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Newspaper Page Text
f lt , .... t THE REVIEW, HIGH POINT, NORTH CAROLINA. FEB. v 14, 191 8 11 1 X 1 klfjr Ik Vis ft """ PUT TO WORK YOUR PENNIES, NICKLES fflB PIMES ! Tlie SmalB Savings of a Nation four Patriotism is not Measured by the Amoiiflt You Invest, altogether, But what sacrifice you made in helping your Country ! Millions of your countrymen invested in the 1st and 2d issues of the Liberty Bonds and they will purchase other issues ot bonds to follow. But there are other millions just as loyal, who are not able to invest $50, $100 and $500 in Liberty Bonds who will gladly invest smaller amounts in the WAR AND THRIFT SAVINGS STAMPS now of fered. It will take all the various loans to carry on tne war and all classes of people must be enlisted in the cause to furnish the vast sums of money needed to equip and maintain our armies. U rated action of all is imperative. Those who cannot buy Liberty Bonds must economize and save money in every possible way and lend their savings to the government under the WAR SAVINGS PLAN which makes it possible for every man, woman and child no matter how small their allowance to lend mon ey to their government in this great crisis in our na tion s history. .War Savings Stamps War Savings Stamps can be purchased for cash or secured in exchange for Thrift St. in February they cost $4. 13 and vvU cost cent more aach succeeding month during the year. On Juary 1 1923, the U S Government will pav for each War Savings Stamp $5.00 m casti. ims means that the moW you invest in War Savings Stamps earns interest tor you at the rate of 4 per cent, compounded every 3 months. Thrift Stamps This is the way to do it: Go to anv postoffie or Bank, or any of the other "ifi St Thrift Carf1, ASS' with your saving., your I "!' olheraaency and exchanjc it for W SStStSSKS- & eh. Thur, another Thrift Card. , . When you fill your War Savingsifie you will Have a United States Government Bond lor wbKuawi!l paid $100. an Jan. i i 4 ner cent interest compounded. -then start to fill fanothe? certificate for each War Savings Stamp is worth $5 00. This Space is Patriotically Contribu ted by r Wachovia Ban Natton Drug Trust Go Company wiHBiiimiiMrTH iiviaii'BiiwwvH'iitiB.iuiftiMiiiimmWitiri'iti iHin'iTL-ui iUiwfl i -VJir j Mimniii mm?"i li ' ' 11 j-sss , 1 7" J The (High Point) Review CORRESPONDENTS! Try and get alt : the news from your route and locality. Get the people to phone it to you so all sec tions may be represented. Some of our subscribers complain that news in their section is not reported as much as in other sections of the route. :Of course these subscribers are mostly to blame for it is their duty to phone the correspondents representing their route the news. Co operation is desired and we feel like this frieudly advice, given for the improvement of the service, will be taken in the same spirit it is given to the end that we may make The Review a purveyor of all the news worth publishing on all the routes and sections in a radius of 10 miles of High Point especially. Our correspondents have ever' been loyal ajd vie know they want to report all the news and we ask for co ope ration en the part of all When any thing happens in your locality get busy with the phone or personally give the news to the correspondent it will be appreciated by them as well as 1 ha Review. Aga n we urge all correspondents to keep busy in getting suhscrip tions. We. have offered you a very attractive comniision and ext a monev. well worth your considera tion T en in addition to tl the offeis contained in leuer sent you, we will give another extra piize to the one getting the most subscrip tions in co lars and cens in a given tune. ". "Corn-Lsss Day" for Feetr Every Day Use "Gets-It," the Great Corn Dis covery ! Makes Corns Feel Eight Off! Look at the illustration below. See the two fingers peeling off a ccrn as though it were & banana peel! And the man is smiling while he's doing it! All done painlessly, lovfully. The moment "Gets-It "Get-U," the Only Genuine, Thorough Corn-' Peeler Ever Discovered. Demand "Get4t." touches a corn or callus the growth is doomed. It takes but two sec onds to apply "Gets-It." The corn pain is eased at once. You can sit at.your-desk or walk about, dance, , thinle, love and lyrork with absolute easel Ybu can apply "Gets-It,v con veniently almost anywhere where you can take your shoe and stock ing oft for a moment or two. "Gets IV dries at once; then put your shoe and stocking on again. There s no further excuse for suffering irom corns and corn-pains. "Gets-It" i sold at all druggists fyou need pay no more than 25 cents a bottle), or sent on receipt of price by E. Lawrence & Co.. Chicago, 111. Sold in High Point and recommended as the world's best corn remedy by 4be Mann Drug Co. and J. A. Hart Drug Co. Physician Called to the Colors Dr. T. M. Stanton was ordered to Fort Oglethorpe last week. He en listed with base hospital unit No. 65 last fall and ranks as first lieuten ant. He is one of High Point s well known young physicians, the son of Dr. O. A. - StantoQ, who has prac ticed medicine here forjthe past 25 years. ; Why po Suffer? Y2 WAX Mrs. J. A. Cox, of Al- derson, W. Va.p writes: "My daughter suf fered terribly. She could not turn in bed . . . the doctors gave her up, and we brought her home to die. She had suffered so much at v . time. Hav ing heard of Cardui, we got it for her." iw J I I Hi? Woman's Tonic In a few days, sue be- , SmnrnvP " Mft. ran to imorove. Mrs. rnntinilPS ' ''and had no trouble at v. . Cardui cured her, and we sing its praises everywhere. We receive many thou sands of similar letters every year, telling of the gooa Cardui has cone for. . women who suffer from complaints so common to their sex. It should do BSWP 10- 2 In Smart Styles ; New Spring Hats - h - -V ' New Coats ''' t. '.;- .' ; ;'New Suits " . ,v:;:; ;v.r . , New Waists New Skirts New Middy Suits New Middy Blouses . New Silk Petticoats New Gingham DresSes New Corsets . New Silk Hosiery New Silk Gloves , ' ; - , . New Silk Camisoles 20 New Styles in Dollar AaiSts Come in and let us show you the MANY NEW THINGS We have ready for your inspection. Moffitt Furnishing Co. , THE STYLE SHOP for women who want to be well . I dressed at modest prices. I THE UNIVERSAL CAR Bring your Ford car here when it needs to be "tuned . up" or repaired. We guarantee the most- reliable work; the genuine Ford-made materials and to ask Ford prices. It is our business to know all about Ford cars and we have the necessary equipment with. competent workmen and promise you prompt attention at all times. When you want to buy a Ford car come here. Chassis, 363.9; Runabout, $384 52, Touring Car, $399.91; Coupelet, $605.17 Town Car, $692.41; Sedan, $743.72; One Ton Trucfc, $64622, delivered here. WILSON MOTOR CO. Office Phone 855 Garage Phone 863 SENSATIONAL PRICES ON iir nit or or the Next Pew Days An Exceptional Opportunity to Save Big Honey ! TTAVING purchased One -Thousand rl pieces of Fine Furniture, including factory samples, discontinued lines and a large aiid magnif icent stock of regular lines from the best and most reliable manufacturers in this section, we are in a position to quote great values. Bed room suits, William and Mary designs dJlAA made to sell at $175.00 a suite', our price, P1UV Bed room suites, Queen Anne designs, tlftft made to sell for $175. to $200., , our price, P1UV Factory Samples 25 hansome ivory and mahogany beds that are M A factory samples having retail value of $20., ew; Mahogany Library tables (a factory close CQ out) $5.00 values, our sale price - - .tiv Oak Center tables (a factory close out, Jf AA regular $3.50 values, our price . - - . Auu 25 Sonanoes, in ivory arid oak finish top, $7 CA 16x16 inches, $7.50 values , , - "t'.oy Special reductioa on Everything in the house. We are easy to do business with and are always glad to see you. " . Welborn 110 Comm erce St wMtisre Co. Jake Welborp, Mgr. i - ; ' REVIEW ADS. HUNT OUT THE CUSTOMERS r