OCR Interpretation

The review. [volume] (High Point, N.C.) 1908-19??, November 29, 1917, Image 5

Image and text provided by University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Library, Chapel Hill, NC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn91068415/1917-11-29/ed-1/seq-5/

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Attractions Extraordinary at
Saturday The Fighting Trail
The Railroad Railroad Express
Two big ones for Saturday
See Them only at the Rose
For several days we have been opening up new
merchandise for the Winter trade and now our line
is complete. We are much pleased with the show
ing as to quality, variety and price and feel that
you will also be pleased when you visit our store.
New Arrivals in Men's and Boys' Clothing
Extra Pants, Overcoats, Children's, Boys', Girls',
Men's and Women's Shoes, all grades and leathers;
Raincoats, Hats and Caps, Shirts, 'Underwear, Hos
iery, Novelty Neckties, T runks and Suit Cases, etc.
We Bought Oar Goods at the Low Dollar
And expect to sell them at a small profit, and
you will rind it to your advantage to trade with us.
Thanksgiving Will Soon be Here )
Then Christmas follows fclose to the day of
thanks and of course you will want to look your
best. Better come this week and make prepara
tions for your winter's supply you can't go wrong
by coming to
Solomon Robinowitj9
110 E. Washington. The L'ttle Store of Big Values
ow's the
I m
Of the New Winter Goods at
to My yom Coal
and be assured of having your wint
er's supply. The longer you wait I
the harder it will be to get.
and save probable suffering later
on when the cold weather is upon
Both Phones 109
rAlH.ntn-ii iuestions on health, hygiene and sanitation of general into to ,ir
ed AnWrwf T- He.alth at Raleigh and accompanied bv a stamped address
ed envelope. N diagnosis or treatment of individual diseases wiL be attemPtS!
Posture and Health.
Good or bad posture is largely a mat
ter of habit, yet a faulty posture is a
strain upon endurance and a sure fac
tor of poor health. Young men enter
ing tf. S. Army training camps or
military schools are early introduced
to the habit of maintaining a good
It has been found by actual X-ray
observation that an individual may lift
the stomach and transverse colon from
two to six inches, when these organs
are ptosed or sagging, by simply as
suming a good erect posture with chest
high, chin in, crown of head high as
though endeavoring to reach an imag
inary ceiling with it, abdomen drawn
in and up.
Sagging of stomach and colon are
now recognized as common factors of
chronic digestive disturbances and ill
health. Man's upright posture brings
with it a numerous brood of major
and minor ills which the lower animals
escape. But these troubles (from vis
ceroptosis er sagging of abdominal
organs) are not due to upright posture
in itself, but to sloucny posture. It
is true that certain individuals have
In walking many toe out in a vo-y
unnatural way (forced upon them, per
haps by pointed, badly shaped shoes),
carry the chin high instead of keeping
it pulled in atad holding the back of the
neck against the collar, as a soldier is
taught to do. This faulty walking pos
ture brings early fatigue. The fact
should toe straight ahead or inward
slightly, never outward, wtien walk
ing. Watch the well trained soldier
and see. He doesn't toe out except
ing the tin soldier in the movies.
They have a way of drilling this
into the "plebe" or freshman at West
Pointt. "Brace yourself, sir!! some
upperclassman will growl, as the poor
plebe forgets and relaxes into a
slouch. "Draw in that chin!" And
after a few months of it the plebe
learns to conduct himself like an of
ficer and gentleman.
Women, encased in their unyielding
abdominal splints, of course, can as
sume but one posture the one the
corset permits. It may be good or
bad; that is, the posture way. The
corset is always bad. It produces
atrophy or wasting of the abdominal
and hip and back muscles and it fa
vors the accumulation of fat. There
fore the corset eventually causes just
what the poor deluded women imagine
it prevents, that isr a stout figure.
Lucky is the young woman and
fashionable too, at present, thank good
ness who never acquires the corset
habit, but trains her own muscles to
support her for life.
tf Not for the Sake of Appearance,
for the' Sake of Health and
a tendency to relaxation of the sup
porting ligaments and structures, yet
even these weak framed individuals
may ward off much trouble by practic
ing good posture in sitting, standing
and walking.
For instance, many people slump
down in their chairs or seats so that
they really sit upon the wings or back
part of the hip bones. This throws
strain upon the jofnt uniting hip bones
to the spine, and many a backache is
produced in just this way. It also
seriously impedes digestion and
In standing many people form the
habit of resting one leg, with the other
leg bent at the knee. This throws the
whole frame work out of plumb, and
predisposes to spinal curvature.
Filthy Lucre. x
Some time since I read in the paper
about a government expert finding the
germs of smallpox, scarlet fever, meas
les and other diseases on paper money
which had been in general circulation.
Is there danger of these diseases be
ing carried by paper, money?
Answer That must have been a dream
perpetrated by some hard pressed cor- j
respondent. No one has as yet isolated
the germ of smallpox or of scarlet fever
or measles, though these diseases are
probably eerm diseases. Some of our
treasury notes rightly merit the de'scrip- ;
tion "filthy lucre,, but there is no rea
son to believe that paper money, books,
letters and the like ever convey disease.
The actual carriers of disease are live
persons, animals, insects.
Mad Dogs and Mad People.
How long after a person is bitten
by a mad dog before symptoms of
hydrophobia develop? If the dog is
shot immediately, is the risk lessened? J
Answer If the dog happens to have
rabies, the disease may appear in the
person bitten in from a few days to sev
eral months, but usually In two or three
weeks. Shooting the dog after he has
inoculated his victim is a mighty poor
treatment. The dog should be confined
for two weeks under the observation of
a veterinarian, who can detect any signs
of rabies. If the dog shows no signs of
disease within the two weeks, there is
nothing to be feared. If he does, then the
victim should have the Pasteur treatment
at once. If the dog is killed the head
should be shipped immediately to the
State Laboratory of Hygiene, Raleigh, for
expert examination.
Suspect Tuberculosis Be Examined.
What does a low blood pressure in
dicate? Answer A low blood pressure is asso
ciated with a variety of conditions. The
most important, however, are tubercu
losis, underfeeding, general debility from
overwork, most of the acute infectious
diseases, a.n scarlet fever, enronic tobaccn
poison., ."uso depressed nervous condi- t
tions due to exhaustion, neurasthenia.,
venesction, hemorrhage, diarrhea t
your rora car nere wnen it neeasto be tuned
up" or repaired. We guarantee the most reliable
wcrk; the genuine Ford made materials and to ask
Ford prices. It is our business-to know all about
Ford cars and we have the necessary equipment
with competent workmen and promise you prompt
attention at all times. When you want to buy a
Ford car come here. Chassis, 363 99; Runabout,
$384 52, Touring Car, $39931; Coupelet, $605.17
Town Car, $692.41; Sedan, $743.72; One Too Truck,
$646.22, delivered here
Office Phone 855
Garage Phone 863
Our Millinery and Jewelry business is now lo
cated at 121 North Main street, as before the fire,
but in a modern, new building with facilities for the
proper handling of all business entrusted to our
We will be glad to see all friends and customers
at our new place of business, promising them cour
teous attention and fair prices on Millinery and
Lof lirTs
Only a Few Days Before
You will want a new Suit or Coat
for Thanksgiving.
BE A VANS is the place to buy.
You will find coats at $6.00, $7.50,
$12.50, $15.00, $17.50, $20.00, $22.50
and $25.00.
A great big line and marked at
a small profit.
Suits $15.00, $20.00 and $25.00.
Each suit worth $5.00 more than
we ask.
Skirts $5.00. $6.00, $6.95, $7.50.
The place to save money on Ready-to-wear
Sold for Cash at the
Practically everything for the rlome carried in stock.
At this season of the year we 8re offering UNUSUALLY
.LOW PRICES on sample goods, in Bedroom Suits, Parlor Suits,
Wardrobes, Chiffoniers, etc.
Our Overhead Expenses being light we are
able to save yon from 20 to 40 .
per cent on your purchases
Recently we doubled our capital stock and greatly increased
our flcor space and carry a much larger line.
See our line of Druggets, Stoves, Ranges and
We are easy to do business with and are always glad to
see you.
Welborn Furniture Co.
110 Commerce St.
Jake Welborp, Mgr.
Review Ads Hit the Business Spot Light

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