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Rev. A. G. Dixon is at home from a visit to West Virginia, Pennsyl vania, Ohio, New York and Indiana, where he attended conferences. Mr. Dixon is the new secretary of the Young People's Work of the M. P. church and says he likes his new position very much. Farmers coming to the city re port cases where the law has been violated in regard to shooting quail. The jaw is not out until Nov. 15th. THE BEVIEW, HIGH POINT, NORTH CAROLINA. a - ' -.-in.! - ii- ,, . , . , ...-,. .i i m Mrs. J. T. Burrus and daughter have returned from a visit to Dr taZrg,S. t b3Se Miss Isabella H Mrs. A. E. Tate, was injured in the County Fair" parade Thursday when she foil fmir, ui .i- j a uiuyuic B11U Was struck hv nn antnmnk;u cu. "uwuiguHc. OllC was only slightly injured, her many friends will be glad to learn. Mrs. W. L. Smith is recovering from a painful accident. Several days ago she broke a ligament in ner ankle which has given her no little trouble. That fellow Gaston B. Means has certainly led a tangled life and needs to be thoroughly dissented. whether or not he answers for the great and fatal wrong done Mrs. Efaua King. REVIEW ADS, HUNT OUT THE CUSTOMERS MEDIUM AND HIGH-GRADE FURNITURE Sold for Cash at the Practically everything for the Home carried in stock. At this season of the year we are offering UNUSUALLY LOW PRICES on sample goods, in Bedroom Suits, Parlor Suits, Wardrobes. Chiffoniers, etc. Our Overhead Expenses being light we are able to save yon from 20 to 40 per cent on yonr purchases Recently we doubled our capital stock and greatly increased our floor space and carry a much larger line. See our line of Druggets, Stoves, Ranges and Beaters We are easy to do business with and are always glad to see you. Welboro Furniture Co. 110 Commerce St Jake Welborp, Mgr. flaua rung. , . I fS EORGE ' I A-uihor of "At GoodtoTj Siwa" & I SEEMCA FIRSTTHE near 112th street like a mesa in an CATHEDRAL OF ST. JOHN. Looking at cathedrals is the fa vorite in and outdoor sport of Amer icans in Europe. In most ways we can successfully compete with the older nations in sights and sounds, but in cathedrals and royalty Eu rope is 7,000 leaps ahead. Nothing in Europe is so .wonder ful as her cathedrals. WhPh th m-.m m v MVia V - w American plants himself before one of there vast soaring poems in sculp tured stone with its loose-work spires, its delicate flying buttresses and its general directory of stone saints standing at attention all over the great facade, he heaves a sigh of despair nd savs. "Alas, we ran- not do this in America. Skyscrapers are our oest net." Thousands of Americans have gone to Europe merely to wander over, under and through the dreat cathedrals of a by-gone day; but they cannot do it this vear. Manv of the cathedrals are dishabille ow ing to the war and most of the rest are being used for hospitals. Besides ocean traffic is too exciting this year. But those who cannot live through the winter without drawing a few whiffs of inspiration from a church big enough to stable a thun derstorm need not despair. It will surprise many of them to know that the third largest cathedral in the Arizona desert. They have been working for near ly twenty years on this church, but oniy a little of it has been finished. The great nave has Tint hppn horfnrt but services are being held in the mue space wnere the transepts cross me cnoir, and as three or four thou sand people can crowd intn this lit tle room, they get along very ell. wnen tne entire church is finished ft will be larger than St. Paul's in London and more beautiful than h$j& V flj I I'M TIRED illl I I frff LOOKIW6 V (I J , I ALAS WE when ANO n r Hli CANNOT 00 do II y JU THIS IW ' The American tourist heave a sigh of despair. anything man has done with ham mer and chisel in 400 years. The tourist who visits St. John's will find many splendid sights with word is in process of erection in in its choir and rhanpls anH h will New York City. I also see how a great cathedral looks This is a great novelty. Hundreds 1 when the workmen have knocked of cathedrals are in process of fall ing down, but very few are going ud. Some countries are too poor to build them, and some have forgotten how. In New York, however, the Episco palians have decided to prove that Americans can build churches as large as railway stations if necessarv and they are working on the cathe dral of St. John the Divine which already looms up above the city off for dinner, leaving it half fin ished, lhis is a much more inter esting sight than viewing a cathe dral which started falling down 500 years ago and has about finished the job. Yet more Americans have flocked to Melrose Abbey than have stepped into St. Johns to look at the great stone columns which are the largest hewn since the Egyptians went out of business. Watch Out important announcement t this paper next week Furni Extra Extra ! For Friday, Sept 28th At the ROSE WE4TRE "The Allies at the Front" Big War Picture in Six Reels Prices 15c and 25c Don't Fail to See This Picture Kirmcss Week and Gilmers' The Big Four Days of Pleasure, Profit and Patriotism occurs next, week, commencing Wednesday, and we have planned to give all who visit our store a Pleasant and Profitable time. Pleasant from the standpoint of congeniality and good service, and Profitable because of the Big Saving on all goods purchased. Of course we are patriotic, too, and will do our part towards the various pa triotic movements, living up to the slogan of Kirmess Week "Pleasure, Profit and Patriotism." COME and let's get acquainted, we want to know the people all around this thriving city and especially in trading distance. We feel like we will be doing them a real service in these days of high prices by selling them merchandise at a Great Saving. New Fall Suits When you are in the city don't fail to visit our Coat and Suit department. Special values, all new $9.98 to $23.50 New Fall Coats Just the kind you like to wear. We have a big lot to select from. $3.98 to $19.98 Big Lot of Outings In light and dark colors, in rem nants or by the piece 8 l2c, 10c, 12 l-2c and 14c Shirt Waist Department Is offering extra values in Voils, Batiste, Crepe de Chine and Geor gettes 48, 79, 98, $1.98, $2.98 Domestic Department In this department alone it will pay you to come to the Specialty Store. See what you save on Domestic. Sweaters All new styles and colors in Sweat ers, in silks and wool. We can suit you in Sweaters 98c to $8.98 Underwear Just remember when in need of Un derwear come to Gilmer Bros. Co. Full line for all, at little less. Dress Ginghams We are showing a big assortment of Dress Ginghams for school dresses, dark and light colors, checks or stripes 10e, 12 l-2c, 15c Separate Skirts In wool and Silks. 1 lot fancy stripe Silks . $3.98 1 lot brown and fancy Skirts $4.98 and $5.98 Wool SKirts, all colors and sizes $1.98 to $2.90 Blankets Never before have we been able as now to show you the best line of Blankets to be found and at a big saving. Remnants, Remnants Don't fail to ask about the Rem nants of all kinds, in Percals.Calico, White Goods, Overall, Denims and many others at big saving. Hosiery Department For men, women and children, all sizes and colors, in Silk, Lisle and Cotton 7 1 -2c to $1.25 Come, Meet Your Friends Here at THE SPECIALTY STORE 131 SOUTH MAIN ST. CITY OF HIGH POINT ' mmaaamiammimtaMmfMmmamiamutMmmm 4