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HE REVIEW, HIGH POINT, NORTH CAROLINA. BE SURE TO VISIT lOFLIN'S DURING KIRMESS WEEK which commence next Wednesday We have some very Specials in Millinery for these 4 big days, Sept. 26, 27, 28 and 29th. Always glad to greet you. LOFLIN'S Millinery Jewelry Located for the present next to Alexander's First Showing of Fall Goods at Robinowitz Our new fall and winter line of Merchandise is arriving daily and being placed on the shelves for your inspection. Our Line of Men's and Boy's Clothing, Shoes, Hats, Under wear, Hosiery, Can't be Du plicated. We are especially strong on Men's and Boy's Clothing, having a big line. We bought early in the year to get the best prices and therefore can protect you from the High Prices. A call will convince you. SPECIAL, for the farmer Raw hide shoes with genuine oak bottoms. Defy the weather and rough usage and wear like iron. Make Our Store Headquarters During Kirmess Week Glad to see you anytime. You have to pass our store to visit the exhibits .and to see the street dancing each evening. SOLOMON ROBINOWITZ 110 East Washington St. High Point, N. C School Thrift Cldb Opens Sept. 24th and you can call and start in this savings club at any time now. Begin saving the pennies and get dollars back next spring. New Interest Quarter Starts Oct. 1 Better drop in and start that Savings account by the 1st of October and let your money earn 4 per cent, in terest compounded, every 3 months. It's a time when everybody should be saving something regularly. ome Banking Company The Bank That Appreciates Ydur Business. fr3f It is never too late to take a few shares of stock in the Mutual Building & : Loan As sociation. New series started Aug. 15tn. M. C. Crowson, Sec.-Treas. - i so 3 NEWS PROM OLD TRINITY. (By R. L. J.) Rufus Herring of Sampson county paid a visit to friends in Trinity re cently. Mr. Herring is one of Samp son's best business men. Marsh Bullard and family have returned to Louisville, Fla. Capt. Parkin has been quite sick for several days. Mr. Chafin, father of Mrs. Bruce Craven, has returned to Mocksville. Mrs. Leila Brown Andrews and her aunt, Mrs. Bynum, of Spencer have been visiting at Mr. Phillips'. Dave White has purchased a new piano for his family. Miss India Young, a teacher in the Norfolk schools, returned this week. The summer visitors are all flit ting. HIGH POINT, ROUTE 4. (By Mary A. Clodfelter.) The farmers are very busy pre paring land for wheat and taking care of their tobacco. There will be a large wheat and oats crop sown this fall, also clover and grasses of all kinds, lhe farmers are greatly improving their lands by sowing peas and clover. The writer and husband and Janie Clodfelter attended preaching at Mt. Vernon church Sunday. Rev, Price of Kernersville preached a go6d ser mon to a very good sized congrega tion. There was preaching at night also. bhool opened at the Piedmont Liberty at VVallburg Sept. 11th with an enrollment of about 65 the first day. We wish Prof. Kirksey much success. His brother is with him. Mrs. Napoleon beckerdite is seri ously sick at her home on Route 5, Winston, with pneumonia. Mrs. John Hiud of Mechanicsville is seriously ill with tuberculosis. The Girls' Canning Club has been doing their bit towards canning Several thousand cans of fruit and vegetables have been saved. Every woman has been doing her bit to wards drying and canning as there has been lots of fruit. C. C Smith, who has been indis posed for the past few weeks, is home better at this writing, glad to say. . Wilmer Clodfelter and little brother spent Saturday night and Sunday in the home of Y. U. Weavil. HIGH POINT ROUTE 1 NEWS. By Vidi.) Hervie Wi'liard has gone to school at Guilford College again this term. Will Lowe and family spent Sun day with his brother, Jim Lowe. Masters Virgil and Ashburn 'El liott spent Sunday with their school mate, Master Clyde Kirkman, and in the afternoon they and Ben Lowe had a big time hunting muscadines. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Burns from the city were visitors at W. E. Kirk man's from Saturday till Monday morning- Mrs. Burns and her mother picked enough ripe strawberries to make two pies. Mrs. Kirkman had strawberry pie the 12th also,. M. and Mrs. J. M. Smith have re turned to their home in the city af rer spending several days in the country. Mr. and Mrs. F. V. Welch and family were visitors at W. E. Kirk mans Sunday. Committeeman E. J. Welch tells us that there will be a big commun ity picnic at the Welch school house on the 28th of this month. All are cordially invited to come and bring a big basket full. Mr. Editor, you are invited to attend. Mr. Foust from Greensboro will be there and will bring some good speakers wkh him, so he stated. School opens for the fall term on the first day of October at Welch. Little Jamie, 14 months-old son of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Smith, died Saturday morning at the family home, 607 East Green street, and the funeral services were held from the residence Sunday afternoon, con ducted by Rev. C. P. Coble of the First Presbyterian church. Inter ment in Oakwood cemetery. WANTED To correspond either by wire or letter with parties having real estate or livestock auction sales. We have 14 years' experience; lat est meihods, any reference required. First-class service or no pay; sell every day except Sunday. All wires reach us. England Real Estate and Live Stock Public Auctioneers Gieensboro, N. C. New Testament 3x4 and one half inch thick, bound iu khaki colored morocco, waterproof, embossed American flag on front, for soldiers -and sailors but many others will want them. Printed in bold type, also contains four great American hymns. Price 50 each. Mailed to any address for 6c extra. . The High Point cases occupid the atteutionof the Superior Court Tues day, the day being set aside for this city. The High Point Sunday-school convention will be held at Spring field next Sunday. THE SATURDAY EVENING POST By all means get this week's Saturday Evening Tost and Country Gentleman PAUL A. STAMEY, Agent. At Review Office. 'Phone 275 J. L. Justice of the Peace. Notary Public Write Deeds, Mortgages, all kin s of Notes and Justice of Peace wort . Office up stairs Richardson bldg. Office room No. 4. South Main St. - Office phone 429. I DOT FARM PUZZLE PICTURE .12 II - 3 6 2 95 .57 )5 6 o i 56 7 8 Via - 27 03 l "s 53 60 5 52 .58 51 41. 46 42 47 . 48 49 25. 33. 45 32.. -31. .50 -w XPERIENCE is a great teacher, as Tommy found out before he had spent IL his second week on the farm. Sometime his experiences were rather painful. One morning he started out to look for a hen's nest that he thought was concealed under the hedge. His aunt heard him shriek, and almost dropped her pan of apples. Tom mv rame in with a big lump on his forehead. 7 TOdt happened dear?" asked Aunt BeUe. "Did you bump Into a freer "Nci," cried Tommy, "but as I was coming through the orchard I ran Into a . v.. rrOTmv met, iota tbe dots with a pencil line, beginning To ta out fLT-mEL? numerical order. Then eat oat and paste each with dot No. 1 and taking them In meJM tfc , t OBe te printed, 70a will have Aara pictare la a scrap 0, and TgSJnSS hook lorn. g e wteeler Syndicate, Iac0 or- m Fall and Winter Display of Ladies and Children's Hats Comemencine this week All kinds of Hats at all pi ices Hiss Venetia Smith The South Main Street Milliner THE UNIVERSAL CAR A little extra attention to your Ford Car, a little adjusting now and then, will help to keep it in prime condition and add to its ability to serve you. Bring your Ford Car hore. Why take any chances ? Let those who know how, those who use genuine Ford parts, take care of your car. To be sure of getting the best service from your Ford Car let skilled Ford men care frr it. Prompt attention assured. Touring Car $360, Runabout $345, Sedan $645, Couplet $505, Town Car $595, all f. o. b. Detroit. On display and for sale by WILSON MOTOR CO. Office Phone 855. Garage 85 e 9 THE HIGH POINT PERPETUAL BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION Has built hundreds of homes and saved thousands of dollars and has been a friend to a host of people in High Point during the sixteen years it has been in business. The 19th Series opens October 1st. Any man can own his own home. Don't continue to pay rent, but get in the Building and Loan Associ ation and pay for your home with rent money. If you already own your home, take out some shares and save some money. It will earn you 6 V per cent free from tax. Can you beat that as an investment ? If you once get the Building and Loan habit you will always be a Building and Loan man. We urge every wage and salary-earner, man, woman or child, to take shares, October 1st is the date the new series opens. Call at the Com mercial National Bank and subscribe. The High Point Perpetual Building and Loan Association V. A. J. IDOL, Secretary-Treasurer. Great North Carolina State Fair Raleigh, IV. G. October 15-20, 1917 Handsome New, Up-to-date Woman's Building and Better Babies Annex erected this year. First of its kind ever built in the State. Let thewomen of North Carolina come and enjoy it. It is theirs. Agricultural Building Rebuilt. Increased Railroad Side-tracks inside the grounds, facilitat ing unloading and loading of exhibits. Competitive County Exhibits of Blue Ribbon Winners at County Fairs. Agricultural Exhibits Boys' Pig Clubs Canning Clubs Poultry Displays Boys' Corn Clubs Forestry Exhibits Boys' & Girls' Poultry Clubs Cotton Contests Live Stock Exhibits Farm Machinery Displays Educational Exhibits Come and study Food Production and Conservation as shown by experts. It is your patriotic duty to learn, and the State Fair is the best place. Splendid Line of Free Attractions Plenty of Fact, Fun and Frolic for Everybody 1 REVIEW ADS. HUNT OUT THE CUSTOMERS