare have found biggest assort ments, best stales and values in town at Raiffs Girls' school dresses 95c Becoming styles in gingham, linene, all col ors, sizes, 6 to 14. $10.00 stylish fall dresses for $5.98 Smart models in Taffetas Serges, all colors if i TAJ ) Raiff Co High Point's Leading Ladies Store Corner Main and English ots pFq "On the Corner" - - - - ua lne wner in if Complete Line of Shoes Comprising the Best to be had on market. We are Agents for Four of the best tailoring houses in America and can fit you perfectly We sell for Cash, therefore cheaper c. B. cTVIATTOCKS CO. South Main Street New Interest Period B egins Oct 1 Amounts deposited not later than Oct. 5th4raw interest from the first at the rate of A IPer Cent. North Carolina's Strongest Bank Capital .00 Undivided Profits 600,000.00 Wachovia Bank & Trust Company High Point, N. C. M the 1