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n THE RZVm HIGH POINT. NORTF CAROLINA , NOV- 23, 1916 US' d - M a rr- -p i Price Sale! q Iril IWI pecial For Day 0 y Any Coat Suit in our establishment at 50c on the dollar. Also a big reduction in all Ladies and Chil dren's Wool Coats, Rain Coats and Sport Coats. Now is Your Opportunity K AtOamtic Soflcs Co. TSl n n ROUTE 4 NEWS The series of meetings at Wallburg Baptist church lasted all of last Week closing Sunday night when 20 made a profession of faith and 13 acces sions to the church. Will Yokley who has been con fined to his room with rheumatism, is not any better at this writing. Mr a 110 Mrs. I . j. vveuvii ai-cui Sunday morning in Lexington visit ing their daughter Mrs, Harvey Smith. -Joseph Farabee, one of our oldest neighbors, is right sick. Prof. A. T. DeLap met his singing cks: a Study Grove Saturday Misses Janie and Wilmer Clodfel terwent to the singing Saturday and spent Saturday night and Sun day at H. V. Clodfelter's. Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Wyers and lit tle daughcer Mary spent Sunday evening at R. M. Clodfehea. John Clinard has had several at tacks of appendicitis recently and his physician advises him to go to the hospital. The top soiling is completed on the Thomasville road and we now bo3st of having one of the best roads in the county. Jacob Mack has the contract for scraping the road from Mack Hiatt's to the county line. Charlie Hine is spending a few davs in North Wilkesboro with his best irL Suraesa to The Review and its many : readers on this route. ' MARY A. CLODFELTER. NEW SEMI-BANK FOR CITY The Morris Plan Co. opened for business Wednesday in the first floor nf th Rank of Commerce building formerly occupied by the city collec for. The company has a capital stock of $40 000 and will make a specialty of small loans at 6 per cent, to be repaid with principal in week H. A. Millis is presi dent; A Sherrod, vice-president; W. R. Morrow, sec. and treas; u. r. Monrfpnhall. 'asst. secV. & treas. The company starts out auspiciously- See display ad elsewhere. -' A few of the faithful will journey tj Richmond next week to see the annual struggle over the pig skin between North Carolina and Vir ginia. They will for the first time encounter a boozeless city and may they also escape any such wreck as occurred last year. DEATH OF WOMAN Mrs. MaryEUer, aged 32 years, died Sunday at her home a few mi es south of the city. HUiband and seven children survive. Deceas ed was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. A. Miller. Funeral services were conducted Tuesday at Rock well where the remains were interr ed. rv SB High Point Morris Plan Company Opened For Business ednesday, Nov. 22, 1916 Office: First Floor Bank of'Commerce Bldg. (Formerly Occupied by City Clerk) w Company Capitalized at $40,000.00 to make loans at 6 Per Cent. Interest All loans made for 12 months, payable in weekly installments . Hi Point JMlonris 'Plait Company H. A. MULis, Prest. A. Sherrod, V-Prest. W. R. Morrow, Sec. & Treas. O. E. Mendenhall, Asst. Sec. & Treas. SHOT FRIEND WITH PISTOL Wesley Mendenhail, a young man living in the Prospect neighborhood, was accidently shot in the right leg Sundav morning by Grady Burton who held an automatic pistol in his hand in a playful attitude. Burton had recently arrived from Oak Ridge to spend a week hunting and they were discussing the joyful sport that bright Sunday morning on the steps of the school house there when the deplorable accident occurred. A physician was called and dressed the wound which does not give promise of any serious result. It is the old story oft rtpeated but little heeded by the average person, the toying with an "unloaded or harm less" pistol. THE DEW SERVICES The revival at the First Baptist church will continue through this week. Dr. Dew is doing some unu sual good preaching and satisfactory results have been obtained so far. The special sermon to the boys and men at Wesley Memorial M. E. church Sunday afternoon was a fine effort and universally complimented. The subject was Five Modern Devils" which the speaker showed up in unmistakably truths. At the same hour Mrs. Dew addressed the girls and women at the First Bantist church on a very timely topic. Mrs. Dew was at one time a Catholic and she told of her conversion from that faith. . The circus had the tion as of yore. same attrac-jf: MOTHER SUPERIOR Says Vinol Creates Strength Rosary Hill Home, Hawthorne, N. Y. "I have used Vinol for many run down, weak or emaciated patients with benefit. One young woman was so weak and ill she could hardly creep to my door for aid. I supplied Vinol to her liberally and in a month I hardly recognized her. She was strong, her color charming and her cheeks rounded out." Mother M. Alphonsa Lathbop, O. S. D. We guarantee Vinol to sharpen the appetite, aid digestion, enrich the blood and create strength Matton Drug Co., High Point, N. C No. (SO This is a prescription prepared especially for MALARIA or CHILLS &. FEVER. Five or six doses will break any case, and if taken then as a tonic the Fever will not return. It acts on the liver better than Calomel and does not grit or sicken. 25c Gall Stones, Cancer and Ulcers of the Stomach and Intestiness. Auto-Intoxication. Yellow Jaundice, Appendicitis an i other fatal ailments rcsuli from Stomacl Trouble- Thousands of Stomach Suf ferers owe their complete recovery tc Mayr's Wonderful Remedy. Unlike any other for. Stomach Ailments. For sale by Hart DiUg Co. and all other reliable drnggists. Eyestrain causes headaches, nerv ousness and poor sight. Consult DR. iVIAX RONES nPTOMETOICT &W!!C3&B& "lit Mm W Your Druggist has sold Dr. King's New k- Discovery for coughs and colds since the day he opened his own store, and before that, when he was clerking for his "old boss he made satisfied cus tomers when he sold Dr.Kings New Discovery. It has been the standard preparation for bronchial affections for nearly 50 years. Those "who have used it longest are its best friends. It gives grateful relief in stub born coughs and colds. Try it. ,1,r.,ii fimKA M u W ake Money Why not let your money work for you in our bank where you Get 4 per ct. compounded quarterly ? ' - North Carolina's Strongest Bank Capital Undivided Profits $1,250,000.00 600,000.00 Wachovia Bank & Trust Company High Point, N. C. Jl W 1 i ' fl 1 IS HERB And every prediction points to a severe winter. s Of course you want to keep warm and comfortable these cold days, as well as stylishly dressed. You Can Find No Better Place to "Do Your Shopping than our store We can equip- the man and young man from head to foot with the best in Clothing, Hats, Shoes, Undewear, Hosiery, , Shirts, Collars, Ties, Gloves, Handkerchiefs, etc. In Ladies Goods you will find our stock complete. Coats and Coat Suits, Skirts, Underwear, Hosiery, etc. It will pay you to see our line before buying for we certainly can save you money. SOLOMON ROMNOWITZ The Little Store Around the Corner on E." Washington St. Rear of H. Harris &. Bro. Across from J. W. Securest & Son I Cnnd My Own Lenses. 'Phone 6.1 Located with D. Rones & Son