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... ...."":.,.. . . ''!.(. T"! .' 1 ; : i . THE REVIEW, HIGH POJNT, NORTH CAROLINA 1 1 ?DiSK)fV or iimbksq 7 ' f "1 r 1 - 9 I tl C r I ilJ I II I MAI f PrV2& -iW IT 7 fern M H fl f !:;; .!'.:. 1'. ! 1- ! ! 1 - !Q4 President Washington established the custom officially in the United States, but men ha ve fervently thanked their Gods for blessings in all ages and every clime HE goddess of the Roman harvest was Ceres. Her festival was celebrated annually and was called Ceralia. It was a day of worship and rustic sports. Men and women formed pro cessions and went to the fields with music. Virgil refers to this festival. He mentions the sacrifices that. were offered In the temples, and alludes to the ' joyousness of . the occasion. But Roman thanksgiving days were not confined to this annual celebration of the festival of Ceralia. Sometimes they were held in commemoration of victorious martial campaigns. Plu tarch tells us of the emperor who to conceal his defeat ordered a thanksgiving., which was observed-. Then when the facts of his disastrous campaign became generally known, he excused himself on the ground that he did not "wish to deprive the people of a day of enjoyment." In. one way or. another, a thanksgiving day has been observed in Christian Europe for centuries before its celebration' in New England. On the continent, and for a time In England, It occurred at Martlnmris, which was a My of feasting and drinking. Occasionally, too, civil authorities recom mended the observance of some fixed day. To celebrate the victory of King Henry V of England, at Agincourt, October 25, 1415, a public thanksgiving was held on Sunday, the feast of St. Edward, the King and Confessor. Such a day, too, was observed in Leyden, Holland, October 3, 1575, the first anni versary of that city from the siege by the Spaniards. Many Instances of a thanksgiving day can be pointed out in England during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. In 1559, the second year of Elizabeth's reign, Thanksgiving day entered Rogation day. Then it was ordered that thanks should be givek to Almighty God "for the Increase and abundance of his fruits upon the. earth." In this reign, too, there was a great , national thanksgiving day that is worthy of note. This occurred Tuesday, November 19, 1558, and was in commemoration of the great victory over the "Invincible Armada." One legal and annual thanksgiving day, because of the long time it was such, deserves special mention. After the traitors in the Gunpowder plot had been tried and punished in 1605, it was ordered that because of their deliverance the English people should keep the fifth of November every year "as a public thanksgiving day to Almighty God ; that unfeigned thankfulness may never be forgotten, and that all ages to come may yield praises to God's divine majesty for the same." The "fifth of November" continued a legal thanksgiving day for more than two centuries ; but in later years it fell Into disuse, and in 1833 was abolished by parliament. Long before the advent of the Pilgrims in Massachusetts, all rituals contained expressions of gratitude to God for his mercies. In -that of the Church of England, special prayers were provided for the Sunday service. This service, however, must be carefully distinguished from the Thanksgiv ing day of the Pilgrim fathers. Failure to make this distinction has led to the groundless claim that" the Popham colonists were "the first to keep Thanksgiving day" In America. The service at Monhegan, on which this claim is based, was the regular Sunday service of the Church of England; and while it had an element of thanksgiving, the day can in nowise be re garded as a thanksgiving day as that term Is understood. The record made in his "Breeches Bible" by William White, who came over In the Mayflower, has far more significance in determining the origin of our American Thanksgiving day than the event at Monhegan. The record read: "William White married on ye 3rd day of March, 1620, to Susannah Tilly, Peregrine White born on board ye Mayflower in Cape Cod Harbor. Sonne born to Susannah White 19th ye six o'clock morning. Next day we meet for prayer and thanksgiving." This meeting "for prayer and thanks giving" was not on Sunday, but on Tuesday. The fact that It was not a part of the regular Sunday service makes it more pearly accord with our idea of Thanksgiving day than does the Monhegan event. The prototype of our present Thanksgiving day is found in the harvest festival at Plymouth in 1621. The long winter that followed the establish ment of the colony had been so severe that less than half the settlers had survived it. "At one time during the winter only Brewster, Standish, and five other hardy ones were well enough to get about." In the spring and summer that fmlowed, their fortunes Improved, and by autumn they had cleared 26 acres and made It ready for cultivation. This Industry, too, had been rewarded by a bounteous harvest. Now food and fuel sufficient for the needs of the approaching winter were laid In. Then Governor Bradford ordered a thanksgiving the first In America. The first thanksgiving was not for a day only. It continued a week. In a letter to a friend in England, Edward Winslow has given us a brief account of the festivities. This letter bears date of December 11, and in it Winslow wrote: "Our harvest being gotten In, our Governor sent four men on fowling that so we might after special manner rejoice together after we had gathered the fruits of our labors. They killed as much fowl as with a little help beside served the company about a week. At which times among other recreations we exercise our arms, many of the Indians coming 'amongst us, and among the rest their greatest king, Massasoyt, with some ninety men, whom for three days we entertained and feasted, and they went out and killed five deer which they brought and bestowed on our-Governor and upon the captains and others." The records make no mention of a thanksgiving day In the next year, but in the year following, 1623, such a day was held. This, however, was not in the autumn, but in July on the arrival of provisions from England. Nearly 50 years pass before we hear of another thanksgiving day at Plymouth. There was one in 1668, and another for the accession of the Orange Stuarts, William and Mary, in 1689. An autumnal thanksgiving was held in 1690, the last in the history of Plymouth colony, Independently of Plymouth, Massachusetts Bay colony had occasionally its own thanksgiving days. There was such a day for the "safe arrival of ships," July 8, 1630; and again the next February, when the provision ship, Ambrose, arrived. In 1632, the general court ordered a "publique" thanks giving day in recognition of the "m'cy of God vouchsafed to the churches of God in Germany and the Pallatinate," The next year the court, because of the bountiful harvest, appointed October 16 as a thanksgiving day the first harvest festival in the history of the colony. By 1680 the autumnal thanksgiving had become an annual festival. No doubt In its games and sports It took the place of the English Christmas, for until comparatively recent date all that savored of Rome and the episcopacy was held in dis favor In Massachusetts. During the Revolution Thanksgiving day became national. All through the war, congress annually set apart a day for thanksgiving; but after the "Thanksgiving for Peace" in 1783, there were no more until Washington became president in 1789. On October 3 of this year at New York he issued a proclamation asking the observance of Thursday, November 26, as a day for national thanksgiving. This was the beginning of the orthodox "last Thursday" that has since been named in presidential proclamations. By this time the festival had general official recognition throughout New Eng land, and in this year, 1789, the Protestant Episcopal prayer books recognized the authority of civil government In the appointing of thanksgiving days. The chief differences between the two was the want of ceremony at Ply mouth that characterized the English festival. In some parts of England the merry-making was around the "noddingsheaf," or "kern baby;" and in Lesson MM many places the last load of the harvest was drawn to the barn in a wagon vXV f) called the "hoch cart." In front went pipe and tabor, and around it eath- J 4-1 'msvasvmc vyioIa faraola clnfflnff InirAiioltr -tV . i . . . ered the reapers, male and female, singing joyously as they proceeded Plymouth there was no ceremony, Opinions Differ. "Men are like wagons," remarked the man who dispenses aphorisms. "They make the most noise when empty." "Your .trolley to off the wire," re- Joloeil ith tyQ? person. "A man makes the most noise when he to.fulL" His Only Hope. "Tell me," spake the easy mark, what sort of a girl should I propose to?" "She should be rich," rejoined the female fortune teller, "and If you ex pect her tp accept you, she must, also Advice That Failed. , Rich Uncle What I Broke again? You ought to take Solomon's advice to the sluggard about going to the ant for Nephew (Interrupting) So . I did, uncle, hut aunt says she is In the same debiorable coadltlnn. . '(By E. O. SELLERS, Acting Director pi the Sunday School Course in the Moody Bible Institute of Chicago.) (Copyright. 1916, 'Western Newspaper Union.) LESSON FOR NOVEMBER 26 A LIVING SACRIFICE. LESSON TEXT Romans 12. GOLDEN TEXT Present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your spiritual service. Rom. 12:1 R. V. The first 11 chapters of this let ter teach and illustrate the great principles of the Christian life. Paul calls It "mv Gosnel." Its funda- I When you feel yourself taking cold Domino Tokl. III 1 ' i . and overcome the attack. When your appetite is fitful, your food does not taste good. Peruna Vah1t wifl in. emulate. When you are weak after illness. Peruna Tablets ar I for their healthful Tonic Effect. When catarrh distress. Peruna Tablets will help your system to rid itself of this disease ' Manalin Tablets are a delightful laxative. Strong Cathartics weaken, and arefoHoro. k reaction. Manalin is mild, eently ursine: the liver to action, and will be found as saf. . they are pleasant. By their use as directed, the habit of constipation is usually overcome For children and invalids the treatment is safe and satisfactory. Any drug store can supply you. Get a box today. THE PERUNA COMPANY Columbus, Ohio noted His Magnificent Memory. "Children," squeaked the ancient man, "I can remember just as well as If it was yesterday, when I was a boy, and beefsteak and potatoes were so cheap that we, had 'em aft our house most every day, and were always per- mental principle is that Justification i mitted to eat all we wanted of 'em. 1 r"'r' ''J jSjjy piiiiWMjj .. miujju regenerates men, and nothing else. The secon'd section is the practical , ap plication of Nthese truths. I. The Exhortation to Gratitude (w. 1-2). "Therefore," because of the work of Christ on our behalf, we are to present cur bodies as living sacrifices unto God, to be used for his glory, and service, (See chapter 6 :13, 16, 19). Paul urges, he beseeches ; he Is winsome, though he might com mand. To "present" technically means, "bring an offering to God." The body is the sum of all human faculties, physical and spiritual. It must not be defiled by being yielded as an instru ment to sin, for It Is the temple of God. (1 Cor. 3:1617). A "Living Of fering," (not as the bodies of slain " animals offered by Jews) Is a conse cration of the body, and not a destruc tion of life. The original means that this the offering of ourselves as a living sacrifice is a reasonable, ra tional service. God has the right of ownership of every member of our body, and there never was a day when there was greater need of insisting upon a Christianity that affects the bodies of men than today. Hands, lips, ears, eyes every member should be constantly presented to him who pur chased it by the blood of his own Son. (I Cor. 6:20; I Pet. 1:18-19.) Tnis is a spiritual, religious service be cause It Is our spirit which presents the offering of the body which he in habits. Too many of us are "fash ioned according to this age." II. The Expression of Gratitude (w. 3-8). Or the right use of the gifts of God. (1) Avoid "self-conceit" (w. 3-5). These verses indicate how im portant this subject is. Conceit Is en tertaining an exaggerated opinion of one's 'own' ability. The church has many members, and they do not all have the same office ; there is a variety In the unity of the body. So in the church there are many "members in one body," each of which Is Important ; all are essential. (2) "Prophecy" (v. 6), not necessarily foretelling, but the revelation of spiritual truth and experience according to the propor tion of our faith (Ps. 39:3), the.llving, spiritual experience of the presence of God within us. (3) "Ministry" (v. 7). The business side of the church, col lecting of its money and the distribu tion to the poor. Some can best at tend to such business. Many churches fail by not selecting wise leaders for this work. (4) "He that teacheth." Oh, I tell ye, I've got a wonderful ee-hee! hee .'memory !" Later tne children said among them selves: "Truly, Uncle Gulliver has an amazing memory he can recollect things that could not possibly have happened." Kansas City Star. OF INTEREST TO MOTHERS The cost of food today Is a serious matter to all of you. To cut down j your food bills and at the same time Improve the health of your family, serve them Skinner's Macaroni and Spaghetti two or three times per week Children love, it and thrive on it. It j is the best possible food for adults. Write the Skinner Mfg. Co., Omaha, Nebr. for beautiful cook book telling how to serve it in a hundred ways. Itfs free to every mother. Adv. Irresistible. "So Maude is p. charming girl, eh?" "Charming? I should say so. I never saw but one man hard-hearted ! a n frVt wsyxct e Viaw "Who was that?" "The marble statue in the park." Florida Times-Union. Whenever You Need a General Tonic Take Grove's The Old Standard Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic is equally valuable as a Gen eral Tonic because it contains the well known tonic properties of QUININE and IRON. It acts on the Liver, Drives out Malaria, Enriches the Blood and Builds up the Whole System. 50 cents. Happy Effort. "Truly a felicitous speech! He has a style er all his own." v "Hum ! Just where does the felicity come in?" "The felicity is like his style all his own." SB JliiIHfiJillJilils YOU "should know the real truth about shot shells. You can have sample Black Shells Free also a booklet of information on how to make important testa When you have made these tests you will know what shell has the quickest, strongest pri mer, the best pattern and great' est penetration, and most re liable waterproofing. BLACK SHELIS MOTHER'S JOY SALVE for Colds, Croup, Pneumonia and Asthma ; GOOSE GREASE LINIMENT for Neuralgia. Rheumatism and Sprains. For sale by all Druggists. GOOSE GREASE COMPANY, MFR'S., Greensboro, N. C. Adv. The New Reading. "When there is a will there Is a way." "Yes ; a way to break it." If yon suspect that your child has Worms. ' single dose of .Dr. Peery's "Dead Shot" i vrlll settle the question. Its action uoon The true pastor IS a Combined proph- I the Stomach and Bowels is beneficial in et, pastor and teacher. We are all teaching, whether we wish to or not. It is a privilege as well as an obliga tion. III. Conduct Toward All Men (w. 9-21). The renewed soul needs guid ance, encouragement and Instruction. (1) "In love" (v. 9). The hypocrite wears a mask. Notice the close con nection of "abhor that which is evil" with "cleave to that which is good." The word for cleave means literally to glue it, so that nothing can separate you from love which is the supreme good. "In honor preferring one an other" (v. 10). Let others carry the banner few of us can stand this acid test. (8) "Diligent in business" (v. 11). Whatsoever your hands find to do, do it with your might, being fer vent or boiling in spirit, the reverse of the previous exhortation, in that vrtiich we are thus to serve the Lord. Few either case. No second dose or after rur- tjative necessary. Adv. For renovating a lawn at any 'sea son a new sod roUer has spikes that punch holes in the soil. Pierce's Favorite Prescription makes weak women strong, sick women well, no alcohol. Sold in tablets or liquid. Adv. "Sympathy Is two hearts tugging at one load." Selected. dBUckPowdaar Just send this advertisement back to us with your name and address and that of your ammu nition dealer written on the margin. We will send immedi ately an order for the three free shells from your dealer's stock and also an order for the inter esting booklet UNITED STATES CARTRIDGE CO. 2559 Trinity Buildinj, New York City iiiininmiM; WE BUY OLD FALSE Mill We pay from $1.25 up to $5 a set, also buy bridgework, old gold, silver, and plat- mum. uan give you tne central cans or this city as reference. Mail to Berwitx Bros. Co., Dtpt. 9, Rochester, N. T. APPENDICITIS If toii hare been threatened or bare GALLST0KH3. INDIGHSTION, GAS or pains In the riphtCDCC Bide write for ralnable Book of In formation i U X. BOWEkS, DKPT. W-S. 119 S. DKAKBUBS 8T..CWUV Those Wedding Bells. Abe Did you get the opera score? Pandora Yeah ; they were tied to the last minute of the play. The earth under a blanket of snow is usually ten degrees warmer than the air above it. Granulated Eyelid, Stlea, Inflamed By relieved over night by Roman Eye BaUam. One trial proves Its merit. Adv. A full-grown elephant yields 120 pounds of Ivory. BACK! DO YOU GET UP WITH A LAME Have You Rheumatism, Kidney, Liver of Bladder Trouble ? Pain or duM ache in the back is often evidence of kidney trouble. It is Nature's timely warning to show you that the track need exhortation to be diligent in their jof health is not clear. own business, but all of us need this exhortation with rgard to the "king's business." (4) "Rejoicing in hope (v. 12). Triumphing over trials and fa culties in the way. Looking for tbat 'blessed hope" (Titus 2:13). (5) Pa Danger Signals. If .these danger signals are unheeded more serious results may be expected; kidney trouble in its worst form may steal upon you. , Thousands of people have testified that tlence and tribulation (v. 12). The i Qe J"Ju n( Jcdiate effect of Swamp- Latin "tribulum" was the threshing in strument or roller whereby the hus bandman separated grain from the husk. Sorrow, distress and adversity are the means for separating men from the chaff of their lives. Sometimes small annoyances, long continued, be come great tribulations. (See Joshua 24:12.) (0) Continuing in the school of prayer (v. 12). Steadfast, urgent, pressing, persevering prayer (Luke 12:1). (7) "Given to hospitality" (v. 13) ; literally, pursued it. Army Sardine Sandwich. Remove bones and skin from one box of sardines, add one teaspoonful olive oil, half teaspoonful lemon juice, same of grated onion, or few drops onion juice, salt . Mix well. XJse on but tered bread. This sandwich is served on Ladies' day aboard the battleship. To Remove Scorch Stains. All traces of the damage done by too hot an iron may be quickly re moved by dampening with peroxide of hydrogen, then pressing and put ting tp the sun to dry. Root, the great kidney, liverand bladder remedy, is soon realized that it stands the highest for its remarkable curative effect in the most distressing cases. If you need a medicine, you should have the best. night, irritation, sediment, etc. acii T .astir r tAnfrtl am a Tf".1 fl V. uric dizziness, indigestion, sleeplessness, ner ousness, sometimes the heart acw v ' rheumatism, bloating, lack of aow"0 may be loss of flesh, sallow pompiei Prevalency of Kidney Disease. Most people do not realize the of kidney disease. While kidney orders are among the roost com uisseauca iua.b prevail, mc y the last recognized by patients, very often content themselves with doc the system- Regular fifty-cent and one-dollar 1 All - A. 11 J AA- Duiuets ab nil urug bwico. T i. it. remem00, xjou z maKe any miswi.c, - b4 the name, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Ro01- , the address, tfincnamion, n. you will find on every bottle. Lame Back. Lame back is only one of many symp toms of kidney trouble. Other symp toms showing that you may need Swamp Root are, being subject to embarrassing and frequent bladder troubles day and SPECIAL NOTE You may obtain a sample size bottle of Swamp-Root bySr ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binehamton. N. Y. This gives you the oPP"iTJ to prove the remarkable merit of this medicine. They will also send you jrtJ valuable information, containing many of the thousands of grateful ietterne from men and women who say they found Swamp-Root to be just the remedy m .f1' llver and bladder troubles. The value and success of Swamp-Kooi well known that our readers are advised to send for a sample size bottle. Aaa Kilmer A Co., Binghamton, N. Y. When writing be sure and nientioa this ppe i n rrm ir v u vx v r u " G iUr-J rurnn tt Lfi 1 1 1 1 Ul L- imiiiiil ri ao ForMnbrln, CtdXIm mxvd JTZnUx C2&Gxittl&zlXi3 TVktiJo C3csa0UBl