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Newspaper Page Text
r.l r 1 y 4 f- V , . V v THE BEVIEW, HIGH POINT, NORfH CAROLINA. FEB. 14, 1918 - V - f , --?'"' ' ' I is a firm is Fndav evening a h hi JcL; .e irora a success-1 r 11 uu ouei-ruuiuess triD north. H .on street, following a protracted ill- hustler for business and i he fir ess. tie wa? a Uonferforato and a member of the local camp. 1 r - Protestant chuTch and was" chaf,e erata' Where he "erwent an op member of North Main tJ eraUon- LV'S lv 5100 Reward. SJ0O u..... x. j. nail oi virepna. readers of this nnnor rivi. tore; Mr S D. Shelton. Mrs J C to-tIaiP'5& Whir a anHT Vi. , .7. able to ,eSe fcjence has been j Yr iU4 1,1 inis City Catarrh. Ha i", 18 sJaes and that is an-I:Z f Columbia. S. C. xuk luuciai fecr Vices Were 'held disease ! rVmiTi-oo - "ea constitutional from North Main street M. P. church Bntt catarrh' Vure1 istaken 6fn Sunday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. eSM SSS! COIJUUCieu Dy tne pastor Rev W eas tne Inundation of the iis- Roland Brown, assisted bT 8rf.SFS Hunter of Welch Memorial ,,hrM, SW &&XV Interment occurred in Qakwood. ' S ST h1f MeHE foiIist testimonials. 0 Thrift ffiftinc aji Several have taken advantage of me uuerai oner oi ine Keview giving two 25c thrift stamps for a one-year paidsubscriDt The -Review at sl.50 and on thrift stamp for a 6 months sub scriDtion at 75c. Get the subscrip tions and we will give you the stamps and books at once. We have plenty on hand. Any one can get Carter's Little Liver Pills for fWHiMtinn THE--GREAX : ' f-yj. Pttt vmt VEGETABLE , X rU Ar.A&K Small Pill ' . Small Dose ' Small Price OVER NIGHT IV ER Genuine bean aifnature icm w JT 11C JT aces rr enc oi iron la the blood, a condition which wffl be greatly helped br CARTER'S IRON PILLS BLUE BOIillETS" TK AriUcat cf No, Fahric. be exouifiie ouftTiHr t Aim new r1r mit .wt..UJ L. el hrm, full bod- practical utility. Tranacendently beautiful, yet hrm. aw aula WODdeTtitllw HiirxhU Wmm re- pel dutL laiinrlm k..r..Hv CHUT SUaable f or all mniwr nf MthimM m . J Alao for draperies and ruroiaiie coverings. In a broad ranse of ; patterns and coloring. - -f If dca 9? "B1"? Booneti- mdJ u rim ad wkh aaaw c aeueraad we, will cod him Mmplea nd notify him of yow icqueat. LESHER WHITMAN & CO. Inc 681 Broadway. N.Y. itage of iAaaa view in j )tion to :S I tt 10 V g J ne 25c tis sub- 2 1 V E, E Y B Speciaists L t i V - ::-. '-j ; : r- 1 : - u m f?f i i -v "- """ 1 - ' '"'.. $ yiinj uauu. rtuy guc can get T M 6 or 12 months subscription from "Ours 8 to 12 and 1 to 6 J an acquaintance, friend or relative 1 ' : 5 auquaiuiau, nicuu ur relative. you get $12.00 in subscriptions (8 Offices in Stanton-Welch t e-vear's) at S1.50 we will 5iv o X KnHrlinA 0ne-year's) at $1.50 we will give a o.OO war stamp. Outfit eon fitsts of one Durham Du plex Dommo Razor with white Ameri can Ivory handle safety guard, strop ping' attach ment and 3 Durham Du plex Blades, packed in a genuine red leather Kit. 11 "ii'imn Get it from your dealer or from us. j? Every reader of this paper You will make every acre produce its ut most in food crops, cotton and tobacco, all greatly needed by our country. You will best serve vour coiintrv an A vnnrcoif ur . J j VUiOH KJ J eacn acre liberally with at A n I I D I ai a M a a IV nimiJA.S n..M. ... n OP THIS ADVERTISEMENT liwunnMmuuHLU rCAZQK LOr Jersev City, N.J, Beautiful Bust and Shoulders 11 are possible if you will wear a scientifically HI constructed Bien Jolie Brassiere. The dragging weight of an unconfined bust so stretches the supporting muscle that s the contour of the figure is spoiled. put the bust back where it belongs, prevent the nil! bust from having the appearance of llab biness, eliminate the damjer of dragrgingr muscles and confine the flesh of. the shoulder juvine a grace ul line to the entire upper body. They are the daintiest and most serviceable gar ments imaginable come in all materials and styles: Cross Back, Hook Front, Surplice, Band eau, etc. Boned with "Walohn," the rustless bonmg permitting washing without removal. Have your dealer show you Bien Jolie Brassieres, if not stocked, we will gladly send him prepaid samples to show you. BENJAMIN & JOHNES 51 Warren Street Newark, N.J iiiiiiiiiiB mm II I II I r ' j, i Mr. """'5 , Iff p I 1 Ell If 1 1 1 S T in ii V E0 1 STEREO I f - '. X,. j!! fff i iirf ifT A nrm M Irielfii a I : I I II EB STEER IT PAYS TO USE THEM" There is a national car and labor shortage. Delay is dangerous. Z"1 ' . Manufactured by SWIFT & CO. FERTILIZER -WORKS ATLANTA, GA. CHARLOTTE, N. C. We take pleasure in announcing the opening of our new plant at Greensboro, N. C. Factories: Atlanta, Albany, LaGrange, Moultrie, Savannah, Ga. WILMINGTON and GREENSBORO, N. C.f CHESTER and COLUMBIA, 5. C. FOR SALE BY STCELOFF HARDWARE CO., High Point, N. C BEESON HARDWARE CO., High Point, N. C. RtH- , L-r-T- mmri rirzrr -I 1 'v I & . ' 1 I ' fi M GOW N- rt? Rght iw xcrr. , , L rH V p t : j HZCTJ - I WoSTRiBvre these nJ i ! V U ' ' m ' cCl , ' fcfe - : 324 lati Carioc Co. N. Y, . ' ' ... v-vV'-'-v-.v--lV--:.'.,:- " " , . t X I t , j i I I ' I W BOARD A ?" ? I . I OF HEALTH 'ti- - OW ON J J! S-! iBE AFTER A 1 - WE HAD MT HI . IToTTiE RvER I V" v V WoiWS, VJORTH I I IAN' jUfAP J V OF (AH t J - - v- i i 'V-.i '1 1 h )